Page 3 KALENDAR April 2, l<»76 KALENDAR PUBLICATIONS, INC. Box 6S7 San Francisco, Ca. 94101 _______________________ ^ 6 - 0 6 5 6 VOLUME FIVE Issue 06, April 2, W76 NEXT ISSUE FRIDAY DEADLINE Mo n d a y seem to have a bounce in their step breakfast. Then all Hell breaks loose and a fixed smile as though everything until 4:00 when a lovely buffet «rill be is Just alright. And there’s nothing spread out for all to enjoy. The party wrong with being on that kind of high. lasts all day and nite long with some special surprises thrown in Just to keep THOUGHTS AT RANDOM: you hard and happy, So, Join us^ won't you. I've made an interesting observation from Damron's new "Address Book" I * It's a ged-damn riot to wotk with Te­ that just came out. If it weren't for quila Avila and Jimmie (the Homey Greyhound and Trailways in these Uni­ Owl) Cook, and to be beautifully sup­ ted States^ some tomu, cities and ported by Cadillac Chuck, the real states wouldn't have anything gay. Al­ honest to goodness Mike Keeler, Phil­ so notice that Holiday Inns are picking lip, Tom , Ed, Crazy Gracie, and a up much popularity for the gay travel­ host of others who are real dear and de­ ing salesman and representatives that lightful people. All Right! I! !!! toavel throughout tire country. The bar in a Holiday Inn, late at nite, in many cities and towns is the only place a r o u n d TOWN; MY BACKYARD 9 where gay monkey business can be con> Bon Voyage to Richard Dickerson and ducted. It's also interesting to note Ed Buttram of the Folsom Rrison who f Í how much the gay rendezvous points are pn their way to the Cairlbean for a across the U. S. A, have grown. I guess lovely vacation. Congratulations to it was two years ago riiat North Dakota that $13, 000 winner on the Febe's/ smd South Dakota weren't even listed Ramrod bus that Just returned from a because there wasn't a gay blade in Reno holiday. Hello to Fell Manor, I^.N *' those two states. Hocray for the Dako­ tas in this new issue. how are you all??? The (Ho-Hum) Community Awards will be held April I find mwelf "back in the saddle again* 19th at the S. I. R. Center, but It'll H*Ppy Birthday, Mecca, and Howdy, planned, some of which F ll tell you at the BUY CLUB on O'FatreU Street, cort you five bucks to get in. The Everybody. Look* like Spring 1$ here later on. Income tax rebates are com­ serving your favorite concoction and "Lion Pub" on Dhrisadero at Sacramen­ and it's about tim el Beginning to see ing in while others are still sweating it brew on Saturday and Sunday days and to is still sizzling hot. Kelley doesn't more outdoor fun and games. Castro out. (Which reminds me of that very Mcstday and Tuesday evenings. Drop recognize me without my hat and thatb Street is blaring and Polk Gulch is timely bumper sticker that resuls: "Au­ by and say hello. It's a fun bar a hoot.. Hello, Kelley! Heiul Leleu spariding. South of Market is hum­ dit the L R. S. " . which ain't a bad with some very nice people, and it's is playing "Dealer's Choice" at the ming arid the Tenderloin is cooking. idea). Golden Gate Park is in bloom good to be ba<^ with Bill McWilliams Ramrod, every Monday nite after Everything In between is Jumping, man, and the California Poppy is blooming and brother John. Might just as well "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. " Jungsingl Easter is almost here and in the hills and along some of the high­ plug our Easter Party on Easter Day.' Check it out.. sounds fun and you some outrageous events are being ways drat lead in and out of town. can win yourself a IWe c a ^ too...., Spring is such a happy time. People The festivities are scheduled to begin at 6:00 A. M. wltii a Continental (Continued on Page 8) TANE THE PRESSURE OFF. Weekdays — lockers $2, rooms $4 SPORTS BY MARK BROWN Weekends — SOFTBALL SEASON BEGINS! After many monthi of preparation and Treasurer Keith Kinuey. And thanks lockers $3, rooms $5 planning, the Community Softoall to all the team managers for all your League will ofncially open its season efforts in making :^ a t looks like is Suii^y, April Uth, M th the kick-off going to be the best sesison ever. Let's game at Hayward Field between the get out there and back your favorite HAWAIIAN HUT and TOAD HALL. team! |AFHJCàTI<3NS BED» IUŒN FQH MEMBERSHIP TK THE Game