HISTO RIC ST REETS LILIAN AN D AS O RE RUSSAN 1 92 3 SMPK M RS M T I IN, A HALL, HA IL ON, Copyright Firs t pu blis hed 1 9 2 3 Ld . v Hazell Watson {3} Viney, , Printed in Great Britain b , r London and Aylesbu y. LI ST OF I LLUST RATION S FACIN G PAGE ALDERSGATE ALDGATE BISHOPSGATE BRIDEW ELL THE C HARTE RHOU SE C RIPPLE GATE DRURY LANE THEATRE DURI NG THE FI RE E Y 2 1 80 OF F BRUAR 4 , 9 OLD LONDON BRIDGE LUDGATE M OORGATE ’ C HAMBE RLAI N S GATE NEW GATE E E Y S ELE I S PS TH NUNN R OF T . H N , B HO GATE STREET L S P L ’ S O D T . AU W ESTMI NSTER ABBE Y E ILL E I V C E TO . M TH AG OF HAR NG , , FRO ’ RADULPHUS AGGAS S MAP K E , TA N I E EI EE ELIZ E N TH R GN OF QU N AB TH , 1 578 (Front end paper) PLAN OF BAN K SIDE (Backend paper) INTRODUCTO RY THE decision t o name this little b ook Historic Streets of London: An Alphabetical Hand book , was arrived at after considerable of c an thought . Some the streets mentionedm scarcely be called historic , while nu er ” ” ” ou s places , squares , alleys courts , ' ” ' ” and roads , districts , even boroughs have been included for reasons which will be in evident . But , after all , the streets are a maj ority , and the book is mainly concerned of with such them as have a history . Therefore , l t it e is . for lack of a better , the is as it Another considerable difficul ty h as been that of S O compression , essential in a work which ’ may be carried in the pocket or in a lady s AS t o s a handbag . this , we can only y the book might easily have been extended t o O f three times the Size , such is the wealth To material . this wealth , however , the book — is a guide as it was originally intended to be . Should the reader require more information on of any subj ect dealt with , the name the volume or c on volumes we have consulted , which may d tain it , will generally be foun immediately I I 1 2 INTRODUCTO RY below the reference , and in most instances the page or pages . No disturbing study of small - type marginal or f or t o footnotes is called , no turning the end o For f the volume . this boon we hope for the ’ reader s commendation . — The book is what it pretends to b e a compilation , an index , a handbook , a ready reference . For which many colonials , provin c ials not , and foreigners , to mention Londoners , may hold us in esteem . Very few liberties have b een taken with the text of the Old authors , to whose labours we are greatly indebted , but some have been essential TO to clarity . living authors from whom we ou r have drawn information , we tender best of thanks . The full titles the works , the prices (when available) , and the names and addresses of the publishers are given on the following page . Our special thanks are also due to Mr. O S S C . W. F . G , F for the illustrations so herein , which he has kindly lent from the famous Goss Collection . THE EDITORS . ETC WORKS CONSULTED , PUBLISHERS , . WE have much pleasure in acknowledging ou r great indebtedness t o the various publishers by whose kind permission we have been enabled to quote from the following works — The Fascination of L ondon (Series) Besant and M M . G . E . itton . ( essrs A . C Black , 6 L . Ltd . , 4 , 5 , and , Soho Square , ondon , W ) Old and N ew L ondon and Greater London Walter Thornbury and Edward Walford . M Co La ( essrs . Cassell . , Ltd Belle Sauvage , London , A M odern History of the City of L ondon M Charles Welch . ( essrs . Blades , East L . n Blades , Ltd , Abchurch a e , London , Hau nted nd n— M o o . L Walter Thornbury . ( essrs — M ’ Chatto Windus , 97 99 , St . artin s Lane , London , A Su rve o ondon— y f L John Stow , with Notes , ’ e t c . M A , by C . L . Kingsford , . (Kingsford s Stow ) . (The Clarendon Press , Oxford . ) I 4 WORKS CONSULTED i tionar — A D c o ondon . y f L Henry A . Harben (Herbert Jenkins , Ltd . , 3 , York Street , ’ as 2 . St . James s , London , Price £ net . London— Hene a e London and John — g Jesse ; Westminster John Timbs ; Cu riosities of ondon— L John Timbs . (Messrs . Macmillan ’ Co . , Ltd . , St . Martin s Street , London , N B —Th e . three works above mentioned now c on are out of print , but may be su lt e d M at the British useum . — h irts . T e Sk o the reat it Mrs . f G C y . A . G Bell M M O L 6 C t d . ( essrs . ethuen , 3 , Essex Lo Street , ndon , ’ — L nd H . o on Past and Present . B Wheatley oa (John Murray, s , Albemarle Street , W . I . London , ) London Past and Present (out Of print) and — L ondoners Th en and N ow Malcolm C . Th e Salaman . Studio , 44 , Leicester d 6 . 