Closing Film 閉幕電影

Closing Film 閉幕電影

Sponsors and Acknowledgement 贊助及鳴謝 Presenter: In Association with: Title Sponsor: Festival Partners: Official Wine Paper Fully Official Water Sponsor: Sponsor: Sponsor: Supported by: TV Partner: Media Partners: Special Thanks: 6 | Opening Film Opening Film 開幕電影 MAD WORLD MOVIE 香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 101 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 一念無明 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 黃進 Wong Chun 演員Cast: 余文樂 Shawn Yue, 曾志偉 Eric Tsang, 01 金燕玲 Elaine Jin, 方皓玟 Charmaine Fong *13/10 THU 7:30pm ONE 多倫多電影節 TIME Toronto International Film Festival *13/10 THU 9:25pm ONE 電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 VENUE *28/10 FRI 9:40pm ONE First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund 百分百香港電影,百分百驚喜之作,更吸引兩位男主角無償 Following up his award-winning short 6th March, director 義演。新晉導演首部長片沒有隨波逐流靠大茄堆砌雞肋情 Wong Chun makes his feature debut with this surprising 景,卻道出香港每天正在發生的逼切問題,如情緒病、歧 and accomplished drama. Former financial analyst Wong Sai-tung, who suffers from bipolar disorder, is released from 視、家庭破裂、住屋問題及醫療制度等,並在刻劃同時提出 a mental hospital into the care of his estranged father. The 求變方案。阿東因工作壓力及需獨力照顧病重母親而患上躁 two struggle to come to terms with Tung’s illness and also a 鬱症與失業,身心癲疲的母子情緒苦無出口只能互相撕磨。 horrible incident involving Tung’s mother that scared them 某天阿東如常替失禁母親沖洗時意外誤殺了她,這時棄家不 both. With his father’s help, Tung makes a gradual return to 顧的父親才驚覺自己的逃避已釀成悲劇,遂應醫院建議接兒 society. But society is not so eager to take him back. With startling honesty and realism, Mad World tackles the subject 子到自己的劏房暫住。父子倆生命只剩下彼此,然而彼此卻 of mental illness in Hong Kong and asks how people – ill or 是自己最無法直視的過去。 otherwise – can seek change. *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend Opening Film | 7 Opening Film 開幕電影 SOUL MATE MOVIE 中國,香港 China, Hong Kong / 2016 / 110 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 七月與安生 In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 曾國祥 Derek Tsang 演員 Cast: 周冬雨 Zhou Dongyu, 馬思純 Sandra Ma Sichun, 02 李程彬 Toby Lee TIME *13/10 THU 7:20pm ONE VENUE *13/10 THU 9:40pm ONE 金像導演陳可辛聯同金馬提名導演曾國祥攜手譜出女性青春 Producer Peter Chan and Derek Tsang (Lover’s Discourse) 浮躁戀曲。十三歲那年,七月與安生展開了她們的青春序 bring a beloved tale of friendship and the ruthless pursuit 幕。從踏入中學校門的一刻起,二人形影不離;儘管背景性 of love to the big screen. Based on the novella by the writer formerly known as Annie Baby (now named Qing 格各異,一個恬靜如水,一個叛逆灑脫,卻又一見如故成為 Shan), Soul Mate traces the relationship between two 莫逆,彼此分享著最重要的青春成長印記。她們以為會永遠 best and the eventual collapse of their friendship when 陪伴在彼此的生命裡,直到十八歲,她們遇見了男生蘇家 a boy comes between them. Anchored by two of the most 明,三人糾纏在隱秘的三角關係中。感情的角力令二人友情 promising young actresses of their generation, Soul Mate 受到考驗,漸漸越行越遠,改寫各自往後十多年的命運。 is an evocative drama that dissects young love with style and verve. 她們即使彼此關愛,彼此欣賞,同時亦互相折磨,互相 傷害。然後,她們終於明白永遠不可以成為對方的影子, 只能勇敢地做自己。影片主題曲由首次為銀幕創作的竇靖童 主唱,帶來不一般的衝擊。 8 | Closing Film Closing Film 閉幕電影 29+1 MOVIE 香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 101min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 29+1 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 彭秀慧 Kearen Pang 演員Cast: 周秀娜 Chrissie Chau, 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng, 03 蔡瀚億 BabyJohn Choi, 楊尚斌 Ben Yeung TIME *31/10 MON 9:45pm BC VENUE *31/10 MON 9:55pm BC 無論你是快迎接或已渡過3字頭的女生,都不會對《29+1》 Opening a new page in her career, Hong Kong theater actress 感到陌生,甚或早已是劇場的忠實粉絲。劇場演足九年、吸 and writer Kearen Pang turns her 2005 one-woman show 引近五萬觀眾入場,今年這部自編自導自演的一人劇場終搬 29+1 into her first feature film about two women at life’s crossroads as they approach the big 3-0. Faced with work 上大銀幕,並找來兩位個性鮮明的女演員擔演原本一人分飾 stress, aging parents and a stagnant romance, 29-year-old 的兩角。