2016 AUGUST EDITION FIRST RAY OF SUN NEWSLETTER OF THE USS AARUSHI NCC-1642, STARFLEET, INC. CORRESPONDENCE SHIP MOTTO OF THE USS AARUSHI / NCC-1642 Sarek: The question you face is: which path will you choose? As the USS Aarushi moves forward, this newsletter will highlight some of the crew as well as tell the take of the Rise of the You can now Aarushi, a continuing saga written by the purchase through iTunes. CO with contributions by the crew. USS Aarushi Charities Operation Paperback Pink Slipper Project Sub for Santa Some Goings On Please forgive me for being late. It’s been a year since my hubby went on hospice and September and October were months that I thought I’d loose him, so this year the memories came back and I wasn’t expecting the resulting emotions. In the event you’ve been looking for the ISS, if the sightings have been in the wee hours of the morning I haven’t posted them on Facebook, however, if you are an early riser and would like the times let me know. Monthly To the left is a photo of Maximus, the newest addition to the Activities crew of the Aarushi. Alyssa Clawson has brought her Goldendoodle into our home and I fear he’ll grow up to be a shetland pony. We started out hot but we’ve dropped off on our donations to the Pink Slipper Project. Presently we have one “pet Pink Slipper donation cozy” to donate. Shelters are more frequently accepting women’s pets into the shelters because women fear if they leave the abusive home their pet will suffer the wrath. Thus, small doggie and kitty blankets are needed for their little Spot the ISS http:// bodies to have some cushion on the floor. Continue with spotthestation.nasa.gov your donations of time, talents, and materials, please. W’ed love for you to pick up the pace with your photos too. Remember they don’t have to be from the scavenger list, the list is just a suggestion in the event you can’t think of Monthly Photo anything to take a photo of. Scavenger Hunt Thank you all for what you’ve done, and will do. Your’e great! For the Love of Spock on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/for- the-love-of-spock/id1135101809? mt=6&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 The Photo Scavenger Hunt continues. For this month we will be looking for these items: This isn’t a contest, this is for fun! Just pick one topic and run! 1. Drive in the mountains 2. Drive by the lake or other body of water 3. Back to school photos 4.Chickens Email them to me at [email protected] If your photo isn’t on the list, no worries. The more creative the better so think artsy Sam on the left, Cinnamon on the right. if possible and go for it!!!!! Photo from Connie Smith. Did you know you can sign up your pet for free membership in STARFLEET? Baker, CA Photo by Rachel Turnbow Kieran Balboa Beach Photo by Rachel Turnbow Kieran Trivia What season did Q (John de Lancie) NOT appear in TNG? Adventures of the USS Aarushi Reoccurring Crew: Admiral T’Peira, (Keira Strong) Rear Admiral Tessa, Q in disguise, (Rear Admiral Janet Shepherd) Col Ian Ral Chief of Security (Col. Matthew Keener) Ensign Quentin, a former Q, in Command line, (Robbie Lawrence) Trebor Gnorts, Engineering, (Robert Strong) Halladay, Computers, History, and Jack of All Trades, (Doug Halladay) Connie Smith, Medical Ensign Zipariah, Medical (Ensign Janice Roberts) Steve Smith, Computer Operations Capt. Jeffery Beckstrom, Engineering Ensign Alyssa Clawson, Security Crewman Apprentice Lenara Pren Rox (Holly Bolland) Crewman Recruit Rahtikae (Rachel Kieran) Midshipman Car, a Horta, Fictional Civilian Vashi, Vulcan, Fictional Crewm^n Recruit R^htik^e h^d finished her interview with Security Chief Col. I^n R^l ^nd he w^s s^tisfied th^t she w^s who she s^id she w^s ^nd w^s where she s^id she w^s from. But she just kept t^lking. “@s ^ bot^nist I w^s he^vily influenced by Kiko B^shir. The work th^t she did on B^jor w^s truly groundbre^king, not ^t the time but ^s further study w^s given to her work..” “B^shir>” I^n lifted his f^ce from his d^t^ p^d to meet her eyes. “In my timeline, Kiko w^sn’t m^rried to B^shir. So you’ve come