June, 2007 TELVE Volume 1, Issue 2 Special Days in June Readings of tales, poems from coffee grounds left in the bottom of the cup • June17th, Fathers Day Inside this issue: TELVE’S Cover 1 Premier’s Message for 2 May 19th Thank you! 3 Serdar Yilgoren ile 4 Memories of a childhood 5 ( #1 ) An anecdote about 6 “Dads” "One neither desires coffee Youth in our community nor a coffeehouse. Tour around the 7,8 One desires to talk with New York Türk 9 others, coffee is nothing but Yürüyüșü an excuse." Process and Performance 10, A Turkish saying of Jane Eyre in Thornfield 11 The shapes and patterns left by The newsletter looks really nice. Wow! Very nice! Thanks for Türk Mutfağına Genel 12, the grounds on the cup and saucer I think it is a good way to unify a sharing and congratulations to Bakış 13, 14 is called "TELVE" in Turkish. community. I like that is in English everyone who worked hard to and Turkish and not just one or pull this together! And we named Turkish Society of Recipe for Ali Nazik 15 the other. Canada’s on-line newsletter as Russ Pooley “TELVE” hoping that it will be Susan Allen, Toronto Cow Parade İstanbul 16 City of Mississauga another sharing platform for the Moose in the City community. Fatih Akin 17 Here are few comments that we have received about the TELVE. Activities 18 Page 2 TELVE Premier’s message sent to the community for May 19th Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 2 Thank you for your support to the community with your messages for May19th, Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day! We have received celebration messages, letters, certificates, e-mails from; (Listed in alphabetical order) Bernard Patry, Member of Parliament Beverley J. Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Woman Carolyn Parrish, Councillor, Ward 6, City of Mississauga Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario David Miller, Mayor, City of Toronto George Carlson, Councillor, Ward 11, City of Mississauga Jack Layton, Member of Parliament John R. O'Toole, Member of Provincial Parliament John Tory, Member of Provincial Parliament Katie Mahoney, Councillor, Ward 8, City of Mississauga Linda Thomas, Executive Director, Mississauga Arts Council Maja L.A. Prentice, Councillor, Ward 3, City of Mississauga Mario Silva, Member of Parliament Maurice Vellacott, Member of Parliament Omar Alghabra, Member of Parliament Peter Fonseca, M.P.P, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health Promotion Peter G. MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rob Burton, Mayor, Town of Oakville Dr. Ruby Dhalla, Member of Parliament Wayne Easter, Member of Parliament Page 4 TELVE Serdar Yılgören’ile Serdar Bey, Turkish Society of Canada Bu tür yarıșmalar toplumumuzda çok sık derneğinin Logo yarıșmasında ikinci yapılmıyor. Yarıșmanın duyurulması, koșulları, oldunuz. Tebrikler! Kısaca yarıșma için değerlendirilmesi gibi konularda Dernek ılgören’in ikinci Serdar Y hazırladığınız eserin, ortaya çıkıș öyküsünü yöneticileri, jüri ile paylașmak istediğiniz seçilen logo tasarımı anlatır mısınız? yorumlar, eleștiriler var mı? Teșekkürler. İki toplumun ortak rengi olan kır- Dediğiniz gibi bu tip yarıșmalara önem vermeliyiz. Her mızıyı kullanarak ve iki ülkenin sembollerini bir- konuda toplumumuza açılmamız, fikirlerini, eleștirilerini leștirerek geliștirdim tasarımımı. Amacım kolayca almalı ve bu gibi örnek çalıșmalarla daha geniș yer akılda kalabilecek bir logo geliștirmekti. Bu yüzden veren bir toplum olmalıyız. İleride daha çok yarıșmalar, de seçtiğim yazı karekteri kolay okunan bir for- sergiler, söyleșiler yapılmalı ve bir araya gelinmeli. mattı. İki farklı toplumu, ortak noktalar olan Yarıșmada emeği geçen herkese teșekkürler. ögelerle birleștirmeyi hedefledim. Kanada'da yașıyorsunuz. Burdaki genç sanatçı Yarıșmaya katılan 23 eser arasında, ikinci arkadașlarımıza önerileriniz var mi olduğunuzu öğrendiğinizde neler hissetti- Genç arkadașlarımizdan, olabildiği kadar çok yarıșma- niz? lara girmelerini, teknolojiyi çok iyi takip etmelerini ve İkinci olmam beni mutlu etti, gurur da duydum ülkemizi Kanada da tanıtmak için ellerinden gelenleri tabi. sanatsal açıdan yapmalarını isterim. Zengin Türk kültürünü ancak bu șekilde tanıtabiliriz. Tasarım konusundaki deneyimlerinizi, kısa özgeçmișinizi TELVE okuyucuları ile paylașır mısınız? Serdar Yılgören sertifıkasını jüri üyesi Evnur Taran’dan İstanbul Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi alırken. Grafik Bölümü mezunuyum (1977). Türkiye de bașta Pars McCAnn-Erickson, Cenajans-Grey de uzun yıllar, Art Direktörlük yaptım. Londra, Prag, Milano ve Barselona'da çalıștım, reklam filmleri çektim. Yüzlerce reklam kampanyasına imzamı attım. 2 kristal elma ödülüm var. Polisan Gülen Boya, Kanal 6, Çamlıca gazozu yaptığım logo çalı- malarından birkaçı. 