The Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools LIBRARIANS MEETING AGENDA For June 12, 1973 9:30 a.m. BETHANY 1. Approval of May 15 Meeting Minutes and Agenda. 2. Periodicals Project - Where do we go from here? 2.1. BST, CST, LSTC and CTU could reduce some duplicate subsctiptions and bindings by mutual agreement, 2.2. BST, LSTC, CTS could start to "tool-up" for the periodicals center during academic year 1973-74 and hope that CTU would join. 2.3. Proposed study of use of Cluster periodicals should be undertaken. Should this be done at all Cluster libraries, at selected Cluster libraries? 2.4. Other suggestions or alternatives. 3. Appointment of Committee for definitions related to cataloguing, classi­ fication and technical services. (Members to be announced). 4. Approval of Due Dates for 1973-74. 5. Other Business. Bellarmine School of Theology — Bethany Theological Seminary — Catholic Theological Union Chicago Theological Seminary — DeAndreis Seminary — Meadville Theological School Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago — Northern Baptist Theological Seminary The Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 1973 •0* Cluster Librarians FROM: Office of CCTS Library Coordinator - Al Hurd SUBJECT: CCTS Librarians meeting; Friday, September 28, 1973, at LSTC (Jesuit School of Theology is the host) beginning with lunch at the LSTC cafeteria. The Cluster will host the librarians for lunch. We will probably have a special area or tables in the LSTC cafeteria where we can share lunch together. After lunch we will hold our meeting in the second floor Con­ ference room near the LSTC library. I am afraid that we have lost sight of many plans over the long summer months so I would like to spend time at this meeting reviewing where we are and what we will be doing during academic year 73/74. One futher request: Please bring any cards you have accumulated for the CCTS Union Catalog and Acquisitions list. PROPOSED AGENDA: 1. Approval of June 12, 1973 minutes 1.1 Announcements of personnel or policy changes in libraries, if any 2. Autumn quarter courier service: schedule 2.1 Accountability for this system 3. Periodical use survey - Review 4. Joint Acquisitions - Proposals 4.1 Able Co. - Joel Lundeen 4.2 Baker Taylor 4.3 0. Hanassowitz Standing Order 5. Other Business to review 5.1 Myron Gohmon on binding equipment and cost 5.2 Committee on Definition for Cataloging and Acquisitions 5.3 Audio-Visual programs and Equipment 5.4 Anything else you have Bellarmine School of Theology — Bethany Theological Seminary — Catholic Theological Union Chicago Theological Seminary — DeAndreis Seminary — Meadville Theological School Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago — Northern Baptist Theological Seminary The Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools MEMORANDUM DATE: October 5, 1973 TO: CCTS Librarians FROM: Al Hurd, Library Coordinator SUBJECT: Policy on xeroxing articles for other schools, 1973-74. The CCTS libraries agree to xerox materials within reasonable request and fair use practice for other CCTS libraries on a non-cost basis. This does not prohibit each CCTS library from following its own guidelines and policies in regard to their own faculty and students. If at any time this policy becomes disagreeable to one or more of the parties it can be reopened for discussion. Bellarmine School of Theology — Bethany Theological Seminary — Catholic Theological Union Chicago Theological Seminary — DeAndreis Seminary — Meadville Theological School Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago — Northern Baptist Theological Seminary The Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3, 1973 TO: CCTS Libraries FROM: Al Hurd, Library Coordinator SUBJECT: Fall Courier for Hyde Park; Cost Analysis forms for Courier System 1. Courier Responsibilities The following CCTS Libraries in Hyde Park have accepted responsibility for the Courier for Fall Quarter: Monday - ICT Tuesday - ICTU Wednesday - ICLT Thursday - NO COURIER Friday - ICJST (Formerly Bellarmine) Please try to run the courier between 3 and 4 p.m. Please note further: ICLT/ICJST are having trouble with their teletype machine. They will put requests on the teletype and receive requests (on a temporary basis) between 1 and 2 p.m. The courier to Oak Brook and DeAndreis will be announced very soon via a teletype message. 