70 CONGR~SSIONAL RECORD~SENATE JANUARY 11 H. R. 965. A bill for the relief of Joseph A. ' Senator from the State of New York, ap- The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-seven Plozy: to the Committee on Military Affairs. peared in their seats today. · H. R. 966. A bill for the relief of Wallace Senators have answered to their names. Taylor; to the Committee on 'Military Affairs. THE JOURNAL A quorum is present. H. R. 967. A bill for the relief of Anastazja THE BUDGET (H. DOC. NO. 27) Nowik; to the Committee on Immigration and On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by Naturalization. unanimous consent, the reading of the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the H. R. 968. A bill for the relief of Robert Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, Senate a message from the President of Richard White; to the Committee on Naval January 7, 1943, was dispensed with, and the United States, transmitting the Affairs. the Journal was approved. Budget of the United States Government H. R. 969. A bill for the relief of the firm MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, of the American Wrecking Co. of Chicago, Ill.; which was read, referred to the Commit­ to the Committee on Claims. Messages in writing from the Presi­ tee on Appropriations, and ordered to be H. R. 970. A bill. granting a pension to Ida dent of the United States were com­ printed. M. Tillotson; to the Committee on Invalid municated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, Pensions. <For Budget message of the President, H. R . 971. A bill for the relief of Alex one of his secretaries. see p. 98, House proceedings in the Krause; to the Committee on Military Affairs. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH TO SENATOR RECORD.) H. 'R. 972. A bill for the relief of Stanislaw GLASS Kowalczyk; to the Committee on Immigra­ REPORT ON EMERGENCY RELIEF APPRO- tion and Naturalization. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ PRIATION ACTS . By Mr. SNYDER: tary of the Senate has a report .to sub­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the H. R. 973. A bill granting an increase of mit which he will read in person. Senate the following message from the pension to Martha Gorsuch; to the Commit­ The SECRETARY (Edwin A. Halsey). President of the United States, which tee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. President, having been authorized By Mr. VANZANDT: was read, and, with the accompanying H . R. 974. A bill granting a pension to by the Senate, in accordance with the report, referred to the Committee on Harry A. Croft; to the Committee on Invalid provisions of Senate Resolution 4, agreed Appropriations: , Pensions. to on January 7, 1943, to administer the H. R . 975. A bill granting a pension to oath to the Honorable CARTER GLASS, THE WHITE HOUSE, Josephine Rutter; to the· Committee on In­ Senator-elect from the State of Virginia, Washington. valid Pensions. I wish to report that I have performed To the Congress ot the United States: By Mr. WEISS: that service, and now hand to the Presi­ As required by the provisions of the H. R. 976. A bill for the relief of Mr. and dent of the Senate a signed copy of the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, Mrs. Sebastian; to the Committee on Claims. oath, which is in addition to the oral fiscal · year 1942, I present herewith a H. R. 977. A bill for the relief of Clare A. report of the operations under this act Miller; to the Committee on Claims. affirmation made by the Senator as re­ quired by law. to the end of the fiscal year 1942. The VICE PRESIDENT. The signed This report contains summary and de­ oath submitted by the Secretary of the tailed statements of the Treasury Depart­ Senate will be p-laced on file. ment reflecting expenditures made, ob­ SENATE ligations incurred, and the status of funds CALL OF THE ROLL lVIONDAY, JANUARY 11, 19-13 under the above-mentioned act. In ad­ Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of dition thereto, the information is pre­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown a quorum. sented covering the Relief Acts of 1935, Harris, D. D., offered the following The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, and for fiscal year prayer: will call the roll. 1941. Thesl! statements compiled as of Our Father God, with all the deep and The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the June 30, 1942, constitute the eighth an­ dire needs of our inner lives unmet by following Senators answered to their nual accounting to the Congress for relief material bread alone, we turn unfilled to names: and work-relief expenditures. Such re­ Thee. As jaded pilgrims journeying Aiken Ferguson O'Daniel ports have been submitted at the begin- ·across burning sands gratefully pause Andrews George · O'Mahoney . ning of regular sessions of Congress as under protecting shade and at refreshing Austin Gerry Overton provided for in the above-cited Emer­ Bailey Gillette Pepper gency Relief