Please ask for: Dorinda Guy Telephone: 01482 613416 Fax: 01482 614804 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Tuesday, 10 January 2017 Dear Councillor, North Carr Area Committee The next meeting of the North Carr Area Committee will be held at 10:00 on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 in Bespoke Centre . The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Democratic Services Officer for the Town Clerk Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder1 of 220 Street, Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk Tel: 01482 300300 North Carr Area Committee To: Membership: Councillors Brown, Clark P, Harrison, O’Mullane, Quinn and Webster Officers: Jane Price, Assistant City Manager, Neighbourhoods Ken Upshall, Community Manager, Neighbourhoods (North) Dorinda Guy, Democratic Services Officer (5) Public Set: Reference Library Page 2 of 220 North Carr Area Committee 10:00 on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 Bespoke Centre A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. (Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th November 2016 7 - 16 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record. 4 Public Questions There will be a period of no more than 15 minutes during which written questions may be submitted by members of the public. Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent. If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item below. As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council's formal committee procedures rather than a public forum, the public present will not be able to participate in the Committee's discussions on the following items. Matters may be raised further at Forums. NON-EXEMPT ITEMS Page 3 of 220 5 Education Annual Report 2016 17 - 70 The briefing paper provides Members with the annual report during the autumn term setting out the citywide results of the summer examinations and statutory assessments, along with other education related matters. 6 Hull Virtual School for Looked After Children Area Committee 71 - 74 Pupil Premium Report To provide Members with the Hull Virtual School Looked After Children Pupil Premium in schools within the North Carr area. 7 Community Safety 75 - 76 To update Members on policing activities within the North Carr area. 8 Urgent Care Consultation Update 77 - 124 To update Members on the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ‘Urgent Care' proposals as part of the wider consultation process. 9 Waste and Open Spaces Quarterly Performance Update 125 - 132 To provide a quarterly performance report relating to waste collections, recycling performance, street cleansing and grounds maintenance in the North Carr area. 10 North Carr Area Housing Performance Update 133 - 164 To provide Members with the Housing Performance update. 11 North Carr Area Funds 165 - 192 To update Members on the consolidated budget position for the North Carr are in relation to ward budgets. 12 North Carr Area Neighbourhood Management Update 193 - 196 To provide an update to the North Carr Area Committee on ward activity across the area. 13 Street Naming Decision 197 - 210 This report makes recommendations about three new street names for a new residential development of 166 houses on Kingswood Parks, Parcel H21 between Grosvenor Road and Richmond Lane, Hull. 14 Resolution List 211 - 216 To update Members on the progress of outstanding actions. Page 4 of 220 15 Work Programme 217 - 220 To update Members on the Work Programme and provide further opportunity for Members to suggest further agenda items for discussion. EXEMPT ITEMS 16 No Exempt Items THERE ARE NO EXEMPT ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA Page 5 of 220 Page 6 of 220 North Carr Area Committee 16 th November, 2016 PRESENT:- Councillor P. D. Clark (Chair), Councillor D. Brown, Councillor A. Harrison, Councillor M. H. O’Mullane and Councillor C. Quinn. IN ATTENDANCE:- L Jamil (Strategy and Appraisals Manager) – minute 37, J. Haymes (Principal Property Manager, Property and Assets) – minute 38, A. Wilson (Parks and Open Spaces Development Manager) – minute 39 and 41, L. Woolmington (Youth Work Manager, City Wide Projects) and L. Scott (Youth and Community Development Worker) – minute 40 and A. McArthur (Assistant City Manager, Streetscene) – minute 42. J. Price (Assistant City Manager, Neighbourhoods), K. Upshall (Community Manager - North) and D. Guy (Democratic Services Officer). ATTE APOLOGIES :- Councillor P. J. Webster. Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline PROCEDURAL ITEMS 32 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors O’Mullane and Harrison declared a personal interest in Members minute 37 insofar as they were Directors of Kingstown Works Limited Information (KWL). Councillor Harrison declared a personal interest in minute 43 insofar as she was Chair of URBaN. 