• 1941 EVE_RY1H1NG ·fc;::>R VICTORY I (., - - \' NATIONAL COMMITTEE, COMMUNIST PARTY • , Articles by ROBERT MINOR WILLIAM £ .=:osreR CIYI~IAN DEFENSE AND MQRA~E \ ' H~RBERT BENJAMIN • / ' TH~ NEW YORK CITY ELECT,rONS . - BILL LAWRENCE AND ISIDORE BEG;UN _, • 0 Y, ....-:I • • ./' l , ~ \ ....... CALifORNIA FARMERS AND, NATIONAL DEFENSE HARRISON GEORGE ' ( ( 'A magnifiFent guide nd background to the epqchal -evenh , • 1 • t . "' - .... " 1 , wliich are reshaping 1the world 'lbday~ I ' 1 . -r I I "}.. ~ \.l.,_ ,... f"' 1 I _.... • J / - Jhe~e book.s'Jby Ea rl Browder, )~eneral i.Secretary of the " '" \ I > Comm ~,~ nisr Par:ty,. tvere written between the years,- 19'99 'an'd the early parf of l%1 ' berore Hitler1s\crimin'al in- t 1 v~sion oHhe Soviet Union and befqre t11e Uljlite~ States was drawn into the, w.iar against the fascist Axis bloa:: .. .J ~ - lh;y COnStitute a penetrating analySJS of the his ~0ric9l I ~ backg rounds oJ tbe presept war a nd o,f the forces whi_: h I ~ .i led to t.s outbreak. ,- What Is ~omiJl~nism? $2.00/" The, People's Fro'nt /2.25 I ' Fighting' for Pl'!ace ,. 1.00 'I The S~cond Imperialist W;ar "2.00 ..> - The' Way Out • r 1.00 ' ' ' w 0 R K E R s L I B R A' R y -p u, B L I s '1-:f E R s I P. 0. Box i48.- StlHion 1D, New York, N. Y.- VOL. XX, No. 12 DECEMBER, 1941 THE COMMUNIST A MAGAZINE OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARXISM-LENINISM PUBUSHED MONTHLY BY THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE U.S.A. EDITOR: EARL BROWDER CONTENTS Everything for Victory Over World-Wide Fascist Slavery! National Committee, C.P.U.S.A. 1043 As We Fight . Robert Minor . 1045 The Tasks of the Communist Party in the War William Z. Foster . 1051 The New York City Elections and the Struggle Against Hitlerism Bill Lawrence and Isidore Begun 1055 Civilian Defense and Mora!e--A Vital Factor in the Struggle Against Hitlerism Herbert Benjamin 1072 The California Farmer and National Defense Harrison George 1079 The Patriotic War of 1918 Against the German Invaders m the Ukraine E. Gorodetsky 1091 A Significant Depiction of French­ Canadian Life Stanley B. Ryerson 1108 Index-Volume XX, 1941 1119 Latest Books and Pamphlets Received 1135 ·--~ ... --- .. --,--·-·...-·-··-·------ .., ........... ___ .,..... __ .._.. _____ .i!IIE_., ..__ ,"'~·-----··~~- .. ··•<M--~· Entered as second class matter November 2, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Send ch.>ecks, money orders and correspondence to THE COMMUNIST, P. 0. Box 148, Sta. D (50 East 13th Street), New York. Subscription rate: $2.00 a year; $1.00 for six months; foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 20 cents. PltlNTI!D Dl THB u.s.A. HEW AND FORTHCOMING PAMPHLETS The People's War Against Hitler: Questions and Answers, by William Z. Foster $.05 America Speaks for Earl Browder, by Vito Marcantonio, Warren K. Billings and Others . .05 Thaddeus Stevens, by Elizabeth Lawson . .I 0 The Soviet Union: Friend and Ally of the American People, by William Z. Foster . .02 One War to Defeat Hitler, by Robert Minor. .10 William Sylvis and the National Labor Union, by Charlotte Todes . .25 Earl Browder-The Man from Kansas, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn .02 Work Under Capitalism and Socialism, by A. Leontyev .15 The Negro and Justice: A Plea for Earl Browder, by Dr. Max Yergan and Paul Robeson .02 Should America Go to War? by Vito Marcantonio and Others .01 Soviet Women to the Women of the World . .05 The Slavic Peoples Against Hitler .05 Defend America by Smashing Hitlerism, by William Z. Foster .0 I The Browder Case . .02 America Must Act Now, by Gil Green .01 • WORKERS LIBRARY PUBLISHERS P. 0. Box 148, Station D, New York, N.Y. EVERYTHING FOR VICTORY OVER WORLD-WIDE FASCIST SLAVERY! (Statement of the NationaL Committee, Communist Party, U.S.A., unanimousLy adopted at its pLenary meeting heLd in New York City, December 7, 1941.) A:P ANESE guns have fired upon Through the mouths of Japanese J the United States fiag. cannon, the Axis and its vassal This is an unprovoked act of war, states, from Vichy to Helsinki, have not of Japan alone, but of the Ber­ declared war against the United lin-Rome-Tokyo Axis war alliance. States and all powers that stand It is directed against the United against enslavement. The reply of States in the first place, but also Emperor Hirohito to President against the whole Western Hemi­ Roosevelt is this unprovoked attack sphere, Great Britain, the Union of upon the American people and Soviet Socialist Republics, and territory. against the Japanese people them­ All actions of the United States selves. It is an act of war aimed at Government in quickly, boldly an­ consolidating the enslavement of all swering