Reg. No. G-2/RNP/GOA/32/2015-2017 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 Panaji, 13th January, 2017 (Pausa 23, 1938) SERIES II No. 41 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY EXTRAORDINARY No. 2 GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Home Home—General Division __ Order No. 25/1/2016/HDG/Election/160 In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 20(1) of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974), the Government of Goa is pleased to grant powers of Executive Magistrate to the below mentioned officers appointed to maintain Law and Order situation as Sector Officer during the ensuing General Legislative Assembly Election-2017 in South Goa District, with effect from 25-01-2017 to 05-02-2017. Sr. No. & Name Name & designation Contact No. Office Address Parts No. of AC alloted 12 3 4 5 6 1. 20–Priol Shri Devendra Velingkar, 9168694802 O/o the Asst. Eng., S.D.III, 1 to 9 Assistant Engineer WD XVIII (R), PWD, Ponda Goa 2. Shri Somnath Devidas, 9168694733 O/o the Ex. Eng. Div. XVIII 10 to 18 Asst. Engineer (R), PWD, Ponda-Goa 3. Shri Rajesh Parwar, ARCS 9823934423 O/o the ARCS, Ponda Zone, 19 to 27 Ponda-Goa 4. Shri Devendraprasad Kuelkar, 9049158749 O/o the Principal, IT 28 to 36 Assistant Professor Department, GEC, Farmagudi 5. Shri Amit Patil, Assistant 9860716520 O/o the Principal, Computer 37 to 44 Professor Department GEC, Farmagudi 6. 21–Ponda Shri Mallikarjun Kanabur, 8380015064 O/o the Executive Engineer, 1 to 10 Assistant Engineer Div. III, Electricity Department, Curti, Ponda 7. Shri P. P. Barathan, Assistant 8380015451 O/o the Executive Engineer, 11 to 19 Engineer Div. III, Electricity Department, Curti-Ponda 823 Suggestions are welcome on e-mail: [email protected] OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 41 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 13TH JANUARY, 2017 12 3 4 5 6 8. Shri Shashikant Dessai, 9168694750 O/o the Executive Engineer, 20 to 26 Assistant Engineer Div. XV (NH), SD III, PWD, Ponda-Goa 9. Shri Vallabh Samant, 8380015152 O/o the Executive Engineer, 27 to 33 Assistant Engineer Div. III, Electricity Department, Curti-Ponda 10. Shri Dattaprasad Kamat, 9168694726 O/o the Executive Engineer, 34 to 43 Assistant Engineer Div XV (NH), SD III, PWD, Ponda 11. 22–Shiroda Shri Pankaj Marathe, 9822986655 O/o Assistant Registrar Co-op. 1 to 8 & Asst. Registrar Society, Ponda 10 12. Shri Shrikant Mone, 7798884235 O/o Zonal Agricultural Officer, 11 to 19 Zonal Agricultural Officer Ponda 13. Shri Rahul Kulkarni, 20 to 28 Sr. Technical Officer 14. Shri Franklin D’Souza, 8380015152 O/o Ex. Eng., SD-IV, WD-III, 29 to 37 Assistant Engineer WRD, Ponda-Goa 15. Shri Maruti Jalmi, 9168694726 O/o the Ex. Eng., SD-IV, 9, 38 to 45 Assistant Engineer WD-XVIII (Roads), PWD, Ponda-Goa 16. 