Bull. Org. mond. Sante 1953, 8, 535-589 Bull. World Hlth Org. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE TOXICOLOGY OF PESTICIDES IN MAN AND MAMMALS CHOIX DE RtFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES CONCERNANT LES PROPRIETES TOXIQUES DES PESTICIDES * POUR L'HOMME ET LES MAMMIFfERES This bibliography has been prepared from the reference sources available in the Library of the World Health Organization. Medical indexes and abstracting journals, and the bibliographies of many articles and books, were systematically scanned; the final selection and classification were undertaken by Dr. J. M. Barnes. As far as possible the titles of articles are given in the original language; in several cases, however, it has been impossible to verify these and the original title has been replaced by a translation, enclosed in square brackets. Cette bibliographie a et preparee d'apres les differentes sources de documentation accessibles 'a la Bibliotheque de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante. Les index bibliographiques medicaux, les p6rio- diques analytiques, ainsi que les bibliographies de nombreux ouvrages et articles, ont ete systematiquement depouilles; le choix definitif et le classement ont et6 effectues par le Dr J. M. Barnes. Dans la mesure du possible, les titres des articles ont ete donnes dans la langue originale; dans quelques cas, cependant, il a ete impos- sible de verifier le titre original, qui a ete remplace par une traduction placee entre crochets. Le terme <(pesticides >> est utilis6 ici pour d6signer les insecticides, les rodenticides, les herbicides, les fongicides et autres produits similaires. 194 - 535- 536 PESTICIDES I. HAZARDS OF USE AND MANUFACTURE I. RISQUES INHERENTS A L'UTILISATION ET A LA FABRICATION A. General A. Ge'ne'ralite'S 1. ABRAMS, H. K. Increased use of agricultural chemicals serious problem for industrial hygienists Industr. Hyg. Newslett. 1950, 10, No. 7, pp. 3-4, 16 2. ABRAMS, H. K. Public health aspects of agricultural chemicals In: American Chemical Society, Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Agricultural control chemicals, Washington, D.C., 1950, pp. 52-55 3. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDES Health hazards of electric vaporizing devices for insecticides J. Amer. med. Ass. 1952, 149, 367-369 4. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, COUNCIL ON FOODS AND NUTRITION Health hazards of pesticides J. Amer. med. Ass. 1948,137, 1603 5. ANDREWS, J. M. & SIMMONS, S. W. Developments in the use of the newer organic insecticides of public health importance Amer. J. publ. Hlth, 1948, 38, 613-631 6. ANWIKAR, A. K. The new organic insecticides of public health importance and their use Indian med. J. 1952, 45, 152-156 7. BISHOPP, F. C. Food, health and insecticides Agric. Chemic. 1951, 6, No. 2, pp. 38-40, 97-101 8. BRIESKORN, C. H. Influence of some new pest and weed control agents on our foods Z. Lebensmitt-Untersuch. 1951, 93, 292-298 9. BROWN, A. W. A. Insect control by chemicals, New York, 1951 10. BUSVINE, J. R. The use and abuse of insecticides Practitioner, 1951, 166, 179-188 11. CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Information on two of the newer insecticides Industr. Hyg. Newslett. 1949, 9, No. 2, p. 9 12. CAROZZI, L. Patologia degli agricoltori; le intossicazioni da insetticidi, disinfestanti, erbicidi Folia med. (Napoli), 1950, 33, 97-117 HAZARDS - RISQUES 537 13. CONFERENCE ON THERAPY Household poisonings: II Amer. J. Med. 1950, 8, 372-383 14. CONLEY, B. E. Why the American Medical Association is interested in the pesticide problem Pests, 1949, 17, No. 4, pp. 18-22 15. CONLEY, B. E. & WILSON, J. R. The physician's role in the pesticide problem In: American Chemical Society, Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Agricultural control chemicals, Washington, D.C., 1950, pp. 61-64 16. COON, J. M. Hazards involved in pesticide application Agric. Chemic. 1951, 6, No. 3, pp. 53, 55 17. Danger from the newer insecticides Lancet, 1950, 1, 407-408 18. EICHLER, W. Vergiftungsgefahren mit neuzeitlichen Kontaktinsektiziden Dtsch. GesundhWes. 1949, 4, 1035-1042 19. FAIRHALL, L. T. The newer insecticides Industr. Hyg. Newslett. 1949, 9, No. 7, pp. 8-9, 16 20. FJELDDALEN, J. Are all insecticides poisonous to human beings ? Frukt og Baer, 1951, 4, 13-22 21. FREAR, D. E. H. Chemistry of insecticides, fungicides and pesticides, 2nd ed., New York, 1948 22. GIRARD, P. Les insecticides de synthese au point de vue de 1'hygiene et de la sante publique Rev. Cps Sante milit. 