,I <. " ~ ~ , i i i ~ :' ,~" I ~ •• ~ '\ ."' f' ,-, >... t.;. l -------------"._-------;, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE WORK OF THE (lRGANIZATION 16 June 1972 --15 June 1973 11- --------------' GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS : TWENTY-EIGHTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. I {A/900 11 UNITED NATIONS .; . (1.21 p.) REPORT j, ,:r .,. '~Q OF THE \:: ... U'\ I • ,. I D '. ' : " .J SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE WORI{ OF THE ORGANIZATION 16 June 1972 -15 June 1973 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFiCIAL RECORDS : TWENTY-EIGHTH SESSION SUPPLE~viENT No. I (A/900 I) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1973 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com­ bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. [Original: English/French] Contents Page FOREWORD ..........................,............................. ix Abbreviations x Part One. Political and security questions Chapter I. THE SITUATION IN THE ~t1IDDLE EAST 3 A. Search for a settlement . 3 B. Status of the cease-fire . 4 1. Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syria sectors . 4 2. Suez Canal and Israel-Jordan sector.s . 5 C. Treatment of civilian populations in Israeli-occupied territories . 5 D. The situation in and around Jerusalem and its Holy Places . 6 E. General statements and other matters brought to the attention of the Security Council in connexion with the situation in the Middl:iJ East . .. 6 11. UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN CYPRUS . 8 Ill. PEACE-KEEPING OPERATIONS AND RELATED MATTERS. ............•••• 10 A. Report of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations ...... 10 B. Consideration by the General Assembly .. ...................... 10 C. JVork of the Special Committee in 1973 ......................... 10 IV. OTHER POLITICAL AND SECURITY QUESTIONS ...................•.•• •. 11 A. Disarmament and related matters 11 B. Effects of ato;nic radiation 13 C. Peaceful uses of outer space ................................. 13 D. The sea-bed out~ide national jurisdiction and convening of a confer- ence on the law of the sea ., ... .. 14 E. Policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa 15 F. Complaint by Senegal 17 G. Consideration by the Security Council of the situation in Namibia. ... 17 H. Complaint by Zambia ................................ 19 I. Consideration by the Security Council of the situation in the Territories under Portuguese administration. ............................. 20 J. Consideration by the Security Council of the situation in Southern Rhodesia 20 K. Question of Korea ................................ 22 L. Assistance to Palestine refugees ................ 22 M. Strengthening of international security 24 N. Admission of new Members ................... .. ............ 24 O. The situation in the South Asian subcontinent .................... 25 P. Co-operation between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity ;.,.: _.J.~.:.l.~ •• t • .L.::t.~ .•.•~ 25 ill Chapter Page Q. Non-use of force in international relations and permanent prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons 25 R. Strengthening of the role of the United Nations .... 26 S. Enhancing the effectiveness of the Security Council .............. 26 T. Question of the hijacking of aircraft "........... 26 U. Security Council meetings in Panama City. ..................... 27 Part Two. Decolonizatioll I. THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARA­ TION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONJAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES .............................................•.••.•• 31 A. Work of the Special Committee 31 B. Decision8 on individual Territories .. .......................... 31 1. Southern Rhodesia 31 2. Namibia 32 3. Territories under Portuguese administration 32 4. Spanish Sahara, Gibraltar and French Somaliland 33 5'. American Samoa, Antigua, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Cayman Islands" Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Do­ minica, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Grenada, Montserrat, Niue" Pitcairn, St. Helena, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguil1~, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Seychelles" Solomon Islands, 'T'okelau Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and United States Virgin Islands 33 C. Decisions on general questions 34 1. Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are imped- ing the implementation of the Declaration in Southern Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism" apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa 34 2. Military activities and arrangements by colonial Powers in Terri­ tories under their administration which might be impeding the implementation of the Declaration 34 3. Question of sending visiting missions to the Territories 35 4. Implementation of the Declaration by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations ... 35 5. United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa 35 6. Publicity for the work of the United Nations in the field of decoloni- zation 36 7. Other activities for the support of the people of colonial Territories in southern Africa 36 H. TRUST TERRITORIES ..............................•........•.•• 37 A. Work of the Trusteeship Council .... ......................... 37 B. Decisions c,oncerning Trust Territories .. ....................... 37 1. Papua New Guinea 37 2. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 37 HI. OTHER QUESTIONS RELATING TO NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES. ... 38 A. Information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations ,....................................... 38 B. Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories '38 iv Chapter Page Part Three. Economic, social and humanitarian activities I. HUMAN RIGHTS QUESTIONS ......•.....•...•.••.••'••••• '1' ••••••• 41 A. Programme for the observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . 41 B. Elimination oj racial discrimination ........................•.. 41 1. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial DISCrImma· .. t'Ion . 41 2. Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination .. 41 3. Draft Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid '.' . 42 4. Activities of non-governmental organizations to combat racism and racla.I d's1 crnnm'• at'o1 n ; 42 5. Further studies on racial discrimination .................. 42 C. Prevention of discrimination and protection of minorities . 42 1. Elimination of all form of religious intolerance . 42 2. Draft principles relating to equality in the administration of justice 42 3. Study of discrimination in the matter of political rights and draft general principles on freedom and non-discrimination in the matter of political rights . 42 4. Study of discrimination in respect of the right of everyone to leave any ,country, including his own, and to return to his country, and draft principles on freedom and non-discriminaticn in respect of that right . 43 5. Study of discrimination against persons born out of wedlock and non-discrimination in respect of such persons . 43 6. Other studies and reports of the Sub-Commission Cln Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities . 43 D. The right of peoples to self-determination . 43 1. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination . 43 2. Implementation of United Nations resolutions relating to the right of peoples under colonial and alien domination to self-determination 43 3. The historical and current development of the right of peoples to self-determination . 44 E. Exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking . 44 F. Question of the violation of human rights . 44 1. Question of the violation of human rights in the territories occu- pied as a result of hostilities in the Middle East . 44 2. Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts . 45 3. The question of the absence and gross infringements of trade union rights in southern Africa ..... 45 4. Model rules of procedure for United Nations bodies dealing with violations of human rights . 45 G. Question of international legal protection of the human rights of in- dividuals who are not citizens of the countlY in which they live . 45 H. International instruments . 46 I. Human rights in armed conflicts . 46 1. Respect for human rights in armed conflicts . 46 2. Protection of journalists engaged in dangerous missions in areas of armed conflict . 46 J. Principles of international co-operation in the detection, arrest, extra­ dition and punishment of persons guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity . 46 v Chapter Page K. Periodic reports on human rights , . 47 L. Question of the realization of economic, social and cultural rights . 47 M. The role of youth in the promotion and protection of human rights . 47 1. Question of conscientious objection to military service . 47 2. Teaching of human rights in universitk~s and development of an independent scientific discipline. of human rights . 4'". i N /uman rights and scientific and technological developments . 48 O. Communications concerning human rights . 48 P. Yearbook on Human Rights . 48 Q. Advisory services in the field of human rights . 49 R. Periodicity of the sessions of the Commission on Human Rights and its subsidiary bodies . 49 li. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS SO A. General framework of development . 50 1. World economic situation . 50 2. World population situation
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