CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 PART-X B SERIES-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH SPECIAL SURVEY REPOR T ON SELECTED TOWN DHARMSALA First Draft By: G. S. PABLA Deputy Director AND C. L. SHARMA Assistant Director Final Draft By : K. C. SURI Joint Director Editor H. S. ATWAL of The Indian Administrative Ser))ice DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERA'FIONS, HIMACHAL PRADESH CONTENTS PAG~S FOREWORD iii-iv PREFACE v-vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vii-viii LIST OF TABLES ix-xii LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES xiii-xvi Chapter I Introduction Location, Important Characteristics, Total population of the Town, Topography and Physical Environment, Tushita Retreat Centre. Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Physical Environment, Flora and Fauna, Chmate, Rainfall, Communication with other places, Morphology, Residential Pattern. 1-4 Chapter II Growth History of the Town : History and Growth of the Town, Size and Boundary, Land Utilisation Pattern, History of Immigration and Emigration. Lahd Speculation and Land Price, Impact of Topography and other factors of Growth, Population Characteristics of Town. 5-9 Cbapter m Amenities and Services-History of Growth and the Present Position : Administrative Offices, Divisional Commissioner's Office, Deputy Comm~sioner's Office, Office of the Deputy Inspector General of Police (North Zone), Superintendent of Police (General), Superintendent of Police Vi­ /gilance (North Zone). Superintendent of Police Enforcement (North Zone); Public Works Department Chief Engineer (B & R) North Zone), Superintending Engineer (IPH), Executive Engineer (Mechanica!), Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board, Forest, Horticulture Department, Public Relations, Medical aIRt- Health, Education, H.P. Board of School Education, Judicial Courts, Civil Suppply, Co-operative, Transport, Welfare, Tourism, Central Tibetan Secretariat (Gangchen' Kyishong), Municipal Committee, Water Supply; Conservancy, Power and Road Lighting, Transport and Communication. Post and Tele­ graph, Telephones, Telegraph Office, Wireless, Fire Fighting, Detailed Accounts of Important Educational Institutes: Govt. College, Govt. College for Education, J.B.T. School, Model Secondary School (Girls). Govt. Secondary School (Boys), Tibetan Children's Village, Tibetan Children Village School, Medical Institutions,FamilyWelfare Services, Private Clinics, Tibetan Medical Institute, Tibetan Delek, Hospital, Incidence of Diseases and Treatment, Diseases among Animals. 10-11 Chapter IV EcoQ()mic Life of the TOllP : Economic life of the Town, Working Force in the Sample Households, Distribution of Working Force by Sex and Broad Age-group Amongst Ethnic Groups, Employment Status of W{)rkers, Employment Depth, Unl;}mployment, Unemployment Depth, Establishments, Trade and Commerce, Important Public Offices, Industrial Establishments, Tibetan Handicraft Centre, Tibet Photo ·Service, Printing Presses, Tibetan Art and Metal Craft Training Centre. Land, Livestock and other Resources, Land Revenue and Land 'T(I)., Banking Facilities, Construction, Transport and Construction,Fairsand Markets. 22·46 Chapter V Ethnic and Sel~ted Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Population : Ethnic Composition of the Population, Nationality, Religious Composition, Religionwise population in Sample Households, Mother Tongue, Survey data returns on Mother Tongue, Scheduled CasteS/Scheduled Tribes population in the town, Distribution of Scheduled Castes by Age, Sex and Educational level, Other Castes covered undO!r the Household Sample, Houseless and Institutional Population, Disabled Population, Distribution of Population By Age, Sex, Education and Marital Status, Religion, Age at Marriage and Trend, Marriage Age Differentials Amongst various Castes/ Communities, Widow Remarri­ age, Divorce and Remarriage, Correlates of Age at Marriage, Education by Religion, Education by Schedul­ ed Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and Others, Non-Enrolment in School, Discontinuation of Study . 47-61 CbIlpter VI Migration and Settlement of Families : Migration, Households Classified by Place of Last Residence and Duration of Stay, Distributioll of House­ holds by Migration Status, Place of Birth of Head of Households and Composition by Age and Sex, Place of Last Residence as Related to Place of Birth, Place of Birth/Last Residence as Related to District/ State/ Country ; Employment Status of migrant Workers with reference to Place of last Residence, Characteris­ tics of Place of Origin of Migrants, Broad Categories of thl;} Place of Origin, Time and Reason for Migra­ tion, Characteristics of Place of Origin of Migrants; Characteristics of the Place of Successive Migration, Characteristics of the successive Migaration by Reasons, Characteristics of Successive Migration in three stages, Characteristics of places of successive Migartion at three stages by Reasons, Characteristics of Suc­ cessive Migration in Four stages by time of Migration to the referent Town, Property Owned/not Owned at the Time of Migration Arrangement for Supervision of Property, Material benefit derived from Property by Migrant Households, Disposal of Property by Migrant Households at the Place of Origin, Linkage of Migrant households at the Place of Origin, Unit of Migration, Help Received from various Sources during Migration, Problems faced during or after Migration. 