33 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 21 ST SEPTEMBER, 2016 Agreed – That with the amendment of minutes 16 and 29 to read: ‘Councillor Harrison declared a personal interest in minuteA..*, that the minutes of the meetin0 held on 7ednesda1 21 st September, havin0 been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctl1 recorded and be si0ned b1 the Chair. Page 7 of 220 34 PUBLIC QUESTIONS A resident of Hull asked the following question: 1. 7hat can be done about pavement parkin0 in the Kin0swood areaB Members eCplained that Humberside Police had advised that as lon0 as sufficient space had been left on the pavement for wheelchair and pram access then this would not be classed as causin0 an obstruction. Members also advised that a trial was bein0 undertaken in the Holderness 7ard area where a complete ban on pavement parkin0 had been introduced and it was advisable to await the outcome of the trial. A resident of Hull asked the following question: 1. 7h1 have Police Officers includin0 the Police Communit1 Support Officers stopped attendin0 events in the North Carr areaB Members hi0hli0hted concerns in the lack of Police attendance at events in the North Carr area. A resident of Hull asked the following questions: 1. There are several dumped mattresses and an abundance of litter on council land that have not been removed, wh1B 2. There are remains of several bonfires still on Cumbrian 7a1 that have not been cleaned upB The Assistant Cit1 Mana0er, Streetscene advised that he would investi0ate this. Agreed – a. Assistant Cit1 Mana0er, a. That the Police and Crime Commissioner be invited to the neCt Nei0hbourhoods North Carr Area Committee in /anuar1 2017, and b. Assistant Cit1 b. that the dumped mattresses, litter and remains of bonfires be Mana0er, investi0ated. Streetscene NON-EDEMPT ITEMS Non-Ke1 ecisions 3E COMMUNITY SAFETY No officer was in attendance to provide an update on current policin0 issues in the North Carr area. Page 8 of 220 36 NORTH CARR AREA URGENT CARE CONSULTATION The Cit1 Nei0hbourhoods and Housin0 Mana0er submitted a briefin0 paper to update Members on the Clinical Commissionin0 Group (CCG) @Ur0ent Care* proposals as part of the wider consultation process. iscussion took place around public transport and the accessibilit1 of Bransholme Health Centre. Agreed – a. Members supported option 3 to relocate the Minor Injuries Unit a-b. irector of (MIU) activit1 from Freedom Centre into Bransholme Health Inte0rated Centre. Relocate the GP @Out of Hours* service from iadem Commissionin0 Health Centre into Bransholme Health Centre in order to and En0a0ement provide a 24/7 Inte0rated Ur0ent Care Service. 7ork with Mana0er local residents on what input ma1 need to be maintained at Freedom Centre as an alternative to the current MIU provision, based on current activit1 and need, and b. that the officer provides a further update to the North Carr Area Committee in /anuar1 2017. 37 HULL HOUSING STRATEGY 2016 -2020 (Councillors O*Mullane and Harrison declared a personal interest in this item insofar as the1 were irectors of Kin0stown 7orks .imited (K7.)). The Assistant Cit1 Mana0er provided a report that sou0ht the views of, and support from, the Area Committee for the ke1 priorities proposed in the developin0 Housin0 Strate01 which will cover the period 2017 3 2020. Members were advised that onl1 100 responses had been received to the Huestionnaire from the 0eneral public in relation to the Hull Housin0 Strate01 and that further responses would be welcomed. iscussion took place around the need for more bun0a lows to be built and that consideration should be 0iven to the proCimit1 of bun0alows and flats on new build sites due to the different choices in lifest1le between the elderl1 and 1oun0. a-d. Strate01 and Appraisals Agreed – Mana0er, Nei0hbourhood a. That the Committee considers and comments on the proposed and Housin0 Page 9 of 220 Housin0 Strate01*s priorities and approach, su00estin0 area specific actions as appropriate, and supports the Strate01*s overarchin0 aimsI b. that the Committee reviews the list of areas identified and considers whether the1 are the areas which should be prioritised for renewal works and other supportive measures (e.0. tar0eted interventions to deal with fl1-tippin0 or ASB), su00estin0 alternative streets as per the Committee*s local knowled0eI c. that the Committee a0rees to receive scheduled, area appropriate, Housin0 Strate01 updates 3 the re0ularit1 to be a0reed once the Strate01*s action plan and 0overnance arran0ements are in place, and d.
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