PARIBHĀṢENDUŚEKHARAPRADĪPA Translation, Explanation and Elucidiation of 37 Paribhāṣās of Śāstrārtha-sampādaka-prakaraṇa of Nāgojībhaṭṭa’s Paribhāṣenduśekhara With Commentaries from Vaidyanāthabhaṭṭa Pāyaguṇḍa’s Gadā-ṭīkā Tāttyaśāstri Patwardhana’s Bhūtī-ṭīkā Jayadeva Miśra’s Vijayā-tīkā Supported by Excerpts from Patañjali’s Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāṣya Rishit Desai Chief Editor Prof. Shrinivasa Varakhedi Vice Chancellor, KKSU, Ramtek Executive Editor Prof. Madhusudan Penna Director, Research and Publication, KKSU, Ramtek Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Title - Paribhāṣenduśekharapradīpa Author - Rishit Desai Chief Editor - Prof. Shrinivasa Varakhedi Executive Editor - Prof. Madhusudan Penna (Copyright Publisher) Publisher - Registrar Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek - 441106 Publication Year - 2020 Edition - First ISBN - 978-93-85710-75-9 Price - Rs. 699 /- Designed by - Umesh Patil Printed by - Avadhoot Graphics & Printing, Nagpur ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I take this opportunity to express my gratidude to all my teachers at the Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham, Institute of Dharma Studies, Somaiya Vidyavihar University. I was a student at the Institute from 2010 to 2015 and all the concepts of the Sanskrit language – from the basics of the varṇa-mālā to advanced concepts of Pāṇinian grammar, have been learnt by me from its highly qualified teachers. I would like to specially acknowledge the efforts of Dr. (Mrs.) Kala Acharya, Director (Retd.), Dr. (Mrs.) Lalita Namjoshi, Principal (Retd.), Mrs. Prachi Pathak, Principal and Dr. Rudraksha Sakrikar, Asst. Professor, who not only taught me during my Masters programme but also were present to guide me even after I concluded my formal education. It was the Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham that gave me the opportunity to teach and for that I remain indebted to it. During the last five years, Dr. Acharya and Mrs. Pathak have ceaselessly encouraged me to conduct programmes relating to Pāṇinian grammar. This has afforded me with a chance to study the Aṣṭādhyāyī more closely. It would be wrong of me not to include here my brilliant students as well, who have all played their part in keeping me alert to the nuances of Sanskrit grammar. During the course of writing this book (2018-2020), both Dr. Sakrikar and Mr. Balasaheb Wagh have been kind enough to guide me and have helped me improve my work. This work would not have been possible without the many books that I referred to and though I may not have met or known them, I am thankful to the authors of all the books I have mentioned in my work. Sanskrit grammar would not have been accessible to us in the 21st century without authors such as MM K. V. Abyankar, Bhimsen Shastri, Rama Nath Sharma, S. C. Vasu, S. D. Joshi and Kanshi Ram, among others. Although my teachers and these authors are responsible for my knowledge, I remain accountable for all mistakes I may have committed here, for I am nothing more than a student of the Aṣṭādhyāyī. iii I would also like to thank Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Prof. (Dr.) Shrinivas Varakhedi, Vice Chancellor and Prof. (Dr.) Madhusudan Penna, Director, Research