Application Coversheet Manara Academy Manara Academy, Inc. Name of Proposed Charter School Name of Sponsoring Entity Note: If the sponsoring entity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the name must appear exactly as il appears in the Articles of Incorporation or any amendments thereto. The sponsoring entity is a (Check only one.): ^ 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization I I Governmental Entity I] College or University Chairperson of Governing Body of Sponsoring Entity: Ehap Sabri CEO of Sponsoring Entity: Ehap Sabri CEO/Superintendent of Proposed Charter School:, To be determined Representative Who Attended an Applicant Conference: Jaszeer Mohammed Date of Conference: Dec 3r 2067 ~~ Applicant Mailing Address: 4070 N Beltline Rd. Suite 110-140, Irving TX 75038 Physical Address of Proposed Administrative Offices (if different from above): To be determined Number of Campuses Being Requested : One Physical Address of Each Proposed Campus: To be determined Contact Name: Michelle Alkhatib Contact E-mail Address: [email protected] Contact Phone #: (972)896-321 Contact Fax#: (214)260-4984 Circle Grade Levels to be served and state maximum enrollment for each year: By Year 3, at least one grade in which the state accountability tests are administered must be offered. Yearl: Pre-K.3 Pre-K4 (5)6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Maximum Enrollment:_ 326 Year 2: Pre-K3 Pre-K.4 78 9 10 11 12 Maximum Enrollment:. 400 Year 3: Pre-K3 Pre-K4 8 9 10 11 12 Maximum Enrollment:_ 450 Year 4: Pre-K3 Pre-K4 '3X4*5^6 )f7*$) 9 10 11 12 Maximum Enrollment: 500 Year 5: Pre-K3 Pre-K4 'a^rsy/feKTjfS) 9 10 11 12 Maximum Enrollment: 500 I certify that 1 have the authority to submit this application and that all information contained herein is complete and accurate, realizing that any misrepresentation could result in disqualification from the application process or revocation after award. In accordance with TEC §12.120, I further certify that no members of the governing body of the sponsoring entity or of the proposed charter school nor any officers or employees of the proposed school have been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral ttwpitude or of any felony. I understand that incomplete applications will not be considered. Ehap Sabri (BLUE INK) Signature of Chief Executive Officer of Sponsoring Entity Date Printed Name Jaszeer Mohammed. (BI.UK INK) Signature\pf Application Preparer Date Manara Academy, Inc. With what company is the application preparer associated? , W^s-^reparerpaid? f~l Yes No 701-07-116-003 Manara Academy 14it h Generation Charter Application 5.m Job description for PEIMS coordinator 79 5.n Salary ranges, benefits, and compensation for PEIMS coordinator 80 5.0 Professional development for PEIMS coordinator 80 5.p Evaluation of PEIMS coordinator 80 SECTIONS-GOVERNANCE 81 6.a Governing body of sponsoring entity 81 6.b If sponsoring entity is out-of state 81 6.c Attachment C, determination letter from IRS 82 6.d Attachment D, articles of Incorporation 82 6.e Attachment E, Bylaws 82 6.f Date sponsoring entity was incorporated 82 6.g Purpose for establishing sponsoring entity 82 6.h Activities of the sponsoring entity 82 6.1 Previous operations of the sponsoring entity 83 6.j Religious or faith based sponsoring entity 83 6.k Litigations for sponsoring entity 83 6.1 Sanctions by state regulatory agency for sponsoring entity 83 6.m Initial ^corporators of the sponsoring entity 83 6.n Recruitment of school organizers 85 6.0 Procedures for receiving and responding to complaints 85 6.p Elements of governance structure of the governing body 85 6.q Members of the governing body 87 6.r Powers or duties delegated to charter school by governing board 87 6.s Governance structure of the governing body 88 6.t Private entity involvement in charter school 88 SECTION 7-COMMUNITY SUPPORT 89 7.a Community where school will be located and reasoning 89 7.b Involvement by community groups 89 7.c Attachment F, Published notice of public hearing 90 7.d Number of community members in attendance at public hearing 90 7.e Attachment G, Synopsis of the public hearing 91 SECTION 8-GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY 92 8.a School districts for accepting students 92 8.b School districts for transfer students 92 8.c Attachment H, Certified mail receipts for Statement of Impact 92 SECTION 9-ADMISSIONS POLICY 93 9.a Period for which applications will be accepted 93 Manara Academy 14l Generation Charter Application 9.b Procedures for lottery 93 9.c Categories of applicants that will be exempt from lottery 93 9.d Approximate date of lottery 93 9.e Procedure for waiting list 93 9.f Applications submitted outside of acceptance period 94 9.g Non-discrimination statement 94 9.h Specializing in performing arts 94 9.i Admission of students with documented misconduct 94 9.j Information required for admission consideration 94 9.k Procedures to enroll students 95 9.1 Procedures for reporting transfer students 95 SECTION 10-SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS