Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census - Cultural Diversity SSC (UR) by RELP - 3 Digit Level Counting: Persons, Place of Usual Residence Filters: Default Summation Persons, Place of Usual Residence RELP - 3 Digit Level Catholic Total SSC (UR) Aarons Pass 3 3 Abbotsbury 2384 2384 Abbotsford 2072 2072 Abercrombie 382 382 Abercrombie 0 0 Aberdare 454 454 Aberdeen (NSW) 584 584 Aberfoyle 49 49 Aberglasslyn 1625 1625 Abermain 442 442 Abernethy 47 47 Abington (NSW) 0 0 Acacia Creek 4 4 Acacia Gardens 1061 1061 Adaminaby 94 94 Adamstown 1606 1606 Adamstown 1253 1253 Adelong 269 269 Adjungbilly 31 31 Afterlee 7 7 Agnes Banks 328 328 Airds 630 630 Akolele 7 7 Albert 7 7 Albion Park 3737 3737 Albion Park Rail 1738 1738 Albury 1189 1189 Aldavilla 182 182 Alectown 27 27 Alexandria 1508 1508 Alfords Point 990 990 Alfredtown 27 27 Alice 0 0 Alison (Central 25 25 Alison (Dungog - 11 11 Allambie Heights 1970 1970 Allandale (NSW) 20 20 Allawah 971 971 Alleena 3 3 Allgomera 20 20 Allworth 35 35 Allynbrook 5 5 Alma Park 5 5 Alpine 30 30 Alstonvale 116 116 Alstonville 1177 1177 Alumy Creek 24 24 Amaroo (NSW) 15 15 Ambarvale 2105 2105 Amosfield 7 7 Anabranch North 0 0 Anabranch South 7 7 Anambah 4 4 Ando 17 17 Anembo 18 18 Angledale 30 30 Angledool 20 20 Anglers Reach 17 17 Angourie 42 42 Anna Bay 789 789 Annandale (NSW) 1976 1976 Annangrove 541 541 Appin (NSW) 841 841 Apple Tree Flat 11 11 Appleby 16 16 Appletree Flat 0 0 Apsley (NSW) 14 14 Arable 0 0 Arakoon 87 87 Araluen (NSW) 38 38 Aratula (NSW) 0 0 Arcadia (NSW) 403 403 Arcadia Vale 271 271 Ardglen 15 15 Arding 36 36 Ardlethan 120 120 Argalong 12 12 Argenton 281 281 Argents Hill 39 39 Argoon (NSW) 5 5 Ariah Park 100 100 Arkell 6 6 Arkstone 21 21 Armatree 35 35 Armidale 4670 4670 Arncliffe 1918 1918 Arndell Park 0 0 Arrawarra 83 83 Arrawarra 80 80 Artarmon 1725 1725 Arthurville 9 9 Arumpo 17 17 Ashbury 1332 1332 Ashby (NSW) 65 65 Ashby Heights 32 32 Ashby Island 0 0 Ashcroft 701 701 Ashfield (NSW) 4883 4883 Ashford (NSW) 98 98 Ashley 97 97 Ashmont 1087 1087 Ashtonfield 1118 1118 Asquith 727 727 Atholwood 28 28 Attunga 128 128 Auburn (NSW) 3622 3622 Auburn Vale 27 27 Austinmer 522 522 Austral 1447 1447 Austral Eden 49 49 Avalon Beach 1920 1920 Avisford 6 6 Avoca (NSW) 40 40 Avoca Beach 1029 1029 Avon (NSW) 0 0 Avondale (NSW) 393 393 Avonside 21 21 Awaba 81 81 Aylmerton 50 50 Baan Baa 30 30 Babinda (NSW) 0 0 Babyl Creek 0 0 Back Creek 13 13 Back Creek 3 3 Back Creek (Mid- 0 0 Back Creek 3 3 Back Creek 0 0 Back Creek 4 4 Back Forest 20 20 Backmede 52 52 Backwater 0 0 Badgerys Creek 85 85 Badja 0 0 Baerami 10 10 Baerami Creek 0 0 Bagnoo 9 9 Bago 8 8 Bagotville 10 10 Bakers Creek 14 14 Bakers Creek 3 3 Bakers Creek 0 0 Bakers Swamp 18 18 Balaclava (NSW) 99 99 Balala 24 24 Balcolyn 182 182 Bald Blair 6 6 Bald Hills (NSW) 57 57 Bald Nob 6 6 Bald Ridge 4 4 Baldersleigh 9 9 Baldry 17 17 Balfours Peak 12 12 Balgowlah 1886 1886 Balgowlah 815 815 Balgownie 1813 1813 Balickera 0 0 Balladoran 27 27 Ballalaba 12 12 Balldale 33 33 Ballengarra 15 15 Ballimore 46 46 Ballina 1849 1849 Ballyroe 4 4 Balmain 2326 2326 Balmain East 434 434 Balmoral (Lake 140 140 Balmoral 96 96 Balranald 474 474 Bamarang 6 6 Banda Banda 0 0 Bandon Grove 