THE MAIDEN NEWTON --<. ------.--/lt "-Ti \r-ir TrT + lr1 ,,1<l-t Hil Io t|-n MaidenNewton Art Group Newsfrom MaidenNewton and Valleys, part of the MelburyTeam f--*---w-t- Vn'i&,tt.rttI,:R Bil r,ut\t'lnit,ltr,tllt i (.lttrtt Sc.atchesrdenlsrqouges '"'F' Cf,rpcts & Ru!,s Rc-Lrpfrolstcry serv'Lc d, tclja.rs !#t Uplloiste' y Woo(l rofrnlshrnq Lnalher rcparrq Vrnyl & Hard Floors t rench polrshrnq StiirI Proterlroil Aotiqile restorattorl Cdour Rrnovat Frnmewori repirrs Amlico F loonnq Recanrng rr 8u:rr Re -lVcavrrq & Re - hrltrnq Hit Refresh G.K. PAGET Building& llaintenance Contractors ,{t! Ertcnsirtns"I{cnor ations. \c\\ t houscbuilds. \laintcnancc. a %"- atorr. Ltlft ( onr crsion. kq' C'clnscrr Altcrations.Rrlotrng. Kitchcn. {50pp ('arpcntrr.Plastcring. Tilinq. Two lrorrr: rrseof rltt:Titt'r n:;li Suite Painting.Patio. Landscapinu. - J0 'lrr:s ElerrtisTouch F:rci.ri (lrounci* Glrdcn of EnqlandRosc Rcs'.olt'Mttri<,ttrt ork. Fcncing. - D{.)rset Cre;rrttTe,r I,rwc: 1 .fcl. RObt. 11 t pl a:\ 01100ll l5jl Quote LVSprrng Av;ri.rbleflont Februrry - l'4ay2020 \lobilc 079;0II-1-169 FoRnu PRTUATT0RBUStl{rSS TR[UT1 MeMeeRsoF THElrustlrurs oF ADVANCEDMoroRlsrs WILLENSURE A SAFEAND COMFORTABLEJOURNEY Tel/Fax: 01305 266443 Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07467 941029 Internet: r'r'r.i1 !:i!j\{.r'.-1"'i1r{-'{;iif .i-r}r'i! THEHERALD All the eventslisted in the April edition of the Heraldare of course likelyto be cancelled.Please check where necessary. MaidenNewton Childcare Provision will be openonly for the childrenof key workers. March23 2020 Viewfrom the Vicarage It is a hackneyedsaying, but it is clearthat we livein troubled times. As I write,the Coronavirus is spreadingaround the world, and many nations in Europeand beyond arefacing severe restrictions to a wayof lifethat we takefor granted.There are and willbe economicrepercussions: yesterday share prices tumbled and the priceof oil crashed.Some of uswill be gratefulfor cheaperfuel, but the instabilityof theworld economywill affect us all. So it is easyto feelgloomy and worried about the future. We mayworry about our healthand that of relativesand friends; we maybe concernedwhether we willhave thefood and supplies we need.Some will be anxiousabout work and business in uncertaintimes. In thesecircumstances hope may appear to be in shortsupply. Sowhat should we do?Certainly we shouldrook out for the vulnerable and ensure theyreceive what they need. We mayfind that we can'tbe as busyas we normally are;and so we mayhave the opportunityto enjoythe time and space that we may notalways have. Alongsideallthese troubles we areapproaching the Easter season, which offers manyimages of newlife and hope. The Easter message is that God did something aboutour hurting world: he metthe forces of darknesson the crossas Jesusdied. And in the resurrectionof Jesusthere is the oromiseof newlife and new hope. No situationis completelyhopeless or desperatebecause Jesus rose again. "Because of the Lord'sgreat love we are not consumed,for his compassionsnever fail. They are new everymorning, great is your faithfulness"Lamentations 3.22-23 HappyEaster! Tim Greenslade Pausefor -hought 'All in theApril Evening ...' ForJohn and me the soundtrack to Aprilis providedby the sheep and lambs in the field oppositeour house.Their range is extraordinary- everything from treble to bassoprofundo. l'msure a cleversound engineer could splice thenr into a choir. Thisyear