Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56113-6 - Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III, 1598–1621 Antonio Feros Index More information Index Acevedo, Fernando de, Archbishop of Burgos, Aristotle, 24, 122 President of the Council of Castile, 252, Asti, Peace of (1615), 206, 233–4, 241 256 Acevedo, Juan Bautista de, Bishop of Bacon, Francis, writer, 210 Valladolid, Inquisitor-General, President Balbases, Marquis of Los, see Spinola, of the Council of Castile, 134, 186, 219 Ambrosio Acun˜a, Juan de, President of the Councils of Barreda, Fray Francisco de, 265 Finance, Indies, and Castile, 133–4, 189, Barros, Alonso de, writer, 178 220 Berrio, Fray Juan de, 261 Agreda, Sor Marı´a de, spiritual adviser to Bleda, Fray Jaime, 202–3 Philip IV, 269 Bodin, Jean, writer, 22, 26, 42–3, 267 Alamos de Barrientos, Baltasar, writer, 51–2, Bohemia, rebellion of, 241, 243–5 103, 118–19, 126, 148–9, 150, 202, 205 Borja, Fernando de, Viceroy of Aragon, Alba, Ferna´ndez Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of, gentilhombre of Prince Philip, Lerma’s favorite of and principal adviser to cousin, 235, 246 Philip II, 16, 27, 38, 201 Borja, Francisco de, Viceroy of Peru, Lerma’s Albert, Archduke of Austria, 29, 31, 114 cousin, 186 and truce with the United Provinces, 192–3 Borja, Juan de, Count of Ficalho, Marquis of alcaldes de casa y corte (Spanish court law Mayalde, Lerma’s uncle, 59, 97, 133, enforcement agency), 187–8, 230 150–1, 176, 217, 218 Alca´zar (royal palace), Madrid, 79, 81, 83, 87, Borja, Toma´s de, Bishop of Ma´laga, Co´rdoba, 93 and Zaragoza, Lerma’s uncle, 186 Alfonso X the Wise, King of Castile, 81–2 Bosca´n, Juan de, humanist, 36 Aliaga, Fray Luis de, confessor to and favorite Botero, Giovanni, writer, 21–2, 24, 42–3, 55, of Philip III 85–6, 126, 183–4, 200, 225 Inquisitor-General, 129, 247–9 opposition to Lerma, 210–11, 219–21, 226, Cabrera, Fray Alonso de, 71 228, 230, 234–5, 239 Cabrera de Co´rdoba, Luis, courtier and and rebellion of Bohemia, 243–5 historian, 26, 87, 101–2, 186, 214 fall from power, 256 Caldero´n, Rodrigo, Marquis of Siete Iglesias, Alpujarras, revolt of (1568–71), 201 Lerma’s favorite Anne of Austria, Queen of France, daughter of and Lerma, 96, 186, 221, 230–1, 233, 235 Philip III, 214, 235, 243 opposition to, 140, 168, 180–1, 226–7 Anne of Austria, Queen of Spain, mother of fall, detention, trial, and execution, 257–8 Philip III, 15, 38, 78 Camos, Fray Marco Antonio, writer, 45 Aquinas, Thomas, 121–2 Carducho, Bartolome´, painter, 102 Aragon, crown of, 15, 33, 40, 51, 55, 143, 148, Carlos de Austria, Don, first son of Philip II, 159, 183 15–17, 19, 37 Aragon, kingdom of, 32–3, 51–2, 129, 159, 183 Carlos de Austria, third son of Philip II, 15 Aranjuez, royal palace of, 90 Carrillo, Fernando, President of the Councils Araque, Fray Fernando, 261 of Finance, and Indies, 173–7, 192 Arias Montano, Benito (attrib.), 224 and anti-Lerma faction, 220 aristocracy, see nobility Carvajal, Luis de, painter, 79 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56113-6 - Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III, 1598–1621 Antonio Feros Index More information Index Carvajal and Mendoza, Luisa de, nun, 49–50 and royal patronage, 192 Casa, Giovanni della, writer, 