22 22 Bangadang 3 3 Bangalee (NSW) 148 148 Bangalow 318 318 Bangheet 15 15 Bango 31 31 Bangor (NSW) 1657 1657 Banksia 802 802 Banksmeadow 8 8 Bankstown 5684 5684 Bankstown 0 0 Bannaby 5 5 Bannister (NSW) 44 44 Banoon 5 5 Banora Point 4069 4069 Banyabba 8 8 Bar Beach 291 291 Bar Point 14 14 Bara 5 5 Baradine 196 196 Barangaroo 27 27 Barcoongere 0 0 Barden Ridge 1290 1290 Bardia 350 350 Bardwell Park 574 574 Bardwell Valley 519 519 Barellan 154 154 Bargo 1230 1230 Barham 267 267 Barigan 4 4 Barkers Vale 8 8 Barmedman 111 111 Barneys Reef 0 0 Barnsley 356 356 Barooga 512 512 Barraba 249 249 Barrack Heights 1623 1623 Barrack Point 196 196 Barraganyatti 21 21 Barragga Bay 12 12 Barratta (NSW) 0 0 Barren Grounds 0 0 Barrengarry 7 7 Barretts Creek 0 0 Barringella 5 5 Barrington (NSW) 75 75 Barrington Tops 0 0 Barry (Blayney - 39 39 Barry (Upper 0 0 Barwang 40 40 Barwon 7 7 Baryulgil 4 4 Basin View 295 295 Bass Hill 2345 2345 Bassendean 0 0 Batar Creek 11 11 Bateau Bay 3370 3370 Batehaven 461 461 Batemans Bay 355 355 Bathampton 11 11 Bathurst 1950 1950 Batlow 269 269 Baulkham Hills 9873 9873 Baw Baw (NSW) 66 66 Bawley Point 96 96 Baxters Ridge 0 0 Bayview (NSW) 729 729 Beacon Hill 2231 2231 Beaconsfield 238 238 Bean Creek 8 8 Bearbong 11 11 Beaumont (NSW) 10 10 Beaumont Hills 2909 2909 Beckom 38 38 Bective 68 68 Bectric 12 12 Bedgerabong 59 59 Beechwood 117 117 Beecroft 1991 1991 Beecroft 0 0 Beelbangera 161 161 Beemunnel 5 5 Bega 950 950 Beggan Beggan 26 26 Belanglo 3 3 Belbora 20 20 Belfield 2572 2572 Belford 51 51 Belfrayden 0 0 Belgravia 37 37 Belimbla Park 192 192 Bell (NSW) 13 13 Bella Vista 1940 1940 Bellambi 907 907 Bellangry 11 11 Bellata 75 75 Bellawongarah 22 22 Bellbird 352 352 Bellbird Heights 183 183 Bellbrook 43 43 Bellevue Hill 1804 1804 Bellimbopinni 35 35 Bellingen 483 483 Bellmount Forest 25 25 Belltrees 5 5 Belmont (NSW) 1462 1462 Belmont North 1340 1340 Belmont South 222 222 Belmore 3073 3073 Belmore River 63 63 Beloka 3 3 Belowra 0 0 Belrose 1997 1997 Bemboka 101 101 Ben Bullen 18 18 Ben Lomond 29 29 Benandarah 29 29 Bendalong 13 13 Bendemeer 80 80 Bendick Murrell 38 38 Bendolba 60 60 Bendoura 11 11 Benerembah 56 56 Bengalla 3 3 Bennetts Green 3 3 Benolong 13 13 Bensville 733 733 Bentley (NSW) 43 43 Berala 1649 1649 Berambing 17 17 Beresfield 790 790 Bergalia 32 32 Berkeley 2151 2151 Berkeley Vale 2136 2136 Berkshire Park 529 529 Berlang 0 0 Bermagui 240 240 Berowra 975 975 Berowra Creek 5 5 Berowra Heights 1198 1198 Berowra Waters 4 4 Berrambool 92 92 Berrara 62 62 Berremangra 13 13 Berrico 5 5 Berridale 264 264 Berrigal 3 3 Berrigan 364 364 Berrilee 42 42 Berrima 116 116 Berringer Lake 6 6 Berry 526 526 Berry Jerry 28 28 Berry Mountain 3 3 Berry Park 42 42 Berthong 18 18 Beryl 27 27 Bethungra 47 47 Bevendale 12 12 Beverley Park 692 692 Beverly Hills 2349 2349 Bewong 18 18 Bexhill 118 118 Bexley 4175 4175 Bexley North 945 945 Biala 24 24 Bibbenluke 23 23 Biddon 20 20 Bidgeemia 17 17 Bidwill (NSW) 944 944 Bielsdown Hills 10 10 Big Hill (NSW) 14 14 Big Jacks Creek 20 20 Big Ridge 0 0 Big Springs 34 34 Bigga 55 55 Bilambil 95 95 Bilambil Heights 609 609 Bilbul 269 269 Bilgola Beach 52 52 Bilgola Plateau 668 668 Billeroy 16 16 Billilingra 4 4 Billimari 