lambs have been very much on my mincl.We were planning a tripto Ghent.One of thethings we hopedto seewas an altarpiecepainted by Hubertand Jan van Eyckin the 1Stn century.In the end the trip didn't happen (that's another story) but, like a diligentcultural tourist, I haddone my homework.In the courseof thatI hadlearned a newword: polyptych. lt means 'a painting,typically an altarpiece,consisting of morethan three leaves or panelsjoined by hingesor folds'. TheGhent altarpiece has no lessthan twelve panels, painted on bothsides. In the centreis the panelknown as the 'Adorationof the MysticLamb ' An altarstands in a landscapeof meadows andwoods, with the roofsand spires of a cityin the distance.The altar is surroundedby groups of figures:angels, saints and martyrs, pagan philosophers and Jewish prophets. On the altar standsthe Lamblt hasa woundon itsbreast from which blood pours into a goldenchalice. The Lambstares out at fromthe panelwith disconcertingly human eyes. ls thisthe NewJerusalem of Revelation,lit with celestial light? Are we lookingat 'thegreat multitudethat no mancould number' standing before the Lamband crying out in a loudvoice, 'Salvationbelongs to ourGod who is seatedon thethrone and to the Lamb'?That must surely bethe main inspiration, but behind that vision stands a wholeother'polyptych' of biblical references.Here is Johnthe Baptist,declaring 'Behold the Lambof Godwho takes away the sin of theworld.' Here are the lambsprescribed by Leviticusas offeringsin reparationfor sins. Hereare the Passoverlambs, whose blood, smeared on thedoorposts, averted the Angel of Deathas he slayedthe first born of Egypt.Here is the ramcaught in a thicket,the sacrifice providedin placeof Abraham'sson lsaac. Amongthe manyfigures on the Ghentaltarpiece are discreetly placed portraits of the merchant JoostV[dit andhis wife Lysabette, the donors of thatextraordinary work. Following their example,I am going to includea smallpicture of myselfin this'Pause'. The scene is Lyneham CountyPrimary School, circa 1960. I am standingin the choir, warbling out the song that comes backto me everyyear as I listento the pretty,silly:reatures gambolling beyond our hedge: All inthe April evening Aprilairs are abroad Thesheep with their little lambs Passedme by on the road Thesheep with their little lambs Passedme by on the road All inthe April evening I thoughton the Lamb of God. HappyEaster! Janet Danks St. Mary'sChurch (www.stmarysmaiden newton. co. uk) Servicesin April April 19th HolyCommunion (BCP) at 8.00am WorshipService 9.30am April 26th CommunionService at Cattistockat 10.00am Lotest winners: 15th Februory 1. RobinHorvey €5 2. RobinSmith €s 3. Lowrie& ClqtreGoff EZ JumbleSale Saturday,16th May at 2.00pm,Maiden Newton 22nd February VillageHall. Bring any items to the hall from 4. KristenClork €5 1.00pm.No large items, furnitureor electrical 5. Potmore goodsplease. Produce stall & raffle. Kote €s 6. LindoWilcock EZ AnnualParochial Ghurch Meeting Thursday,23rd April at 7.30pm in St Mary's 29thFebruory (Quorterly Drow) Church.All arewelcome. 1. JohnArscott €30 LunchHour 2. Gerry Craig 820 What is LunchHour? lt is the provisionof a hot, 3. AngeloCormon €15 freshlycooked two course lunch with tea or coffee heldon thethird Wednesday of eachmonth. 