Publication List (25 June 2015)

Publication List (25 June 2015)

Prof. Dr. Th. Henning, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg Publication list (25 June 2015) Papers in refereed journals 1. Henning, Th.: The Analytical Calculation of the Second Spherical Exponential In- tegral, Astron. Nachr. 303 (1982), 125-126. 2. Henning, Th.: A Model of the 10 Micrometer Silicate Feature in the Spectra of BN-like IR-Point Sources, Astron. Nachr. 303 (1982), 117-124. 3. Henning, Th., G¨urtler,J., Dorschner, J.: Observationally-Based Infrared Efficiencies and Planck Means for Circumstellar Dust Grains, Astr. Space Sci. 94 (1983), 333- 349. 4. Henning, Th.: The Nature of the 10 and 20 Micrometer Features in Circumstellar Dust Shells, Astr. Space Sci. 97 (1983), 405-419. 5. Henning, Th., Friedemann, C., G¨urtler,J., Dorschner, J.: A Catalogue of Extremely Young Massive and Compact Infrared Objects, Astron. Nachr. 305 (1984), 67-78. 6. Henning, Th.: Parameters of Very Young and Massive Stars with Dust Shells, Astr. Space Sci. 114 (1985), 401-411. 7. G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th., Dorschner, J., Friedemann, C.: On the Properties of Very Young Massive Infrared Sources, Astron. Nachr. 306 (1985), 311-327. 8. Henning, Th., Svatos, J.: Stability of Amorphous Circumstellar Silicate Grains, Astron. Nachr. 307 (1986), 49-52. 9. Henning, Th.: Mass Loss from Very Young Massive Stars, Astron. Nachr. 307 (1986), 119-127. 10. Dorschner, J., Friedemann, C., G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th., Wagner, H.: Amorphous Bronzite { A Silicate of Astronomical Importance, MNRAS 218 (1986), 37-40. 11. Henning, Th., G¨urtler,J.: BN Objects { A Class of Very Young and Massive Stars, Astr. Space Sci. 128 (1986), 199-216. 12. Henning, Th., Stecklum, B.: Self-Regulated Star Formation and the Evolution of Stellar Systems, Astr. Space Sci. 128 (1986), 237-252. 13. Dorschner, J., Henning, Th.: Experimental Investigation of Astronomically Impor- tant Interstellar Silicates, Astr. Space Sci. 128 (1986), 47-69. 1 14. G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th.: Circumstellar Dust Shells around Very Young and Massive Stars, Astr. Space Sci. 128 (1986), 163-177. 15. Dorschner, J., Friedemann, C., Guertler, J., Henning, Th.: Optical Properties of Glassy Bronzite and the Interstellar Silicate Bands, Astron. Astrophys. 198 (1988), 223-232. 16. Henning, Th., Weidlich, U.: Temperature of Cometary Dust, Earth Moon and Plan- ets 41 (1988), 197-200. 17. Dorschner, J., Guertler, J., Henning, Th., Wagner, H.: Pyroxene Glasses { Can- didates for the Interstellar Silicate Dust Component, Astron. Nachr. 310 (1989), 303-309. 18. Henning, Th.: The Influence of Molecular Outflows from Young Stellar Objects on Molecular Clouds, Astron. Nachr. 310 (1989), 363-366. 19. Henning, Th., Pfau, W., Altenhoff, W.J.: Infrared and Radio Emission from Very Young and Massive Stellar Objects, Astron. Astrophys. 227 (1990), 542-552. 20. Chini, R., Henning, Th., Pfau, W.: Submillimetre/Millimetre Observations of AFGL 490, Astron. Astrophys. 247 (1991), 157-162. 21. G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th., Kr¨ugel,E., Chini, R.: Dust Continuum Radiation from Luminous Young Stellar Objects, Astron. Astrophys. 252 (1991), 801-811. 22. Henning, Th., Cesaroni, R., Walmsley, M., Pfau, W.: Maser Search towards Young Stellar Objects, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 93 (1992), 525-538. 23. Henning, Th., Chini, R., Pfau, W.: Submm/mm Observations of the Monoceros R2 Cloud Core, Astron. Astrophys. 263 (1992), 285-291. 