THIS VVEEK IN TEXA.S MAY 12-19,1989 COVER FEATURE Kim Corner ... A Dozen Roses for Mother's Day HIGHLIGHT Letter from Mom TVVT NEVVS Protests at Texas State Capitol VIEWPOINT Texas Insurance Problems Escalate SNAPSHOTS Splash Day at Hippie HolloW' f Santa Fe, New Mexico is renowned as an artist colony that is home to artisans, craftsmen, poets, sculptors, photographers, cabinetmakers, designers, intellectuals and people who love beauty. They are gifted, gentle and truly appreciate the esthetic qualities of life. Much the same, we hope to inspire Houston's large urban gay population with a new, exciting club specifically designed with them in mind; a showplace for them to enjoy and where their out-of-town guests can experience a taste of the Southwest ... Santa Fe style. Just in time for the summer of 1989, we proudly announce our GRAND OPENING MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND Watch for your invitation by mail, or ask your favorite bartender at any of the clubs at 800 Pacific in Houston. o 1419 RICHMOND • 528-8903 presenting a big month of top entertainment ° o· ---- ---~~------------.-------0-; 9PM SATURDAY, MAY 13 0 Miss Gay Houston At Large Pageant • emcee-Jill Jordan ---_ 0 0 • • 0 ---- _--.. --- ---------------SUNDAY, MAY 14 .---- A Special Mother's Day Tribute ____9PM SHOW:• 0 "UNINHIBITED" - --- ---- 0 ------.0 . ----.---o SATURDAY, -MAY-----20 •• --- The Return of The Whorehouse Girls ....------in "TROPICAL.... NIGHTS" 10PM --- 0 .' <rr-; --. _---- • • ----- -- --------SUNDAY, MAY 28°· ----- Memorial Weekend Holiday Show , -9PM SHOW: "UNINHIBITED" 17 .'NlWs AlDS~(l!jl!'aljons at Texas State Capitol 29'~MEIiIT ~.~ff~lif¢!ithe 37 ~N~' ~hmfilQEl·Problems Escalate by Robert Sullivan 41:*HUGHT Day Feature: A Letter from Mom to Son, Bu 43>8ACKSTAGE HoIly\1unter,Steel Magnolias, Comedies Tonight! by 47 'CLASSIC lWT 3Years Ago ThisWeek In Texasby Donalevan 51 HOTTEA Hazell Dean Entertains Dallas & Houston 60 SNAPSHOTS Splash Day at Hippie Hollow photos by Chris Z/m 63 ,SPORTS Houston Women's Softball Tournament Resultsby Bobby 67 STARSCOPE Mars Is Now In Cancer by Milton von Stern 70 COVER FEAW.IE- M'other's Day: Kim Comer photos by julie 75CA~EIiI[)·M' Only and Nonprofit Community Ev, 76CiASSIf:i1E1 _1~;~<iI(Jnd Nothce! " • 84 <GUIDErex(JSl3~lCIUb DJrectory TWT MAY 12 - MAY 18 1989 • PAGE 9 • • Guaranteed Car Repair WI1 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAY SPECIALS Weekly Circulation: 20,000 --I ,= -- - - - - -~ DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 I AIC RECHARGE I Hours: 11am.-5 p.m. Closed Thursday and Sunday I- Charge AIC system ,I 3900 Lemmon Ave .. Suite 220 -Check system for proper operation Dallas, Texas 75219 I - Includes all Cars & Light Trucks I Dallas Fax Line (214)521-0638 95 I HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527·9111 Hours: 9 am.-5 p.m. Weekdays I $9Plus Freon I Closed Saturday I --=------1 811Westheimer, Suite 106 Houston, Texas 77006 IENGINE DIAGNOSTIC SERVIC~I Houston Fax Line (713)527-9305 PUBLISHERChuck Patrick 95 ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTORS : Richard Bang / Kent Edson Smith : $29 GRAPHIC ARTISTS - Computer analyze engine performance I William Parr. Hectar Barrientos, Craig Aranha IJ- Eliminate guesswork on performance ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Donalevan Maines II problems I NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick - Perfect ~or the do-it-yourself home I SPORTSEDITOR Babby Miller I mechanic ~ CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Complete engine repair and rebuilding 0. Flores Alvarez. Mitch Barllow. Brian Keever. I- I Danalevan Maines. David Meunier. Millon von Stern. available r Phil Johnson. vc«. Wells III I- Includes fuel injection and computer cars I TYPOGRAPHERS - Indi~iduals. only-NO garages, dealers orl Richard Hebert. Babby Miller J service stations DISTRIBUTION I l Shane Ruff Ik=.