this act of war with the full the occupied countries and terri­ military and naval force of this tories of Europe, Africa and China mighty nation will receive the -and to extend that slavery of con­ united support of all classes and all quest to the East Indies, the Philip­ sections of the American people, pine Islands, Latin America and the north, south, east and west, of what­ whole of the Western Hemisphere. ever national origin, black, white, It is the culminating outrage of native or foreign-born-Americans Axis aggression aimed at the dom­ all. ination of the entire world. The fate Never in the history of our coun­ of every nation and people has been try has the need for unity of the thrown "into the arena for deter­ nation been so great as now. The mination by military means. Communist Party pledges its loy­ This is a single indivisible world alty, its devoted labor and last drop struggle to preserve human liberty of its blood in support of our from the most brutal form of slav­ country in this greatest of all the ery. It is a challenge to human civil­ crises that ever threatened its exist­ ization and all of the achievements ence. In the tradition of the Com­ of centuries of democratic develop­ munist leaders who in 1861 joined ment. the United States Army under com- 1043 1044 EVERYTHING FOR VICTORY m1sswns issued by President Lin­ the Berlin- Rome - Tokyo Axis. coln, 100,000 American Communists The people will demand that today step forward to support the profiteering be ended and that all bigger war against slavery, a war in vicious anti-labor legislation such defense of the whole world's free­ as the Smith Bill be rejected. dom. In order to attain the greatest pos­ In all factories and workshops of sible strength and effectiveness of America the voice of freedom must its armed forces the United States be heard in the quickened pace of requires a full military alliance with machines .producing implements of Great Britairi, the Soviet Union and war to save our nation and to in­ China, who are now at death grips crease our aid to the Soviet Union, with the bloody forces of the Dark Great Britain, China and all nations Ages. who are resisting the Hitler-Japa­ All honest Americans who have nese aggression. All disputes in in­ been misled by the Lindbergs, the dustry must now even more urgent­ Coughlins, the Norman Thomases, ly than before be solved without Wheelers and Nyes, by the America interruptions of production. First Committee, must now see the The mighty trade union move­ treachery, the threat to the national ment of America-11,000,000 strong, existence of our country that lies in together with all other organizations the intrigues of such organizations of the people, white and Negro, must and must break with their influence. be activized to win this war with All Americans must join in one the utmost concentration of force mighty stream of national unity to against the enemies of our nation. assure that "government of the The enormous farming population people, by the people, and for the and all organizations of farmers will people shall not perish from the respond with one mighty voice to earth." the call of the nation in its peril. Everything for national unity! The American Federation of La­ Everything for victory over bor, the C.I.O. and the Railroad world-wide fascist slavery! Brotherhoods face the imperative necessity to coordinate their activi­ NATIONAL COMMITTEE, ties so that labor can speak and act COMMUNIST PARTY, U.S.A. as one. The American trade unions WM. Z. FOSTER, will support with all their strength National Chairman the all-out struggle against the ROBERT MINOR insolent imperialist aggression of Acting Secretary AS WE FIGHT BY ROBERT MINOR (Summary speech made by the Acting SeCTetary of the Communist Party at the close of the Plenary Meeting of the National Committee, in New York City, December 7, 1941.) S THIS memorable Plenum ously, for a length of time that no A comes to its end I am re- man can fix, but probably for a very minded of Marx' classic saying, long time, we are and will be en­ made use of by Lenin, to the effect gaged at political struggle which that the weapon of criticism is re- takes a form of military combat. placed by the criticism of weapons. The political struggle in which we By which they meant that the are engaged, in unity with the na­ political struggle of the time passed tion, is the business of applying or­ over from mere polemics of words ganized physical violence through into its higher stage, at which that our American army and nayy with struggle is conducted with the the objective of the destruction of weapons of war-military struggle.
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