• supplies Comment television shows feature informative programs, films, serials, live 11000 Belgrade Tel (011) 334471 Cable SOKCH Pres of Presidency b0,4d,asts of sports and musical events Vow' Komadina, Sec'y Toma Prosev CARTRIDGE & CASSETTE PARTS IMPORT/EXPORT REGULATIONS: Union of Yugoslav Performing Artists. 'Warne 26, Belgrade Tel (0111 322 732 EMPTY CARTRIDGES, CASSETTES & REELS The importation of records and musicassettes is not permitted Exports are Odium s Maracaibo Import CA, Centro Plaza, Nivel Ave Francisco Miranda. primarily to territories where emigrants or workers abroad are resident, LICENSING ORGANIZATIONS, MUSIC Los Palos Grandes, Caracas 1062 Tel (02) 283 8031 Cable STEREO that is, West Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, France. Canada and S 0 K 0 1 (Saver Organizacria Kompontora lugoslavue). Misarska 12 11 Telex 31183 Exec VP Irvin K Allum It, Gen Mgr Dennis Fernandez, Australia 11000 Belgrade Tel (011) 334 771 Pres of Presidency Vonn Koma Sales Mgr Mary Mum dine. Secy Toma Nosey (Mechanical & performing rights) BASF Venezolana SA, Edifier° BASF, Calle Milan. Orb Ind] Los Ruices Our. MARKET ANALYSIS: lavod za zastitu autorskih metal prava (Performing & Mechanical Rights Caracas 107 Tel (02) 22 12 22 Cable BASF Pres Roland Schempf, The entire music industry reports an average increase in turnover of about Society). Misarska 12. Belgrade Gen Mgr Hans Albrecht. Sales Mgr Jeanette Mendez. Prod Mgr Car 30% for the past year, which is mostly due to price increases and partly Ins Thiemann to unit growth Most labels cut down on the relicensing of product due to PLATING, PROCESSING & PRESSING PLANTS Audio: Cassette the difficulties in paying royalties There was a very strong influence of Nekton Toyama Gramegonskin Plosc. Vodnikova 12, 61000 Ljubljana Tel new wave music (061) 55 179 Gen Mgr Dusan Orate. Sales Mgr Joie Kasai. Prod'r JACKETS & SLEEVES Jugoton and RIB Belgrade are still the leading companies, followed by RIO Vilko Ovsenik (Pressing plant only) LABELS, DISK Ljubljana, Jugodisk and Suzy Silver Wings, a new act, sold over 200.000 (ugoton Rees Niska bb, 41010 Zagreb Tel (011) 251 (55 Cable JUG° I avedica If abrica Venezolana de Discos CA), Ando 3402. 4a Calle Urbanize units on one release Millis hide TON Telex 21857 Gen Mgr Stevan Piller, Prod)) Mgr Stiepan Novak don Ind] Carapa. No 40, Caracas 101 Tel (02) 19 /4 91 Cable FAVE PRINTER & LITHOGRAPHER DICA. Pres Cesar Roldan. VP Victor Oliver. Gen Mgr Jesus Colme • record & tape flares. Maintenance Mgr Alvaro Rodriguez lugoton Recs Niska bb, 41040 Zagreb Tel (041) 251 155 Cable JUGO TON Telex 21857 Gen Mgr Stevan Piller. Prod'n Mgr Stjepan Novak TAPE, BLANK LOADED & BULK RAW manufacturers/ RECORD PROMOTION BASF Venezolana SA, Ando Edifier° BASF Calle Milan. Orb Ind .! Los distributors/ importers R T V Ljubljana Recs & tapes. Tavcarieva 17. 61000 liubljana Tel (061) Rupees Sur. Caracas 107 Tel (02) 22,12 22 Cable BASF Pres Roland Schempl, Gen Mgr .Hans Albrecht, Sales Mgr Jeanette Mendez. Prod Ouskoton Produkcria Gramotonskih Ploca & Kazela, Hasana Brkica 58a. 313 039. Telex 31118 Mng Orr June Robernik. Ass't Mng Dim Intl Mgr Carlos Thiemann (Blank only) 71000 Sarajevo Tel (071) 33 613. 