A PRIMA VISTA a survey of reprints and of recent publications 2000/2 BROEKMANS & VAN POPPEL Van Baerlestraat 92-94 Postbus 75228 1070 AE AMSTERDAM sheet music: 020-6796575 CDs: 020-6751653/fax: 020-6646759 also on INTERNET: www.broekmans.com e-mail: [email protected] 2 INHOUD A PRIMA VISTA 2000/2 PAGE HEADING 06 PIANO 2-HANDS 10 PIANO 4-HANDS 11 PIANO 6-HANDS, SEVERAL PIANOS, HARPSICHORD, ORGAN 12 KEYBOARD 1 STRING INSTRUMENT WITHOUT ACCOMPANIMENT: 13 VIOLIN solo, VIOLA solo 14 CELLO solo, DOUBLE BASS solo 1 STRING INSTRUMENT WITH ACCOMPANIMENT: 14 VIOLIN with accompaniment 16 VIOLA with accompaniment, CELLO with accompaniment 17 DOUBLE BASS with accompaniment, VIOLA DA GAMBA with accompaniment 17 TWO AND MORE STRING INSTRUMENTS WITH AND WITHOUT ACCOMPANIMENT 1 WIND INSTRUMENT WITHOUT ACCOMPANIMENT: 21 FLUTE solo, OBOE solo, CLARINET solo 22 SAXOPHONE solo, BASSOON solo, TRUMPET solo 23 HORN solo, TROMBONE solo, TUBA solo 1 WIND INSTRUMENT WITH ACCOMPANIMENT: 24 PICCOLO with accompaniment, FLUTE with accompaniment 25 PANPIPES with accompaniment, OBOE with accompaniment 26 CLARINET with accompaniment, SAXOPHONE with accompaniment 27 BASSOON with accompaniment, TRUMPET with accompaniment 28 HORN with accompaniment, TROMBONE with accompaniment, TUBA with accompaniment 2 AND MORE WIND INSTRUMENTS WITH AND WITHOUT ACCOMPANIMENT: 28 2 AND MORE WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS with and without accompaniment 31 2 AND MORE BRASS INSTRUMENTS with and without accompaniment 31 COMBINATIONS OF WOODWIND AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS 32 COMBINATIONS OF WIND AND STRING INSTRUMENTS 34 RECORDER 36 GUITAR 40 MANDOLIN, HARP 41 PERCUSSION 42 MISCELLANEOUS 43 SOLO VOICE(S) AND/OR CHOIR WITH INSTRUMENTAL ACCOMPANIMENT 47 SOLO VOICE(S) AND/OR CHOIR WITH ORCHESTRA 48 CHOIR A CAPELLA 49 OPERA, OPERETTA, MUSICAL, ORATORIA 50 ORCHESTRA WITH AND WITHOUT INSTRUMENTAL SOLOISTS 53 BOOKS OF MUSICAL INTEREST 76 MORE BOOKS OF MUSICAL INTEREST 79 CD-ROMS compilation by Jan A. Hollanders . 000726 . prices in NLG subject to changes and errors 3 a selection from our recent publications and from those of our representations FOR PIANO 2-HANDS: ALBUM 706972 Sacred Inspirations: 11 Favorite Hymns and Spirituals Arranged for Early Intermediate to Intermediate Pianists (Amazing Grace; Come, Thou Almighty King; Holy, Holy, Holy; Just As I Am; Morning Has Broken; Nearer, My God, to Thee; Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen; Now Thank We All Our God; O Worship the King; Sun of My Soul; What a Friend We Have in Jesus) (Tingley) 19,60 ALBUM 706981 Masterwork Classics Level 7 (Baroque: BACH J.S.: Short Prelude in C major BWV 933, Short Prelude in D minor BWV 935, Invention in F major BWV 779; Classic: BENDA G.A.: Sonatina in A minor; KUHLAU F.: Sonatina in G major Op. 55/2 (first movement), Sonatina in C major Op. 55/3 (first movement); BEETHOVEN L. van: Für Elise WoO 59; SCHUBERT F.: Valse in A-flat major D.365 (Op. 9a) No. 12, Valse Noble in A minor D.969 (Op. 77) No. 9; Romantic: CHOPIN F.: Album Leaf Op. posth., Prelude in E minor Op. 28/4, Waltz in A minor Op. posth.; SCHUMANN R.: Knight Rupert Op. 68/12, The Horseman Op. 68/23; GADE N..: The Little Girl’s Dance Op. 36/3; KÖLLING C.: Fluttering Leaves in A minor Op. 147/2; MENDELSSOHN F.: Song without Words (Consolation) Op. 