Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 39 No, 51 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12,00 PER YEAR Car. Ri.P.S, PRICE 30 CENTS December 20,1984 Christmas Season Celebrates Love, Home for Christmas ... the first Christmas, when the earth- Children bake cookies and words ring with the brief, beau- ly father Joseph was himself wrap each other's gifts while tiful moments when all are compelled to return to his home- mom stuffs a turkey and dad children once again, bright land to be taxed, and thus the drapes the doorway with gar- cheeks glowing and giggles first journey home was made in lands and lights, bursting with excitement from anticipation of the child Jesus' Young lovers delight in kisses amidst rainbows of untied rib- birth. stolen beneath the mistletoe, bons and scattered wrappings. All over the world, people and grandpa sits by the fireside, Pleasures to be felt and sa- keep the traditions that they stirring the dying embers, as he vored are the warmth of steam- learned as children, each parent recalls long forgotten days of ing cocoa sipped through cream, wishing only to recreate for their boyhood Christmases to an au- the loving hugs of young and old own children the magic of holi- dience of wide-eyed youngsters. as they snuggle around a crack- day joy that they themselves Then, all too soon, grandpa's ling fire on Christmas Eve, shared as youngsters. tales come to an end as the child- A time of tradition, Christinas Stockings are hung and trees ren are hurried off to bed, so ex- present forever links to Christ- are trimmed to the sound of cited it seems they'll never mas past, continuing the chain carols drifting in from the snowy sleep. of memories that binds us to that outdoors. They check one last time to be sure that Santa's coolies and co- coa are left where he's sure to Volunteers Honored For find them and, after lingering BEWARE OF IMITATION dolls whose stuffing is highly flam, over a few goodnight kisses, mable-as illustrated here by Deputy Fire Chief Charles "Buddy" are off to bed. Judd in his office. A woman In town received a Cabbage Patch Kids Donating Service Hours Dawn finds ribbons flying doll lookalike that smejled of kerosene, and notified the deputy chief, through a maze of crumpled Morris Goldberg, 86, of Wa- p wrappings as children of all ages The doll, which came with a phony Cabbage Patch Kids certificate, tertown, and Clara Maisto, 77, i did not bear a name or company name on the certificate, nor were delight in giving and receiving of Waterbury, became only the gifts. there any verification markings on the neck or bottom of the doll. The second and third persons in the doll's stuffing apparently is saturated with a flammable base, Deputy history of Waterbury Hospital After a festive breakfast, the Chief Judd said; rubbing the back of the doll resulted In his palm to log more than 10,000 hours of family attends mass or ser- becoming oily. The stuffing easily caught fire when lit with a match. volunteer service. vices though, for many, a Can- The fire official urged parents and youngsters to beware of unusual dlelight Mass on Christmas Eve The two volunteers received a is a long-standing tradition. aromas or peculiarities associated with possibly bogus dolls being sold standing ovation from the hos- during the holiday season, (Valuckas Photo) After noon, aunts, uncles, pital staff members when Gor- cousins and relatives perhaps not don A, Anderson, vice-chairman seen on any other occasion, ar- of the hospital's board of trus- rive to share In the day's joy. Police Contract Okayed tees, awarded them their ser- vice pins during the recent an- Gifts are exchanged, wonder- nual Volunteer Awards Presenta- ful foods enjoyed, and an over- tion. whelming warmth appreciated. By Town Council Monday Is it any wonder that all roads The Town Council, via a split Hymel, Charles Fisher, Robert Mr, Goldberg supplied his services with the hospital's lead home at Christmas? Not at vote in executive session, ap- Pettlnicchi, and John Hayes, all all, when you realize that being proved a three-year police con- Democrats, Republican Tess Receiving Department since 1973, while Mrs, Maisto worked together is perhaps the greatest tract Monday night. The new Mitchell, and Independent Mary gift of all. pact will boost salaries 22.5 per- Jo Cicehetti, in a variety of areas, including the coffee shop and interoffice Watertown and Oakville Chris- cent over the span of the agree- Dissenting were Democrat tians will be joining with their ment. Vice Chairman Richard Capanna mail delivery. Dorothy Johnson, of Water- brethren everywhere in cele- The police union