AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1. T ..TSACTION CODE DOCUMENT PROJECT IDENTIICATION DOCUMENT FACESHEET (PID) AR-A-; Revision No. CODE C - Dh g:c . I COUNTRYENTIT3 PROJECT NU'MBE . BUREAV!OFFICE "5.PROJECT TILE 'mcx.,,m 40 charac) A. Symbol B. Code *AFR [:6961 E: RURA LV? S , STI,.ATED FY OF AU-rOIZATION/OBLIGATION/COMPLETION 7.ESThiATED COSTS ($O00 OR EQUIVALENT., " A-8 IF FL-\DDG SOURCE j FE OF PROJECT 2 C. FACD [U.S.C.Hos Country 4W D. Other Donor(s) _ _ -_ -- _ TOTAL Ot _ _ 8. PROPOSED BUDGET AID FUNDS ($000) 7_A .A A B. PRI, ARY C.PRIMARY RA.TION IPRO-PURPOSE TECFL CODE D. IST FY E LIFE OF CODE . Grant 2. Lon PROJECT I. Grnt 2. Lon I 1.Grant 2. Loan Il :2, ,s, ' I . 5 I ____ ____ ... ;-. r10 Sd __ _ __ _!. 80 _ _ _ _ _ -;11 TOTA LS G ­ SECONDARY 3M84 0 TEC1HNICAL CODES (maximum 6 codes of 3positions each) I U. SECO.NDARY PURPOSE CODE -1 0 1 ( ,I _nAI ()A74c I 24A4 1 1.SPECLkJ_ CONCERNS CODES (maximum 7 codes of 4 pw.itions each) A. Code j RW I PART LAB FROJECT PURPOSE (maximum 480charac ers) .o iimprove-e e phy£-al in -- - 3 communes by improvin I" .. " -- * i -- ca in ---- u .. .o-vingl 37 iIl water suppligs, (roads and trosion CotoQ ctivities, evelop--the and to "' instituional ap .-.-. I y of the communes to identify, plan and implement these activities. :5. RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT suf: Design Officer (REDSO/EA) Forester/Soil Conservationist (AID/W) Engineer (REDSO/EA) Agronomist (PSC) Public Administrat Economist (PSC) /Social Scientist (PSC) Funds Environ.mentalis t. (PSC" & RED$O/El PDS - $30,00 . A ..- . , ____B_ AAic I Ji 14. Signaure-% ORIGINATING 7 115. DATE D)OCUMENT RECEIVE IN' AIDW, 0 . FOR AID/W DOCU. OFFICEDate Sid CLEARA'CE MENTS, DATE OF DISTRIBUTION AID Affairs Officer, Rwanda MM DD ' 1 ~10 11j318 11 jlMM I DDI IlYY 16. PROJECT DOCUMENT ACTION TAKEN 17. COSMENTS S = Suspended CA - Conditionally Approved A = Approved DD - Decision Deferred D = Disapproscd .. TION - 19. ACTION REFERZNCE 20. ACTION DATE ____ ____ •Tt.OVlD ___TDD ____ ___ ____ ___~1 ,V. YY PROJECT IDENTIFICATION DOCUM- T RWANDA RURAL WORKS PROJECT 696-011: TABLE OF CONTEhTS Executive Summary 'Pe Map #1 - Map of Rwanda, situating Ruhengeri Prefecture, site of Rural Works Project Map #2 - Map of Ruhengeri Prefecture, situating Communes of Cyeru, Nyamugali and Butaro, primary sites for Rural Works Project; and Nyarutovu and Ruhondo Communes, secondary sites I. Background to the Proposed Program 1 A. Rwanda's Development Priorities 1 B. AID Strategy 2 II. Project Description 2 A. Rural Structures to Be Installed 2 B. .Dcal Government Development and People Participation 8 III. Other Donor Assistance 12 IV. Project Implementation 14 V. Destgn Stategy for Project Paper 15 VI. Estimated Project Costs 16 VIl. Initial Environmental Examination 17 ,Annex 1 22 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT RWANDA RURAL WORKS This project constitutes a new initiative for AID in Rwanda. The project will finance essential rural works in three to five in communes the northern sector of the country. (a commune is the basic government level of which has fiscal and administrative authorities. A rural "township" in the U.S. in the nearest comparison that can be made.) The rural works aspect of the project will focus on installation of gravity ­ fed rural water distribution systems, communal reforestation/soil conservation measures, and maintenance of rural access roads. A second important purpose of the project is to strengthen capabilities the of the commune governments to participate in their own development. In Rwanda, because the rural population contributes significantly to development projects of this type, both taxes through their and through contributed labor ('.muganda), they are a party decision to the to do the projects. The local decision-making process remains haphazard, however. The project will work with the 3-5 communes, as communes, pilot to test and improve their capacity to submit project ideas to their leaders, to discuss and determine for themselves their ability to carry out these projects, to confront the problems of recurring repair and maintenance, and finally to implement the projects. By the .end of the project, 28 new water systems should be in place, 1,000 hectares of forest land planted, 200 hectares terraced, 600 hectares planted in forage grasses or leguminous shrubs and 50 agricultural and social workers trained,communal planning and decision-making process should be improved, with communes involved in each stop of the decision­ making process. Projec inputs consist of long-term technical assistance in conservation soil and r;forestation (3 years), rural development administration (3 years) and • administrative support (3 years), and 10 months of short­ term consultancies in such areas as agronomy, public administration, engineering, sociology, etc. Training of local officials in.management and planning, and of field level assistancts in soil conservation, reforestation, etc. will be financed, five vehicles will be purchased. The bulk of project funding will be for the rural works ­ water ($690,000), syste s reforestation/soil conservation ($470,000), rural roads ($400,000) and other rural works ($200,000). The project is estimated to cost a total of U.S.