30/3, Allegro non troppo Op. 72/1; Twentieth Century: BORTKIEVICH S.: Preparing for Travel Op. 21/1, Norway Op. 21/8; MAYKAPAR S.: Prelude No. 2; BARTÓK B.: Sketch Op. 9b/6) (Magrath) 28,05 ALBUM 706986 Discovering Piano Literature Book 3: 32 Carefully Graded Original Mid to Late Intermediate Piano Solos from the Four Stylistic Periods (Baroque Style: James HOOK 1746-1827: Minuet; Georg Frideric HANDEL 1685-1759: Bourrée; Carl Philipp Emanuel BACH 1714-1788: Sarabande; Henry PURCELL 1659-1695: Rigaudon; Georg Philipp TELEMANN 1681-1767: Fantasia; Louis-Claude DAQUIN 1694-1772: Sylvia; Classical Style: Johann Wilhelm HASSLER 1747-1822: Minuet, Ecossaise; Ludwig van BEETHOVEN 1770-1827: German Dance; Daniel STEIBELT 1765-1823; Aria; Anton DIABELLI 1781-1858: Dance; Tobias HASLINGER 1787-1842: Sonatina; Johann Christian BACH 1735-1782: Risoluto; Franz Joseph HAYDN 1732-1809: Allegro Finale; Carl CZERNY 1791-1857: Country Dance; Romantic Style: Cornelius GURLITT 1820- 1911: Playing Games; Heinrich HENKEL 1822-1899: Innocent Child; LEMOINE: Happiness; Felix Le COUPPEY 1811-1887: Etude; Theodor KIRCHNER 1823-1903: New Scenes from Childhood; Carl REINECKE 1824-1910: Elegy; Nikolai LADUKHIN 1860- 1918: Jocularity; Gustav MERKEL 1827-1885: The Jolly Huntsman; Felix GUILMANT 1837-1911: Child’s Song; 20th Century Style: A. RUBBACH: Sparrows; Béla BARTÓK 1881-1945: Folk Dance, Evening Stroll; I. BERKOVICH: Variations on a Russian Folk Song; Vladimir REBIKOFF 1866-1920: Arabian Dance; M’lou DIETZER *1929: Indecision; Mary Ann PARKER *1936: Mayfly; Anatol LIADOV 1855-1914: I Danced with a Mosquito) (Dietzer) 26,20 ALBÉNIZ Isaac 1860-1909 707274 Rapsodia española 22,95 ALKAN Charles Valentin 1813-1888 707153 Trente Chants Suite 4 Op. 67 26,25 707272 Trente Chants Suite 5 Op. 70 36,15 BEACH Amy 1867-1944 707148 Ballad 16,35 BEETHOVEN Ludwig van 1770-1827 706988 Sonata No. 7 in D major Op. 10/3 (Gordon) 22,90 706973 Moonlight Sonata Op. 27/2: 1st Movement (Jacobson-Clarfield) 19,60 4 BUSONI Ferruccio 1866-1924 707154 Two Contrapuntal Studies after J.S. Bach (Fantasie und Fuge a-Moll; Kanonische Varia- tionen und Fuge aus J.S. Bach’s Musikalische Opfer) 26,25 CHADWICK George Whitefield 1854-1931 707611 Five Pieces (1905) 26,25 CHAUSSON Ernest 1855-1899 707155 Paysage Op. 38 13,05 FOOTE Arthur 1853-1937 707144 Three Pieces 26,25 707270 Suite No. 2 in C minor Op. 30 19,65 707273 From Rest Harrow 19,65 707615 Scherzino et étude arabesque Op. 42 16,35 HAYDN Franz Joseph 1732-1809 706971 Andante con variazioni Hob.XVII:6 (Hinson) 19,60 KONOWITZ Dr. Bert 706983 Nothing but the Blues. One Way. A Complete Approach to Playing Traditional & Contemporary Blues (Blue Notes; Blues Scales & Modes; Blues Progressions & Chord Voicings; Bluesy Sounds; Boogie Bass with Single & Double Notes; Contemporary Chords in Fourths. Riffs. Walking Bass Line) book, CD included 65,80 706982 Nothing but the Blues. One Way. A Complete Approach to Playing Traditional & Contemporary Blues (Blue Notes; Blues Scales & Modes; Blues Progressions & Chord Voicings; Bluesy Sounds; Boogie Bass with Single & Double Notes; Contemporary Chords in Fourths. Riffs. Walking Bass Line) book only 32,80 LISZT Ferenc 1811-1886 707120 Klavierwerke: freie Bearbeitungen V [Mendelssohns Lieder: 1. Auf Flügeln des Gesanges, 2. Sonntagslied, 3. Reiselied, 4. Neue Liebe, 5. Frühlingslied, 