1950, 6, 105-142 23. GREAT BRITAIN, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES Toxic chemicals in agriculture. Report of the working party, London, 1951 24. HAYES, W. J., JR. Toxicology of insecticides CDC Bull. 1950, 9, 1-3 25. HAYES, W. J., JR. & SIMMONS, W. S. Benefits and hazards of insecticides to public health In: American Chemical Society, Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Agricultural control chemicals, Washington, D.C., 1950, pp. 56-60 26. KAY, K. Health aspects of the new organic insecticides Rep. ent. Soc. Ont. 1950, 1951, 19-26 27. KING, F. C. The dangers of poisonous dusts and sprays Hlth & Soil, 1950, winter, 29-30 28. LEMMON, A. B. Hazards in use of new poisons Citrus Leaves, 1949, 29, No. 7, pp. 6-7, 28 538 PESTICIDES 29. LHOSTE, J. AperVu sur les insecticides organiques de synthese et sur leur emploi a' des fins sani- taires, Paris, Minist&re de la France d'Outre-Mer, 1948 30. Mocsy, J. A kontaktmergek Mag. dllotorv. Lap. 1946, No. 9, pp. 1-8 31. New hazards from agricultural chemicals J. Amer. med. Ass. 1950, 143, 1158-1159 32. New insecticides are dangerous Safety Review, 1949, 6, 10-11 33. Potential hazards of the newer insecticides Amer. J. Med. 1950, 8, 1-3 34. PRINCI, F. Environmental health aspects of certain agricultural pesticides Agric. Chemic. 1951, 6, No. 2, pp. 30-33 35. PRINCI, F. Toxicology and hazard record of the newer pesticides Agric. Chemic. 1952, 7, No. 1, pp. 44, 47, 97, 99, 101 36. RIPPER, W. E. Pest killers must not be man killers World Crops, 1950, 2, 474-477 37. SIMMONS, S. W. Health hazards of economic poisons and related substances Amer. J. trop. Med. 1951, 31, 514-518 38. SKINNER, J. B. Newer occupational diseases New Engl. J. Med. 1950, 243, 482-486 39. SRIVASTAVA, A. S. Hazards of insecticides and solvents to man Indian med. Rec. 1951, 71, 273-276, 313-317, 328-333 40. STARCKE, A. Insects and man Ent. Ber. (Amst.), 1952, 14, 3-6 41. THIEMANN, H. A. New insecticides and rodenticides and their health aspects Amer. Industr. Hyg. Ass. Quart. 1949, 10, 10-15 42. Toxic chemicals in agriculture Brit. med. J. 1951, 1, 628-630 43. Toxic weed-killers and insecticides Brit. med. J. 1951, 1, 639 44. WARD, J. C. Organic pesticides-new health hazards Arch. Induistr. Hyg. 1951, 4, 152-155 45. WEBSTER, R. L. New insecticides: their uses, limitations, and hazard to human health, Olympia, Wash., 1950 (Washington Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular No. 64) HAZARDS - RISQUES 539 46. WELLMAN, R. H. Synthetic chemicals for agriculture Chlem. & Ind. 1948, 62, 914-921; 63, 223-229 47. WILSON, J. R. Are pesticides making your food unsafe ? Hygiea, 1949, 27, 44-45, 66 B. Insecticides: DDT and Related Compounds B. Insecticides: DDT et Composes Voisins 48. ABAD GOMEZ, H. Inocuidad de la adici6n al agua potable de 1 p.p.m. de DDT para la erradicaci6n del 4 Aedes aegypti * Bo1. Ofic. sanit. pan-amer. 1951, 30, 330-337 49. ALESSANDRINI, M. E. Il p-diclorodifeniltricloroetano (DDT) R.C. Ist. sup. Sanita', 1946, 9, 133-148 50. CAMERON, G. R. Risks to man and animals from the use of 2,2-bis(p-chlorphenyl)-1,l,l,-trichlor- ethane (D.D.T.) Brit. med. Bull. 1945, 3, 233-235 51. GORDON, I. Occupational hazard of DDT spraying Brit. J. industr. Med. 1946, 3, 245-249 52. HOLDAWAY, F. G. Uses, dangers and shortcomings of DDT Plantat. Hlth, 1946, 10, No. 1, pp. 20-26 53. KILLIFFER, D. H. Is DDT poisonous ? Sci. Amer. 1946, 174, 5-7 54. LHOSTE, J. Le DDT est-il dangereux ? Nature (Paris), 1947, No. 3144, pp. 301-302 55. MILLER, S. E. DDT in medical practice Curr. med. Dig. 1946, July, 27-33 56. MtUHLENS, K. Ober die Bedeutung der Dichlor-diphenyl-trichlor-methylmethanpraparate als Arthropodengift in der Seuchenbekampfung unter Berijcksichtigung eigener Erfahrungen Dtsch. med. Wschr. 1946, 71, 164-169 57. MULLER, P., DOMENJOZ, R., WIESMANN, R. & BUXTORF, A. Dichlordiphenyltrichloroethan als Insektizid und seine Bedeutung fur die Human- und Veterinarhygiene Ergebn. Hyg. Bakt. 1949, 26, 5-138 540 PESTICIDES 58. Possible hazards from the use of DDT Amer. J. publ. Hlth, 1949, 39, 925-927 59. ROCHTCHIN, I. V. Voprosi gigieni truda v proizvodstve insektitsida DDT Gigiena, 1949, No. 8, pp. 21-26 60. STONE, T. T. & GLADSTONE, L. DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) J. Amer. med. Ass. 1951, 145, 1342 61. VON OETTINGEN, W. F. et al. Appraisal of the toxicity and potential dangers of DDT aerosol No. 304 (US Public Health Service. Project No. T.217, 1945) 62. WEST, T. F. & CAMPBELL, G. A. DDT and newer persistent insecticides, 2nd ed., London, 1950 63. ZEIN-EL-DINE, K. The insecticide DDT J. roy. Egypt. med. Ass. 1946, 29, 38-54 C. Insecticides: Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin, and Toxaphene C. Insecticides: Aldrine, Chlordane, Dieldrine, et Toxaphene 64. PARKER, W. L. & BLACKER, J. H. Toxaphene, a chlorinated hydrocarbon with insecticidal properties, Newark, Del., 1947) (Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 264) D. Insecticides: Gamma-Isomer Benzene Hexachloride and its Isomers D. Insecticides: Hexachlorocyclohexane. Isomere Gamma et Autres Isomires 65. SLADE, R. E. The gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (Gammexane) Chem. & Ind. 1945, 64, 314-319 E. Insecticides: Organo-Phosphorus Compounds E.
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