»Wt Mi _ CCUKKT ITUa I O maha , Nebraska, U to hare a public To the ikm Md e# «#< park seventy-two acres ia area. tnomtuw * *« yo« »y fourth Mmii A Tnravnxa mall baa bad a book­ lib With Ih.ukfulteM lo ihr Giver keeper la bar eye for some weeks. bleeaejffofthe•f ¥ f»°<t tbl, last at yeara nation, with pasce«• haw at homo j A How aw but a morsel ia fame* Lucca , aad a grn« ral prosperity, roach baa bad a mud dredge named for her. i fear people. WiU theexception A oooo man provides for bis children. or tho recent fievastattoir fit© which iwwt The Clinton Independent. A policy la tbe Washington Life ia one from <*arth, with a breath, u It were, mil way to do it » Uoaa of accumulated wealth In tho city of Boatoa, there have bcm. no overshadowing Th ■ beautiful shell work of tba West calamities within the rear to record It If India Islands ia used considerably aa gar­ gratifying w» note how. like the ir follow citi niture for ladiee' dreaaea. non* of the city of Chicago nndrr similar cir­ Wfhat do you expect to oee reflected in cumstances a year earlier, the eillscn* of Bos­ I poor inamorata's eyoet Yourself—if *bn ton are rally fo* under their misfortunes, an<! VOL,- VIL-^NO. 8. tho profited la that thuir«aeirr and {toiaerer- 6T. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1872. WHOLE NO. 320. la a good looking lass. aneo will overt omc all obstacles, and One of those rare coins, tbe Maaaacbu- the same prosperity aoon that thuy would ,M - J.-"- ■■■■■" £' . JJL ... — . 1 ■■■................................... setts Dine Tree shilling, bearing dale of hare had, had no dlaator befallen them, 4* qneotlon which hao alneo been disposed of, of the Instrument ta herewith submitted. It Washington aquedact. The affairs their light*. I recommend careful consid ­ beginning of the Administration with of tbe Commission contains a vast amount of j 1896, has been dug up at Portsmouth, OtherwUe• we"* hare been free from peatUence, f aud I have icceivcd notieefliat the Imp nol ta hoped that this may to followed by a per of the Fret-dmeu'a Bureau have eration by Congress of the recommendations regard to the management of the educational details of great Interest. The j Rhode Island. war, aad the calamities* whk h often overtake { parTtmmewt and the Legislature of tb* >*«*- •manent peace between the same parties. Indiana has been aa successful as Ita most bill now pending before Congress providing nationa, and all barn transferred to the War De- mode by the Secretary of tha Navy. Y oubo ladies who are learning to skato md, as f.»r as human Judgment can J |uclnl Government have passed law* to carry The differences which at one time threat­ iartmeut, and regulations have been put Tho accompanying report of the Ponlai* ardent friends anticipated within ao short a for the appropriation of part of the proceeds are putting more stuffing in their water­ penetrate the future, no cause iaeni to ax tba pjovialdtta of the treaty on the matters ened the maintenance of peace between Bra- nto execution for the »peedy payment of ter Gcmral furnish©* a full and satisfactory time. It baa reduced the expense of their of the sales of public lands for educational Ut to threaten our preaent poaco. Whem referred to Into operation. I therefore ail and the Argentine Republic, It I* hoped, fbounty, pay, etc., due colored soldier*, exhibit of the operation* of th* Post office managemenj, decreased their forages upoe purpose* to aid the Stales la the ganersl ed ­ falls, and making other preparations for U-ongress adjourned. In Jane leat, a qneotion recommend your early adoption of the legis­ are in the way of satis fa t tory adjustment. properly coining under that bureau. Ail Department during the year. The ordinary the white settle ment*. tended to give the ucation of their rising generation, Is a meas­ falling down on tbe ice. had boon raised by great Britain, and waa lation Hi the same direction necessary on the With those Btates, aa with the Republics of war accounts for money and property prior revenues of the department for the fl*e«l largest opportunity to tbe extension of the ure of such great importance to our real A «u*nfne poet oaks in the first line of then pending, which for a time seriously lm- part of this Governro< nt. Ccatralaod South America, we continue to to 1KT1, have been examined aud transmitted esr ending June 30, 1879, amounted to 921(- great railway* through tb© public domain, progress, and la so unanimously approved a recent effusion, "How many weary pil­ poriled the aettK ment by friendly arbitra­ Tha Joint Oommhsion for determining the maintain tha piaet friendly relation*. to the Treasury for Una! silt lenient. 