$7,340,r00 the A.I.D. contribuion of which will be U.S.$3,840,000, the Government of Rwanda (GOR) contribution will be U.S.$1,300,000, and other donors will contribute the equivalent of approximately U.S.$2,240,000. AAO/Rwanda recommends to a grant the GOR from the Agriculture, Rural Development and Nutrition $2,660,000 account of and from the Health account of $1,180,000 to finance A.I.D's contribution to the project. Map., of Rwanda situating"- Ruhengeri Prefecture, site G A N D Ai of Rural Works. :o~eqct. ­ -4.. Go" G ise"- '....ny" , i -' &,. "aeh If. -" ' "' " Kiluye R W -. KIGALIR 'A N D A- -- : , re LE I Cm. .0% ~bungo OX 1 "X" ( ~//-Cyana"" g " ' .Gikonoro Z A R. ba..a a ' - 10,0,! - . '' S., . ' . ."" .M uying .­ -~ \'... .- , , I ,- A A ACnkz ,' U R - *). ", - * "-./, V ,, ; " .,, . "." , \ l ''.-."-i{ / Mur*mvya' • '' -. Iu" I" / eFbo( n Z~ A I R- /1Bbnz l ",B',,*J *- (%-- / 7Kib..,o.n.,do= / ?-t~. %-,"\ -,,'.- . RWND and ,UL / I ... - ,- , i ,:e 1:EI'-." •_.-.,..,-; / • , -'1J Rutana ( /.RWANDA and BURUWD I * _ _ _ _ " ",#" -' " -'\ / "e • I ,. , " " / - " " " D' e-- orPc ;r ....... ..................................... ..... ace roa -.F ( l 1 -" *.*,'-\*1 DI epte boar. 'S , .. e . pu ltim :'*'n"dv*(SurnI, -op14m:.~:' - :.*Z'Iur.. .**. 1 "" tNyanz.Lac~ .} T A N ZANiI A : , ... , , - lii MAP /2 GAND,JANDA Mar of Ruhengeri Prefecture, situating Communes of Cyeru, Nyamugali and Butaro, ?rimary sites for Rural Works Project; and Nyarutovu and Ruhondo Comunes , " secondary sites.Y "/...... " I LeO+/ + ­ 4 u , Kiyombi 0 Nkumba + .w;:1 &M . 4 (!Y ' J' . ,l".. ,I,-vuve t " -- | 'r Nva-in ___-_____-_,azm,1m . i, ,ibi " __ . -- . / , t, werere , .. .,neKii t'*"\'!. : : Kar.o =- -. Kzir % t...;,a U­ ... ..... c- b~a - .. Nr!VSUbad .,N uma e uzng Gk ANyayove 'A~*1 IV?*f R i* * l " + - -- F ' ' + . " ic 2' ' %-ol ft '%" i ,'C . ,V :rt " .. r' v -- RR a...b. *, KayoeRmna 4 c RtKnze z 4 .%V./ d A ..M R . nJr uo . ./ . .1 * '". I . l ? / B l wN4'.IiTO mw + . u5 hiabonza Ki um l K' .. "' '' ,I @ = . 4"' ,. ,- "" '*- - .".- ! '',.,..,,.-. ' " - ' •z . -- ,.P, . t%t@. ' tt ' • >l Bwak"ir" " .. ,, * / :: .':. "./+-,1u , .,w"_,r\ .. e"z '.K ,e a . "". / , ", .. .. .. r "%,1,,. ­ i n . PROJECT IDENTIFICATION DOCUMEhT RWANDA RURAL WORKS PROJECT 696-0117 Background to the Proposed Program The Rwanda Rural Works Project has two objectives: (1) Provide basic rural infrastructure to support production and improve the quality of rural life. The Project will address these needs in three and possibly five Communes through a program of forest plantation and soil conservation, potable water supply, and rural access roads. (2) Increase the capacity of local governments to determine and carry out their own development. A. Rwanda's Development Priorities. The focus of Rwanda's Second Five-Year Plan (1977-81) is on rural development, in contrast to the First Plan, which concen­ trated on overall economic independence and education. The effects of a burgeon­ ing population and limited cultivatable land have illustrated the vulnerability of the rural sector. In the Third Five-Year Plan, now being finalized, the emphasis on rural development will be continued and strengthened. The GOR has taken positive steps in an effort to increase agricultural production and to increase the standard of living of the riral population. These include the delegation of_certain rural development planning and financial authori­ ties to local administrativ-e units, a universal system of primry--edutot n and concentrationon a rural and agriculture-oriented curriculum, and channeling increased national budgetary resources and donor financing to the rural sector. The GOR regards the commune as the primary unit of development (cellule de base de developpement) and, as such,, it is the preferred channel for the necessary decentralization of decid respties called for by the Plan. The PlaZzankly admits tha the commune's interesin a project's goals and its (ability3to implement thm are key to the succes f-any-irii-l--development activity. Th;u 7t calls for the rein-frcemen of the autonomy and structures of the communes and an increase in their resources as an important solution to the difficult living conditions in the r {al areas. Within its general concern for rural development, the GOR places particular emphasis on rural water, reforestation, and rural roads. Reflecting this empha­ sis, in 1980 a special campaign was begun to stimulate reforestation. The GOR has now established 1981 as the year in which special emphasis is to be placed on development of potable water in rural areas.
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