劇本以女性的細膩敏感道出三十關口前的盛女,在 Christy, like many others her age, is gripped with insecurity 事業、家庭和愛情各方面出現的忐忑。快要奔三的港女林若 about her present and future. Single and unaccomplished 君糾結於介乎窒息與雞肋間的生活狀態;而十三點的黃天樂 but nonetheless optimistic, Joyce makes a different choice 則決定抓住2字頭的尾巴出遊圓夢。互不相識的二人碰巧同 at age 29: She packs her bags and pursues her childhood dream. These two strangers who share the same birthdate 住一屋簷下,在發現彼此同年同月同日出生的當下,亦透過 form a deep invisible connection when Christy moves into 日記和生活互相閱讀成為彼此的鏡子。 Joyce’s apartment and begins to read her journal. *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend Closing Film | 9 Closing Film 閉幕電影 I AM NOT MOVIE 中國 China / 2016 / 137 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 MADAME BOVARY In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 馮小剛 Feng Xiaogang 我不是潘金蓮 演員 Cast: 范冰冰 Fan Bingbing, 郭濤 Guo Tao, 04 大鵬 Da Peng, 張嘉譯 Zhang Jiayi TIME 31/10 MON 7:15pm BC 多倫多電影節 特別推薦 VENUE 31/10 MON 7:20pm BC Special Presentations, Toronto International Film Festival 電影改編自劉震雲小說,農村婦女李雪蓮為了丈夫的欺騙, To get access to public housing for singles, Xuelian and 為了他罵自己是「潘金蓮」的那句話,李雪蓮打了二十年的 her husband Qin agree to get a fake divorce and remarry once their new homes is secured. But when Qin ends up 官司,吃盡了苦頭,也嘗盡人情冷暖。一個農村婦女用自己 marrying another woman, Xuelian vows to get justice, even 封閉但執著的思想去撞擊社會,鬧出無數個「笑話」,背後 it takes her to the highest levels of government. Director 卻是中國從人情社會走向法制社會的一個過渡時代。電影採 Feng Xiaogang, – the pioneer of modern-day Chinese 用圓形遮罩畫面,與打官司的不圓滿相抵觸,充滿中國山水 blockbusters, boldly goes into formalist mode by shooting 畫之美,又與時代的演進糾纏在一起。添加方言對白,讓觀 most of the film in a circle frame. Collaborating with novelist 眾冷眼看自己熟知而又陌生的社會。 Liu Zhenyun for the third time, Feng proves that commercial success is no reason to dull a sharp northern wit or a spirit for experimentation. 10 | Centerpiece Centerpiece 中場推介 台灣,緬甸,法國,德國 THE Road to MOVIE Taiwan, Myanmar, France, Germany / 2016 / 108 min / 國語、英語、泰語、緬語、雲南方言對白,中英文字幕 MANDALAY In Mandarin, English, Thai, Burmese, Yunnan dialect with Chinese and English Subtitles 再見瓦城 導演Dir: 趙德胤 Midi Z 05 演員Cast: 柯震東 Kai Ko, 吳可熙 Wu Ke-Xi 威尼斯影展 威尼斯日 TIME *20/10 THU 7:30pm BC Venice Days, Venice Film Festival VENUE *20/10 THU 9:50pm BC 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 緬甸少女蓮青偷渡到泰國打工,希望賺錢取得護照移 The tale of illegal immigrants seeking opportunity in 民到更好地方生活。途中遇上同路人阿國,但阿國只 Thailand, Midi Z’s The Road to Mandalay marks the 想賺夠錢後回家開店,終點始終有別。為躲避警察二 director’s triumphant return to narrative filmmaking. Burmese migrant workers Liangqing and Guo meet 人逃到偏遠紗廠打工,蓮青逆來順受,傾盡所有,而 when crossing into Thailand, but as their bond grows, 充滿無力感的阿國只能默默守在身邊。故事來自導演 their differences are laid bare. The simple Guo wishes 在泰國打工的胞姊,沒有過多的音樂喧染,只透過長 to marry and return to Burma, while the determined 鏡頭把非法移民的悲歌紀實道出卻賺人熱淚。瓦城 Liangqing desires a work permit, a passport and wider (曼德勒俗稱)既是皇朝古都,也是民工回鄉途中買 horizons. What begins as a budding romance between displaced countrymen becomes a sobering look at 手信的中轉站,只是對男女主角來說,它已是再見、 dreams crushed by reality. Winner of the FEDEORA 不再見的命運區別,是繼《冰毒》、《挖玉石的人》 Award for Best Film at the 73rd Venice Film Festival. 後導演另一探討緬甸低層悲歌的佳作。 *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend Gala Presentation | 11 Gala Presentation 隆重呈獻 香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 84 min / SNUGGLE MOVIE 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 伴生 06 導演 Dir: 黃肇邦 JC Wong TIME *17/10 MON 7:50pm ONE *20/10 THU 7:40pm IFC VENUE *23/10 SUN 6:00pm BC 人,總有必經階段。