already has and Republican Bernard Beau- Joseph LePage brating the joyous holy day with okayed the pact. Terms will pay chainp. Democrat John Orsini bury, was the only other person that donated more than 10,000 services and festive music be- probationary patrolmen $19,910 abstained. LePage Awarded ginning this weekend. for their first year with the de- The Council took no action re- hours of service in the 101- year history of the hospital, The schedule for the commu- partment, increased to $21,304 garding the selection of a new Science Honor nity's churches is as follows: at the first step when they enteif police chief to succeed the retir- achieving the honor in 1978. the regular pay scale. (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 35) At High School Christ Episcopal The top of the scale in the The Rev. Jeffrey L. Kittredge pact's final year in 1986 is Joseph LePage, 39 Falls Ave,, has announced a service of les- $26,655. The contract is retro- Because of the Tuesday Holiday Oakville, recently was named sons and carols will take place active to Sept. 1, when the old winner of the annual Bausch and Sunday, Dec, 23, at 10 a.m. The contract expired. for the Observance of Lomb Science Award at Water- Junior and Senior Choirs, plus The first step and top of the New Year's Day, town High School, lay readers, will participate for scale salaries, respectively, with The award—a handsome the Fourth Sunday in Advent five years of service represent- An Early Deadline bronze model—is presented each service. ing one of four steps in the con- year to winners at more than Some of the anthems and car- tract, are as follows for the vary- Is Necessary For The 8,700 participating schools ols will be "Advent Message," ing ranks: detectives, $22,369 Town Times Issue of Jan, 3 throughout the United States and by Martin How, with soloist and $27,984; patrol sergeants, Canada, John Shears; "The Angel Ga- $24,299 and $30,402; detective "The Bausch and Lomb Award briel," a Basque carol, with solo- sergeants, $24,663 and $30,858; News & Advertising Copy for the Jan. 3 Isjsue Must is especially significant," ac- ist Michael Obar; "Let All Mor- and patrol lieutenants, $25,151 Be Submitted No Later Than Noon on Saturday, cording to William P. Williams, tal Flesh Keep Silence," by Gus- and $31,468, Dec. 29, principal, who made the presen- tav Hoist; "The Morning Star," tation, "because it recognizes The pay scales are base sal- by Virgil Thomson; and Advent the senior student at our school hymns. ary. The pay for the chief and The Town Times Office Will Be Closed who has attained the highest deputy chief, who are outside The Holy Eucharist will follow. Monday & Tuesday, Dec. 31 & Jan, 1. scholastic standing in science On Christmas Eve Monday, the police bargaining unit, are subjects," set by the town manager. We Wish You All a Most Happy, Safe Dec. 24, the 7 p.m. Holy Euchar- As winner of the award, Mr. Approving the pact were A nd Healthy Holiday Season, ist will be preceded by the an- Council Chairwoman Barbara (Continued on page 35) (Continued on page 2) Page 2 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) Dec, 20,1984 Property of the WatertownOrgan music played by organ -HistoricalSteve Beauchamp. SocietyNursery care will be provide d Nardl, Kristina Herman, Amy for infants through fust graders. Christmas Season Carver, Smantha Griska, and ist Dorothy Ferguson will in- Steve Leisring will be the (Continued from page 1) clude Bach's "Rejoice, Beloved trumpeter for the 5 p.m. vigil. The 11 p.m. Candlelight Ser- Kim Innes, angels. vice will be with communion and nual Christmas Pageant, pre- Christians" and Pachelbers The St. John Folk Choir, which Music will include "Ding 1 feature special music by the new- sented by the Junior Choir, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgDong Merrily On High," "Morn, ' From Heaven on High," also will perform at the 12 noon Church School, and members of On Christmas Day Tuesday, Folk Mass on Christmas, will ly formed Handbell Choir and ing Star" (Moravian), "0 Men Senior Choir. There will be no the Young People's Fellowship. from the Fields," and carols. Dec. 25, there will be a carol Hfcve a traditional repertoire of Cast members are Erin Soloists will be Jeremy Christie, sing and celebration of the Eu- carols for the 7 p.m. vigil, high- nursery care available. O'Brien, Mary; Jeffrey Porter, Michael Obar, Nathan Davies, charist ftt 9 a.m, The lay readers lighted by Christmas music from Union Congregational Joseph; R, B. Reddy, Bill Bur- and Meg and Beth Pastorino, of the parish will conduct ser- the St.
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