Western Cape Government Wes-Kaapse Regering PROVINCE OF WESTERN CAPE PROVINSIE WES-KAAP Provincial Gazette Provinsiale Koerant 7952 7952 Friday, 6 July 2018 Vrydag, 6 Julie 2018 Registered at the Post Offıce as a Newspaper As ’n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer CONTENTS INHOUD (*Reprints are obtainable at Room M12, Provincial Legislature Building, (*Herdrukke is verkrygbaar by Kamer M12, Provinsiale Wetgewing-gebou, 7 Wale Street, Cape Town 8001.) Waalstraat 7, Kaapstad 8001.) No. Page Nr. Bladsy Tenders: Tenders: Notices............................................................................................ 534 Kennisgewings ............................................................................... 534 Local Authorities Plaaslike Owerhede Breede Valley Municipality: Removal of Restrictions, Breedevallei Munisipaliteit: Opheffing van Beperkings, Rezoning and Consolidation .................................................... 537 Hersonering en Konsolidasie .................................................... 537 City of Cape Town: Amended Conditions.................................... 534 Stad Kaapstad: Voorwaardes Gewysig .......................................... 534 City of Cape Town: Amended Conditions.................................... 535 Stad Kaapstad: Voorwaardes Gewysig ......................................... 535 City of Cape Town: Removed Conditions.................................... 535 Stad Kaapstad: Voorwaardes Opgehef ......................................... 535 City of Cape Town: Second Supplementary Valuation................ 553 Stad Kaapstad: Tweede Aanvullende Waardasie ......................... 553 City of Cape Town (Tygerberg District): Closure ........................ 536 Stad Kaapstad (Tygerberg-Distrik): Sluiting ................................. 536 Hessequa Municipality: Property Rates ........................................ 538 Hessequa Munisipaliteit: Eiendomsbelasting ............................... 538 Laingsburg Municipality: Promulgation of Property Laingsburg Munisipaliteit: Promulgation of Property Rates ........................................................................................... 537 Rates (English only)................................................................... 537 Knysna Municipality: Property Rates Policy................................ 539 Knysna Munisipaliteit: Property Rates Policy (English only)...... 539 Mossel Bay Municipality: Removal of Restrictions ................... 537 Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit: Opheffing van Beperkings ................ 537 Mossel Bay Municipality: Rezoning and Subdivision ................ 554 Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit: Hersonering en Onderverdeling ....... 555 Petroleum Agency SA: Government Notice ................................. 556 Petroleum Agency SA: Government Notice (English only)......... 556 Petroleum Agency SA: Notice ...................................................... 551 Petroleum Agency SA: Notice (English only).............................. 551 Oudtshoorn Municipality: Closure ................................................ 535 Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit: Sluiting .............................................. 535 Saldanha Bay Municipality: Notice ............................................. 536 Saldanhabaai Munisipaliteit: Kennisgewing ................................ 536 Theewaterskloof Municipality: Determination of Tariffs ............. 536 Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit: Tariefvasstelling......................... 536 534 Provinsie Wes-Kaap: Provinsiale Koerant 7952 6 Julie 2018 TENDERS TENDERS N.B. Tenders for commodities/services, the estimated value of which L.W. Tenders vir kommoditeite/dienste waarvan die beraamde waarde exceeds R20 000, are published in the Government Tender Bulletin, meer as R20 000 beloop, word in die Staatstenderbulletin gepubliseer which is obtainable from the Government Printer, Private Bag X85, wat by die Staatsdrukker, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, teen betaling van ’n Pretoria, on payment of a subscription. intekengeld verkrygbaar is. NOTICES BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES KENNISGEWINGS DEUR PLAASLIKE OWERHEDE CITY OF CAPE TOWN STAD KAAPSTAD CITY OF CAPE TOWN MUNICIPAL PLANNING STAD KAAPSTAD: VERORDENING OP MUNISIPALE BY-LAW, 2015 BEPLANNING, 2015 Notice is hereby given in terms of the requirements of Section 48(5)(a) Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die vereistes van Artikel 48(5)(a) of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the van die Stad Kaapstad: Verordening op Munisipale Beplanning, 2015 City has on application by Tommy Brümmer CC, amended conditions dat die Stad na aanleiding van die aansoek deur Tommy Brümmer BK as contained in Title Deed No. T 82877/98, in respect of Erf 670, op die volgende wyse voorwaardes gewysig het soos vervat in titelakte CAMPS BAY, in the following manner: no. T82877/98, ten opsigte van Erf 670 Kampsbaai: Condition C.6A.I.