Index Atlases and Catalogues Virgo Cluster Catalogue, 396 A Revised Shapley Ames Catalog, 195, 258 X-ray Catalog and Atlas of galaxies, 308 Atlas de Galaxias Australes, 339 Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, 191, 195, 413 Bright Galaxy Catalog, 386 Instruments Catalog of Galaxies and Cluster of 2dF (AAT), 453 Galaxies, 416 6dF (AAT), 453 Catalog of Isolated Galaxies (CIG), 23, AAOMEGA (AAT), 456 271, 416, 417, 425 ACIS, 311 Catalog of Isolated Triplets of Galaxies ACS, 56, 143, 484 (CTG), 23 COS, 56, 437 Catalog of Pair Galaxies (CPG), 23, 271, DEIMOS (Keck), 453 411 DIRBE, 58 Catalogue of Isolated Pairs, 460 FIRAS, 58 Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies FLAMES (VLT), 453 and Associations, 196, 233, 459 FMOS (Subaru), 454 Extragalactic Distance Data Base FORCE (VLT), 453 Catalogue, 163 FORS, 32 General Catalogue of Nebulæ and Clusters, FOS, 437 384 GHRS, 437 Hipparcos Second Catalog Release, 699 GMACS (Magellan), 453 Morphologicheskji Katalog Galaktik, 22, GMOS (Gemini), 453 191, 385 GRAVITY, 746 Nearby Galaxies Catalogue, 414 HIFI, 443 New General Catalog, 384 HRI, 445 Southern Catalogue of Isolated Pairs, 411 Hyper Supreme Cam, 47 The Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, 271 IPC, 445 The Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies, 195, 198, IPCS, 26 200, 287, 519 IRAC, 442 The Color Atlas of Galaxies, 197 IRS, 442 The Reference Catalogue of Bright ISAAC, 32 Galaxies, 195 ISO-CAM, 442 Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies, ISO-LWS, 442 384, 414, 425 ISO-PHOT, 442 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 769 M. D’Onofrio et al. (eds.), From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 435, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0 770 Index ISO-SWS, 442 Babcock H., 71 KMOS (VLT), 454 Bahcall John, 109 LRIS (Keck), 453 Bannier J.H., 28 Manga (SDSS), 454 Barbanis Basil, 105 MATISSE, 746 Bardeen James, 247 Mega Cam, 143 Barnard E.E., 96 Mega Prism, 143 Barnes Joshua, 514, 749 MEGAPRIME (CFHT), 406 Bate Matthew, 612 MIPS, 442 Bedke John, 198, 287 MOS (CFHT), 453 Bekenstein Jacob, 565 Mosfire (Keck), 454 Belokurov Vasilji, 144 NICMOS, 261, 485 Bender Ralf, 284 OM, 439 Bensby Thomas, 121 PACS, 443 Bentley Richard, 107 SAMI (AAO), 454 Bernheimer Walter, 431 SCUBA, 27 Bershady Matthew, 279 SINFONI, 32, 484 Bertin Giuseppe, 541, 567 SINFONI (VLT), 458 Bertola Francesco, 201 SPIRE, 443 Bethe Hans, 114, 586 STIS, 437 Bien Reinhold, 560 Suprime Cam, 32, 40, 47 Binggeli Bruno, 396, 459 UVES, 326 Binney James, 105, 118, 541, 567, 645 UVOT, 439 Blaauw Adriaan, 28 VIMOS, 32 Bland-Hawthorn Joss, 110 WEAVE, 458 Block David, 193 WFPC2, 56, 143 Blumenthal George, 119 WFPC3, 56 Boily Christian, 563 Bok Bart, 411 Boksemberg Alec, 26 Names Boltzmann Ludwig, 540 Aarseth Sverre, 560, 621 Borucki William J., 50 Abraham Roberto, 196, 484 Boselli Alessandro, 429 Adams Walter, 10, 103, 105, 113 Bosma Albert, 549 Adanson Michel, 228 Bothun Gregory, 220 Afanasiev E.A., 21 Bottinelli Lucette, 72, 424 Afanasiev V.L., 25 Bourgeois Paul, 28 Aguero Estela, 36 Bovy Jo, 121 Akahane Kenji, 43 Bowen I.S., 71 Alexander Stephen, 13 Bruzual Gustavo, 35, 37 Ambartsumian Victor, 20 Burbidge Geoffrey, 