AND PROGRAMS 96 SECTION 11-BUSINESS PLAN 97 11.a Sources of funding to startup operations 97 ll.b Current assets of sponsoring entity 97 ll.c Current liabilities of sponsoring entity 97 ll.d Liens, litigations, or sanctions of sponsoring entity 97 1 l.e Current open-charters held currently by sponsoring entity 97 1 l.f Attachment I, Audit report 97 1 l.g Attachment J, Credit report of sponsoring entity 97 ll.h Attachment K, Internal Revenue Service Form 990 98 1 l.i Non-charter operations related to charter school 98 ll.j Plans to operate non-charter operations 98 1 l.k Non-charter operations program location 98 11.1 Projected amounts of start-up funding 98 I l.m Attachment L, Documentation verifying all sources of funding 99 I1 .n Process by which annual budget will be adopted 99 ll.o Attachment M, Start-up budget 99 1 l.p Attachment N, First year of operations budget 99 1 l.q Conduction of annual audit 100 I l.r Identify who will provide financial services for the charter school 100 1 l.s Qualifications of organization or individual to provide services 100 ll.t Attachment O, Copy of negotiated service agreement 100 1 l.u Adoption of the provisions of the Texas Education Code 100 1 l.v Capabilities of financial accounting software 101 1 l.w Identification of student attendance accounting software 101 11.x Suitability of facility site 101 1 l.y Accessibility of facility for disabled persons 101 1 l.z Necessity of renovating and/or repairing facility 101 Manara Academy 14th Generation Charter Application A REVISED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS SEE INSERT. 1 l.aa Acquisition of facility and/or land 102 11.bb Attachment P, Negotiated lease agreement 102 11.cc Individuals negotiating lease agreement 102 11.dd All organizations using the facility 102 ll.ee Provisions for transportation of students 102 11.ff Provisions for food service 103 SECTIONS-ATTACHMENTS 104 Attachment A- Notarized biographic affidavits 105 Attachment C -- 501(c)(3) determination letter from the IRS 125 Attachment D - Original Articles of Incorporation 126 Attachment E - Bylaws 133 Attachment F - Copy of the published notice of public hearing 142 Attachment G- Synopsis of the public hearing 144 Attachment H - Certified mail receipts 147 Attachment I -Audit report 162 Attachment J- Credit report 167 Attachment K- Internal Revenue Service Form 990 168 Attachment L - Letter of Credit, Letters from donors 169 Attachment M- A start-up budget 217 Attachment N - First year of operations budget 231 Attachment O- Copy of negotiated service agreement 245 Attachment P - Negotiated lease agreement 246 iECTION 13-APPENDICES 2j Appendix AA -Expeditionary Learning Schools-Outward Bound....^^^r^T. 248 Appenctk. BB -Manara Academy's Technology Program Sampled. 310 Appendix ^Foreign Language Curriculum ..^^[.. 312 Appendix DD le-Gender Schooling ReseafehTT. 355 Appendix EE - Scope aftdSequence K-S^-^r^T. 373 Appendix FF -- National St^ffi^e^nent Council (NSDC) 433 Appendix GG - Dietary Plap^^T^^..^ 435 Appendix HH - Comrjiwriity Partnership.^7^^. 436 Appendix II - ara Academy Survey Template**^*^. 445 Appendix JJ-^ ELS Teacher Assessment Methodology^*^. 446 AppendixKK - Consultants and Founders Biographies ^T^*^.. 454 Manara Academy 14it h Generation Charter Application APPROVED DURING CONTINGENCY PROCESS Other • Remove Section 13 from the application. Please remove Section 13. Applicant Checklist Manara Academy Manara Academy, Inc. Proposed Fourteenth Generation Charter School Name Sponsoring Entity Name This checklist MUST be completed and submitted as part of the application to ensure that the applicant has provided all of the information required by the RFA. Application 13 Attended Applicant Conference: Date _12/03/2007 ; Board Member Who Attended Jaszeer Mohammed ^ Application Coversheet ^ Table of Contents ^ Applicant Checklist (this document) Application Sections (All questions in each section must be answered completely.) £3 1 Statement of Need ^ 6 Governance ^ 2 Vision of the School ^ 7 Community Support ^ 3 Educational Plan ^ 8 Geographic Boundary ^ 4 Student Goals ^ 9 Admissions Policy ^ 5 Human Resources Information ^ 10 Special Needs Students and Programs Attachments A­ P £3 11 Business Plan E*3 A Notarized Biographical Affidavits for members of the governing body of the sponsoring entity or of the charter school (if any) and any identified officers of the charter school 13 B Organizational Chart reflecting all of the sponsoring entity's operations, including the proposed charter school ^ C 501(c)(3) Determination Letter from IRS or statement that it is not required if sponsoring entity is an institution of higher education or a governmental entity ^ D Articles of Incorporation filed with Texas Secretary of State or a comparable document if the sponsoring entity is an out-of­ state nonprofit corporation or a statement that this not required if the sponsoring entity is an institution of higher education or a governmental entity.
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