Some Biological Aspects and Molecular Variations in Frigate Tuna, Auxis Thazard of the Coastal Waters Around Sri Lanka †

Some Biological Aspects and Molecular Variations in Frigate Tuna, Auxis Thazard of the Coastal Waters Around Sri Lanka †

-1DWQ6FL)RXQGDWLRQ6UL/DQND DOI: RESEARCH ARTICLE Some biological aspects and molecular variations in frigate tuna, Auxis thazard of the coastal waters around Sri Lanka † D.R. Herath 1,3, H.A.C.C. Perera 2 and G.H.C.M. Hettiarachchi 3* 0DULQH%LRORJLFDO5HVRXUFHV'LYLVLRQ1DWLRQDO$TXDWLF5HVRXUFHV5HVHDUFKDQG'HYHORSPHQW$JHQF\&RORPER 'HSDUWPHQWRI=RRORJ\DQG(QYLURQPHQWDO0DQDJHPHQW8QLYHUVLW\RI.HODQL\D.HODQL\D 'HSDUWPHQWRI&KHPLVWU\)DFXOW\RI6FLHQFH8QLYHUVLW\RI&RORPER&RORPER Submitted: 29 August 2018; Revised: 25 March 2019; Accepted: 24 May 2019 Abstract: (frigate tuna), is a commercially $X[LV WKD]DUG INTRODUCTION LPSRUWDQW ¿VK VSHFLHV LQ 6UL /DQND $OWKRXJK 6UL /DQND LV fortunate to have a large resource of tuna, little information is available on the biology, genetics and stock structure of $X[LV WKD]DUG (frigate tuna), also called $ODJRGXZD $WKD]DUG . Hence, the present study was conducted to study the in the local market, is a very important neritic tuna biology, genetics and stock structure of $WKD]DUG in coastal species in Sri Lanka. There are three species of neritic ZDWHUVDURXQG6UL/DQND7KH¿VKVDPSOHVZHUHFROOHFWHGIURP tuna, (XWK\QQXV D৽QLV (kawakawa), $X[LV WKD]DUG October 2015 to September 2017 from day-boats operating in (frigate tuna) and $X[LVURFKHL (bullet tuna), commonly WKH:HVWHUQ1RUWK:HVWHUQ(DVWHUQDQG6RXWKHUQ3URYLQFHV occurring in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka. The neritic of Sri Lanka. For this period, the length-weight relationship tunas constitute approximately 13 % of the total tuna and Fulton’s condition factor (K) calculated for $ WKD]DUG production of the country (Bandaranayake & Maldeniya, using standard length measured in centimetres and weight 2012). In 2015, $WKD]DUG has contributed 38 % while measured in grams were shown as = 0.1091 3.3385 and 1.93, : / and have contributed 39 % and 23 %, respectively, indicating a relatively healthy growth pattern and $URFKHL (D৽QLV a comparatively unpolluted habitat. Studies on the stomach respectively to the total neritic tuna catch of Sri Lanka contents revealed that $WKD]DUG are non-selective carnivors, (Rathnasuriya et al. , 2017). A higher percentage of neritic IHHGLQJRQGLYHUVHDQLPDOSUH\LWHPVVXFKDVVPDOO¿VKVSHFLHV tuna production has been recorded from the Southern and shrimps and cephalopods available in the surrounding waters. 6RXWKHDVWHUQSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\ 3HUHUD et al ., 2014). It The fecundity of female $WKD]DUG was shown to be 48,056 has been reported that in the recent past, Sri Lanka, India, to 267,000 eggs. The calculated GSI values showed that the Indonesia and Iran together have accounted for 90 % of peak spawning period for male $WKD]DUG extends from May to $WKD]DUG catch of the world (IOTC, 2014). Frequently, August and for the females from May to July. The phylogenetic $WKD]DUG LVPLVLGHQWL¿HGDV $URFKHL and the catch is analysis of the mitochondrial D-loop region sequences of 75 reported as a combination of these two species. Neritic selected samples representing all the geographical regions tunas are caught by