afesman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ I Sports Car Rall Brightenis 'aLo VOLUME 17 NUMBER 21 STONY BROOK, N.Ye WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1973 Distributed free of charge throughout campus and community every Monday, Wednesday, and Frday FARE SUBSIDIES to Now York Statels mms Omasprtation system like the Long Island Rail Road (left) have been promised by Governor Nelson Rockefeller if the transportation bond issue passes. The Governor promises no fare increases for at least two years, with increases in operating costs being absorbed by. the state and local governments. One supporter of the proposition is Suffolk County Executive John V.N. Klein. ^epage 14. 4 1973 ransportation Bon Issuie: A Cuire-al for . Os Needso HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION will receive only 40 per cent of the THE STONY BROOK SPORTS CAR CLUB hold its first rally of the year this past weekend. Contestants were given $3.5 billion. But with federal questions and directions which had to be interpreted by the driver and navigator. subsidies added, more money will By STEVEN GUTERMAN 19 miles away. Some took the long way driving be spent for highways than mass The Stony Brook Sports Car Club held its up to 40 miles. Thirty-one out of the 36 were transit, according to opponents of first aly of the year at South Campus P-lot this able to decipher the route instructions and drive the bond issue. One of the projects past weekend as two novice ralliests took the the next 19 miles to the finish. is the installation of median barriers first place trophies. The rally was called "The Examples on the Long Island Expressway in Night of the Count" because of the counting the Examples of instructions are (1) Left before Suffolk County (right). See story contestants had to do., In order to answer the people with a better idea. (2) Left at woodland. on page 3 and editorial on page 13. questions about the route one had to count the (3) Acute right at 12 white rocks. It was up to amount of fire hydrants on the right or how the navigator and driver to figure out exactly many street lights after Friendly's. what the rally master meant. Jenni ' Calaon (driver) and Karren Lahey Anyone interested in rallies or wishing to find (navigator) won the event driving a Dodge out about them is invited to attend the next Universit Yovernance PlIan Unveile i Coronet against a record 53 car field. Close sports car club meeting on November 19, at 8 I behind in second place was the team of Peter p.m., in the Union, room 216. The next event Mierswa and Burt Esrig driving a Fiat Siata. will be held on December 2, and promises to be Story on Page 3 an unusual and fun dav gimmick rally. j Thirty-6ix cars made it to the first checkpoint A Ar \. "~------. I..- i --- -AOF - ,,„ I.___---. ^ ^____^_^^ ^_ ^_^^ ^_^_____________________^_-^^^_J OF Ward System Cotntroversy Flares News Briefs By DOUG P exactly whts' ome Into th tesuy As for as I'ma TI puIbat of a e by a gop of _ d dtt s _ l to debet Point [Repuc headquarte] ... I don't think the Boo Ward 8yte ha sMt" saiddPrm Ho xlie tha theteaur eew a twoyea oldo y of th group, np, =ade all the International BiookaveSs only Conseratv coniman, pdeposit. Sommers cold not be aed tor Jobs bunothaked Sffolk itritAore Kem o _d _t,- SSA& Geoq _spland to - s Ofd Lost year voten w apoved the meaure of Joa.. - * d o at VWx^ . tow^ ~ i cotiiitogin~ used by the group to a the ciculr. whch woud have d d town into six wards, tke &"bout IL So _ d S_ AssmyaI . Wi1iam (D-Bellport), but the Court of Opekvieteeeto after is=1tV _lawsd_ 6_ the d p B-roo-nkhaen emcraonc Leadr Bent WFiedm a ses of eabae and ar Do0ald W. Leo This year, the ward system poposal is making a a tp 0 w t ofa WPOW«, _ 45 anno n Mo led, night, the fo tion of a Wu a on the Noa mber ballot. _omte -to puh for an into the ay th, te United Cti and As a &A slop boo wd dMdr Mbu, be sow ial W perit 7C fS^ _~ig of the newslete. Taxpae Wad ysm -land Supporters of the wa system are inteed in <fistributed a fourp~e bodde in i attempt to out bow the anti-ward group raised the defat the wu em pp . A estimated 1oc led by th UntedU aes, d the Sovkt Un d d money to initiate the . e the total 100,000 wspIapd and distributed aost to be ao $10,N=d a"d trougbout B VroIIven. ad a sepBxotain ' cdklate for coudiman George H - _.chbr Group Vice-Ptesident Furman, a 35-yea old 0v a ika wei h an d: "Ten sd dar is a lot of broad," sald ins e and redl estate agert, ad the group was Geray an LM d e of ti Sovit Hochbeukner, who beliveve that Republican ogaized a little over a month ago and had about UIioM AMNIM to mW,ffixat th cuts sought money is s I* ng the MU-wad group. 