40 and factional conflict, 219, 221, 228–9 Castel Rodrigo, Cristo´bal de Moura, Marquis and the crisis of the monarchy, 250–2 of Finance, 28, 129, 132, 133, 134 favorite and principal adviser to Philip II, reorganization of, 156–7 17, 28, 31–2, 41, 43–6, 114, 133, 144 and juntas of finance, 158, 172, 189–90 sumiller de corps to Prince Philip, 17, 22 accused of mishandling royal finances, and Lerma, 60 169 and Portugal, 217 and political corruption, 178–9 Castiglione, Baldassare, writer and humanist, and the crisis of Castile, 214–17, 223 36, 73 Indies, 132, 133–4, 220 Castile, 148, 190 Inquisition, 59 economic situation, 214, 216 Italy, 239, 246 Castro, Ana de, writer, 266 Military Orders, 131 Castro, Cristo´bal de, writer, 111–12 Portugal, 60, 113, 127, 133, 161, 217, 218, Castro, Rodrigo de, Archbishop of Seville, 230 Lerma’s uncle, 39 State, 28, 36, 48, 49, 50, 60, 61, 87, 132, 145, Castro y Sandoval, Fernando de, Lerma’s 256 nephew, 95 reorganization of, 53, 111 Catalonia, 51, 129, 159, 183, 217 and the government of the monarchy, Cerda, Catalina de la, see Lerma, Duchess of 113–14, 127 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, writer and and the financial duties of the kingdomn, playwright, 126–7, 165 154, 218 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and King of and the crisis of Castile, 250 Spain, 15, 37, 73, 74, 82–3, 145, 149 and royal patronage, 191 Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy, 145, 163, and the expulsion of the Moriscos, 201, 204, 205, 213–14, 249 203 and Mantuan War, 231–4 and the conflict in the Netherlands, 193, Chincho´n, Diego Ferna´ndez de Co´rdoba, 194, 195, 197 Count of, counselor of state, principal and the war against Savoy, 232–4 adviser to Philip II, 22, 32, 60 and the rebellion of Bohemia, 243–5 Cicero, 23, 121 and Philip III’s international policies, 252 Ciriza, Juan de, secretary of state, 256 War, 52, 132 Cobos, Francisco de Los, private secretary to court Emperor Charles, 74 factional struggles, 15–16, 218, 230–1, comuneros, revolt of the, Castile (1520–1), 37, 235–6, 239, 247–9 102 royal household, 16, 92–3 Contarini, Simeone, Venetian ambassador, 115 palace offices, 16–17, 92–3 Co´rdoba, Fray Gaspar de, confessor of move from Madrid to Valladolid, 86–8 Philip III, 67, 128, 157 currency Cornwallis, Sir Charles, English ambassador, vello´n: minting under Philip III, 153 164 Corral y Arellano, Diego de, counselor of Da´vila, Roa, writer, 21 Castile, 251 Diego de Austria, son of Philip II, 15, 16 corruption during Lerma’s government, 140 donativo, 153 Cortes Dutch Republic, see United Provinces Aragon, 143 Castile, 84, 112, 144, 153–6 Eboli, Ruy Go´mez de Silva, Prince of, favorite Costa, Giovanni da, writer, 196 of Philip II, 16, 27, 38, 111 Councils, 12, 24–6, 84, 87 education, of monarchs in early modern Spain, Aragon, 129, 228 11 ff. Ca´mara de Castilla, 56, 132 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 80–1, 163, 201 Ca´mara de Indias, 132 England, 55, 144, 145, 149–50, 152, 163–4, Castile, 16, 27, 45, 59, 131, 132, 134, 186, 177, 193, 196, 197, 200, 205, 225, 232, 221, 223, 228 240, 241, 252 294 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56113-6 - Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III, 1598–1621 