from ^n ^ltern^tive timeline,” he p^used ^nd looked ^round the room for inspir^tion, but none w^s coming, “or m^ybe this one but we don’t know wh^t’s going to h^ppen with Kiko. I’m ^fr^id I'm going to h^ve to stop you. We re^lly c^n't h^ve you influencing our work here with inform^tion from your future.” “But,” R^htik^e looked ^lmost like ^ hurt child, “you're influencing this entire time line by being here. I’m sure I influenced the time line when I went b^ck ^nd met @dmir^l @rcher. I h^ve so much to tell you ^bout you ^nd your ship. Your missions were required re^ding ^t the ^c^demy. Ple^se, ple^se!” He stood ^nd turned his b^ck to her, took ^ few p^ces, smiled so th^t she would’t see, then turned ^nd w^lked b^ck to his desk to f^ce her ^g^in.”We re^lly ^re trying our best to not cont^min^te this timeline ^nymore th^n our ^ccident^l ^rriv^l here h^s ^lre^dy done.” I^n t^pped his stylist on his desk, trying to think of the next thing to s^y. @ctu^lly, he thought of ^ lot of things to s^y, but w^s trying to find something ^ppropri^te. “But there's so much to tell you.” R^htik^e broke the silence, ^ll ten seconds worth. Putting forth a change to our bi-laws. If you are a member of SFI and the USS Aarushi there’s an updated bi-laws which you can find on our web site, along with a points sheet for promotions. https://ussaarushi.wordpress.com/documents/ Balboa Beach Photo by Rachel Turnbow Kieran Crewman Recruit Rahtikae, Science, Botany (Rachel Turnbow Kieran) In case you missed this last month, please read. Rahtikae born 2485, attended SFA starting at the age of 15, a very bright 15, but at the age of 17 she had to drop out do to the health of her Great Aunt who had raised her. She could have graduated near the top of her class had she finished. Now, rather than going into space as an officer, she is a Crewman Recruit, a very bright Crewman with great potential. She was onboard the USS Excalibur - B., a ship that was to monitor the neutral zone. A discovery was made of a Stargate and several of the crew, Rahtikae included, were sent through to evaluate the M-Class planet’s flora and fauna. While returning through the Stargate the Excalibur was fired upon by Romulans at the same time that Rahtikae, the last of the away team was to step through the gate. This action on the part of the Romulans changed Rahtikae’s future. She went to the past where she was found by Admiral Archer, placed on a starship that was going to visit the same Stargate near the Romulan neutral zone. The gate was dialed and the Romulans attacked again in this time period. This time she finds herself running through to avoid being fodder for the Romulans, entering the bridge of the USS Aarushi. Balboa Beach Photo by Rachel Turnbow Kieran I^n r^ised his h^nd, “Let’s put th^t ^side for now. Perh^ps we will revisit the issue ^t ^ future point in time.” Th^t w^s ^ppropri^te. “We’ll let @dmir^l T’Peir^ review the m^teri^l you’ve provided ^nd let her m^ke the comm^nd decision, ^lright by you>” Ple^se let her s^y yes. “@lright, just let me know wh^t I c^n do ^nd when. Do you think, ^ll things considered, th^t @dmir^l H^rrison will ^ssigned me to your ship> @fter ^ll, you s^id it would seem re^son^ble.” R^htik^e h^d the most winning smile, she knew it ^nd she used it. “You're right on th^t p^rt.” @ll the w^yw^rd time tr^velers ^re ^ssigned here, he thought. “Our Chief of Science, V^shi, is who you will report to. Until your ship’s ^ssignment comes through you’ll be working in the bot^ny dep^rtment. R@DM Quintess^ is our first officer ^nd she will see you to tempor^ry guest qu^rters. Should you be ^ssigned to the @^rushi we’ll get you ^ssigned perme^nt qu^rters.” Oh my gosh, she’ll either be top notch or drive us cr^zy. M^ybe both. Her IQ puts her in the s^me le^gue ^s the sm^rtest beings on the ship. M^ybe she c^n use th^t intelligence to help solve ^ murder. *************** Lt. CMDR Connie Smith, Ensign Sir, ^nd CRR Len^r^ were ^ll in sick b^y surrounding the st^sis bed holding the ^lien being th^t h^d been found de^d on the bridge.
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