a variety of gear types, such as VWXGLHGVKRZHGWKDWWKH¿VKRIGL൵HUHQWUHJLRQVDUHFOXVWHULQJ gillnets, handline and troll-line in the coastal waters WRJHWKHU +HQFH IRU ¿VKHULHV PDQDJHPHQW VWUDWHJLHV around the country (IOTC, 2016). $WKD]DUG found in the coastal waters of the Western, North :HVWHUQ(DVWHUQDQG6RXWKHUQ3URYLQFHVRI6UL/DQNDFRXOG be considered as a single stock. However, there is very limited information available on the biology and stock structure of $WKD]DUG of the Keywords: $X[LVWKD]DUG , feeding, frigate tuna, growth, stock Indian Ocean (IOTC, 2016). The biology, genetics LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQG ¿VKHU\ RI $ WKD]DUG have been studied in India * Corresponding author ([email protected] ; † $PDMRUSDUWRIWKLVUHVHDUFKZDVSUHVHQWHGDQGSXEOLVKHGLQ3URFHHGLQJVRIWKH6RXWK$VLDQ%LRWHFKQRORJ\&RQIHUHQFH This article is published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-ND License ( This license permits use, distribution and reproduction, commercial and non-commercial, provided that the original work is properly cited and is not changed in anyway. 0(7+2'2/2*< '5+HUDWKHWDO 6DPSOHFROOHFWLRQ (Ghosh et al. , 2012; Kumar et al ., 2012a) and Indonesia where, : LV WKH ERG\ ZHLJKW RI WKH ¿VK LQ J / is the (Noegroho et al ., 2013; Hamidi et al ., 2018). In addition, standard length in cm, a is the regression intercept and b Johnson et al . (2015) have carried out biological and LVWKHUHJUHVVLRQFRH൶FLHQWRUVORSHRIDSORWRIORJ: vs genetic studies on $ WKD]DUG and stated that a single log L (Froese, 2006). stock of $WKD]DUG exists throughout the Northern waters RI 7DQ]DQLD 3RSXODWLRQ JHQHWLF VWUXFWXUHV RI GL൵HUHQW Fulton’s condition factor (K) was estimated from the ௕ tuna species have been studied using various molecular followingܹ ൌ ܽܮ relationship: markers. Kunal et al . (2013) have used the mitochondrial COI region to study the variations in 7KXQQXVDOEDFDUHV ...(2) \HOORZ¿Q WXQD LQ ,QGLDQ ZDWHUV DQG PLWRFKRQGULDO ଷ ܭ ൌ ͳͲͲܹȀܮ D-loop sequencing has been the choice of marker for the where, / is the standard length in cm and : is the weight VWXG\RIORQJWDLOWXQDLQWKH,QGR3DFL¿FEDVLQ :LOOHWWH in g (Sarkar et al ., 2013). et al ., 2015) and for the study of variations in Auxis species ሺሻ in the South China and Java Seas (Habib & Sulaiman, ሺ ሻ ൌ ൈ ͳͲͲ 7KHSK\ORJHQHWLFUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ¿YHWXQD ሺሻ species has been analysed using the mitochondrial D-loop sequences (Kumar et al ., 2014), and the genetic stocks of skipjack tuna in the Northwestern Indian Ocean have been studied using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites (Dammannagoda et al. , 2011). Although a few biological studies have been carried out in Sri Lanka on $ WKD]DUG , genetic studies have not yet been carried out. Hence, studying the biology, reproduction and genetic stock structure of $WKD]DUG is very important as this information can be compared with the information available for the region to manage the VWRFNVRIWKLVYDOXDEOHFRPPHUFLDO¿VKHU\UHVRXUFH METHODOLOGY Sample collection A total of 405 $ WKD]DUG ¿VK VDPSOHV ZHUH FROOHFWHG from the coastal areas of Chilaw and Kalpitiya in the 1RUWKZHVWHUQ3URYLQFH1HJRPERDQG%HUXZHODLQWKH :HVWHUQ 3URYLQFH 'RGDQGXZD *DOOH :HOLJDPD DQG 0LULVVD LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ 3URYLQFH DQG 