DOE/NASA/0342-1 NASA CR-174783 19950008390 Methods for Heat Analysis and Temperature Field Analysis of the Insulated Diesel Phase I Progress Report Thomas Morel, Paul N. Blumberg, Edward F. Fort, and Rifat Keribar Integral Technologies Incorporated August 1984 Prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICSAND SPACEADMIN ISTRATION Lewis Research Center Under Grant DEN 3-342 1[__ _SPf for ! _i _,:_<,:x._ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY L&NGLEY RESEARCHCENTER: Conservationand RenewableEnergy LIBRARYN. ASA Office of Vehicle and Engine R&D .AM__TO_".V,RG,_,_ DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. 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Ir"!tB~~H\;{1,'·~'T'~c;¥"·!rl~}j·t).gte'8,1' I~~"!t;'i: ,1-.i~3 (:,~)fnp'r"j SB.f=~ ()'f ct', =3,e't-,." t)f. 't.-F!t:E:gY"at'e{~ :afial;~>i,:t:':i--(:":~31 '~3r-i(l' A Cle t:SL~' '). e(~ ,.-.r ,e\/ ~ 'el:\"~ (:: f --t-i-Ote:" ,1-T I ,,,·i· f"\c:J:{J.tl'ir-!9" tt'e· te(~'t-~!r~'t,(;aJ ) ,:3:~~je's: 'tt}a t ~i}E: t~-:'8 tlE:-\le' i .t)t::e(t~ ), DOE/NASA/0342-1 NASA CR-174783 Methods for Heat Analysisand Temperature Field Analysis of the Insulated Diesel Phase I Progress Report Thomas Morel, Paul N. Blumberg, Edward F. Fort, and Rifat Keribar Integral Technolgies Incorporated Westmont, Illinois 60559 I.J August 1984 Prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICSAND SPACEADMINISTRATION Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 , Under Grant DEN 3-342 t for , U.S. DEPARTMENTOF ENERGY J Conservations and Renewable Energy Office of Vehicle and Engine R&D Under Interagency Agreement DE-AI01-80CS50194 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page .No. Summary .......................... v Introduction ........................ 1 I. Convective Heat Transfer Model . : ........ II II. Radiation Heat Transfer Model ............. 76 III. One-Dimensional Analysis of Fast Temperature Transients .............. 107 IV. Steady-State Heat Conduction in Engine Structures 151 V. Preliminary Analysis of Several Insulated Diesel Engines ............... 153 VI. Single Cylinder Engine Installation .......... 198 VII. Development of Experimental Techniques ........ 207 Appendix .......................... 263 iii SUMMARY This report describes the work carried out during Phase I of a three- year, three-phase program sponsored by DOE and administered by NASA. Phase I consists of a number of integrated analytical and experimental tasks. These tasks form elements of a broad program whose objective is to develop a comprehensiveanalyticalmethodologyfor studies of combus- tion chamber heat transfer and temperature distribution in the related structure of an insulated diesel engine. The work carried out to date concentrated on the parallel development of certain heat transfer and thermal models: specifically convection and radiation heat transfer models, a one-dimensionaltransient heat conductionmodel, and a multi- dimensionalsteady-stateheat conductionmodel. During the same period, work in progress at Purdue Universityconcentratedon the developmentof experimental methods and instrumentation needed to acquire accurate engine test data for model calibrationand validation. The development of a new convective heat transfer model is reported in Chapter I. The convective coefficients are based on the gas velocities predicted by a three-region bowl-in-piston flow model. The flow model solves equations describing radial and axial velocities, angular momen- tum (swirl), as well as turbulence, and tracks them during the entire engine cycle, including intake, compression, combustion, expansion and exhaust. From these are calculatedthe effective convective gas veloci- ties adjacent to six "elementary" surfaces which form the combustion chamber. Each of the surfaces thus has its own convective heat transfer coefficient which is based on the effective velocities. As a result, the present model provides a high degree of spatial and temporal heat flux resolution important for addressing insulated engine design issues. The other component of gas-wall heat transfer is heat radiation discussed in Chapter II. The radiationmodel is built around a two-zone combustion model which provides the neededradiation temperaturesand a descriptionof the radiating soot-ladenzone. The heat flux absorbed by the surrounding surfaces will be described by a zonal geometricalmodel which will account for appropriateview factors between the burning zone and the individual elementary surfaces, as well as for radiation and reflectionof adjoining surfaces. The conduction through the structure of the heat transferred from the gas, and the heat deposited by piston and ring friction on the liner, is handled by a transient cyclic analysis (Chapter III) and by a steady- state heat conduction model (Chapter IV). The transient analysis is based on the solution of the one-dimensionalheat conduction equation, solved for a number of surfaces of interest. The transient code is numerically highly efficient, which permits its incorporationinto the overall thermodynamic cycle code. It provides the descriptionof the wall temper_turadynamics such as wall temperatureswing and penetration depth of the transient temperaturewaves. The steady-stateheat conduc- tion model, solved together with the cycle calculation, provides a realistic approximationto the thermal profile in the surroundingstruc- ture, described by over 150 elements. This permits studies of the effects of insulatinglayers placed at selected locations in the combus- tion chamber, including effects of their properties and layer thicknessesaswell. The program plan calls for continued model development, followed by validation with test data from conventionally cooled baseline engine experiments,and by full integrationof all models, to be carried out in Phase II. To get an early reading on the progress of the program, the plan provided for integrationof all completed model elements at the end of Phase I, and for sample parametric studies of insulation strategies to be carried out at that time (ChapterV). The objectives of these early calculationswere to verify the correct functioningof the models, obtain feedback on additional needed refinementsand capabilitiesto be carried out during Phase II, and to gain some preliminaryinsights into engine performance and thermal environment effects of different insu- lated design strategies. It is in this light that the results presented here should be viewed; although preliminary, they demonstrate some of the capabilities that the methodology will have when it is complete. vi The experimentalwork in PhaseI includedinstallationof a Cummins singlecylinderresearchengineat PurdueUniversity(ChapterVI). The developmentof experimentaltechniquesneededfor accurateengine data acquisitionis describedin ChapterVII. It includesthe design,fabri- cationand testingof a novelopticalproximeterwhichwill be used for accuratedetermination,andphasingof crankangledata. A fast response thermocouplewas built to recordin-cylindersurfacetemperaturesfrom which one can deduce transientheat fluxes. Heat radiationwill be measured using an infraredradiationdetector,shieldedby a window, which will be used to
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