WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL Tuesday, 03 September 2019 Dear Councillor You are required to attend a meeting of Woodbury Parish Council to be held in the Exton Village Hall on Monday 9th September 2019 at 7.30pm. The business to be transacted at the Meeting is set out below. Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. David Craig, Proper Officer, Clerk & RFO. A G E N D A Public Session 1 APOLOGIES: To receive any apologies for absence. 2 MINUTES: To receive and confirm as a correct record, the Minutes of the Meetings held on 8th July, 22nd July and 19th August 2019. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: To receive any declarations of interest in any part of these proceedings including the District Councillors’ declarations. 4 ACCOUNTS & FINANCES: To consider the Financial Report to 31st August 2019: 1. Summary of Income; 2. Summary of Expenditure to Budget; 3. Bank Reconciliation; 4. Earmarked Balances; 5. Transactions since the last Report. 1 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL 5 PLANNING: Applications for consideration at this meeting;- EXTON 19/1104/OUT | Amended plans - construction of detached dwelling (outline application with all matters reserved) | Four Acres Exton Lane Exton Exeter EX3 0PN. WOODBURY led by Cllr Mrs C Bennett 19/1204/FUL | Amended plans - change of use of agricultural land for an overspill car parking area to be used in association with Woodbury Business Park |Land Opposite Woodbury Business Park Woodbury. 19/1594/FUL | Amended plans - replace flat roof with pitched roof on existing front extension. | 8 Long Park Woodbury Exeter EX5 1JB. WOODBURY SALTERTON 19/1563/FUL | Formation of sand school for horse training/jumping within land already used for equine purposes | Land Adjacent To Oakwell Cottage (road From Cannonwalls Farm To Willowmead) Woodbury Salterton. 6 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: To receive a report by the Chairman. 7 PARISH COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: To receive updates from any committee or liaison meetings attended by Cllrs since the last full council meeting. 8 COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS 9 DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS 10 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: To receive a verbal update from Cllr J Pyne. 11 DEVON AIR AMBULANCE NIGHT LANDING SITE: To consider the installation of a night landing site for the Devon Air Ambulance on the Recreation Ground, Woodbury at a total cost of £5,929.16 plus VAT. Devon Air Ambulance is able to offer WPC a grant of £3,034.27 to cover the labour costs leaving £2,894.89 for the equipment costs which would need to be funded locally. 12 DEVON & CORNWALL FIRE & RESCUE CONSULTATION: To consider a draft written response to be provided by Cllr R Cullen. 13 COOMBE SOLAR FARM COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUND: To consider any projects that might merit an application by WPC to the fund. 14 RECENT DMC DECISION IN RELATION TO 19/0591/MFUL: To receive a verbal update from Cllr R Ball concerning 19/0591/MFUL | Plans in relation to the installation of 20 self-contained natural gas engine driven electricity generators for the provision of flexible electricity generation, 2 switch rooms, 1 gas governor, 1 transformer, 4 metre high acoustic fence and landscaping, including screening bund | Storage Land Adjacent Electricity Sub Station Woodbury EX5 1LD. COUNCILLORS' QUESTIONS: To allow topics & questions. Please note, no decisions may be made under this item. 2 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL Tuesday, 09 July 2019 MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD at 7.30pm on 8th July 2019 in the THE VILLAGE HALL, WOODBURY SALTERTON. Present: Cllrs S Andrews, D Atkins, R Ball, Mrs C Bennett, P Bricknell, , Mrs M Edwards, , G Jung, J Pyne, Mrs C McGauley (Chairman), G Murrin and R Parr. Dst Cllr B Ingham. Cty Cllrs R Scott & J Trail. Also present: T. Bennett (TW). Two members of the Public. 19/291 Public Session T. Bennett (TW) informed the Council that he had recently attended an event held by the Devon Local Nature Partnership which was well organised. He wishes to further investigate the possibility of landmark trees being planted in each ward of the Parish. 19/292 APOLOGIES: Cllrs R Cullen & M Hesketh. 19/293 MINUTES: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Meetings held on 10th June and 24th June 2019 confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. AIF 19/294 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: None. 19/295 ACCOUNTS & FINANCES: RESOLVED: The Financial Report to 30th June 2019, set out below, was approved. AIF. 19/296 AGAR: RESOLVED: The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), set out below, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. AIF. 19/297 EXPENDITURE PROTOCOL: RESOLVED: The expenditure protocol, set out below, as reviewed by the Staff, Strategy & Policy Committee, to be incorporated into WPC’s Standing Orders. AIF. 3 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL 19/298 PLANNING: EXTON 19/1372/FUL | Construction of two storey extensions, single storey extension, modifications to existing