CoNTeNTS FOREWORD 03 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CO-DIRECTORS 04 HIV-NAT CLINICAL TRIALS NETWORK 05 INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD 2012 06 COLLABORATORS 07 OVERVIEW OF HIV-NAT STUDIES 10 PHARMACOKINETIC STUDIES 14 CLINICAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS IN CO-VIRAL & VIRAL INFECTIONS 15 CLINICAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS IN CO-TUBERCULOSIS INFECTIONS 19 LONG TERM COHORT ANALYSIS 20 STRATEGY STUDIES 23 NEW DRUG DEVELOPMENT 26 SEXUAL HEALTH 28 OTHERS 29 PEDIATRIC AND YOUTH RESEARCH PROGRAMS 31 HIV-NAT TEAMS 36 PUBLICATIONS & WRITINGS 40 PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS 45 HIV-NAT RESEARCH LABORATORY 50 THE VACCINE & CELLULAR IMMUNOLOLGY LABORATORY 54 EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 56 15TH THE BANGKOK INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIV MEDICINE 60 PARTNERSHIPS 62 COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMS 77 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 83 SPONSORS 84 2 H I V - N A T ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 2 Foreword It gives me great pride to present the 16th annual report rom the HIV Netherlands Australia Thailand Research Collaboration. Its pages highlight the dedication and proessionalism HIV-NAT Phan Wannamethee possesses in fghting HIV/AIDS through dierent Secretary General Tai Red Cross Society avenues o research, knowledge dissemination, activities and campaigns. HIV-NA started the year with the 15th Bangkok International Symposium on HIV Medicine in January, which was attended by more than 700 physicians rom all over the world. Additionally, various trainings on HIV/AIDS were organized throughout the year to disseminate knowledge and inormation on clinical research and HIV inection management to health care proessionals rom Tailand and 9 countries in the region. Troughout 2012 HIV-NA has stayed committed to improving HIV care in Tailand and Southeast Asia through cutting edge research and quality training or health care providers. Results rom research conducted at HIV-NA have been recognized in national and international treatment guidelines. HIV-NA also engaged in public awareness activities. Tese included events that promote non-stigmatization and non-discrimination o people living with HIV that strive to improve quality o lie or people living with HIV. HIV-NA and the Tai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre joined hands with the Ministry o Public Health, UNAIDS, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and various NGOs in advancing Tailand towards the ‘Getting to Zero’ goal. A series o seminars that targeted ‘Getting to Zero’ messages, where zero reers to zero deaths, zero new inections and zero discrimination, were organized. Tis created a orum or private businesses, the media, entertainment companies, people living with HIV, HIV/AIDS experts and policy makers to voice shared opinions. Common ground was created and brainstorming was used to harness ideas that will drive Tailand’s move toward zero. Te ‘Wish Your Love’ undraising campaign or HIV-positive children and amilies was also launched in 2012. Tis was made possible by many actors and celebrities, and a generous public who endorsed the campaign. HIV-NA has grown and achieved much in 2012. However, the organization and its special ocus as a research acility or HIV/AIDS will continue to stay true to its vision o becoming a leading center o training or HIV/AIDS and a champion or “Getting to Zero”. Essentially, the success o 2012 acts as a catalyst or HIV-NA. I believe that 2013 will see HIV-NA gaining greater ground in Southeast Asia and the world or lie saving research that will enable increased access to treatment or people living with HIV. Phan Wannamethee Secretary General, Tai Red Cross Society Chairman, HIV-NA international Advisory Board H I V - N A T ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 2 3 A MeSSAGe FroM oUr Co-dIreCTorS (let to right) Joep M.A. Lange Praphan Phanuphak David A. Cooper 2012 has been an extraordinary year o growth or research at HIV-NAT. Seventy-two clinical studies were conducted this year alone. HIV-NAT continues to be the country coordinator or US National Institutes o Health-unded trials on when to start antiretrovirals in adults (START) and in children (PREDICT). Through the Kirby Institute o Inection and Immunity, HIV-NAT is coordinating multi-site randomized clinical trials on appropriate dosing o ART (LASA, ENCORE) and regimen or second line. By partnering with amAR/Treat Asia, the frst hepatitis C treatment study will be available to patients in Thailand in 2013. Through close collaboration with the TREAT Asia Network, HIV-NAT is the regional coordinating center or several pediatric studies in 4 countries in South East Asia. In 2012, HIV-NAT published 43 articles in peer-reviewed journals including the Lancet Inectious Disease publication o the PREDICT study results. HIV-NAT is committed to improving knowledge to better the care delivered to adults and children with HIV in Thailand and the region. We now have 110 sta who work tirelessly to RCARC has begun the frst est