200 membes. "We've got l-pai san support but by the Wed would affect Imer ta 100,000, Wkmt 67,000 Soviets Brookhaven Town Rc r the mority are Repblics" besaid and 31,500 Am . Zeidler denied that the GOP is behind the Repulan outnu r Demoas almost publication, but refused to deny at he per y two-to-one in an, and the current atlarge The Italian andt4Lonadst party, a radical group left of the had nothing to do with it. method of electing condlmen fWon the majority Communsts, has Issmmd stict sex directives that wg "AcIcoding to section 320 of the election laws, pat. All BrooU vn coundlmen are Republican, ustat a g edl _emems. A party oficdal acknowledged tat any committee that expends funds to influence a with the lone exception of Bellport, a only 30 per ent of the reyu.tiy party mbers have been able question [on the ballot] or, of course, the election Conservative. to five up to the o sex ines. "Oe reason they fail," said of a candidate, must file with the Secretary of "A ward system would definitely benefit the Angpo Arvti, 30-yew old edik of the party publication, & State,' sod Hochbreuckner. He also said that "we minority party and I think it's better if we can be0 callsde of p al Cos between hnds and wives." blew the whistle on them to force them to file a vote for all the coundlroen," said Furman. He also statement in order to find out their source of said that be supports one-party rule e it gets contributions." The finai statemet has to be things done. "If they [the party WIpower] don't National Wled ten days before election day and therefore work well, you knock them out." would have to be postmaed October 29 in order With the wd Vsem, Fuman said, each The White House ad the United States District Court Judge John to conform with the law. councman would be mi conflict with the other J. Silica reached aeement, yestd, wheIeby the judge wIll hear he Secretary of State's office last week coundlmen representing his own district. in dosed sesion rtial claims of e on portions of indicated no statement had been filed at that time. Hochbrueckner sad he supports the ward disputed Watergate ts. White House lawes want pats of the George Furman, vice-president of the anti-ward system because locally eeed ndmen would presidential tapes kept from the Watergate grand jury. group, said that members of the group have be more reponsive to the voters, whereas the personally financed the venture. Irm sure a_ at4arge coundlmen now pan the buck. "Look The Senate Watergate Committee agreed to try and- renew an couple of Repubicans have reed into their own what we have now, a board that's controlled by agreement cancelled by the White House that would have given the pockets and given money, but I don't know the Republicans." committee access to the presidential tapes. Ibe agreement was withdrawn after Nixon decided to obey a court order and give the tapes to Sirica. Cause of Death Still Undetermined The House Judicary Committee voted its irman, representative Peter W.'Rodino (D-NJ.), broad subpoena powers to For Student Foiund Dead at Post . d in the committees investigation of possible grounds for Nassau County Police we still eaized he was dead.' Then recent cocaine bust in Brookville i. peaching the President. In a Senate speech, Senator John V. investigting the death of a C.W. Nassau County Police took over Hall, the dorm in which Ashe T anney (D-Calif.), said Nixon should resign "for the common Post senior found dead in his the invetiation." reided, it is suspected that the good." dormitory room last Thursdy. Lieut mes Short oid death involved barytuates, Poice said that there were no that it was not unusual for the heroine, or methadone, Archibald Cox, the ousted special Watergate prosecutor, said he apprent signs of violence and homcAde division to handbe ac n to H i might indirectly have been the source of a New York Tames story that tie cause of death is stl caws Ike this one-, at g Hi'so-'s death is the second that President Nixon istuted former Attorney General Ridchar G.
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