4. GaryFree €10 It is heldin MaidenNewton Village Hall starting at 12.15pmand is opento anvonein thecommunitv Stort of New Yeor who would like to come.There is a chargeof t3.00 towardsthe cost of the meal. lt is an opportunityfor peoplein the communityto meet 14th Morch togethersocially and enjoya cookedlunch at the I. RuthThompson sametime. We alwayswelcome newcomers, even €s if youare not able to attendevery month. 2. AnnSmith €,3 lf youwould like to comealong you would be most 3. RoyPidgeon f,z welcome.Our next meal is on 15thApril. Forfurther details contact: LindaWilcock 0'1300 321112 or PennyWykes-Sneyd 01300 320334 Thankyou Paul & LindaWilcock and familywould like to thank everyonefor their kind letters& cardsof condolencefollowing the deathof theirdaughter Carla.Your thoughts & prayershave been a great comfortto us at thisdifficult time. CoffeeHouse Heldevery Saturday morning in thechurch. 10.00-11.30am. Everyone welcome. Still a family run business,serving the Iocal comn unin, sinceI86l Grussht'-Anelren,Fooks - I'etcr (irnss6.t'-David Grusshy 8 PRINCESST, rrrr:l mr,r|'rfiIlflr DORCHESTERort trw rflffffrr TItrffiE Tef. 01305 262338 (zaH'.) MEMORIALMASONS locatedat GrassbyStonemasons DorchesterRd, Grimstone www.g rassby-funera l.co. uk I do rset physiotherapy centre 01300320957 ;all 01305757101 [email protected] ,nfo@dorsetphysiotherapycentre. com (-r-{ garle i)L:r<'l\ lrf'tllif ! artrl , iadril;rg. Lt-lnB IOB::{:ut tc} Or{irlr iJ,lle, i{:}d(l; 6r.'4ii,rUle. i r,:e l.otai Del!r,r.rv ;lir jraCc f t,, i.,r,.1, & otder: of ar|y 5rzc.l!i'triolt r,Jr:Lo!.'u INFORMATIONFROM THE TOLLERFORD PRACTICE Shouldpeople still attendtheir appointments? - Allappointments made with GPs will rrow be telephone consultations. The Doctorswill decide if youneed to comeinto the surgeryonce they have spokento you. - All routinechronic illness appointments will now be telephone appointments. Pleaseexpect a phonecall at thetime of yourappointment. - All non-urgentblood tests, blood pressure checks and other appointments are currentlybeing cancelled. - We areencouraging patients to waitto rearrangetheir cancelled appointmentswhen normal service resumes. Updates will be puton oursocial mediaand websites when we havethem. Canthey collect their prescriptions? Patientscan collect their prescriptions between: 9am-10:30am 5pm-6:30pm lf they becomeill, and theircondition worsens, who shouldthey phone? 111.In a lifethreateningsituation, call 999. Are you continuingwith non-essentialblood tests? No, not at thistime. TheTollerford Practice PoundPiece Surgery, Pound Piece, Maiden Newton, DT2 ODB I TunnelRoad Surgery,24 Tunnel Road, Beaminster. DT8 3AB Tel:01308 361800 ';$itq.l,. :t, t t .:" l:r'lit'r't'in lottg-lt't-trtt','],itiorrsltil,r ir;trt'rl ()n lr"usl. \ul)('r'i{'t' c x llr'r t .rrlrict,so rrr'ltl.tlt \'()Li.rttht'lrrarl ol t'rr't'rtltirtg Inheritance Tax Planning InvestmerrtPlanning Mortgages & Protection Pcnsionand Rctircmcnt Planning Carc l:ecsPlanning .-rrr,r,,l.lliqlti.,rr t't'r'it'u'nrt't'lirg to rlisrtrss vorrr inrlir irlrr:ilcirr'utrtrl.rn( (-: plt'att to rt,rttus {)n: 01305 266866 \YtY\t'.pou n d b u rywcalth. co. u k Your home mav be rcl)osscssedi{-r'ou rlo not keep up repavmcnts ()n I'our rnortgage. 1-'?,/f4d frlUN jtr.\ -B DI\t Wfi : \llll \l\\i\'l\rl\.1 www.burrow-environmental.com adF-fr-$w Wastewater Treatment Plant Installacionsfor Owners of SepticTanks Septic Tqnk Owner? New lawsthat applyto owners meanthat you mayneed to updateyour syscemto a wastew?tertreatment plant to stop your sepcictank pollutingche environment.
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