生死只在一剎間,但老病卻很漫 After recording the lives of Hong Kong’s children in 長。然而,老和病都可能有人伴隨在身邊,但生和死 Fish Story (HKAFF 2013), Director JC Wong turns 就只可以自己面對。《伴生》娓娓道來兩代人對「生 his camera to matters of life and death in his new documentary. For two years, Wong documented 與死」價值觀的差異和矛盾。《子非魚》(第十屆) 得 the lives of three families that are struggling to live 獎年輕導演黃肇邦真實紀錄三個家庭、兩代社會的束 beneath the torment of terminal illness. Over time, 縛和異同、夫妻間的牽絆和信任。松哥的太太玉梅去 the subjects begin to rethink their ideas of death and 世後,松哥的健康亦急轉直下。家人不捨,但反而希 filial obligations over visits to nursing homes, hospitals 望松哥可從打擊中解脫;沛叔擔憂病重的太太,令家 and even funeral homes. Commissioned by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, this gentle and devastatingly 人感到莫大的壓力,而女兒亦要為盡孝而放棄個人生 humanistic work shows the importance of love and 活;有智力障礙的慕嚴在兒子兆銘出生後就分離,在 companionship when we come face-to-face with 確診末期乳癌後,兆銘決定陪母親踏上復康之路。人 mortality. 在不同的年紀,就會有不同的想法和願景。但見證與 死亡漸行漸近,到底生命的終點有著甚麼?伴隨著生 命而來的關係,又為人帶來多少震撼? Cineaste Delights 影迷別注 Filmmakers Attend Filmmakers 影人出席 * 14 | Cineaste Delights MOMOTARO, MOVIE SACRED SAILORS TIME 16/10 SUN 2:10pm IFC 海之神兵 07 VENUE 19/10 WED 8:10pm BC 日本 Japan / 1945 / 74 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 康城影展 經典單元 In Japanese with English Subtitles Cannes Classics, Cannes Film Festival 導演 Dir: 瀬尾光世 Seo Mitsuyo 日本史上首部黑白動畫長片,當年由日本海軍省以「國策動畫電 Beloved Japanese folklore hero Momotaro transforms into a 影」之名委託松竹動畫研究所製作,於1945年二戰末期公映,旨在 World War II fighter in Japan’s first feature-length animated film, 向日本青少年軟性宣傳軍國主義,感染更多青少年入伍。故事改編 a propaganda film backed by the Ministry of Navy. The adventure 自日本桃太郎的傳說,描繪桃太郎為保衛家鄉,號召動物兵團奮力 sees a group of navy paratroopers who bravely follow Momotaro into 作戰,成功戰勝外敵的故事。透過載歌載舞的劇情,依稀可見迪士 a battle against evil pirates from the West (representing the Allied Powers) on a South Pacific island. The film was a commercial flop 尼動漫對早期日本動漫的影響,而本片注重細節的繪畫方式和營造 when it faced an indifferent audience towards the end of the war, 宏大場面的特技也影響了日後異軍突起的日本動漫。手塚治虫自稱 but it did inspire a generation of aspiring artists including Astro 深受影響,早年觀看時甚至為其藝術張力感動落淚,隱藏於政治宣 Boy creator Tezuka Osamu. Don’t miss the rare chance to see this 傳的表面下,電影亦展現出一股對愛和希望不懈追求的執著力量。 beautifully restored piece of film history on the big screen. Cineaste Delights | 15 APPRENTICE MOVIE TIME *18/10 TUE 7:30pm BC VENUE *19/10 WED 7:30pm ONE 身後仕 08 新加坡,德國,法國,香港,卡塔爾 Singapore, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Qatar / 2016 / 96 min / 英語、馬來語對白,中英文字幕 In English and Malay with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 巫俊鋒 Boo Junfeng 演員 Cast: Firdaus Rahman, Wan Hanafi Su, Mastura Ahmad 康城影展 一種關注單元 Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 代表新加坡角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片 Singapore Representative for Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film 《沙堡》(第七屆) 新加坡導演巫俊鋒的第二部長片以死刑執行官 Following his acclaimed 2010 debut feature Sandcastle, Singapore 的獨特角度直視死刑敏感題材。前軍人Aiman現在戒備森嚴的監獄 filmmaker Boo Junfeng examines the emotional costs and 工作,在裡頭遇見執行他父親絞刑的資深劊子手。不知情下,合法 consequences of capital punishment in his stirring sophomore effort, 殺人34年的死刑執行官希望Aiman擔任他的助手,進而接替他的工 the psychological prison drama Apprentice. Malay correctional officer 作。與Aiman同住的姊姊難以接受弟弟協助「殺父仇人」,同時計 Aiman is transferred to a maximum security prison where Rahim has served as the chief executioner for three decades. Noting Aiman’s 劃與男友John移民澳洲。有妻子不願見死囚先生最後一面,也有雙 interest in his work, Rahim earmarks the junior officer as a potential 胞胎兒子每天來探訪販毒判死的父親。姊弟情,罪與罰,就在監獄 successor and asks him to become his assistant.

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