and addition of new windows and construction of detached store. | Little Silver Exton Exeter EX3 0PP. SUPPORT. AIF. WOODBURY 19/1356/FUL | Change of use of land from agricultural to self-storage facility and retention of 113 units plus provision of additional 10 units (157 in total) | Rydon Farm Rydon Lane Woodbury Exeter EX5 1LB. SUPPORT. But would recommend the following conditions: Screening on the eastern elevation in line with the hedge line. Planting to be subject to TPO. Signage and safety measures for the amenity trail that is used by pedestrians and cyclists. Safety measures implemented for vehicles both entering and exiting both the top junction and lower road. AIF. WOODBURY SALTERTON None 19/299 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: No comments were made. 19/300 PARISH COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: Cllr P Bricknell explained he had attended a recent meeting of the Exmouth Police Local Action Group. Overall crime is up half of one percent. There has however been an increase of break ins to sheds and outbuildings particularly in outlying villages. Cllr P Bricknell also attended the Greendale Liaison Committee noting Greendale has 98% occupancy with a waiting list. He understands Greendale have a £10,000 fund earmarked for community issues and WPC should investigate if and how applications can be made. 19/301 COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Cty Cllr J Trail explained that Devon & Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service are consulting on changes to the fire and rescue service in Devon and Somerset. There are a series of walk-ins taking place and he urged participation from Cllrs. 19/302 DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Dst Cllr B Ingham expressed the need for EDDC to tackle its impending financial deficit – a £2.7m gap over a four year period. He is confident that progress will be made on this over the next 12 months. Dst Cllrs B Ingham stated he had concerns over aspects of the GESP in particular developments of garden villages such as West End. He favours expansion closer to Enterprise Zones. Cllr G Jung explained that EDDC investigations into zero carbon housing suggested the additional cost for a four bedroom build is c. £35k and c. £8k for a small house. He felt that this could be unappealing for developers. Cllr G Jung explained that DCC had objected to the route of the cycle path between Darts Farm and Killerton – alternative routes are now being considered. 4 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL 19/303 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Cllr J Pyne explained that recent focus had been on businesses, farming, tourism and biodiversity. The current aim is to approve the final submission with WPC by mid-September with a view that the NP could be submitted to EDDC in October. 19/304 LOCAL BUS SERVICES: Cllr R Ball explained that the current bus routes are operated by Stage Coach under subsidy. He felt Stage Coach had been slow to respond to his initial enquiries. He felt the structure of the current timetable and routes mean the service is not well used. As such, this invites some further investigation with Stage Coach. 19/305 COUNCILLORS' QUESTIONS: None Meeting closed 9.35 pm. 5 WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL 24th July 2019 MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD at 7.30pm on 22nd July 2019 in the THE CHURCH ROOMS, WOODBURY. Present: Cllrs S Andrews, R Ball, Mrs C Bennett, P Bricknell , R Cullen, Mrs M Edwards, G Jung, J Pyne, Mrs C McGauley (Chairman) and R Parr. Also present: T. Bennett (TW). Two members of the Public. 19/306 Public session: A parishioner spoke of his concerns over application 19/1479/FUL as he is a neighbour to the property in question. In particular he objected to the proximity of the proposed new garage to his own property. He felt the height and elevation would block light and a flat roof might be a sensible compromise. He also noted the need to protect the Devon Bank and trees on the proposed site. 19/307 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs D Atkins, G Murrin and M Hesketh. 19/308 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr G Jung 19/1479/FUL. 19/309 PLANNING: EXTON – None WOODBURY – 19/1479/FUL | Conversion of existing garage to habitable space and construction of new garage. | Tynedale Greenway Woodbury Exeter EX5 1LU. NOT SUPPORTED. Roof of new garage considered too high given proximity to neighbouring property. Requires a report concerning protection of trees and Devon Bank before, during and after construction given it is within a Conservation Area. AIF. 19/1355/FUL | Construction of dormer window to rear | 5 Castle Cottages Castle Lane Woodbury Exeter Devon EX5 1HZ. SUPPORT. Nine in favour, one abstension. 19/0591/MFUL | Amended plans in relation to the installation of 20 self-contained natural gas engine driven electricity generators for the provision of flexible electricity generation, 2 switch rooms, 1 gas governor, 1 transformer, 4 metre high acoustic fence and landscaping, including screening bund | Storage Land Adjacent Electricity Sub Station Woodbury EX5 1LD.
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