PART No. 59811 s Commission No. VI to V200,OOO SPARE PARTS CATA LG>U E Fifth Edition THE STANDARD MOTOR CO .. LTD .. S p. ARE SDIVIS ION FLETCHAMSTEAD HIGHWAY C 0 V E N TRY ENG LAN D ii FOREWORD This catalogue has been compiled to assist all purchasers requiring Spare Parts for the Standard Vanguard I Saloon. Supplements are also included to cover the Standard Vanguard I Estate Car, Van and Pick-Up. You are requested to note carefully the method and procedure for ordering parts which is contained in the introductory notes. The Sale of Spare Parts is always made in accordance with the Company's current conditions of sale. THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. LTD. Registered Office: BANNER LANE, COVENTRY SPARES DIVISION: SERVICE DIVISION: FLETCHAMSTEAD HIGHWAY, COVENTRY BIRMINGHAM RD., ALLES LEY, COVENTRY Telegrams: FLYWHEEL, COVENTRY Telegrams: STANSER, COVENTRY Telephone: 62471 (4 lines) Telephone: 2115 (4 lines) LONDON SERVICE DEPOT: BOUNDARY ROAD DEPOT: STANDARD ROAD, CHASE ESTATE, 98a, BOUNDARY ROAD, LONDON, N.W.8 PARK ROYAL, LONDON, N.W.10 Telegrams: STANCARS, MAIDA, LONDON Telegrams:STANTRI ,NORPHONE,LONDON Telephone: MAIDA VALE, 9114 (6 lines) Telephone: ELGar 6511 (11 lines) iii INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS To obviate any delays through mis-interpretation oforders it is important that you make careful note of the following instructions:- DESCRIPTION The part required should be referred to in the catalogue and the part number quoted with the technical description. If any doubt exists as to the name and number of the part a sketch or the old part should be sent to assist in correct interpretation. When trim material is ordered, a specimen of the material required should be sent whenever possible. PATTERNS When parts are sent as patterns it is important that they should be carefully and individually labelled indicating the address of the sender together with advice by separate post giving any reference or order number to which they refer. All patterns must be sent Carriage Paid to the Spares Division, Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry, and unless special instructions are given on the order they will not be returned. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND PARTS Where Right Hand and Left Hand Parts are required it is essential that this is clearly stated on the order. QUANTITIES Do not designate the quantities by sets but state specifically the number of parts that are required. ORDERS Orders for replacement parts should be submitted to the nearest Standard Distri butor or Dealer. iv SPECIAL NOTE FOR DISTRIBUTORS It is helpful to ensure that:- (0) The address is clearly stated and the order submitted on the approved Order Form. (b) Parts required are in numerical sequence. (c) Where possible, the order should be typed or written in ink. NOTICE OF MODIFICATION When modifications relevant to these models are introduced Bulletins will be issued to Standard Distributors and Dealers to ensure that the catalogue may be amended in accordance with the latest information. CHASSIS NUMBERS Where there is doubt about the correct description for a spare part, always quote the chassis number with prefix or suffix letters (if any) of the car concerned. This will save delay and ensure speedier despatch. The chassis number may be found stamped on a brass plate, on the scuttle under the bonnet. CAR REPAIRS. Note to Customers A Service School is established where the representatives from our Distributors and Dealers are trained in the upkeep and maintenance of Standard Cars. Customers should therefore avail themselves of the service which our agents are able to give in all matters relative to service and maintenance. v CAUTION WHEN REPLACEMENTS ARE MADE IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT PARTS OF GENUINE STANDARD MOTOR CO. LTD. MANUFACTURE SHOULD BE USED. THIS ENSURES THAT THE SERVICE GIVEN BY THE ORIGINAL PART WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE REPLACE­ MENT. REMEMBER THE GENUINE PART CARRIES WITH IT A GUARANTEE. THE EXPERIENCE GAINED BY THE MANUFACTURERS ENSURES THAT THE HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIAL IS USED AND THE STRICTEST ACCURACY MAINTAINED IN MANUFACTURE. vi RIGHT-HAND SIDE OR OFF SIDE RIGHT-HAND STEERING FRONT REAR LEFT-HAND SIDE OR NEAR SIDE COMMISSION NUMBERS AND SUFFIX Saloon Right Hand Steering V DL Saloon Left Hand Steering V LDL Saloon Right Hand Steering V DLO Saloon Left Hand Steering V LDLO Van Right Hand Steering V V Van Left Hand Steering V LV Van Right Hand Steering V VO Van Left Hand Steering V LVO Estate Cal' Standard Model Right Hand Steering V SC Estate Car Standard Model Left Hand Steering V LSC Estate Car Standard Model Right Hand Steering V SCO Estate Car Standard Model Left Hand Steering V LSCO Pick-Up Truck Right Hand Steering V PU Pick.Up Truck ... Left Hand Steering V LPU RIGHT-HAND SIDE OR NEAR SIDE ~; [REAR FRONT !E.