16, 17, 73, 75 Angus Garry, 565 Burbidge Margaret, 16, 17, 75 Aragò François, 3 Burstein David, 280, 283 Aragon-Calvo Miguel, 606 Bush Vannevar, 14 Arkhipova V.P., 22 Buta Ronald, 191, 200, 281, 389 Armandroff Taft, 136 Caipin Liu, 725 Arnett David W., 629 Campbell William, 105 Arnett William David, 650 Caon Nicola, 202, 340 Arp Halton, 71, 73, 75, 77, 191, 195, 233, Capaccioli Massimo, 72, 201, 202, 340, 269, 413, 459, 512 459 Athanassoula Lia, 205 Carlberg Ray, 199, 589 Audouze Jean, 650 Carnegie Andrew, 26 Baade Walter, 7, 12–16, 28, 79, 111, Carollo Marcella, 123 113–115, 141, 200, 218, 269, 325, Carranza Gustavo, 36 740, 745, 759 Carraro Giovanni, 595 Index 771 Carter David, 750 Eddington Arthur, 102, 104, 107 Chamberlain Joseph, 115 Efstathiou George, 279, 586, 591 Chandrasekhar Subrahmanyan, 536, 567 Eggen Olin, 107, 116, 326, 586, 591, 745 Charlier Carl, 410 Einasto Jaan, 23 Charlot Stephane, 35 Einstein Albert, 14, 71, 548 Chernin Arthur, 23 Eisenstein Daniel, 453 Chikada Yoshihiro, 42 Elmegreen Bruce, 198, 484, 615 Chincarini Guido, 429, 431 Ewen H., 17 Chiosi Cesare, 595 Falcon-Barroso Javier, 201, 206 Cho Se Hyung, 725 Fall Michael, 586, 591 Chwolson Orest, 298 Fall Mike, 279 Clemens Marcel, 461 Famaey Benoit, 566 Cole Shaun, 453 Faraday Michael, 321 Combes Françoise, 205, 283 Fermi Enrico, 14 Conselice Christopher, 196, 484, 485 Ferreras Ignacio, 627 Cortesi Luca, 202 Field G. B., 128 Corwin Harold, 195, 389 Findlay John, 18, 430 Cowie Lennox, 484 Fish Robert, 277 Cox Thomas, 172 Fisher Richard, 433 Curtis Heber, 3, 5, 17, 112, 193 Fizeau Hipoolyte, 746 D’Ercole Annibale, 643 Ford Holland, 250 D’Onofrio Mauro, 202, 249, 340, 343 Forman William, 424 Da Costa Gary, 136 Fouqué Pascal, 389 Dabringhausen Jörg, 613 Fowler William, 75 Daguerre Louis, 3 Freedman Wendy, 133, 136 Danjon André-Louis, 28 Freeman Kenneth, 110, 276 Dariush Ali, 759 Fridmann Alexander, 71 Davies Rod, 424 Friedman Aleksandr, 410 Davis Marc, 332, 424 Frogel Jay, 112 De Grijs Richard, 131 Frost Edwin, 105 de Sitter Willem, 71, 103 Günther Wuchterl, 612 de Vaucouleurs Antoinette, 74, 191, 195 Galilei Galileo, 94, 740 de Vaucouleurs Gérard, 72 Gamow George, 17 de Vaucouleurs Gerard, 16, 72, 74, 191, Garnier Robert, 390 193, 195, 200, 204, 218, 270, 277, Gauss Carl Friedrich, 112 287, 325, 339, 384, 386, 389, 431, Gavazzi Giuseppe, 401, 423, 429, 459 750 Gehrels Neil, 535 de Zeeuw Tim, 541, 568 Genzel Reinhard, 484, 746 Debattista Victor P., 282 Gerola Humberto, 198 Denisuyk, E.A., 21 Giacconi Riccardo, 31, 45, 60 Dennison E.W., 71 Gillett Fred, 741 Dettmar R., 204 Gilmore Gerald, 109, 117, 280 Deutsch A.J., 71 Giovanardi Carlo, 428 Dibai Ernst, 21 Giovanelli Riccardo, 425 Disney Mike, 220, 277, 549 Goldreich Peter, 108 Djorgovski George, 200, 541 Gott Richard III, 414 Doroshkevich A.G., 23 Gouguenheim Lucienne, 72, 424 Dostal V.A., 22 Gray Jim, 36 Dottori Horacio, 36 Greenberg J. M., 128 Dressler Alan, 200, 283, 424 Greenstein J., 71 Dreyer John, 141, 193, 384 Grindlay Jonathan, 50 Duc Pierre-Alain, 750 Gunn Jim, 279 Easton Cornelius, 13, 96 Häring Nadine, 249 Eckart Andreas, 746 Hagihara Yusuke, 38 772 Index Hale George Ellery, 4, 6, 71 Kant Immanuel, 17 Hanbury Brown Robert, 746 Kapteyn Jacobus, 5, 9, 