(b) which reads as follows: Voorwaarde C.6A.I.(b) wat soos volg lui: That only one dwelling, together with such outbuildings as are Dat slegs een woning, tesame met sodanige buitegeboue wat gewoon- ordinarily required to be used therewith be erected on this erf, save as lik daarmee saam gebruik word, op hierdie erf opgerig mag word, tensy provided in condition (c) hereof. daar soos in voorwaarde (c) hiervan bepaal word. To be amended to read as follows: Gewysig word om soos volg te lui: That only one or two dwellings, together with such outbuildings as are Dat slegs een of twee wonings, tesame met sodanige buitegeboue wat ordinarily required to be used therewith be erected on this erf, save as gewoonlik daarmee saam gebruik word, op hierdie erf opgerig mag provided in condition (c) hereof. word, tensy daar soos in voorwaarde (c) hiervan bepaal word. Condition C.6A.I.(d) which reads as follows: Voorwaarde C.6A.I.(d) wat soos volg lui: That not more than one-half of the area of this erf be built upon. Dat nie meer as een helfte van die oppervlakte van hierdie erf bebou mag word nie. To be amended to read as follows: Gewysig word om soos volg te lui: That not more than 72% of the area of this erf be built upon. Dat nie meer as 72% van die oppervlakte van hierdie erf bebou mag word nie. Condition C.6A.I.(e) which reads as follows: Voorwaarde C.6A.I.(e) wat soos volg lui: That no building or structure of any portion thereof, except boundary Dat geen gebou of struktuur of enige gedeelte daarvan, buiten grens- walls, fences, shall be erected nearer than 4.72m to the street line which mure of heinings nader as 4.72m van die straatlyn wat die grens van forms the boundary of this erf, or above the mean ground level at the hierdie erf uitmaak, opgerig mag word nie, of bo die gemiddelde grond- point specified. vlak wat op daardie punt gespesifiseer is. Notwithstanding the aforegoing, however, a garage shall not be erected Nieteenstaande die voormelde, mag ’n motorhuis egter nie opgerig nearer than 1.41m to the street line which forms a boundary of this erf word nader as 1.41m van die straatlyn wat die grens van hierdie erf and where no portion of a garage projects above the level of the ground uitmaak nie en waar geen deel van ’n motorhuis bo die vlak van die immediately adjoining any side of such garage other than the side grond onmiddellik aangrensend aan enige kant van sodanige motorhuis which is most nearly parallel to the street boundary of the erf, the uitsteek buiten die kant wat byna parallel met die straatgrens van hier- corner of the bank at the intersection of the street boundary and the die erf is, met die hoek van die skuinste by die kruising van die straat- prolongation of those sides of the garage which are most nearly at right grens en die verlenging van dié kante van die motorhuis wat byna reg- angles to such street boundary shall be splayed in such manner that the hoekig met sodanige straatgrens is, wat so afgeskuins moet word dat land cut off from the corner shall be in the form of an isosceles triangle die grond van die hoek afgesny word, in die vorm van ’n gelykbenige the equal sides of which shall be not less than 1.41m. driehoek is waarvan die gelyke sye nie minder as 1.41m is nie. To be amended to read as follows: Gewysig word om soos volg te lui: That no building or structure of any portion thereof, except boundary Dat geen gebou of struktuur of enige gedeelte daarvan, buiten grens- walls, fences, swimming pools, terraces, planters and garages, shall be mure, heinings, swembaddens, terrasse, plantbokse en motorhuise nader erected nearer than 4.72m to the street line which forms the boundary as 4.72m van die straatlyn wat die grens van hierdie erf uitmaak, opge- of this erf, or above the mean ground level at the point specified. rig mag word nie, of bo die gemiddelde grondvlak wat op daardie punt gespesifiseer is. Notwithstanding the aforegoing, however, a garage shall not be erected Nieteenstaande die voormelde, mag ’n motorhuis egter nie opgerig nearer than 1.00 metre to the street line which forms a boundary of this word nader as 1.0m van die straatlyn wat die grens van hierdie erf uit- erf. maak nie. Condition C.6A.I.(f) which reads as follows: Voorwaarde C.6A.I.(f) wat soos volg lui: That no building or structure or any portion thereof except boundary Dat geen gebou of struktuur of enige gedeelte daarvan, buiten grens- walls, fences and an outbuilding not exceeding 3.15m in height, mure, heinings en ’n buitegebou wat nie hoër as 3.15m is nie, gemeet measured from the floor to the top of the parapet or half the height of vanaf die vloer tot by die bopunt van die borswering (parapet) of tot
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