15,426.37, and the expcodlturea, 699,658,- and the pushing of settlements into more by the lead tag friends of education, that I grims lict’’ We give it up, but exper­ tion of thedifference* existing between thia boundary line beta ecn the United States and It Is with regn-t, however. I an ­ During the flaval year there lias been paid J1V9 91. Compared with the previous fiscal remote district* of the country, and at the commend it to tbe favorable attention of Government and that of liar Brllaitic M* ience has taught us that there are a good tha British possession#, between the Lake of nounce that the Governor of Venrauela for transportation on railroads 91 300,000. of year, tbe increase of revenue waa SLOTS,- same time improve the condition of the In ­ Congress. Affairs In tbe Territoriea many. leaty; but the treatr of Washington had the Wood* and the Rocky Mountains, has has made no further payments on account of which 980,867 waa over the Pacific railroads; flSOVS, or 9 37 per cent , and the Increase of diana. The policy will be maintained with­ are generally satisfactory. The energy and been referred to the Tribunal of Arbitral ion ovra.ilxcd and catered upon Its work, it is 4ho award* under the Convention of the 96th for transportation by water, 9ftX>.T73 VJ, expenditure* *2,968,098 28. or V.2V per cent. out any change, excepting such aa further business capacity of the pioneers who are V ert Btrakob .—Life ia a contradic ­ which had nut at Genera, in Switzerland. desirable that the force be Increased, In or­ of April, 1866. That Republic la understood and by *Ugc, 94*.076,84, and for the pur Adding to the ordinary revenue-* the an ­ exprrience may show to be necessary to ren ­ settling up the vaat domain not yet Incorpor ­ tion: we send to our butcher for a sweet­ The arbitrator*, however, disposed of the der that the completion of the anrvry and to bo now almost, if not quite, WauquUlaed. chase of transportation animals, wagon*, nual appropriation of 9TOO.U00 far free mat­ der it more efficient. ated into states are keeping pace In Inter bread, and if we want a aweet meat we qneetton which had Jeopardized the whole the determination of the boundary line It ta hoped, thcrefose, that It wtll load no hire of teamster*, etc., etc., 9tfM,A.V).m. ter. ang the amounts paid, in subsidies on The subject of converting the so-called In ­ nal Improvements and civil government •and to our baker! of tho treaty and threatened to involve may be sooner attended to. To this end 1 time In providing for the unpaid balance of About 9910,000 have been collected from dian Territory south of Kansas into a home with the older communities. In but mail steamship )lm * from special appropria­ Footed up .— the two uatloha In moot uuhappv relatione recoma, ud that a sufficient appropriation It* debt to the United Btatea, which, having Southern railroads during the year, leaving tions, the deficiency paid out of the general for the Indiana, and erecting thereon a T« t one of them, Utah, I* the condition of Hen of business often toward each other. In a manner entirely sat­ he tuad**. originated in injuries to its citUens by about 94,000,000 atlll due. treasury was 93.31 *.766 04—an exceaa of ritorial form of government. Is one of great affairs unsatisfactory, except so far aa the complain that their gaa account runs isfactory to this Government, and in ac«*oM , With France, our earliest ally ; Russia, the VenesueUn authorities, and having been ac­ The guarterma*ter ha* examined and 9S*b,TV*. 28 over the deficiency for the year importance os a complement ef the existing quiet of the citizen may be disturbed by real away with a lot of money ; they don ’t re­ mkm with the riewe of the policy which 4 constant and steadv friend of the United knowledged MirMisst to a treaty la the transmitted to the Accounting officer for taTl. Other Interesting a til lit leal llfoitofi Indian po'.lcy. The question of removal to or imaginary danger of Indian hostilities. flect how many feet arc represented In the had maintained. The Tribunal, wfclfh had State*; Germany, with whose Gorcintscnt most solemn form known among nations, settlement |Jft7,t7V 79 of rlairas by loyal lion relating to our rapidly ex tend iog poetal tbe Territory has within the past year been It has seemed to be the policy of the Legis­ bill! convened at Geneva! n December, concluded | and people wre have so many cause*of friend ­ would seem to deserve a preference over eitixens for quartermaster's extras taken service.
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