12, 96, 101–105, Harwit Martin, 49 107, 111, 276, 739 Hatanaka Takeo, 43 Karachentsev Igor, 22, 23, 142–144, 411, Hayakawa Sachio, 42, 46 431 Hayashi Chushiro, 38, 42, 46 Karachentseva Valentina, 22, 411, 425, 426 Haynes Martha, 430 Karachetsev Igor, 77 Heckman Otto, 28 Kawaguchi Norio, 48 Helou George, 389, 428 Keeler John E., 3 Hensler Gerhard, 563 Keenan Philip Childs, 115 Hernquist Lars, 514 Kenney Jeff, 517 Herschel Caroline, 193 Kennicutt Robert, 125, 455, 631 Herschel John, 3, 26, 193, 384 Kent Brian, 435 Herschel William, 3, 5, 12, 70, 193, 384 Kent Steve, 332 Hertzsprung Ejnar, 101, 586 Kerr F.J., 17 Hewitt Jackie, 428 Kerr Frank, 109 Hickson Paul, 75, 414, 460 Kerr Roy, 535 Hindman J.V., 17, 97 Khachikian Edward, 21 Hitabayashi Hisashi, 48 King Ivan, 345 Ho Luis, 459 Klin Frantisek, 298 Ho Paul, 725 Knox-Shaw H., 199 Hobsbawm Eric, 82 Kobayashi Hideyuki, 48 Hodge Paul, 218 Koda Jun, 525 Hoffman Lyle, 428 Kodaira Keiichi, 46 Holmberg Erik, 64, 77, 195, 325, 385, 411, Koo David, 481 412, 460, 511 Koopmann Rebecca, 435 Hoyle Fred, 17, 75 Koopmans Leon, 299 Hu Wayne, 484 Koposov S., 144 Hubble Edwin Powell, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, Kormendy John, 125, 198, 199, 204, 219, 72, 78, 112, 131, 166, 190, 193, 195, 280, 283, 597 199, 218, 234, 287, 325, 339, 410, Kozai Yoshihide, 46 587, 740 Kraft R., 71 Huchra John, 424 Krasnogorskaya A.A., 22 Huffer Charles Morse, 11, 13, 97 Kron R., 481 Humason Milton, 325, 481 Kroupa Pavel, 222, 627 Hypparchus of Nicea, 382 Kudrya Y.N., 145 Ibata Rodrigo, 123 Kuijken Konrad, 109, 125 Impey Chris, 220 Kunz Jacob, 12, 14 Inatani Juri, 44 Kuzmin Rodion, 568 Inoue Makoto, 48 Läsker Ronald, 252 Iye Masanori, 47 Lüghausen Fabian, 566 Jacobi Carl, 107 Lütticke R., 204 James Jeans, 104 La Barbera Francesco, 627 Jansky Karl, 17 Labeyrie Antoine, 746 Jeans James, 5, 10, 106, 107, 166, 191, 193, Lacey Cedric, 118 588 Lagrange Joseph-Louis, 107 Jones Christine, 424 Landi Jeorge, 36 Jones L.R., 759 Laplace Pierre Simon, 70 Joy Alfred, 103 Larson Richard, 116, 271, 413, 588 Jugaku Jun, 45 Latham David, 424 Kaazik A., 23 Lauberts A., 385 Kaifu Norio, 43 Laurikainen Eija, 203 Kalamees P., 23 Leavitt Henrietta, 6, 132 Kalnajs Agris, 108 Lee M. G., 136 Index 773 Leigh Nathan, 613 Middelburg Frank, 80 Leighton R., 71 Mikkola Seppo, 621 Lemaître George, 71 Milgrom Moti, 564, 626 Lequeux James, 35 Minkowski Hermann, 564 Lewis Murray, 424 Minkowski Rudolph, 14, 16, 481 Li A., 128 Mirabel Felix, 221 Lick James, 26 Miyazaki Satoshi, 47 Liivamägi J.L., 607 Morgan William Wilson, 195 Lin C.C., 197, 285, 290 Morgan William Wilson, 13, 97, 325 Lindblad Bertil, 9, 11, 28, 96, 103, 197, Morimoto Masaki, 43, 48 286, 290, 511 Mountain Matt C., 741 Lindegreen Lennart, 699 Mulchaey John, 759 Linnaeus Carl, 226, 228 Muller André, 29 Lipovetsky Valentin, 21, 25 Munch Guido, 71 Llinares Claudio, 565 Nair P., 196 Loeb Abraham, 172 Nelson Nils-Peter, 589 Londrillo Pasquale, 567 Newton Isaac, 107, 521, 540, 547, 549 Longair Malcom, 82, 742 Nicolaci da Costa Luiz Alberto, 36 Lorentz Hendrik, 535 Nilson Peter, 384, 385, 425, 427 Lotz Jennifer, 484 Nipoti Carlo, 567 Lundmark Knut, 384, 385, 411 Nissen P.
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