24. Ossenkopf, V., Henning, Th., Mathis, J.S.: Constraints on Cosmic Silicates, Astron. Astrophys. 261 (1992), 567-578. 25. Preibisch, Th., Ossenkopf, V., Yorke, H.W., Henning, Th.: The Influence of Ice- Coated Grains on Protostellar Spectra, Astron. Astrophys. 279 (1993), 577-588. 26. Henning, Th., Pfau, W., Zinnecker, H., Prusti, T.: A 1.3 mm Survey for Circum- stellar Dust around Young Chamaeleon Objects, Astron. Astrophys. 276 (1993), 126-138. 27. Henning, Th., Stognienko, R.: Porous Grains and Polarization of Light: The Silicate Features, Astron. Astrophys. 280 (1993), 609-616. 28. Begemann, B., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., Mutschke, H., Thamm, E.: A Labora- tory Approach to the Interstellar Sulfide Dust Problem, Astrophys. J. 423 (1994), L71-L74. 29. Fischer, O., Henning, Th., Yorke, H.W.: Simulation of Polarization Maps. I. Proto- stellar Envelopes, Astron. Astrophys. 284 (1994), 187-209. 2 30. Henning, Th., Launhardt, R., Steinacker, J., Thamm, E.: Cold Dust around South- ern Herbig Ae/Be Stars, Astron. Astrophys. 291 (1994), 546-556. 31. Henning, Th., Martin, K., Reimann, H.-J., Launhardt, R., Leisawitz, D., Zinnecker, H.: Multi-wavelength Study of NGC 281 A, Astron. Astrophys. 288 (1994), 282-292. 32. J¨ager,C., Mutschke, H., Begemann, B., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th.: Steps toward Interstellar Silicate Mineralogy. I. Laboratory Results of a Silicate Glass of Mean Cosmic Composition, Astron. Astrophys. 292 (1994), 641-655. 33. Mutschke, H., Begemann, B., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th.: Infrared Data of Sul- phides of Interstellar Dust Importance, Infrared Physics & Technology 35 (1994), 361-374. 34. Ossenkopf, V., Henning, Th.: Dust Opacities for Protostellar Cores, Astron. Astro- phys. 291 (1994), 943-959. 35. Stecklum, B., Henning, Th., Eckart, A., Hoffmann, R.: NIR High-Resolution Imaging of Young Stars, Infrared Physics & Technology 35 (1994), 487-492. 36. Thamm, E., Steinacker, J., Henning, Th.: Ambiguities of Parametrized Dust Disk Models for Young Stellar Objects, Astron. Astrophys. 287 (1994), 493-502. 37. Dorschner, J., Begemann, B., Henning, Th., J¨ager,C., Mutschke, H.: Steps to- ward Interstellar Silicate Mineralogy. II. Study of Mg-Fe-Silicate Glasses of Variable Composition, Astron. Astrophys. 300 (1995), 503-520. 38. Henning, Th., Sablotny, R.: Coagulation of Grains and Gas-Grain Interactions, Adv. Space Res. 16 (1995), (2)17-(2)20. 39. Henning, Th., Begemann, B., Mutschke, H., Dorschner, J.: Optical Properties of Oxide Dust Grains, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 112 (1995), 143-149. 40. Lenzuni, P., Gail, H.-P., Henning, Th.: Dust Evaporation in Protostellar Cores, Astrophys. J. 447 (1995), 848-862. 41. Mutschke, H., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., J¨ager,C., Ott, U.: Facts and Artefacts in Interstellar Diamond Spectra, Astrophys. J. 454 (1995), L157-L160. 42. Sablotny, R., Kempf, S., Blum, J., Henning, Th.: Coagulation Simulations for Inter- stellar Dust Grains Using an N-particle Code, Adv. Space Res. 15 (1995), (10)55 - (10)58. 43. Stecklum, B., Eckart, A., Henning, Th., L¨owe, M.: The Companion of HR 5999 in the Near Infrared, Astron. Astrophys. 296 (1995), 463-466. 44. Stecklum, B., Henning, Th., Eckart, A., Howell, R.R., Hoare, M.G.: The Discovery of a Jetlike Feature from the Massive Star Herschel 36, Astrophys. J. 445 (1995), L153-L156. 45. Stognienko, R., Henning, Th., Ossenkopf, V.: Optical Properties of Coagulated Par- ticles, Astron. Astrophys. 296 (1995), 797-809. 