33 583 Dir Milosevic Vero, Sales Dusan Velkaverh Mgr &he Nenad. Musical Mgr Vurovic S)obodan Audio: Cassette Label: (Owned) Diskoton TAPE CUSTOM DUPLICATORS Favedica (Fabrica Venezolana de Discos CA). Apdo 3402. la Calle Urbanize WI reps.: USA (Motown). TAPE PACKAGING & LABELING don Ind') Carapa. No 40, Caracas 101 Tel (02) 49 74 91 Cable ME Helidon Tovarna Gramofonskih Plosc. Vodnikova 42. 61000 Ljubljana. Tel DICA Pres Cesar Roldan. VP Victor Oliver, Gen Mgr Jesus Colme The Audio and Video lines indicate the configurations which the firms du (061) 55 179 Gen. Mgr Dusan Note, Sales Mgr lore Moser. Prod'r nares, Maintenance Mgr Alvaro Rodriquez plicate, Companies which offer packaging and labeling of tape product are Vilko Ovsenik. (Distributed by Suzy) Audio: Cassette indicated by '•(PKG)" which appears after the main body of their respec Labels: (Owned) Hendon. (represented) Decca. Telefunken (West Ger Brand name: Discomoda (DCM) tire listings. many) • accessories importer Jugodisk °FPI), Ljubicka IS. Belgrade. Tel (II) 473.009 VP Bonder Go lugoton Recs Niska bb, 41040 Zagreb Tel (041) 251 155 Cable oh Gen Mgr Ilya& Joyanovic, Sales Mgr Divnic Rahbor. Intl Mgr„ 111GOTON Telex 21857 Gen. Mgr Stevan Piller. Prod'n Mgr. Stiepan Novak AllurtYs Maracaibo Import CA. Centro Plaza, Nivel Ave Francisco Miranda. Radomir Krkic Audio: Cassette Los Palos Grandes, Caracas 1062 Tel (02) 283 8031 Cable STEREO lugoslovenska Kniga. Obilicev Venn 24. Belgrade Tel: 623 799 (Importer/ R TV Ljubliana Recs & Tapes. Taycarieva 11, 61000 Ljubljana Tel (061) Telex 31183 Exec VP Irvin K Allum Jr Gen Mgr Dennis Fernandez, Exporter). 313 039 Telex 31118 Mng Dir lure Robeznik. Oust Mng Dir Sales Mgr Mary Allum Jugoton DPI). Niska bb, 41040 Zagreb Tel (041) 251 155 Cable 1UG0- Dusan Velkaverh (PBS) Product: Record-carrying & storage cases, record care prods turntable TON Telex 21857 Gen Mgr Stevan Piller Intl Mgr Brink° Plane, Audio' n, mats. 15 rpm adaptors, replacement styli, Tape-carrying & storage Repertoire Dept Head Dubrayko Majnanc. Intl Repertoire & Label Mgr cases, head cleaners bulk erasers demagnorzers leader A splicing Veljko Despot, AAR Vomo Kundic. Classical Div Vida Ramuscali, Folk Tape Repertoire Mirko Garilovic, Children's & Spoken Word Editor Lierka • supplies Mar kowc PROFESSIONAL TAPE SUPPLIES Labels: (Owned) Jugoton. (licensed foreign) Barclay (France). Bronze TAPE, BLANK LOADED & BULK RAW (UK). Capitol (USA), Charly (UK). DIM (UK). Decca (UK). EMI (UK). Elite Special (Switzerland). Fantasy (USA), Hansa (Germany). Island (UK). TAPE DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.) Milestone (USA). Prestige (USA). RCA (USA). RAK (UK). United Artists Progres Hemoteks Direkcria BA51. Knez Mihailova 27711, YU 11000 Bel (USA). Virgin (UK), Vogue (France) grade Tel 624 222 Cable JUGOPROGRES Telex 11109 Population: 101.000 Prosveta, PO Boo 555, Teranje 16. 11001 Belgrade Tel 20-566 Telex 11609 Orr Sinker Kalaba. (Importer/Exporter) • accessories • record & tape R T B. see Record Prod'n. R TV Recs. & Tapes, Dalmatinova 17. 