23–Marcaim Shri Laxmikant Naik, 9168694798 O/o the Executive Engineer, 1 to 8 Assistant Engineer SD II, Works Div. XV, National Highway 17. Shri Suresh Naik, 9405376710 O/o SD III, WD X, Electricity 9 to 16 Assistant Engineer Department, Curti, Ponda-Goa 18. Shri Raju Yarnal, 8888382050 O/o WD III, Electricity 17 to 24 Assistant Engineer Department, Curti, Ponda-Goa 19. Shri Sunil Kamalapurkar, 8380015061 O/o WD III, 220 ABS/S, 25 to 32 Assistant Engineer Electricity Department, Curti, Ponda-Goa 20. Shri Rajiv R. Samant, 8380015064 O/o the Assistant Engineer 33 to 40 Assistant Engineer S. D. III, W.D. XVI (BC), Ponda-Goa 21. 24–Mormu- Santosh Sawant, 8380015288 O/o the Asst. Engineer, SD I, 1 to 9 gao Assistant Engineer DIV XI, Electricity Department, Vasco-Goa 22. Vithal Haldankar, 8380015287 O/o the Asst. Engineer, SD I, 10 to 18 Assistant Engineer DIV. XI, Electricity Department, Vasco 23. Shri G. S. Rao, 9423061132 O/o the Industrial Training 19 to 29 Instructor Institute, Bogda, Vasco 24 25–Vasco- Gurudas Jalmi, 9823952967 O/o Asst. Labour Commi- 1 to 9 -Da-Gama Asst. Labour Commissioner ssioner, Vasco-da-Gama 25. Santosh Gaude, AMVI 9420165132 O/o Asst. Director of Transport, 24 to 10 Vasco-da-Gama 824 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 41 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 13TH JANUARY, 2017 12 3 4 5 6 26. Joaquim I. Vaz, AMVI 9370694468 O/o Assistant Engineer, 25 to 34 Sub Div-I, Div IX (PHE), PWD, Baina 27. R. K. Kulkarni, Assistant 9923625543 O/o Asst. Executive Engineer, 35 to 39 Engineer SD-III, (M) Electricity Dept., Vasco 28. 26–Dabolim Nitin Verekar, AE 9822581795 O/o the SD III, Electricity 1 to 10 Department, Vasco 29. Bapu Kadam, Junior Engineer 8380015294 O/o the SD II, Div XI, 11 to 18 Electricity Department, Vasco 30. Vikram Tari, AMVI 9822149101 O/o the Assistant Director 19 to 26 of Transport, Vasco 31. 27–Cortalim Shri D. Kamble, Executive 9130011964 O/o Engg., Civil Department, 1 to 12 Engineer MPT, Mormugao 32. Shri Rajesh Malwankar, 7709587758 O/o Marine Department, 13 to 23 Establishment Officer MPT, Mormugao 33. Shri Dhanraj V. Parathe, 9881512074 O/o Chief Mechanical 24 to 38 Establishment Officer Engineering, MPT, Mormugao 34. 28–Nuvem Jagdish Nagvenkar, 8380015325 Div XIV, Electricity Department, 1 to 10 Assistant Engineer Verna Plateau, Verna Goa 35. Shashikant Halgekar, 8380015203 Sub Div III, Div IV, Electricity 11 to 20 Assistant Engineer Department, Aquem, Margao, Goa 36. M. B. Shirwadkar, 8380015338 Sub Div III, Div XIV, 21 to 30 Assistant Engineer Electricity Department, Verna Goa 37. Canuto Godinho, 8380015341 Sub Div III, Div XIV, 31 to 39 Assistant Engineer Electricity Department, Verna Goa 38. 29–Curtorim Shri Alvito Fernandes, 8380015327 Div XIV, Electricity Dept., 1 to 10 Assistant Engineer Verna. 39. Shri Ganesh Velip, Assistant 9370694466 SD III, WDXXI(PHE), PWD 11 to 20 Engineer Fatorda, Goa 40. Shri M. P. Balan, Assistant 9168694920/ SD-III, WD IX, PWD, Borda, 21 to 30 Engineer /9765857122 Margao 41. Shri Jacob P. Mathew, 9420690036 SD-III, WD II, WRD, 31 to 38 Assistant Engineer Quepem-Goa 42. 