1991 yılında McCann- Ericson'un orta doğu ofisine kreatif direktör olarak atandim. Güney Afrika, Bahreyn, Katar, Mısır, Kuveyt ve Birleșik Arap emirliklerinde çalıș- tım. 4 adet uluslararası ödül kazandim. 1997de Kanada'ya göçtüm. Her yeni göçmenin bașına TELVE’nin gelecek sayısında Logo yarıșmasının birincisi geldiği gibi, tam 15 sene çalıștığım McCann- Ahmed Akın Varıcıer ve ikincisi Fethi Yetiș ile arka- Erickson'un Toronto ofisine "Over qualified" ol- dașımız Melek Ökten’in Türkiye’de yaptığı ropörtajları mam nedeni ile ise alınmadım. Yüzlerce iș görüș- yayınlayacağız. mesi yaptım, özgeçmis gönderdim. 6 ay kadar ișsiz kaldıktan sonra grafikerliğe geri döndüm ve bir matbaada saati 8 dolardan ise bașladim. Kısacası her göçmenin bașına gelenden ben de payımı aldım. Șimdi "City of Toronto, print shop"ta grafik dizayner olarak çalıșıyorum. Aynı zamanda profe- syonel olarak fotoğrafla uğrașıyorum. Page 5 Volume 1, Issue 2 Memories of a childhood ( #1 ) Grandpa was an old steamboat, stayed still and tall on the bay, let the waters run underneath. He took his silver hues from the moon, his wit from the sun. He left the waves of the seven seas, calms of the mermaids of the lakes, capricious curves of the rivers behind. Stayed still and tall on the bay, let the waters run underneath. The old willow tree by the river witnessed them all. He had many tales to tell; the tales of the seas, the tales of the lakes, the tales of the places the waters met the sky, The old willow tree by the river witnessed them all. He had many songs to sing; the songs of the mermaids, the songs of the seagulls, the songs of the icebergs, The old willow tree by the river witnessed them all. Now, the moon is not shining on him. The waters are not running underneath. The mermaids are not singing his songs. The seagulls are not circling around. He stays in a frame at the side of an old Russian samovar. They are both staying still and tall, fading away. Evnur Taran March 5, 2007 Page 6 TELVE An anecdote about “Dads” Elif Karol One of my childhood friends has have talks with him, teach him baby as just that…a baby. I never been a Mommy for three years how to play sports, tell him what really thought it through and real- now. I remember the day she told to do in matters of the heart, etc. ized that that baby would grow up me she was expecting like it was When I said that “girls can play and experience things and have yesterday. We were sitting, hav- sports too and they also need good days and bad, etc. The more Surprise! Osman Karol, Elif’s dad. ing a coffee at a crowded coffee relationship advice”, she didn’t I thought about it, the more I shop and she said, “I have some- really agree. realized that my friends’ lives thing to tell you!” with a smile on would change forever…in an As soon as my friend and I left her face spanning from ear to ear. amazing way! My friends hubby each other, I called her husband to Immediately, I knew what she was went on to tell me that he hopes congratulate him on the amazing about to tell me. She’s going to for a happy, healthy baby and is a news! He sounded excited, but I have a baby! After the initial little nervous about being a Dad. could hear a tinge of worry in his squealing and jumping up and voice. When I asked him what They are now the proud parents down and tears streaming down was up, he told me that he’s of two beautiful little girls and are our cheeks, we sat back down and wanted to be a Dad for as long as hoping to complete their family continued to enjoy our coffees. he can remember…and the fact with the arrival of a little boy pos- The next thing that she said was that it’s now actually going to sibly just in time for Father’s Day amusing and surprising to me. She happen scared him to no end. At 2007. To all the Daddy’s, soon- said, “I really hope I have a boy!” first, I couldn’t understand exactly to-be and future out there, I wish When I asked her why, she con- what he meant, but after he ex- you a very Happy Father’s Day tinued to tell me that if she had a plained, I realized that he’s right. and remember, anytime you have son, her husband could ‘take care WHAT a huge responsibility to be great news to share, do it over a of all of the guy stuff when the a parent! For some reason, prior cup of coffee! time comes”. Not fully under- to hearing their exciting news, standing what she meant by that, I anytime I heard of someone being asked her to elaborate and this is pregnant, I just thought of the what she told me. She said that if they have a son, her husband can Youth in our community : Efehan Elbi • Efehan is currently in his fourth year of studying Integrated Media (film and video) at the Ontario College of Art and Design • He tied for overall third place at the 2007 Toronto Student Film Festival for his short animated film, "Attackulus",a mini drama about a student's fear of math.
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