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On the other hand, in the transcription reaction, it is possible to synthesize RNA by The present application is a National Stage filing under 35 standard T7 RNA polymerase reaction based on complemen U.S.C. S371 of PCT International Application No. PCT/ 5 tary property of the DS-Pabase pair. JP2009/051808 filedon Feb. 3, 2009, which claims priority of However, the conventional technique relating to these Japanese patent application No. 2008-027567, filed on Feb. 7, unnatural bases has been studied about a recognition of 2008 under 35 U.S.C. S 119 (a)-(d), the disclosure of which is unnatural bases by DNA polymerase or RNA polymerase and incorporated herein in its entirety by reference thereto. also about a specific complementary property and a stability 10 between unnatural base pairs, whereas studies about various TECHNICAL FIELD factors to act on in a translation stage, for example, an influ ence onto interaction between tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA The present invention is related to a modified tRNA con synthetase have not been studied yet. taining an unnatural base and the use thereof, and in more On the other hand, the genetic codes can be extended by detail, a combination of the modified tRNA having the 15 assigning the noncanonical amino acid to nonsense codons unnatural base at a specific site with an aminoacyl-tRNA that are UAA (ochre), UGA (opal) or UAG (amber). The synthetase which can activate this modified tRNA, and a suppressortRNA (tRNA, tRNAP', and tRNA") cor method for efficiently introducing a noncanonical amino acid responding to these nonsense codons have nonsense antic into a desired position in a protein using Such a combination. odons, UUA, UCA and CUA, respectively, and they are used with a mutant aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase which can attach BACKGROUND the noncanonical amino acid to these Suppressor tRNA for an extension of the genetic codes. A/T and G/C within double-stranded natural DNA form For example, the phosphorylation at a side chain of serine “exclusive' base pairs, respectively, via specific hydrogen in a protein is a post-translational modification, relating to bonds, respectively. However, the fact that natural nucleic 25 many important biological phenomena Such as signal trans acid has 4 kinds of bases (2 kinds of base pairs) provides a duction and the like.
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