61000 Ljubljana Tel (061) 311 922. manufacturer manufacturers/ Telex 31118 Mng. Dir Igor Robernik. Label Mgr Andel Sifrer Jugoton Recs, Niska bb. 11040 Zagreb Tel (0111 251 155 Cable JUGO distributors / importers Labels: (Owned) RTV Liubliana. (licensed) Casablanca (USA), Chrysalis TON Telex 21857 Gen Mgr Stevan Piller, Prod'n Mgr St)epan Novak (UK), Ricordi (Italy). Stiff (UK) Product: Record-45 rpm adaptors Conrad (of St Thomas) Ltd. PO Box 3187, Kronprindsens Gade Sta. St Record Prod'n of Radio Television Belgrade (IFPI). Makedonska St 21, Thomas 00801 Tel (809) 774 2033 (Distributor) 11000 Belgrade Tel 320 277 Cable RTB RECORDS Telex 12030. Gen Inn& USA Mgr Stanko Ternc. Westindy Music Co Inc PO Box 2896 86 Main St St Thomas 00801 Tel Labels: (Owned) RIB. (licensed) AAM (Europe. USA). Ariola Eurodisc (8091174 4488 Pres Wilbur La Mott& Gen Mgr Leroy A La Motta (France, Germany. Spain. USA), Cherry Pie (Australia), First American Labels: (Owned) Cultural Dimensions Westindy (USA). Hispatiox (Spain). Polar (Sweden). PolyGram (Germany, lull ripe.: Barbados (WIRL), Jamaica (Dynamic) Trinidad (Record Spe Netherlands). TeldeciSloryville (Germany), Timeless (Netherlands). 411 181 011 1 101111' cialists) USA r k rck MEI reps.: Germany (RCA), Netherlands (Phonogram Intl/PolyGram). USA (Everest. Olympic). • music publisher Sarajevodisk, Diure Diakovica 17. Sarajevo Tel (071) 23027 Du Muradif Brkic (Distributor) Westrndy Music Co Inc rASGAP) PO Box 2896. 86 Main St St Thomas Studio B Produkoia Gramolonskrh Ploca. (Radiodifuzna Org ). PO Box 10. 00801 TM (8091 ,74 4488 Cable WESEINDY Pres Wilbur La Matta Maserikove 5, 11000 Belgrade Tel (011) 684 798. Dir Dragan That's the size Markovic, Gen. Mgr Dram Vidak. Sales Mgr Loma Mladenovic, Musical Edgar Slobodan Konrovie of the worldwide Labels: (Owned) Studio B. (licensed) EMI (UK), Pye (UK) Spanish-Language Music YUGOSLAVIA Sumachia Produkciia Ploca. Batocian Mod Kragujevca Tel (0311 81.187 Suzy Recs (dry of Zalozba °blow Maribor), PO Box 729. Gruska 10.41000 Recording Market reached Zagreb Tel (041) 519 955 Cable PGP SUITIGB by Billboard en Espanol Population: 23.000000 Labels: (Owned) Suzy. (distnbuted) Nekton, (ncensed) CBS (USA). WEA Rate of exchange: $1 (US) = 34 New Dinars Intl (USA) Per capita income: $2.000 Intl reps.: USA (CBS. WEA Intl) Holidays: January 1 & 2 (New Year's). April 21, May 1 & 2 (Labor Day), July Billboard en Espanol. Edited 4. 22. November 1 (Slovenia). November 29 & 30 (Day of the Repub)ic) • music publishers for the industry decision- RECORDS & TAPES: favunte Music PO Box (19. Gruska 4100U Zagreb Tel (0411 519 955 makers. News. Articles. Latest Note: Sales figures are rough estimations since no company reports the Cable PGP SUZY/GB exact sales reports from over 20 top cor- Interfest. see Favorite Record sales certification awards: Silver single- 50.000 units. gold single - Jugoton Eds Musicales-JEM. Niska bb. 41040 Zagreb Tel (0411 251 155 respondents. Plus regional 100.000 units, platinum sal& - 200.000 units. Silver LP- 12,500 units. Cable JUGOTON Telex 21857 Gen Mgr Stevan Piller, Publ'g Mgr gold LP -25.000 units. platinum LP-50.000 units and international charts on Sinisa Shama Records A tapes sold domestically including imports (retail value): LP's & Kind l Music (Eds Musicales). Vinogradska 3.41000 Zagreb Tel (011) 573 Spanish-Language product. cassettes 1980 11.000000 units. 028.600.000. 1979 -10.000.000 462 Pres & Gen Mgr Mario Kindl units. $23.000,000 Singles 1980-4.500,000 units. 53.150.000, 1979 - Intl firms represented: Accord (West Germany), Brune (Australia), Curci Phone (212) 764-7375. 5.000,000 units. $3 000 000 (Italy). Devega (Italy) Mascotte (Italy). Musica & Dischi (Italy). Sonoton Records exported to USA (factory value, FOB): 1980 50.000 units Telex (int'l) 621089 • (West Germany).
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