and reat study in advance HIV research and provide care to almost Tai men who have sex with men (MSM). HIV-NA/ 2000 adults and children with HIV at our center. RCARC is coordinating a study to promote HIV testing We recognize the medical, fnancial and social and linkage to care in MSM rom Bangkok, Jakarta challenges children and amilies with HIV ace, and and Indonesia. We are committed to working towards HIV-NA launched the ‘Wish Your Love’ undraising achieving UNAIDS’s goal o zero new HIV inection. campaign in August 2012 to help these vulnerable children and youth reach their greatest potential. Finally, we hope that you will fnd this annual report inormative and we welcome national and international We are delighted to welcome Proessor Frits van collaboration. On behal o the HIV-NA team, we Griensven to our organization as the Senior Advisor would like to extend our gratitude to collaborators on HIV Prevention. Dr. Frits is a world renowned and sponsors or their unwavering support and to expert in HIV epidemiology and HIV prevention. our patients or their continued support, commitment He will play an important role in HIV-NA and Te and participation in studies. Tai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (RCARC)’s goal to reduce new HIV inections in Tailand and in the region. In collaboration with the Ministry o Public Health, HIV-NA/ 4 H I V - N A T ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 2 HIV-NAT CLINICAL TRIALS NETWORK CHIANG MAI CHIANG RAI • NAKORNPING HOSPITAL • CHIANG RAI PRACHANUKROH HOSPITAL • SANPATONG HOSPITAL KHON KAEN • SRINAGARIND HOSPITAL, KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY • KHON KAEN HOSPITAL BANGKOK • HIV-NAT – TRCARC • CHULALONGKORN HOSPITAL • SIRIRAJ HOSPITAL, MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY • BAMRASNARADURA INSTITUTE • RAMATHIBODHI HOSPITAL • BANGKOK METROPOLITAN ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL COLLEGE & VAJIRA HOSPITAL • TAKSIN HOSPITAL CHON BURI • CHONBURI REGIONAL HOSPITAL • QUEEN SAVANG VADHANA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CHANTABURI • PRAPOKKLAO HOSPITAL PHNOM PENH • NATIONAL PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL • SOCIAL HEALTH CLINIC H I V - N A T ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 2 5 INTerNATIoNAL AdVISorY BoArd 2012 1 Mr. Phan Wannamethee (Chairman) Secretary General Te Tai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Tailand 2 Dr. ej Bunnag Assistant Secretary General Te Tai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Tailand 3 Prof. Emeritus Praphan Phanuphak Director o Te Tai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre, Tai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Tailand 4 Prof. David A Cooper Director o Te Kirby Institute or inection and immunity in society (ormerly known as the National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research); Te University o New South Wale Sydney, Australia 5 Prof. Sean Emery National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research Te University o New South Wale Sydney, Australia 6 Prof. Joep M A Lange Proessor o Medicine, Center or Poverty-related Communicable Diseases Academic Medical Center, University o Amsterdam Executive Scientifc Director, Amsterdam Institute or Global Health & Development Co-director HIV-NA 7 Prof. Martin Grobusch Proessor o Medicine Dep. o Inectious Diseases, ropical Medicine and HIV/AIDS AMC (Academic Medisch Centrum) o the University o Amsterdam, Amsterdam 8 Assoc. Prof. Sophon Napathorn Dean, Faculty o Medicine, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Tailand 9 Prof. Ploenchan Chetchotsakd Faculty o Medicine, Khonkaen University, Khonkaen, Tailand 10 Dr. imothy Holtz Director, HIV/SD Research Program Tailand MOPH-US CDC Collaboration, Ministry o Public Health, Nonthaburi, Tailand 11 Dr. Annette Sohn amAR Vice President o Global Initiatives and Director, REA Asia Bangkok, Tailand 12 Dr. Viseth Ngauy Chie, Chie o the Department o Retrovirology, AFRIMS USAMC-AFRIMS Bangkok, Tailand 13 Prof. Tira Sirisanthana Proessor o Medicine, Faculty o Medicine, Chiang Mai University Former Director, Te Research Institute or Health Sciences (RIHES) 6 H I V - N A T ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 2 CoLLABorATorS INERNAIONAL COLLABORAORS AUSRALIA HE NEHERLANDS Te Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and in Society, formerly known as the National Centre Development (AIGHD) and University of in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Amsterdam University of New South Wales, Sydney Joep M.A. Lange (HIV-NA co-director), Ferdinand Wit, David A. Cooper (HIV-NA co-director), Sean Emery, Peter Reiss, Remko van Leeuwen, Janneke van de Sarah Pett, Cate Carey, Mark Boyd, Rebekah Puls, Wijgert, Jacqueline van ongeren, Martin Grobusch, Carlo Dazo, David Courtney-Rodgers, Natalie Espinosa, Frank van Leth, and Mark van der Valk Jessica aylor, Alli Humphries, Courtney Bendall, Gail Matthews, Greg Dore, Pip Marks, Amanda Erratt, Radboud University, Nijmegen Medical Center Megan Evans, Leanne Kearney, Nisha Seneviratne, (Clinical Pharmacology)
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