-- - -'='- - =-~---I STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Carl Davis. Julie HOllingsworth. G.w. King. 1()lL, FILTER & LUBE I Michael McKinney. Roger Rutherford. Chris Zimmerman f- Includes up to 5 quarts 30W or lOW -40 oil I - New oil filter SALES I- Lubricate all chassis parts recommended I EXECUTIVE SALESMANAGER I by manufacturer f Jim Veteto I Advertising rates are available on request by tete- :. Check ,II $1995i phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. Ij Buy one get one free during May ~I AUSTIN I----~-,--- ,--:---- Babby Com pian and Chris Zimmermon , (512) 443·1971 'TRANSMISSION SERVICE I DALLAS Alan Gellman , (214) 521·0.622 FORTWORTH 95 Steve Miles , (214) 521·0.622 HOUSTON :' $19 ': Jim Veteto . (713) 527·9111 II- Includes labor for automatic transmission] SAN ANTONIO / CORPUSCHRISTI fluid and filter change Joe Virjan . (512) 828·70.72 I- Road test CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS \- Filter, gasket, hydraulic oil additional II Dallas 8ureau-Steve Miles ~ Complete tran~mission repairs availabl~ Houston Bureau-Arby Burnell TWT MAGAZINE © RMS Automotive 1759Westheimer at Woodhead Texas Weekly Publishing Co. Houston - 713/529-5855 Owner-James D. Cagle PAGE 10. TWT MAY 12 - MAY 18 ~ONstANTLY A y . ~::";;I""'M: '···,·:.p;'/·~Ijd'>il'~Tn s :~'."." 'nv::v~{',l~!N:~ ''>W'O',_ ~:\:,'<." ,~:-':i,. ",'0 "I.," .•' ,:.:>," :,\< . :\~~,,~,:.,,'ii~{iz<~\'·''~, v ,- Being your favorite cruise bar just isn't ,.... enough for us. Weare continually ch~nging .' and updating J.Il.'s to serve you better. if you haven't been in lately, please drop by.andsee all the improvements we've made .,~.~;Jtls(.forYou! :;;( • MAY 18VISIBLECHANGES/MATINIQUE FASHION SHOW TONIGHT MAY 12MR/MS BAILE PAGEANT Sat., May 13 Promo Party EARTH GIRLS ARE EASY Warner Bros.• Vestron Pictures • ANDTHE BEACH GOES ON. It's The WAVE's Splash-Bash Weekend!!! NEWS , \ Many mourners came at 6 a.m. to draw \~~. figures and write the name of a loved one 'r r ' , fI inside each chalk outline. Unfortunately, ~l _ \ .• , ~- ~ ~ ",f r; ",t J "f "\ . "\ the chalk illustrations were hosed off by II ff" .•.•...".rl( '1 .• eager government employees before most ~\i''l: ~ "f \ 'I '~r ~ .~. '\~.'!: legislators and Capltol workers came to ,t (~'t "i' ,. "''I' "i",f 't r.,.., <t r \\ I- 'I"" .'\ \,~' t ~ 'r'!'> 'I \ ~ work Monday morning. 'Safur&a~ IM• .; IJ1'(~\ ,,~'t . A third May Day protest-chaining sev· \ ' '''' ,,,, ~ eral PWAs to the iron gates at the Gover- " '\'1""( " "'''I \ ~ "i tf 'i l' '" ""'r nor's mansion-never materialized. Re- .. VOLi,EYIt:ALi"'1 : -" r~t; ligious fundamentalists had spread the Outside State Capitol (t-r) Phyllis Frye and Eugene Har· rumor that it would happen at 4 p.m.-only TDU~Mff~;r '. ~~ rington hold up paper edged in red tape. Computer-drewn Com'hetitioii Beeins 2ptn .•-.: ligures signify 4,000 AIDS deaths in Texas. to find out later that the demonstration ., ," "'.,-'i" "\' bi 1'\ TWT NEWS photos by Erika Yvonne Erinwulf. never was meant to be. r .,'" '\ .•• ",'" "\ .,' t: \ r \ ,,,.