}: ~ LEFT-HAND STEERING LEFT-HAND SIDE OR OFF SIDE vii AVANT-PROPOS Ce catalogue a ete etabli au benefice de tous les clients ayant besoin de pieces de rechange pour la Berline Standard Vanguard I" comprend egalement des Supplements relatifs a l'Estate Car Standard Vanguard I, la Fourgonnette et la Camiol)nette. Nous vous prions de prendre bonne note de l'lntroduction qui renferme la methode et la marche asuivre pour la commande des pieces. La vente des pieces de rechange est effectuee conformement aux conditions de vente en cours de la Societe. THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. LTD. Siege Social: BANNER LANE, COVENTRY DIVISION DE DE RECHANGE: DIVISION POUR LE SERVICE: FLETCHAMSTEAD HIGHWAY, COVENTRY BIRMINGHAM RD., ALLESLEY. COVENTRY Adresse telegraphique: Adresse telegraphique: FLYWHEEL, COVENTRY STANSER. COVENTRY Telephone: 2115 (4Iignes) Telephone: 62471 (4 lignes) DEPOT DE LONDRES POUR LE SERVICE: DEPOT DE BOUNDARY ROAD: STANDARD ROAD, CHASE ESTATE, 98a, BOUNDARY ROAD, LONDRES, N.W.8 PARK ROYAL, LONDRES. N.W.10 Ad resse telegraphique: Adresse telegraphique: STANCARS, MAIDA, LONDON STANTRI, NORPHONE, LONDON Telephone: Maide Vale 9114 (6Iignes) Telephone: ELGar 6511 (11 lignes) viii INSTRUCTIONS POUR LA COMMANDE DES PIECES DE RECHANGE Afin d'eviter tout retard dO a la mauvaise interpretation des commandes, il est important de noter soigneusement les instructions suivantes: DeSCRIPTION La piece demandee devra porter la mention du catalogue et Ie numero de piece sera cite avec la description technique. En cas de doute concernant la designation et Ie numero de piece, on enverra un dessin ou I'ancienne piece pour faciliter I'ident­ fication. Lorsqu'on commande du tissu pour garnitures, on enverra, si possible, un echantillon du tissu demande. '. MODELES Lorsqu'on envoie des pieces comme modeles, il est important de les etiqueter soigneusement et separement en indiquant I'adresse de I'expediteur, et d'envoyer sous pli separe les references ou Ie numero de piece qui s'y rapportent. Tous les modeles doivent etre envoyes port paye a la Division des Pieces de Rechange, Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry, et ils ne seront pas retournes, sauf si la commande portes des instructions speciales. PIECES POUR CONDUITE A DROITE OU CONDUITE A GAUCHE Lorsqu'on demande des pieces pour condulte a droite ou conduite a gauche, il est indispensable de la specifier c1alrement sur la commande. QUANTITES Ne pas designer les quantites par jeu mais mentionner avec precision Ie nombre de pieces desirees. COMMANDES Les commandes de pieces de rechange seront soumises au Concessionnaire ou Agent Standard Ie plus proche. ix NOTE SPECIALE POUR LES AGENTS II est utile de s'assurer que: (a) I'adresse soit indiquee lisiblement et que la commande soit libellee sur la formule de commande agreee. (b) les pieces demandees soient dans I'ordre numerique. (c) la commande soit, si possible, dactylographiee ou ecrite 11 I'encre. AVIS DE MODIFICATION Lorsque ces modeles font I'objet de modifications, des Bulletins seront envoyes aux Concessionnaires et Agents Standard afin que Ie catalogue puisse etre modifie conformement aux dernieres informations. NUMERO DE CHASSIS En cas de doute concernant la description correcte d'une piece de rechange, toujours citer Ie numero de chassis de la voiture en question avec, Ie cas echeant, Ie prefixe ou suffixe. Ceci evitera tout retard et assurera une expedition plus rapide. On trouvera Ie numero de chassis marque sur une plaque en laiton situee sur Ie tablier, sous Ie capot. REPARATIONS DES VOITURES (Note aux clients) Une Ecole pour Ie Service a ete ouverte aux Representants de nos Concessionnaires et Agents qui y re<;:oivent une formation speciale pour les reparations et I'entretien des voitures Standard. Par consequent, les clients devraient profiter des facilites que nos Agents sane en mesure de leur fournir pour les questions se rapportant au service et 11 I' entretien. x ..-----ATTENTION -----iii POUR TOUS LE REMPLACEMENT DES PIECES, IL EST DE LA PLUS HAUTE IMPORTANCE DE N'EMPLOYER QUE DES PIECES STANDARD MOTOR CO. LTD. D'ORIGINE. CECI GARANTIRA QUE LA PIECE DE RECHANGE DONNERA LE M~ME SERVICE QUE LA PIECE ORIGINALE. NE PAS OUBLIER QUE LES PIECES D'ORIGINE PORTENT UNE GARANTIE. L'EXPERIENCE ACQUISE PAR LES FABRICANTS GARANTIT QUE LES MATERIAUX UTILISES SONT DE LA PLUS HAUTE QUALITE ET LA FABRICATION DE LA PLUS GRANDE PRECISION. xi COTE DROIT CONDUITE A DROITE AVANT ARRIERE COTE GAUCHE NUMEROS DE COMMANDE ET SUFFIXES Berline Conduite adroite V DL Berline Conduite agauche V LDL Berline Conduite adroite V DLO Berline Conduite agauche V LDLO Fourgonnette Conduite adroite V V Fourgonnette Conduite agauche V LV Fourgonnette Conduite adroite V va Fou rgon nette Conduite agauche V LVO Estate Car Modele Standard Conduite a droite V sc Estate Car Modele Standard Conduite agauche V .LSC Estate Car Modele Standard Conduite adroite V sco Estate Car Modele Standard Conduite agauche V LSCO Camionnette Pick-Up Conduite adroite V PU Camionnette Pick-Up Conduite agauche V LPU COTE DROIT AVANT ARRIERE ::::J I CONDUITE A GAUCHE COTE GAUCHE xii INTRODUCCION Este cadlogo ha sido compilado como un auxiliar para los compradores que necesiten piezas de repuesto para el automovil Standard Vanguard I tipo Salon.
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