..... Nz 0 ~ t-: Statement of Purpose Our purpose is to disseminate information that will assist and empower us in taking responsibility for our cultural, emotional and spiritual well-being, with the help of dreams & mythology. Our goals are to unite and serve those who respect dreams, to empower dreamers in demystifying dream work and to assist with the integration of dreamsharing into our culture ... in whatever ways of integrity are shown and given us. We believe that dreams are agents for change and often reveal important new insights about the life of the dreamer, both personal and ·cultural. Recalling a dream is a signal that we are ready to understand the information that has been presented. Enacting the dream's hint can bring personal empowerment. We seek to provide a balance and to give all nations, voices and schools of thought an opportunity to be heard. There will be times when a particular area of interest will be given greater emphasis than another because of the limited space in the Journal and that which is surfacing that is of interest to the readership. The emphasis will change over time to allow for a wide range of ideas, opinions and areas of interest to be explored and expressed. We invite you to indicate areas of interest and questions you would like to see explored in future issues. Table of Contents Vol. 12 No. 4/Dream NetuJork 5 :Y J < G3.<- a.t=.r E't+r= t!-r = ^J<^-L)t:-u--v = tr: \J79- t\ -)^-J-- * l! 4.^-)) R. tf I si+iB; A lsl i1 ii ri liiiii li lE I I 1g €i lliEiEEg ii tiiili i i --;. I w z = (! 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