30–Fatorda Shri Diniz C. De Melo, 9767721947 Margao Municipal Council 1 to 9 Municipal Engineer, Grade II 43. Shri Manohar Kale, Rural 9168694605 O/o District Rural 1 to 18 Development Officer Development Agency 44. Shri Deepak Salaskar, 7722092973 O/o Assistant Engineer, 19 to 28 Assistant Engineer WRD, XII, Gogal-Margao 825 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 41 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 13TH JANUARY, 2017 12 3 4 5 6 45. Shri Anthony Savio Cabral, 8380015196 O/o the Assistant 29 to 38 Assistant Engineer Engineer, Electricity Department, Division-II (S&W), Aquem, Margao-Goa 46. 31–Margao Shri Remedios Fernandes, 8380015286 O/o EE, Di-VIII MRT, 1 to 9 Assistant Engineer Electricity Dept., Aquem, Margao 47. Shri Francis Fernandes, 9168694685 O/o Div-III (Bldg), PWD, 10, 11, 12 Executive Engineer Margao 30 to 36 48. Shri Vivekanand Bandekar, 9421555937 O/o E.E., Div-IV, Sub-Div-I, 13 to 21 Assistant Engineer Electricity Department, & 23 Aquem-Margao 49. Shri Babu Naik, 7507629800 O/o E.E., Div-IV, Sub-Div-IV, 22, 24 Assistant Engineer Electricity Department, to 29, Aquem-Margao 37, 38 50. 32–Benaulim Shri Mohan Halkatti, 9420690068 O/o SE, Circle III, WRD 1 to 10 ASW Complex, Gogol, Margao 51. Shri Joaquim Fernandes, 9168694621 BDO, Canacona 11 to 20 Assistant Engineer 52. Shri Armostrang Fernandes, 9168694617 BDO, Salcete 21 to 30 Assistant Engineer 53. Shri H. A. Adishesh, 9168694655 BDO, Salcete 31 to 39 Assistant Engineer 54. 33–Navelim Shri Dinesh Mahale, 8380015212 SD-III, WD-IV, Elect. 01 to 09 Assistant Engineer Dept. Aquem 55. Shri Mohantesh Hiremath, 9168694701 SD-II,WD XIV, PWD, Fatorda 10 to 18 Assistant Engineer 56. Shri Sanjay Angle, 9822122598 SD-I, WD-IV, Elect. Dept., 19 to 27 Assistant Engineer Aquem 57. Shri Venencio Da Costa, 9168694661 SD-II,WD IV, PWD, Fatorda 28 to 36 ASW 58. 34–Cuncolim Shri Ravishankar Godi, 9420690010 O/o. Asst. Engineer, 1 to 11 Asst. Engineer Sub. Div- V, W.D.-II, WRD, Dharbandora-Goa 59. Shri Prakash L. Pai, 9370634476 O/o E.E., W.D. XXI (PHE), 12 to 15, Assistant Engineer PWD, Fatorda, Margao 38 & 39 60. Shri Franklin Barbosa, 9637863164 O/o. South Goa Zilla 16 to 18, Junior Engineer Panchayat, Margao 28, 29, 33 to 35 61. Shri Harshad Pawar, 9923164277 O/o the Department of 19, 21, 25, MT Information Technology, 26, 27, 30, Porvorim 31, 32, 36 & 37 826 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 41 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 13TH JANUARY, 2017 12 3 4 5 6 62. Shri Subash Dessai, 9420690009 O/o The Asstt, Engr., S/D- 20 to 24, Assistant Engineer -III, WD-XIV WRD, Cuncolim- 40 to 42 -Goa 63. 35–Velim Shri Gajanand 9422434174 O/o The Asstt. Engr., S.D. 1 to 11 Basupkar VI, WD - XII, WRD, Gogal, Margao-Goa 64. Shri Shivanand Husmani, 9420690129 O/o The Assistant Engineer, 12 to 22 Assistant Engineer 9420690029 SD III, WD XIII, WRD, Gogal, Margao-Goa 65. Raghunath S. Naik 9130061575 O/o The Assistant Engineer, 23 to 33 SD-I (South) CPU, Quality Control Lab, Gogal, Margao-Goa 66. Shri Mohan Kamble, 9420690044 O/o The Assistant Engineer, 34 to 44 Assistant Engineer SD V, WD III, WRD, Gogal, Margao-Goa 67. 36–Quepem M. A. Ghouri, 9420690031 WD·-X, SD-I, W.R.D, Borimol, 1 to 12 Assistant Engineer Quepem, Goa 68. S. N. Kamat, 9420690067 WD-XIV, SD-IV, W.R.D, 13 to 21 Assistant Engineer Quepem, Goa 69. V.
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