and Publication, for agreeing to publish this work. This work would not have materialized without the support of my family – my parents Lalit-bhai and Pushpa-ben, my brother, Mihir, and my wife, Pratisha – who have always been patient with me. Both my son, Aadi, and my nephew, Rahul, have been immensly helpful with the formatting of this text. To the sages Pāṇini and Patañjali and the Vārttikakāras, to grammarians from the last two millenia and to Nāgojībhaṭṭā, the author of Paribhāṣenduśekhara, humanity, in general, and linguists, in particular, remain forever obliged. Rishit Desai 15th November, 2020 iv HOMAGE यनाक्षरसमाायमिधगम्ये महराते ् । कृ त् ं ाकरण ं पर्ोक्तं तस्म ै पािणनय े नमः ॥ यने धौता िगरः पसाुं ं िवमलःै शब्दवािरिभः । तमाज्ञानज ं िभ ं तस्म ै पािणनय े नमः ॥ वाक्यकारं वररुिच भाष्यकारं पतिलम ् । पािणिन सतर्कारू पर्णतोऽिस्म मिनतर्यमु ् ॥ v TRANSLITERATION a अ ḷ ऌ ā आ e ए i इ ai ऐ ī ई o ओ u उ au औ ū ऊ ṃ अनस्वारु ṛ ऋ ḥ िवसग र् / िवसजनीयर् ṝ ॠ ' अवगर्ह - ऽ k क् kh ख् g ग ् gh घ ् ṅ ङ् c च ् ch छ् j ज ् jh झ ् ñ ञ् ṭ ट् ṭh ठ् ḍ ड् ḍh ढ् ṇ ण ् t त ् th थ ् d द ् dh ध ् n न ् p प ् ph फ् b ब ् bh भ ् m म ् y य ् r र् l ल ् v व ् ś श ् ṣ ष ् s स ् h ह् vi ABBREVIATIONS A. : K. V. Abhyankar, editor of Paribhāṣā-saṃgraha J. : Jayadev Miśra, author of Vijayā-tīkā K. : Kielhorn, F., editor of the critical edition of Nagojībhaṭṭa’s Paribhāṣenduśekhara KE : Kielhorn edition of the Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāṣya, also referred to simply as Mahābhāṣya Quotes are made by citing (Volume : Page : Line number) For entire passages, however, only the initial line number is stated. LSK : Laghu-siddhānta-kaumudī of Varadarāja N. : Nagojībhaṭṭa, author of the Paribhāṣenduśekhara P. : Vaidyanātha Pāyaguṇḍa, author of Gadā-tīkā T. : Tāttyashastri Patwardhana, author of Bhūtī-tikā V. : Vyādi, author of the Paribhāṣāsūcanam or Paribhāṣāvṛtti VP : Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari VSK : Vaiyākaraṇa-siddhānta-kaumudī of Bhattoji-Dīkṣita W. : Wujastyk, Dominik, editor of Vyāḍi’s Paribhāṣāvṛtti NL : Not listed SS : Saṃjñā-sūtra/s PS : Paribhāṣā-sūtra/s u/s : under Sūtra/s u/Śs : under Śivasūtra u/v : under Vārttika v : Vārttika vii SYMBOLS AND STYLE √ : root, i.e. verbal root *…* : Incorrect word-form /…/ : Phoneme (varṇa) [sic] : Quoted word that appears erroneous […] : Insertions not present in quoted text Unless otherwise mentioned Sūtras refer to the Aṣṭādhyāyī. The numbers denote the Adhyāya, Pāda and Sūtra, e.g. 1.1.1. Sanskrit words are written within single quotation marks. However, commonly used Sanskrit words and technical terms are adopted into the English language and thus remain unmarked by single quotations. Among them, technical terms (saṃjñās) and words accepted as grammatical terminology are mostly capitalised. The integrity of the syntax of the Sanskrit language has been maintained while translating the text of Paribhāṣenduśekhara into English. The words that form part of the literal translation are marked as bold and their corresponding Sanskrit words are written within brackets. Words that are used to paraphrase in order to supply complete meaning are not marked in bold. For instance: ‘uddeśamantikramya iti yathoddeśaṃ. uddeśa upadeśadeśaḥ.’ The word ‘yathoddeśa’ means (iti) not going beyond (- anatikramya) the ‘uddeśa’. The word ‘uddeśa’ is the place (- deśaḥ) of instruction (upadeśa-) of such Sūtra. At places, a long compound has been hyphenated in order to achieve uniformity in layout. In few of such instances, where the /ā/ is a product of coalesence, it has been depicted as /a/-/a/. This has been done to facilitate semantical integrity. Words such as ‘saṃkhyā’ are used variously, i.e. as ‘saṅkhyā’ as well. This is consistent with usage of the Sanskrit language. viii वाक्पर्ितमा समानमवे पानीय ं लीनमवे च तज्जल े । िनपानमत्पर्सक्तु ं त ु समतमथे मा समम ् ॥१॥ ऐक्य ं तस्यास्समु लू महानदी समा सदा । तरोऽन्तरेण तिस्सपर्वाह मा समः ॥२॥ पर्ाङ्गण ं च तथावत्स्यात्कु क्कु टस्ततर्िस्थत: सु । वचस्तस्य सदाचारः कालस्तदा तु मा समः ॥३॥ शब्दस्वाम्यिक्तरु ेकै व ं तथ्य च परमोिदतम ् । एकतरमत ं विःृ तित्ववके इतीव िकम ् ॥४॥ कालोऽिनत्यस्ततीयृ े च भतू षे ु पिरवतर्नम ् । मतन्न्वथस्यर् वाच सिन्धविरपीवृ च ॥५॥ स्वर उत्प्लत्यु एववे सर्वः दीघधसोः पयः । उत्सोऽचलोऽयमहर्स्वतदु शशतोमःर् ॥६॥ भास्करोऽसशयों िनत्यो दश्यमृ वािपे वा न वा । भास्करोऽसशयस्सत्यःं पर्काशमथमर् वे च ॥७॥ सम्यज्यतु े ितर्स नवगर्हणे राध्यत े । परमतो यािधक्य ं पािणनीय ं त ु तत्परम ् ॥८॥ – ऋिषत दसाईे ix x CONTENTS Title Page i Acknowledgments iii Homage to the Three Sages v Transliteration vi Abbreviations vii Symbols and Style viii Vākpratimā – A Eulogy to Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī ix Contents xi Introduction xiii Paribhāṣenduśekharapradīpa Śāstrārtha-sampādaka-prakaraṇa of Paribhāṣenduśekhara .. 1 1. vyākhyānato viśeṣapratipattirnahisandehādalakṣaṇam . 3 2. yathoddeśaṃ saṃjñāparibhāṣam ................................... 11 3. kāryakālaṃ saṃjñāparibhāṣam ...................................... 11/28 4. anekāntā anubandhā iti .................................................. 38 5. ekāntāḥ ........................................................................... 46 6. nānubandhakṛtamanekāltvam ........................................ 55 7. nānubandhakṛtamanejantatvam ..................................... 67 8. nānubandhakṛtamasārūpyam ......................................... 74 9. ubhayagatiriha bhavati ................................................... 81 10. kāryamanubhavanhi kāryī nimittatayā nāśrīyate ........... 97 11. yadāgamāstadguṇībhūtāstadgrahaṇena gṛhyante ........... 108 12. nirdiśyamānasyādeśā bhavanti ...................................... 129 13. yatrānekavidhamāntaryaṃ tatra sthānata āntaryaṃ balīyaḥ ........................................................................... 148 14. arthavadgrahaṇe nānarthakasya ..................................... 158 15. gauṇamukhyayormukhye kāryasaṃpratyayaḥ .............. 170 16. aninasmangrahaṇānyarthavatā cānarthakena ca tadantavidhiṃ prayojayanti ........................................... 190 17. ekayoganirdiṣṭānāṃ saha vā pravṛttiḥ saha vā nivṛttiḥ .. 196 18. kvacidekadeśo'pyanuvartate .......................................... 204 19. bhāvyamānena savarṇānāṃ grahaṇaṃ na ..................... 212 xi 20. bhāvyamāno'pyukāraḥ savarṇāngṛhṇāti ........................ 223 21. varṇāśraye nāsti pratyayalakṣaṇam ............................... 229 22. uṇādayo'vyutpannāni prātipadikāni ............................... 241 23. pratyayagrahaṇe yasmātsa
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