7ULQFRPDOHH LQ WKH(DVWHUQ3URYLQFHRI6UL/DQND )LJXUH 6DPSOLQJ )LJXUH0DSRI6UL/DQNDVKRZLQJWKHVDPSOLQJORFDWLRQVFigure 1: Map of Sri Lanka showing the sampling was carried out from October 2015 to September 2017 locations from day-boats, which had gone to sea in the evening and returned the next day morning. Feeding and spawning of A. thazard Morphological and biological analysis of A. thazard The $ WKD]DUG ¿VK VDPSOHV ZHUH GLVVHFWHG DQG WKH Biological analysis was carried out for the 405 $WKD]DUG stomachs were weighed to the nearest 0.1 g. The ¿VK VDPSOHV WKDW ZHUH FROOHFWHG IURP DOO VDPSOLQJ stomachs were then cut open and according to the locations. Weight to the nearest 0.1 g and standard length stomach fullness observed visually, it was categorised 6/ WRWKHQHDUHVWFPRIWKH¿VKZHUHUHFRUGHG7KH into 5 classes: full, three fourths (3/4) full, half (1/2) full, relationship between standard length and weight of the one fourth (1/4) full and empty. The prey items were VDPSOHG¿VKZDVHYDOXDWHGXVLQJWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHSDUDWHG WR LGHQWLI\ WKH GL൵HUHQW FDWHJRULHV RI IRRG LWHPV ¿VKFUXVWDFHDQVFHSKDORSRGVHWF WKDWFRXOGEH ...(1) found within the stomach cavities. The weight of each ௕ ܹ ൌ ܽܮ September 2019 Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 47(3) ଷ ܭ ൌ ͳͲͲܹȀܮ ሺሻ ሺ ሻ ൌ ൈ ͳͲͲ ሺሻ %LRORJ\DQGJHQHWLFVRI$X[LVWKD]DUGRI6UL/DQND category of prey item was recorded to the nearest 0.1 g samples according to the following equation (Adebiyi, (Hyslop, 1980). The gonads were analysed to determine 2013): WKHVH[RIHDFK¿VKDQGWKHPDWXULW\VWDJHZDVGHWHUPLQHG XVLQJDPDWXULW\VFDOH PRGL¿HGIURP+ROGHQ 5DLWW 1974) given in Table 1. The weight of the gonads and ሺሻ ሺ ሻ ൌ ൈ ͳͲͲ maturity stages were recorded. Fecundity was calculated ሺሻ ...(3) by counting the number of eggs in a known quantity of preserved mature stage IV female gonads. Gonado ZKHUH6RPDWLFZHLJKWRI¿VK >WRWDOZHLJKWRI¿VK± somatic index (GSI) was calculated for male and female (gonad weight + stomach weight)] weighed in g. Table 1: 0DWXULW\VFDOHXVHGIRUWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIJRQDGDOVWDJHVRIPDOHDQGIHPDOH $WKD]DUG PRGL¿HGIURP+ROGHQ 5DLWW 1974). Female Male 6WDJH, 9HU\WKLQDQGWUDQVOXFHQWWXEHOLNH 9HU\WKLQDQGWUDQVOXFHQWHORQJDWHGDQGÀDWWHQHG (Immature) reaching less than 1/3 of the body cavity reaching less than 1/3 of the body cavity, whitish in colour 6WDJH,, 0RUHWKDQWKHERG\FDYLW\WXEHOLNH (ORQJDWHGDQGÀDWWHQHGZKLWLVKPRUHWKDQWKH (Maturing) body cavity Stage III Reaching 2/3 of the body cavity, tube-like, Reaching 2/3 of the body cavity, elongated, cream coloured (Mature/ripening) reddish in colour 6WDJH,9 5RXQGHGUHGLQFRORXUODUJHDQGIXOORIHJJV (ORQJDWHGFUHDPFRORXUHGZLWKVXSHU¿FLDOUHGEORRGYHVVHOV 5LSH ZLWKVXSHU¿FLDOEORRGYHVVHOV Stage V Reddish yellow, with remnants of eggs Whitish and shrunken (Spent) visible, shrunken A. thazard Molecular analysis of MgCl 2. Forward and reverse sequences were obtained for each sample and the consensus sequences were Tissue samples of 75 randomly selected $ WKD]DUG derived by using BioEdit version These samples collected from all the locations were used for VHTXHQFHV ZHUH XVHG WR FRQ¿UP WKH LGHQWLW\ RI WKH total genomic DNA extraction using a standard phenol ¿VK VSHFLHV XVLQJ 1&%, EODVW IDFLOLW\ $ PD[LPXP chloroform

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