3 46. Ageorges, N., Fischer, O., Stecklum, B., Eckart, A., Henning, Th.: The Chamaeleon Infrared Nebula: A Polarization Study with High Angular Resolution, Astrophys. J. 463 (1996), L101-L104. 47. Begemann, B., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., Mutschke, H.: Optical Properties of Glassy SiS2 and the 21-µm Feature, Astrophys. J. 464 (1996), L195-L198. 48. Blum, J., Wurm, G., Kempf, S., Henning, Th.: The Brownian Motion of Dust Particles in the Solar Nebula { An Experimental Approach to the Problem of Pre- planetary Dust Aggregation, Icarus 124 (1996), 441-451. 49. Chan, J.S., Henning, Th., Schreyer, K.: A Catalogue of Massive Young Stellar Ob- jects, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 115 (1996), 285-294. 50. Fischer, O., Henning, Th., Yorke, H.W.: Simulation of Polarization Maps. II. The Circumstellar Environment of Pre-main Sequence Objects, Astron. Astrophys. 308 (1996), 863-885. 51. G¨urtler,J., K¨ompe, C., Henning, Th.: Observing and Modelling Envelopes of Post- AGB Stars, Astron. Astrophys. 305 (1996), 878-886. 52. G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th., K¨ompe, C., Pfau, W., Kr¨atschmer, W., Lemke, D.: De- tection of an Absorption Feature at the Position of the 4.27-µm Band of Solid CO2, Astron. Astrophys. 315 (1996), L189-L192. 53. Henning, Th., Stognienko, R.: Dust Opacities for Protoplanetary Accretion Disks { Influence of Dust Aggregates, Astron. Astrophys. 311 (1996), 291-303. 54. Henning, Th., Chan, S.J., Assendorp, R.: The Nature of Objects with a 21 µm Feature, Astron. Astrophys. 312 (1996), 511-520. 55. Kozasa, T., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., Stognienko, R.: Formation of SiC Grains and the 11.3 µm Feature in Circumstellar Envelopes of Carbon Stars, Astron. As- trophys. 307 (1996), 551-560. 56. Michel, B., Henning, Th., Stognienko, R., Rouleau, F.: Extinction Properties of Dust Grains: A New Computational Technique, Astrophys. J. 468 (1996), 834-841. 57. Schnaiter, M., Mutschke, H., Henning, Th., Lindackers, D., Strecker, M., Roth, P.: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Matrix-Isolated Amorphous Carbon Particles, Astrophys. J. 464 (1996), L187-L190. + 58. Schreyer, K., Henning, Th., K¨ompe, C., Harjunp¨a¨a,P.: NH3 and HCO towards Luminous IRAS Sources, Astron. Astrophys. 306 (1996), 267-277. 59. Begemann, B., Dorschner, J., Henning, Th., Mutschke, H., G¨urtler,J., K¨ompe, C., Nass, R.: Aluminum Oxide and the Opacity of Oxygen-rich Circumstellar Dust in the 12-17-µm Range, Astrophys. J. 476 (1997), 199-208. 60. Menshchikov, A.B., Henning, Th.: Radiative Transfer in Circumstellar Disks, Astron. Astrophys. 318 (1997), 879-907. 4 61. Osterloh, M., Henning, Th., Launhardt, R.: Infrared Images and Millimeter Data of Cold Southern IRAS Sources, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 110 (1997), 71-114. 62. Rouleau, F., Henning, Th., Stognienko, R.: Constraints on the Properties of the 2175 A˚ Interstellar Feature Carrier, Astron. Astrophys. 322 (1997), 633-645. 63. Zinchenko, I., Henning, Th., Schreyer, K.: Studies of Dense Cores in Regions of Massive Star Formation. V. Structure and Kinematics of Dense Cores from Ammonia Observations, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 124 (1997), 385-395. 64. Bell, K.R., Cassen, P., Klahr, H.H., Henning, Th.: The Structure and Appearance of Protostellar Accretion Disks: Limits on Disk Flaring, Astrophys. J. 486 (1997), 372-387. 65. Henning, Th., Mutschke, H.: Low-temperature Infrared Properties of Cosmic Dust Analogues, Astron.

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