time is set for 1 P. M ., and will be preceded by a gala opening day SACRAMBlTO CREAM PIE ceremony. Following the game a psi^ Last Sunday the SILVER SAGE team ty will be held at UNCLE WM'S (cor­ bussed it to Saciemento to play a ner Laikin G Ellis), with a donation of practice double-header with the HA- $1 which will go toward defraying y/AUKi HUT. The team was re­ League expenses. From 3 to 7 P. M. ■it*:: ceived royally by its most gracious there will be door prizes and surprises. hosts, and it looked like the entire m Let's see everyone there after the city of Saciemento turned out in the game! Two weeks later the full grandstand. A more enjoyable day league swings into action playing Sat­ could not have been ha^ what wldi urday games at Hay^rd Field and the beautiful weather, enthusiastic SO FTB âll. IKftM Sun<»y games at Balboa Field. Look fans, and a great game. Later the » iV .á É - for the Softball Guide which will soon visitors were treated to a sumptuous be available free at bars and business­ bufifet at the HAWAIIAN HUT and, as Fl^OAriA^G FAN CLUB es. This proves to be a very exciting is tradition with the Hut, yours truly season, with 15 teams in the League, was creamed (with pie, that is) in die MONDAY H T B CLOB BiMBLIlfQS 9 of which are newcomers. There are kisser for having the winning team. A four ixm-bar teams, the SILVER SAGE tip of the hsU to Vic and MUce; I love PEfiSOttlJZED BUriUB (sponsored by a toiletries firm), DINO'S you both. licpUOR (naturally a li(por store), JE ^'S GYM (vrith a ll those hunky BOWLING NOTES FSHNiVIS bodies), and die M. C. C. (Metropoli­ The TAVERN GUILD L ^ U E 'S sum­ tan Community Church). There are mer bowling season was kicked off last BODT HDOCBOn T -S B E B S two out-of-town teams, the HAWAI­ Wednesday night. The league hat IAN HUT of Saciemento and NOAH'S been at PARK BOWL since its origin. ARK of Foiestville (Russian River I compliment them for staying. The nos siurKH sacs ohobb The ßdths for the Mail it\ You. area). The other three new in-town Monday Night COMMUNITY LEAGUE teams are the GANGWAY, RAINBOW hat chosen to move this summer to CATTLE CO., and the AMBUSH. the new JAPAN LANES. That league FBAT— T7ATiqi, SFOBSMiHSHIP, Teams back from last year ate the will start Monday May 3rd. (HHBBAL HUHB3S k IKTVOBüTI hom bre: m in t , round- up, s u t - TERS MILL, TOAD HALL, and of To qiortsfans everywhere, the best 2107-4th Street, Berkeley, Ca. 845-8992 course last year's champion, THE PQ4DULUM. Congratulatitw to the MARK League officers: Commissioner Ken (XEAOBB o r THB PBIZRB D0Q8) Angrum, Assistant Commissioner Cary McDonald, Secretary Duke Joyce, ________ 6 TO 7 M "'The Reel News" Continued from Page 4) I don't want to be too harsh on a film some tepid roles to play. Goldie Hawn, that catches some fine moments. Mat­ who gets better with every role, has thau Is a real trouper. In his last film no need to do Liza Mlnelll imitations he had to play to the near vegetable, in the likes of an opening scene that is Oscar winning George Burns. Now, he pure nonsense. Segal and Hawn's best has to play to a team of midgets and a moment is not oi the screen but rather spoiled Hollywood offgiring, and he their plugging the film at the Academy pulls it off. The need to use shots from Awards. If you saw them, then you the back of Tatum's head during im­ know this is not saying very much.' portant dialogue only indicated Rit­ "VINCENT, FRANCOIS, PAUL, ET chie could not get what he needed from LES AUTMS" Ms expensive actress. Matthau and tiie boys, sometimes acting stiff and The rest of the cast is poor to adequate | staged, do come through and reach the When the NYC touring cast of Stephen and their energy never comes thru this Of passing interest is the Jean Cocteau playoffs with »m e identifiable mo­ Sondheim's smash musical COMPANY sophisticated materia L But if you'rq 1974 prize winner, "Vincent, Francois, ments of Americana in Pizza Huts and came to SF, every show bit trouper into c o m pa n y , have seen it before, Paul, and the Other. " If is a film cleaning swimming ptools. descended upon the Curran Theatre to STEPPING OUT and are solid show biz folk who can from France starring some of the coun­ see this new musical landmatir.
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