Antonio Feros Index More information Index Enrı´quez de Acevedo, Pedro, see Fuentes, Fuentes, Pedro Enrı´quez de Acevedo, Count Count of of, Governor of Milan, counselor of state, Erasmus, Desiderius, humanist, 17–18, 166, 194 267 Furio´Ceriol, Fadrique, writer, 25, 195 Eraso, Francisco de, private secretary of Philip II, 27, 179 Gamboa, Francisco de, 226 Escorial, El, monastery, mausoleum, and Gandı´a, Juana de Velasco y de Arago´n, palace of, 84, 90 Duchess of, camarera mayor to Queen Espinosa, Cardinal Diego de, President of the Margaret, 97–8 Council of Castile, favorite of Philip II, Garcı´a do Valle, Pedro, agent of the Count of 27, 133 Gondomar, 230 Esquilache, Francisco de Borja, Prince of, Go´mez de Mora, Francisco, architect, 79 Lerma’s cousin, 95 Go´mez de Sandoval y Rojas, Francisco, see Lerma, 1st Duke of favorite ( privado, valido) Go´mez de Silva, Ruy, see Eboli, Prince of and the expansion of royal power, 4–5, Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acun˜a, Count 125–6 of, minister of finance, ambassador to historiographical debate on, 13–14 England, 134, 230, 233, 239, 248, 250, 252 sixteenth-century theories on, 41–6 Go´ngora y Argote, Luis, poet, 103 theories on during Philip III’s reign, 118 ff. Gonza´lez Da´vila, Gil, historian, 49, 55, 100, as the king’s friend, 120–5 124, 266 theories on during Philip IV’s reign, 263–4 Gonza´lez de Cellorigo, Martı´n, writer, 146, end of favorite as chief minister, 268–70 148, 202 Ferdinand I, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 80 Gonza´lez de Guzma´n, Juan, 169 Ferdinand of Antequera, King of Aragon, 33 Gracia´n de la Madre de Dios, Fray Jero´nimo, Ferdinand the Catholic, King of Aragon, 33–4, writer, 224–5 73, 82, 148 Granada, Revolt of, see Alpujarras see also, Isabel the Catholic Guevara, Antonio de, writer, 38, 40 Feria, Go´mez Sua´rez de Figueroa, Duke of, Guzma´n, Fray Diego de, biographer of Queen 48, 57 Margaret, 83 Ferna´ndez de Medrano, Juan, writer, 84–5, Guzma´n, Gaspar de, see Olivares, Count-Duke 119, 123, 126 of Ferna´ndez de Navarrete, Pedro, writer, 95 Guzma´n, Magdalena de, Marchioness of Valle, Fernando de Austria, son of Philip II, 15 96–7 finance, Spanish Crown legacy of Philip II, 151–2 Haller, Richard, confessor to Queen Margaret, proposed economies, 152–3, 189–90 97, 168 proposals for debt redemption (desempen˜o), Haro, Luis Me´ndez de, favorite of Philip IV, 152, 154–6 269 crisis of, 189–90, 216–17 Henry IV, King of France, 144, 149, 201, 205, see also Councils of Finance; currency; 213–14, 231, 267 juntas:offinance; taxation Henry IV, King of Castile, 33 Flanders, see Netherlands, Spanish Hermosilla, Diego de, writer, 35 Florencia, Fray Gero´nimo de, S.J., 227, 246, Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, historian, 264 14 Fonseca, Fray Cristo´bal de, 230–1 Hinojosa, Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, Marquis Fonseca, Fray Damia´n, 200, 204 of, Marquis of San Germa´n and, France, 51, 144–5, 149–50, 163, 197, 200, Governor of Milan, Lerma’s cousin, 95, 213–14, 244, 252 231, 233–4 Francesco II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, Holland, see United Provinces 231–3 Huarte de San Juan, Juan, writer, 74 Franqueza,
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