Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 SALES and SERVICE Published lo promote Friendship and Good Will with its cus­ Offices and Warehouses tomers a nd friends and lo advance the interest of its products of the by th e Lufkin Foundry & Machine Company, Lufkin, Texas. VIRGINIA R. ALLEN. Editor LUFKIN FOUNDRY & MACHINE COMPANY BROOKHAVEN. MISSISSIPPI P. 0 . Box 526 Phone 1812 Volume XXV SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER Number 5 Val Gallia CASPER. WYOMING P. 0. Box 1849 Phone 5253-J R. S. Miller CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 434 Wilson Bldg. Phone 3-1881 Edd Terrill, Jr. DALLAS. TEXAS CANADA-VACATION LAND UNLIMITED ........ .. ... ....... 4-7 1317 Magnolia Bldg. Phone Central 5834 This Friendly Nation on Our North Has Many Different A. E. Caraway-R. C. Thompson EDMONTON. ALBERTA. CANADA Meanings to All Visitors, but the Country's Travel Lufkin Machine Co., Ltd. 14321 l08th Avenue Charm Beckons Unceasingly Phone 8-6412 Charles Dyer El'FINGHElM. ILLINOIS LUFKIN'S CANADIAN DIVISION . 8 P. 0. Box 6 Phone 667-W On November 19, Lufkin Celebrates Its First Lewis W. Breeden Birthday in Canada EL DORADO • .RRKllNS.RS P. 0. Box 748 Phone 3-4155 Ben Sargent, Jr. SNAPS FROM AN A.I.M.E. GATHERING . 9 GRE.RTBEND. KllNSAS 935 Washington When a Group of Engineers Get Together, P. 0. Box 82 Phone 5622 No Holds are Barred and Everybody Has Fun Byron Robbms-). D. Bradley HOUSTON. TEX.RS 2106 Second Nat'! Bank Bldg. LUFKIN INSTALLATIONS .......... ........ ...... ... .. ... 10-11 Phone Capitol 0108 Bill Miner-Tom Bowers­ Whether in the Tropical Climes or Where Pumping Billy Burnette KILGORE. TEX.RS Is Necessary at 60 Below, Lufkin Is on the Job P. 0 . Box 8'/l Phone 3-875 W. T. Crowder, Jr.-Vernon Glenn SNAPSHOTS BY THE LUFKIN CAMERAMAN ......... ...... 12-13 T. fl. Bomia LOS .RNGELES. C.RLIFORNl.R Canadian Oil Men in and Near Our Edmonton Office 5959 Sou th Alameda Phone Lafayette 1201 V. J. Fawcett Al McConville HONEY ON WHEELS-Sam L. Jones .. .... .............. .. 14-15 Robert R. Spaulding A Most Unique Experiment Has Turned into a Wonderful Glenn E. Henderson NEW YORK. NEW YORK Business Enterprise Worth 100 Million-Bees 149 Broadway Phone Barclay 7-0562 fl. V. Simonson-Alan T. Lockard GALAPAGOS-ISLANDS OF MYSTERY-J. Norman Heard ... 16-18 ODESSfl. TEXflS P. 0. Box 1632 Phone 5662 A Story of the Taming of-not the Shrew- Elvin Read But Land Iguanas on Seymour Island Ernest Slaughter OKLflHOM.R CITY. OKLflHOM.R 537 Commerce Exchange Bldg. Phone 7-7480 LET'S LAUGH ... .. ...... .... .. .. .... ...... ....... ... 19 Cooper Richards COVER: Ewing Galloway. N. Y. SEMINOLE. OKLflHOM.R 312 Eighth Street Phone 34 Newell Lynch TULSfl. OKL.RHOMA ;l,~J~o3".'d2a'4n Bldg. D. fl. Reid WICH!Tfl FflLLS. TEXAS 256 Allison-Duncan Bldg. If some of the days ahead are hard, remember that life deals P. 0 . Box 2465 with us on the instril ent plan. We never buy all of failure Phone 2-1967 Jack Gissler or success at any om~time . We buy a little day by day, and EXECUTIVE OFFICES AND F.RCTORY the trick is to mc·:ee sufe that day by day we buy a little more Lufkin, Texas P.!>one LD.r5 success than we do fr ire.-Paul SpoiCher. ' 4 L. fl. Little , Vice Pre~ident & General Sales ~ana~ \. .. Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 Modem trailer camps await visitors to Canada's ma?y cele­ brated national parks. License plates may be seen in these parks from all parts of the United States as well as Canada. CANADA ... U Bow Falls in Banfl National Park never fails to awe ~isitors. Autumn is considered one of the best seasons. for seeing ~e parks for the slopes of the Canadian Rockies are a not glorified ice field. They couldn't help r~ l~ s hing the of color. occasional heat wave that speeded v1s1tors and home folks alike to the mountains and _cool green lakes which lie so near to many of Canada's cities. The legend has pretty well had its day, thanks to CANADA is a lot of things to a lot of people. the personal visits of so many tourists. Actually To the fi sherman from Ohio who tries New­ the Canadian climate ranges from the year-round foundland waters for the first time, it's the splash roses of Victoria, British Columbia, to the admit­ of a rising trout in North Arm Brook. tedly severe winters of the p,rairies. So u ther~ On­ To the Montana hunter stalking big game in the tario is tobacco country, and each year migrant mountains of British Columbia, it's the chilling U. S. workers help harvest its crop. Bananas have snarl of a nervous cougar. been grown th ere too, just to prove it can be done. To the Detroiter taking a fast weekend trip to Toronto, it's