~, l""\ ~UJANI\THE't\~\{E';· ,';, . ~ .~. '\ ~ f'&"; ",~~f~ f. ~~ '\ ~ ",\,,0.0 JfInJWLQS:! ~ \";"\'f'f.~ MONUMENTAL ~ ~1l~NiJlt ' ng"" .~ t ,1\ "," ~ \ • \ ,~lh\ "~' ~ .' , ,,'f ~. No,(DbverJ"6r' After Hours ~ AIDS PROTEST if '-,t,"Y" ..,- \ _ ~ \I \ ;f \ 'I.. '" .• To Anyone In~JAMS \", '!' "\ \ '*",~ '" "i ~'f •• AT CAPITOL ~~ ~\\ '\ 1\' • ""1 ~ ~', ., 'f '1l "" .,'f*.~f 'i Drawn Chalk Figures Mark Sunday, Mayl'14 r'f'i ••.• 'f r 4,000 Texas AIDS Deaths; ••. 1>: ,;" ..-t,'1 'f. ",'" .~ Rotunda Draped in Tape; , 1. "f 1i - lI'f. 'f<\ vOLLEYB,A~L ,,~ ~"1't H·T Mock Trial Finds Bigots Guilty. TOURNAMENT' /I • t"i AUSTIN - Traditionally on May Day Americans rally around a May Pole draped ~Comperlti6n Begins 2pm : 'I in colored streamers. In foreign countries, May Day is often marked by protests. { "\B~~~~j;i~~d~~~~iJIn Texasi:' this year, May Day was no ex- Computer paper is unrolled and tossed from State Cepitot ~' "i ception as hundreds of protesters draped balcony (above) into the rotunda where demonstrators ,~,t· ~. '" '. We'I"e"~okin'ljAll Day ,r (below) gather to stage protest. Reams of paper are sym· ~ , \ T'" '\ I the rotunda of the State Capitol in stream- bolic of the reams of red tape that bog down AIDS funding . " '\ " ~ 'f"",," _, t ,. ~:'!'< ers of tape, symbolizing the sad fact that in Texas, TWT NEWS photos by Erika Yvonne Erinwulf. ~ t\ BODY EXPREssb~tERS ~ • AIDS funding in Texas has been seriously Stirr~n' The: Water bogged down in red tape. rf-"A,' 'f Un 1f All At high noon on May 1, long rolls of of . DaY Long!'" '" .. r ~ ..;y( I 1 '" computer paper were unraveled over the i1 "1'1~ M '~ ?!'. T" 'Jf. Capitol rotunda balconies, hurtling several MR. WAV;E <;ONTEST ~ -( stories downward to the floor where the v' Mus~letidie lOpm .,_, ~ r' .• Texas seal is the marble floor centerpiece. The long rolls of paper showed cornput- , . $350 hi Cash1Pfttes ,,~ 'f" erized figures of the many Texans who £ ~ .1 ! £ 1'i, r '. ~ .~ lor Entry ntormauon have died of AIDS. At last count the death • Cali The WAVl:. 1I~~ tOil was reaching 4,000 . There were other figures, too, which , < 1!i .• ••.• 1': 111: ~ wer~ illustrated on May Day at the State , . Capitol. Around sunrise, hundreds of huma.n-size chalk figures were drawn on ~hewide sidewalk leading from Eleventh ~\e9~ treet up to the Capitol steps. ,-". ~-lit' --~-:-="/lJ\.\1---1n --. TWT MAY 1') _ ~,",M'" • participants and organizers of the final March on Austin events on May Day at the State Capitol. The two May Day AIDS demonstrations were preceded on Saturday, April 29 by a mock trial of bigots. It was held at 4 p.m. on the steps of the State Supreme Court. On trial were Rev. Jerry Falwell, Judge Jack Hampton, Rev. Mark Weaver and PhylliS Schlafly, among others. Reading the charges was John Thomas of Dallas, who sternly played the role of prosecuting attorney. i&Qk·:&.Q Hundreds 01 numen-slze chalk figures are drawn on main sidewalk 01State Capitol to symbolize the thousands dead 01 AIDS in Texas. TWTNEWSphotos by Chris Zimmerman. The extraordinary AIDS protests at the State Capitol on May 1 were the climax to the highly successful April 30 March on Austin when upwards of 30,000 gay men and lesbians marched on the State Capi- tol, in the largest demonstration ever in Austin, demanding equal rights, an end to oppression, a stop to hate crimes, more AIDS funding and the removal of the 21.06 sodomy statute from the state penal code.
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