51 51 Billinudgel 28 28 Billys Creek 6 6 Billywillinga 54 54 Bilpin 148 148 Bimberi 0 0 Bimbi 25 25 Bimbimbie 13 13 Binalong 151 151 Binda 68 68 Bindera 4 4 Bingara 242 242 Bingeebeebra 5 5 Bingie 37 37 Bingleburra 0 0 Biniguy 41 41 Binjura 73 73 Binna Burra 46 46 Binnaway 116 116 Binya 68 68 Birchgrove 694 694 Birdwood (NSW) 10 10 Birganbigil 13 13 Birmingham 345 345 Birriwa 12 12 Birrong 647 647 Bishops Bridge 62 62 Bithramere 37 37 Black Creek (Port 8 8 Black Creek 0 0 Black Head 187 187 Black Hill (NSW) 112 112 Black Hollow 13 13 Black Mountain 65 65 Black Range 49 49 Black Springs 83 83 Blackalls Park 466 466 Blackbutt (NSW) 1004 1004 Blackett 895 895 Blackheath 648 648 Blackmans Flat 10 10 Blackmans Point 43 43 Blacksmiths 368 368 Blacktown 11950 11950 Blackville 9 9 Blackwall (NSW) 501 501 Blair Athol (NSW) 966 966 Blairmount 98 98 Blakebrook 48 48 Blakehurst 1402 1402 Blakney Creek 16 16 Bland 3 3 Blandford 29 29 Blaxland (NSW) 1689 1689 Blaxlands Creek 25 25 Blaxlands Ridge 105 105 Blayney 1039 1039 Bligh Park 1977 1977 Blighty 16 16 Blowering 0 0 Blue Bay 308 308 Blue Haven 1703 1703 Blue Knob 14 14 Blue Mountains 0 0 Blue Nobby 0 0 Blue Vale 20 20 Blueys Beach 25 25 Boambee 366 366 Boambee East 1133 1133 Boambolo 18 18 Boat Harbour 28 28 Boat Harbour 210 210 Bobadah 0 0 Bobin 14 14 Bobs Creek 13 13 Bobs Farm 66 66 Bobundara 9 9 Boco 0 0 Bocoble 16 16 Bocobra 11 11 Bodalla 160 160 Bodangora 20 20 Boeill Creek 32 32 Bogan 0 0 Bogan Gate 42 42 Bogangar 605 605 Bogee 10 10 Boggabilla 131 131 Boggabri 221 221 Bogong Peaks 0 0 Bohena Creek 31 31 Bohnock 12 12 Bolaro 5 5 Bolivia 9 9 Bolong 12 12 Bolton Point 332 332 Bolwarra (NSW) 259 259 Bolwarra Heights 871 871 Bom Bom 0 0 Bomaderry 1242 1242 Bombah Point 0 0 Bombala 333 333 Bombay 28 28 Bombira 135 135 Bombo 38 38 Bombowlee 105 105 Bombowlee 15 15 Bomen 12 12 Bomera 3 3 Bonalbo 83 83 Bondi 2129 2129 Bondi Beach 2198 2198 Bondi Forest 0 0 Bondi Junction 1992 1992 Bonnells Bay 711 711 Bonnet Bay 686 686 Bonny Hills 705 705 Bonnyrigg 2102 2102 Bonnyrigg 2322 2322 Bonshaw (NSW) 43 43 Bonville 569 569 Booerie Creek 35 35 Book Book 17 17 Booker Bay 328 328 Bookham 33 33 Bookookoorara 9 9 Bookram 0 0 Boolambayte 21 21 Boolaroo 166 166 Boolcarroll 0 0 Booligal 45 45 Boolijah 0 0 Boomanoomana 26 26 Boomerang 45 45 Boomey 22 22 Boomi 59 59 Boomi Creek 0 0 Boona Mount 6 6 Boonal 7 7 Boonoo Boonoo 8 8 Boorabee Park 35 35 Booragul 262 262 Booral (NSW) 62 62 Boorga 0 0 Boorganna 9 9 Boorolong 3 3 Boorook 3 3 Boorooma 255 255 Booroorban 6 6 Boorowa 664 664 Bootawa 21 21 Booti Booti 0 0 Booyong 10 10 Bora Ridge 24 24 Borah Creek 6 6 Borambola 33 33 Border Ranges 0 0 Boree 21 21 Boree Creek 55 55 Borenore 138 138 Boro 17 17 Bossley Park 7288 7288 Bostobrick 26 26 Botany 3988 3988 Botobolar 36 36 Bottle Creek 5 5 Bouddi 0 0 Bourbah 10 10 Bourke 761 761 Bourkelands 1013 1013 Bournda 16 16 Bournewood 14 14 Bow Bowing 500 500 Bowan Park 28 28 Bowen Mountain 329 329 Bowenfels 523 523 Bowling Alley 3 3 Bowman 23 23 Bowman Farm 6 6 Bowmans Creek 9 9 Bowna 32 32 Bowning 138 138 Bowral 2385 2385 Bowraville 240 240 Box Head 0 0 Box Hill (NSW) 385 385 Box Ridge 14 14 Boxers Creek 80
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