the superb four-lane surface of the Each of the ten Canadian provinces offers its Queen Elizabeth Way. own kind of vacation setting. In British Columbia the scenery is on the majestic scale, a happy com­ To the New Yorker who fli es to Montreal for a bination of snowy mountain ranges, rugged coastal business-pleasure call, it's a galaxy of eating p l a ~es inlets and quiet countryside. It is a land of special offering the kind of meals that gourmets wnte delight for hunters and fishermen, and the country's books about. most equable climate is British Columbia's finish­ Canada has different meanings to all th ese vis­ ing touch. itors, but each interpretation increases a vacation In Alberta there are Reservation Indians and reputation that each year brings an invading arr~ y cowhands, as of old, with the Calgary Stampede of recreation-minded Americans more th an mil­ as the summer's highlight attraction. The province lions strong. has over a score of dude ranches offering accom­ The country's travel charm is apparent enough modation, riding and entertainment. Banff and so far as scenery go es. Its less obvious attraction Jasper are magic names in Alberta, and both these lies in the character of its people, the leisurely national parks and resort towns draw many trav­ tempo of their way of living, and the stuff of his­ elers to the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Lake tory which to many U. S. visitors is somewhat Louise, near Banff, has been called the most beau­ unfamiliar and completely intriguing. tiful single scene in North America. There's not much talk about frozen northlands Saskatchewan presents a vacation picture dis- 1 any more, though in years past Canadiai:is had to tinctly Canadian. Fis •; ··., n1<- s high in the prov- battle the idea 1li at t11eir country was a sort of ince's appeal, and tJ· at areas of forest Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 9. skier riding the Mt. Norquay chair lift near the top of the lift at 6800 feet altitude in Banff National Park. Banff offers plenty of recreational facilities for both winter and summer vacationers. .·. ; . .' .. -~.'·~ ... -·~ ; . ,, . •:· ; . ' alion J!anJ UnAmileJ I Two skiers stand on the roof of a cabin at Mt. 9.ssiniboine Lodge in Banff National Park. 9.Jthough some of the talk about frozen northlands has died down. this picture would lands, lakes and rivers. Deer, hear, antelope and give rise for further discussion. wolves road the woodlands and brush country. Manitoba, Canada's Keystone Province, is bigger by far than the combined states of Minnesota, Wis­ and pictur.esque villages. There are hundreds of consin, Illinois and Iowa. The more adventurous lakes and rivers, and some of the world's best visitors can hunt belugas, the great whales of Hud­ salmon fishing. New Brunswick is one of the con­ son Bay, if they obtain a special license. Boats tinent's best hunting areas, and has more than and harpoons are supplied at Churchill, and the twelve million acres of woodland. big mammals weigh up to a ton. Nova Scotia is a land of legends. Practically About three-fifths of all visiting U. S. motorists every village has a story, and there is usually his- · first cross the Canadian border at Ontario. The toric foundation for the tale. Hundreds of sandy province equals the combined areas of the New beaches ring the province, and apple blossom time England states, of New York, New Jersey, Penn­ in the Annapolis Valley strengthens its inland sylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and charm. There are more white-tail deer per square Wisconsin. Within this great expanse lie two mil­ mile in Nova Scotia than anywhere else in North lion lakes and over a hundred million acres of America. Swordfish and tuna angling are bringing timberland. The province has 52 different vacation more U. S. sportsmen to the province every year. areas, and most every conceivable kind of holi­ Prince Edward Island, known for its specialties day fun. of potato growing and oyster farming, is getting a In Quebec, the New World's Normandy, there well deserved name for holiday hospitality too. is the appeal of a bilingual culture against a back­ This tiny island off the Atlantic seaboard is replete ground of ancient customs, handicrafts and com­ with history and adventure. Salmon inhabit nearly munities dating hack to Canada's earliest origins. all its rivers, and rainbow trout can he found in Quebec City, capital of the province, is the only lakes within 25 miles of the provincial capital, walled city in North America, and the Laurentian Charlottetown.
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