6. Winterlied, 7. Suleika (R217, SW547); Réminiscences de Lucrezia Borgia, Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de l’Opéra de Gaetano Donizetti (R154, SW400); Hussitenlied aus dem 15. Jahhundert (R100, SW234); Cavatine aus der Oper La Muette de Portici von Auber (R118, SW387); Klavierstück über ein fremdes Thema; Réminiscences de Don Juan de Mozart, Grande fantaisie (R288, SW418); Réminiscences de Norma de Bellini, Grande fantaisie (R133, SW394); I Puritani, Introduction et Polonaise de l’opéra de Bellini (R130, SW391); Réminiscences de Robert le diable, Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de l’opéra de Meyerbeer, Valse infernale (R222, SW413); God Save the Queen, Praphrase de conceert (R98, SW235); Le Moine, Mélodies de Meyerbeer (R225, SW416)] (Kaczmarczyk, Mezo) 90,70 MASSENET Jules 1842-1912 707614 Two Pieces (Papillons noirs, Papillons blancs) 16,35 RYDEN William *1939 707146 Six Tangos 22,95 SCHUMANN Clara 1819-1896 707275 Romance variée Op. 3 16,35 FOR PIANO 4-HANDS: BEACH Amy 1867-1944 707607 Summer Dreams Op. 7 26,25 FOR ORGAN: ALBUM 707616 Chorale Preludes for Easter Book 1 (PACHELBEL: Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stand; SCHEIDT: Christ lag in Todes Banden; Anon. 15th century: Christ est resuscité; FISCHER: Ricercar Christ ist erstanden; DANDRIEU: Offertoire O filii et filiae; ALBRECHTSBERGER: Ite Missa est, Alleluia; ROGET: Deploracion por la Semana Santa; FLEURY: Choral Vexilla regis; LANGLAIS: Incantation pour un jour Saint) (Dufourcq, Raugel) 29,55 CHADWICK George Whitefield 1854-1931 707268 Ten Canonic Studies Op. 12 pedals required 16,35 FOOTE Arthur 1853-1937 707142 Six Pieces Op. 50 pedals required 19,65 5 SAINT-SAËNS Camille 1835-1921 707143 Elevation on Communion pedals required 13,05 WUNDERLICH Heinz *1919 134609 Praeludium und Doppelfuge im alten Stil pedals required 16,20 FOR STRINGS: ALBUM 706969 Music for Piano Quartet for Beginners (1st Position) [MOZART W.A.: Les filles malicieuses (Contretanz), Deutscher Tanz; PLEYEL I.: Rondo; GEBAUER M.J.: Allegro; BEETHOVEN L. van: Deutscher Tanz, Fünf Contretänze; MAZAS J.F.: Danse nègre; HAUPTMANN M.: Quartettino; Lassú magyar; WEBER C.M.von: Marcia; SCHUBERT F.: Ländler, Variationen über einen Walzer von Anton Diabelli; Ecossaise; REINECKE C.: Schwalben im Flug (Rodino)] (Pejtsík, Vigh) violin+viola or 2nd violin+cello+piano 39,20 ALBUM 017018 50 Csárdás (Farkas, Ormay, Mészáros) violin+piano 34,70 ALBÉNIZ Isaac 1860-1909 707140 Puerta de Tierra from Recuerdos de viaje (Amaz) viola+piano 22,95 707262 Puerta de Tierra from Recuerdos de viaje (Amaz) double bass or cello+piano 22,95 BACH Johann Christian 1735-1782 139962 Sechs Trios (Päuler) 2 violins+cello parts 51,00 BABELL William 1690-1723 139960 Zwölf Sonaten Band 3: Sonaten 7-9 (Maute) violin+continuo 39,00 139961 Zwölf Sonaten Band 4: Sonaten 10-12 (Maute) violin+continuo 39,00 BOZAY Attila 1939-1999 137983 Quarteto per archi No. 3 Op. 40 2 violins+viola+cello score and parts 76,10 CHADWICK George Whitefield 1854-1931 707141 Eastern Morn cello+piano 16,35 CZIDRA László 706967 Baroque Studies [from: 1. VINGT-DEUXéme OEUVRE/de Mr. Boismortier/Con- tenant/DIVERSES PIECES/POUR UNE FLÛTE TRAVERSIÈRE SEULE/AVEC DES PRELUDES SUR TOUS LES TONS, ET DES SECONDS DESSUS/ADJOÛTÉS/etc.; 2.
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