2. COURIER FORMS: How to fill in— We have revised the courier cost analysis forms for fall quarter 1973. Please note that each school is represented in a "from-to (destination)" matrix. Have your courier fill in the date each time he/she does the courier. As he/she goes to each library they are to fill in under the appropriate matrix how many parcels, etc., say ICT is sending to ICJST or vice versa. Save these forms from each week and turn them over to the library coordinator at the end of the quarter. If you have questions about filling in the form contact my office. We are attaching a sample filled in form for your benefit. Thank you for helping with this study. Bellarmine School of Theology — Bethany Theological Seminary — Catholic Theological Union Chicago Theological Seminary — DeAndreis Seminary — Meadville Theological School Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago — Northern Baptist Theological Seminary The Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools MEMORANDUM DATE: October 5, 1973 TO: CCTS Librarians FROM: Al Hurd, Library Coordinator SUBJECT: Cluster Librarians Meeting 1973-74, § Acquisions Meeting 1973-74 Date For Cluster Librarians Meetings: October 22, 1973, 9:30, Northern Baptist Seminary November 15, 1973 (Thursday) December 14, 1973 (Friday) January 15, 1974 (Tuesday) February 15, 1974 (Friday) March 15, 1974 (Friday) April 15, 1974 (Monday) May 15, 1974 (Wednesday) June 15, 1973 (Friday) Dates of Acquisitions Meetings: 1973: October 22 November 5, 19 December 3, 17 1974: January 7, 21 February 4, 18 March 4, 18 April 1, 15, 29 May 13, 27 June 10 Bellarmine School of Theology — Bethany Theological Seminary — Catholic Theological Union Chicago Theological Seminary — DeAndreis Seminary — Meadville Theological School Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago — Northern Baptist Theological Seminary The Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools Date: October 5, 1972 To: CCTS Librarians From: Al Hurd, Library Coordinator RE: Library Budget Analysis 1973-74 It is time to update our records on each CCTS Library's Budget for the current fiscal year. Please fill in the amounts for the budget categories provided below. If you need assistance please contact your business manager. You will note that some new categories have been added while others have been altered from previous years. These changes reflect our attempt to get at the different ways the seminaries handle internal accounting procedures. Months covered by your Schools fiscal year Full time Equivelent Number of Students Wages and Salaries .... Contributed Services,...... Fringe Benefits... Supplies & Postage. Books. •••••• • ••••, Periodicals * •••••••••• • •... Binding. ••••••• Microform/Microfilm .., Tapes/Phonodiscs ••••. Audio Visual.. • ... Telephone & Teletype. Special assessments Library Institutional Memberships.........,,.....,.,.... Professional Allowences Total Library Budget Total Seminary Budget (less Auxiliary Enterprises and Student Aid) Please return these sheets to my office at LSTC by Nov. 1, 1973. Thank you for your cooperation in the gathering of this data. Bellarmine School of Theology - Bethany Theological Seminary - Catholic Theological Union Chicago Theological Seminary - DeAndreis Seminary - Meadville Theological School Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago - Northern Baptist Theological Seminary OFFICE OF THE COORDINATOR 1100 EAST 55TH STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60615 <* TELEPHONE 312 667-3500 r)r-,ri sr-rt' a *..--—.i- . fT >-~.r-rf f? • fi rf~' 3 If 0 " „•' fi-TJ A ' •*" — .-.-J,^:. ;-. ...rrt •'. I'- .. e-V-S -.r-",«S.S /-"»' ',"- 5 't-rt1- rrtS.-—X ' O^Ts. fTrtf^t (;"~S H";-. J <*. • -. ,«"_; " 'VI -»"*•> .-T^ 5" OS s ?' r * - ^ -*S (-. ^ " p- '• ^ !j K ' •••-. .: . y . ' t' ~j S'^ ji -,'-,' f,- „ -^. i_ it i w> V_-'£ faa\^*i . - •, *'»Jr s^w-fa i^»0 4 \j*> I W'{; 2 h i. ^ k^ s. r^Jy:'*Jf} *'r^* *" * " iL_«*'"B^a SW4-/&0 October 30, 1973 Mr. Stanley McElderry Director of the University Library The Joseph Regenstein Library University of Chicago Chicago, IL 60637 Dear Mr. McElderry: Nearly a month ago I was contacted by the 'Regenstein Interlibrary Loan Department in regard to existing interlibrary loan policies between Regen­ stein and the Chicago Theological Seminary. The phone conversation I had with your staff person, Ms. Jan Sheffner, was most useful in terms of re­ viewing with her past and present loan policies between our two institutions A mutual concern we both shared was how the exchange of books requested on interlibrary loan by Regenstein might be more expeditiously exchanged other than the iisna] mail ?nd fBcultv exchange services. First let me express my understanding of the current policies and practices between the University of Chicago's Regenstein Library and the Chicago Theological Seminary in regard to student, staff and faculty use and privileges. Then suggest how interlibrary loan service between Regen­ stein and the Chicago Theological Seminary could be improved. In my capacity as Library Coordinator for the Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools, I would like to raise the same issue of University of Chicago faculty, staff, and student use of the library resources of the Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools. Finally, I would like to raise the issue of
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