3 6d 1 0 3 . Square , Price 7 . and The Literary History of the Adelphi and its - 1 0 N eighbou rhood Austin Brereton . ( 9 7 and THE EDITORS . HISTO RIC STREETS O F LO N DO N AN ALPHABETICAL HANDBOOK A I L ABCHURCH LANE . City , 5 , ombard Street . i t o Accord ng Stow , this street derived its M name from St . ary Upchurmch . i ABINGDON STREET West nster , 7 , Old Palace Yard . Some say ‘ t h e name was derived from M wh o ary Abingdon , the lady is supposed to have written the letter which led t o the o discovery f the Gunpowder Plot . At the commencement of the eighteenth century , Abingdon Street is described as a narrow lane , pestered with coaches which render it dirty and inconvenient ’ M emorials o West inster m . (Walcott s f , p M N o. ADA STREET . Strand , 73 . wh o Named after the brothers Adam , built it . Becket , the bookseller , kept shop here , I S I 6 HISTORIC STREETS OF LONDON and his shop was the rendezvous of David n Garrick , who never went to taver s , seldom - f . I . V u to co fee houses At No lived Dr . ice sims ’ K i Timb s s nox , one Of the Br tish Essayists ( ities o London u rios . C f , p EVE 1 0 ADAM AND COURT . 4 , Oxford Street . ’ Named from the arms of the Fruiterers Company . ADDISON ROAD . Kensington . Named after Joseph Addison , who lived at Holland House after his marriage with ’ the Countess of Warwick . (Wh eatley s Lon n a and Present v ol i . do P st . , , p ADDLE STREET . City , 43 , Wood Street . Said to take its name from King Adle st an the Saxon . In all ancient evidences it is written King Adell Street . (Stow , edition 1 63 3 3 0 i i l ADELAIDE PLACE . City , 4 , K ng W l iam Street . ADELAIDE STREET . 449 , Strand . Both are said t o have been named from h t e Queen of William the Fourth . ADELPHI (THE) . Strand . Named from its architects , the four d A é In Se c . brothers Adam ( b s, brother) the of . centre house the Terrace , NO 4 , David HISTORIC STREETS OF LONDON 1 7 ’ Timb s s Cu riosities Garrick lived and died . ( nd n o o o . f L , p n . ADELPHI VAULTS . Stra d Named from the Adelphi . Built as foun dations t o bring the Adelphi level with the as - l Strand . Partly occupied wine cel ars and ’ Ti b s s Cu riosities o ondon . m coal wharfs ( f L , p . t o ADELPHI HOTEL (THE) . I 4 , OS John Street , Adelphi (formerly ’ born s) . Crabbe , the poet , and his wife stayed here 1 1 in 9 3 . Rowlandson , the famous carica of of turist , died here . The father the Earl ’ B e ac onsfield D Israe li of Cu ri , Isaac , author osities o iteratu re f L , stayed here after his wedding tour in 1 80 2 (History of the Adelphi and its N ei hbou rhood g , by Austin Brereton , ’ ic i P kw ck. p . Osborn s is mentioned in S 1 8 AI R TREET . , Piccadilly . of n Origin the name unknow , but as it appears the street was originally called Ayre Street , it was probably named after some e p rson . l ALBANY (THE) . Piccadil y . This most comfortable and well - regulated s e t now of chambers , known as The Albany , stands partly on the Site of t w o houses and long gardens which originally reached as far V a as as igo L ne . The first w inhabited in 1 1 Clar es one 7 5 by Sir John g , and the toward 2 1 8 HISTORIC STREETS OF LONDON the east by Lady Stanhope Th ey were taken down , and another mansion erected , which , ’ 1 2 in 7 5 , according to the plans in St . George s V - estry room , was inhabited by the Earl of Sunderland . The first Lord Melbourne , father of the Whig Premier , expended vast sums upon this spot ; his lordship had the of ceiling the ballroom painted by Cipriani , and those of the other best rooms by Wheat of ley and Rebecca .
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