62-79 Chapter vn Neighbourhood Pattern : Identification of Neighbourhood, Mcleodganj, Kotwali Bazar, Chilgari, Depot Bazar, Civil Lines Area, Cultural. Social and Religious Activities within the Neighbourhood, Cultural, Social and Religious Activi­ ties outside the Neighbourhood, Dal Mela, Purchase ot' Commodities Inside and Outside the Neighbour­ hood; Educational, Medical and Recreational Facilities Inside and Outside the Neighbourhat>d, Mcleod­ ganj-Cultural, Social and Religious Activities Within the Neighourhood, Cultural, Social and Religious Activities Outside the Neighbourhood, Purchase of Commodities inside and outside the neighbourho09. Educational, Medical and Recreational Facilities Inside and Outside the Nei~bourh~d _ - - 80-83 (i) Cbapter vm Family Life In the Town : Households by Number of Members, Composition by Sex and Age, Nature of Relation of members to the Head of the Household, Households by Nature of Relationshipof Head of Household, Typeof Households, Types of Families amongst important Caste/Communities. Members Staying Outside with Nature of Link with the Household, Composition of Families by Country, State, Religion and Caste, Particulars of Family Members Staying Outside by Age and Relation to Head of Household. Persons Staying Outside by Occupation of Head of Household and Nature of Relationship with Head of Household, Particulars of Households Staying Outside. 84-90 Chapter.IX Housing and Material Culture Details of Census Houses, Households, Population and Persons per Household, Relation of Selected House· holds with Adjoining Households in Space by Locality, Predominant Construction Material of House, Material of Floor, Wall Material, Material of Roof, Material of Ceiling, Households classified by number of Members, Number·ofRooms Occupied by'Locality, Househbld classitiell by numbet of Married Couple and Reoms Occupied by them, Households classified by .bocality and per capita, Floor Space. Availability of Amenities by Locality, Duration of Stay and Tenural Status, Existence of Furniture by ~ocality and Dura- tionof Stay, Utendls, Luxury Goods and Costly Items available in the Households, Dress. 91-103 Chapter X Slums, Blighted and Other Areas with Sub Standard Living Conditions : A General Description. 104 Chapter XI Organisation of Power and Prestige: Voting Behaviour of Population during the Last Parliamentary Election, 1984, Vidhan Sabha Election, 1985 and Municipal Election, 1986, Degree of Respectability and Level of Infiuentiality in the Neighbourhood, Mcleodganj Neighbourhood·Five Most Respected Persons, Kotwali Bazar Neighbour­ hood, Chilgari Neighbourhood, Depot Bazar Neighbourhood, Civil Lines Neighbourhood, Five Most Respected Persons of the Town, Political Parties in Dharmsala Town, Staff Associatons, Trade Unions and Caste/Community ·Sabha etc 105-112 Chapter XU Leisure and Recreation, Social Participation; Social Awareness, Religion and Crime : Park and Play Grounds, Town Hall, Libraries, Newspapers, Journal and Periodicals, Religious Activities, Nechung Monastery, Family Planning Measures, Crime Statistics and Institutions dealing with Crime and Deviant Behaviour, District Jail. 113-126 Chapter xm Linkage and Continua : General Demographic Characteristics, System of Transport and Communication. Main Productive Acti· vities,Relation with Other towns, Travel Index,Pat1icularsof Places Outside the Town . 127-135 Chapter XIV Conclusion . 136-138 APPENDIX . 139-357 (ii) FOREWORD Apart from the decennial enumeration of population, the Indian Census is steeped in the tradi­ tion of undertaking a variety of studies of topical interest. In fact, the publications brought out in connection with the earlier censuses contained veritable mines of information on racial, cultural, linguistic and a number of other aspects of life of the people of this country. With the advent of freedom, however, the scope and dimension of these special studies had to be restructured in a manner that would provide the basic feedbacks on the processes of development taking place in different spheres of life of the people especially under planned development. Thus, in connection with the 1961 Census, a massive programme was launched inter-alia to conduct socio-economic survey
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