Appropriation Acts. springs, so we would come to Thee who Bankhead Green Radcliffe art as the shadow of a great rock in a Barbour Guffey Reed Reports of operations of the Work Barkley Gurney Revercomb Projects Administration and the Em­ weary land, and where alone are foun­ Bilbo Hatch Reynolds tains of living waters which can quench Bene Hawkes Robertson ployees' Compensation Commission in the thirst of our yearning souls. Brewster Hayden Russell connection ·with :fmids appropriated Bridges Hill Scrugham under these Emergency Relief Appropria­ Here at this noontide altar of devotion Brooks Holman Shipstead which our fathers builded and on which Buck Johnson, Colo. Stewart tion Acts are also included. they cut deep with their founding faith Burton Langer Taft FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Bushfl.eld Lodge Thomas, Idaho JANUARY 11, 1943. the devout confession "In God we trust,'' Butler Lucas Thomas, Okla. we humbly bow with the deathless assur­ Byrd McCarran Thomas, Utah REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE­ ance that turns tragedy to triumph: Capper McClellan Tunnell Caraway McFarland Tydings FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND "The eternal God is our refuge and Chandler McKellar Vandenberg DISABILITY SYSTEM underneath are the everlasting arms." Chavez McNary Van Nuys Facing the duties of demanding days, Clark, Idaho Maloney Wagner The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Clark, Mo. Maybank Wallgren Senate the following message from the we would grow quiet enough for the still Connally Mead Walsh small voice to tell us what our besetting Danaher Millikin Wheeler President of the United States, which was sins are and in what ways our selfish Davis Moore Wherry read, and, with the accompanying Downey Murdock White papers, referred to the Committee on attitudes are hurting others, lest we bar Eastland Murray Wiley our fellows from more abundant life and Ellender Nye Willis Foreign Relations: ' thus betray our own souls and fall short To the Congress of the United States: of our high calling. We would be the Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sena­ tor from Virginia [Mr. GLASS] and the I transmit herewith a report by the true servants of Thy will in this troubled Secretary of State, showing all receipts time. For Thine is the kingdom, and Senator from South Carolina [Mr. the power, and the glory. Amen. SMITH] are absent from the Senate be­ and disbursements on account of refunds, cause of illness. allowances, and annuities for the fiscal ATTENDANCE OF SENATORS The Senator from West Virginia [Mr. year ended June 30, 1942, in accordance SHERIDAN DOWNEY, a Senator from the KILGORE] and the Senator from Missouri with the Foreign Service retirement and State of California; JAMES M. MEAD, a [Mr. TRUMAN] are necessarily absent. disability system as required by section Senator from the State of New York; Mr. McNARY. I announce that the 26 (a) of an act for the grading and CLAUDE PEPPER, a Senator from the State Senator from Minnesota [Mr. BALL] is ciassification of clerks in the Foreign O! Florida; and ROBER'!' F. WAGNER, a absent because of illness. Service of the United States of America, 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .71 and providing compensation therefor, the peace of the world; to the Committee on Resolution 337, Seventy-seventh Congress, approved February 23, 1931, as amended. Foreign Relations. agreed to December 16, 1942 (relating to the FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. A resolution of the New Castle County In­ administration and operation of the water dustrial Union Council, Wilmington, Del., system of the District of Columbia). is hereby .THE WHITE HOUSE, January 11, 1943. favoring the prompt enactment of legislation continued until the end of the Seventy­ to provide periodic payments and medical eighth Congress. [Enclosure: Report Concerning Retire­ care-in the event of injury or death in the ment and Disability Fund, Foreign Serv­ performance of duty-to civilian defense ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HEARINGS BE­ ice.] workers, such payments and benefits to apply FORE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE ON PUB­ with respect to any death and injury sus­ LIC LAW NO. 528, SEVENTY -SEVENTH R:t!!PORT OF ALLEY DWELLING AUTHOR­ tained by such workers subsequent to De­ CONGRESS . ITY FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA cember 6, 1941; to the Committee on Mili­ tary Affairs. Mr. GEORGE, from the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the A resolution of the Common Council of Finance, reported an original resolution Senate the following message from the the City of Milwaukee, Wis., favoring the (8. Res. 37), which was referred to the President of the United States, which was enactment of anti-poll-tax legislation; to the Committee on Printing, as follows: read and referred to the Committee on Committee on the Judiciary.
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