Tidings Bayshore Presbyterian Church June 27, 2014 The Holy Grail: Found? Inside This Issue 1 For centuries, the quest for the elusive Holy Grail has consumed The Holy Grail: Found? Crusaders and archaeologists, inspired Arthurian legends and 1 *RLQJV2Q« Hollywood blockbusters and sparked both the pen of Alfred Lord Tennyson and the comedy of 2 The Holy Grail, cont. Monty Python. Now, a pair of historians claim they have 2 The Real Monuments Men discovered the sacred relic inside a Spanish basilica. 2 Name the Bayshore Celebrity 'RHVLWPHDQWKDWKLVWRU\¶V 2 greatest treasure hunt is over? From the Pastor Nominating Committee 2 Our Shoe Mission ,QWKHLUQHZO\SXEOLVKHGERRN³/RV5H\HVGHO*ULDO´ ³7KH.LQJV 2 From Your Session RIWKH*UDLO´ PHGLHYDOKLVWRU\Oecturer Margarita Torres and art 3 The Real Monuments Men, cont. historian José Miguel Ortega del Rio claim the Holy Grail rests inside the Basilica of San Isidoro in the northern Spanish city of 3 Prayer List/Birthdays/Anniversaries León. The historians say that a three-year 3 Just Another Day on the Bayshore investigation led to their conclusion that the hallowed cup that Jesus Christ supposedly 4 Volunteer List drank from at the Last Supper and that was used to collect his precious blood is a *RLQJV2Q« jewel-encrusted goblet that has long been known as the chalice of the Infanta Doña This Sunday at Bayshore Urraca in honor of the daughter of King Ferdinand I, ruler of León and Castile from 9:30 am Sunday School 1037 to 1065. The researchers had been investigating Islamic remains in the 10:30 am Regular Worship Basilica of San Isidoro when they came across medieval Egyptian parchments that mentioned that the holy chalice had *** See page 4 for volunteer list! been taken from Jerusalem to Cairo and then given to an emir who ruled an Islamic kingdom RQ6SDLQ¶V0HGLWHUUDQHDQFRDVW Appreciation Brunch for Kaaren in return for the help he gave to famine-stricken Egypt. The emir then gifted the chalice as a peace offering to the Christian King Ferdinand. The goblet has EHHQLQWKHEDVLOLFD¶VSRVVHVVLRQ since the 11th century and in plain VLJKWLQWKHFKXUFK¶VEDVHPHQW museum since the 1950s. The chalice, made of gold and onyx and sprinkled with precious stones, is actually two goblets fused together, one turned up, the other down. Torres and del Rio say the upper half is made of agate and missing a fragment, exactly as described in the Egyptian parchments. The co-authors report that scientific dating It won't be easy saying good-bye, but let's send has placed the origin of the cup between 200 B.C. and 100 A.D. Kaaren "out into the world" in style - Her last As the Irish Times reports, the co-authors concede they cannot day is August 10th. Join us for Brunch at the GHILQLWLYHO\SURYHWKDWWKHFKDOLFHDFWXDOO\WRXFKHG-HVXV¶VOLSV only that it is the vessel that early Christians revered as the one Colonade (dutch treat - we've reserved a r00m). used at the Last Supper. There's a sign-up sheet in the foyer... ³7KHRQO\FKDOLFHWKDWFRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGWKHFKDOLFHRI&KULVWLVWKDW which made the journey to Cairo and then from Cairo to León²and that Name the Bayshore "Celebrity" LVWKLVFKDOLFH´7RUUHVWROGWKHQHZVSDSHU6LQFHWKHERRN¶VSXEOLFDWLRQ This Bayshore Church member last week, the basilica has been inundated with visitors, forcing curators joined the church in 1977. She is to remove the relic from display until they can find a larger exhibition one of 3 generations of her family space to accommodate the crowds. who attend BPC and who has This, of course, is not the first time faithfully been in charge of setting WKDWWKH+RO\*UDLOKDVEHHQ³IRXQG´ up communion since most of us can For while the Holy Grail has proven ? remember. Who is she? elusive, it is also strangely ubiquitous. From Latvia to Scotland, more than 200 Answer next month goblets in Europe alone have been posited as being the holy relic. Some claim the cup rests in the sewers of Jerusalem while others believe that the medieval Knights Templar Please remember to recycle your bulletin as you leave and took the goblet from Jerusalem during the Crusades and eventually help us keep things looking good!! Thanks so much!! secreted it away in New World locations ranging from Minnesota to Maryland to Nova Scotia. Some theorize it is even hidden inside Fort Knox. From the Pastor Nominating Committee The PNC is currently interviewing a short list of candidates Numerous times in the past century, newspaper headlines similar to the and prayerfully reviewing new candidates ! ones today declared the quest for the Holy Grail over. In the early 1900s, it was supposedly discovered neDU(QJODQG¶V*ODVWRQEXU\ Abbey. A few years later, a battered silver goblet with elaborate OUR SHOE MISSION ornamentation unearthed in the ancient city of Antioch was put forward I am offering a follow up that pays testament to your as the Holy Grail. The Antioch Chalice, now in the marvelous generosity. The P.E. teachers, my friends, told me that FROOHFWLRQRI1HZ<RUN¶V0HWURSolitan Museum of they have already given out many pairs of the pairs of shoes that Art, toured museums such as the Louvre in Paris they received from us. The children, they said, were delighted, and even went on display in the 1933-1934 :RUOG¶V)DLULQ&KLFDJREHIRUHLWZDVGDWHGWRWKH excited, and overwhelmingly happy. Some told the teachers that early sixth century. In 1927, a chalice with Greek they had never owed a new pair of shoes in their entire lives, can inscriptions in possession of the Toledo Museum you imagine that? dŚĞĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛ƐƉĂƌĞŶƚƐǁĞƌĞĂůƐŽĞdžƚƌĞŵĞůLJ RI$UWHYHQOHGRQHQHZVSDSHUWRGHFODUH³7ROHGR grateful since many just have no money to spend on new shoes, +DV&ODLPVWR+RO\*UDLO´ ĂŶĚ͞ǁĞůůǁŽƌŶ͟ŚĂŶĚ-me-downs have been all that they could 0DQ\KLVWRULDQVDUHVNHSWLFDORIWKHODWHVWFODLPRIWKH+RO\*UDLO¶V provide. I also know that Lisa and Barbara were more than a GLVFRYHU\DQGWKHUH¶VQRHYLGHQFHWKDWWKH+RO\*UDLOHYHQH[LVWs. The little overwhelmed and thankful as well. cup received only a passing mention in the Bible, and its religious Since there will always be more kids in need of shoes I VLJQLILFDQFHGLGQ¶WDULVHXQWLOPHGLHYDOOHJHQGVHQWZLQHGDQFLHQW&HOWLF hope that we can repeat this shoe mission every so often. myths with the Christian tradition of the Holy Chalice used by Jesus at Personally, I thank everyone from the bottom of my soles for WKH/DVW6XSSHU³7KH*UDLOOHJHQG contributing to this worthwhile project! is a literary invention of the 12th Marcia Hausman FHQWXU\ZLWKQRKLVWRULFDOEDVLV´ Carlos de Ayala, a medieval historian at a Madrid university, From Your Session: WROGWKH$)3QHZVDJHQF\³<RX The next WORK DAY for the church: Saturday, July 19th cannot search for something that GRHVQRWH[LVW´ When you wish to provide funds for FLOWERS ± be sure to put FLOWERS on your check so it is credited to the right General Even if there is a Holy Grail, proving that it indeed was the goblet used Ledger Account E\-HVXVZRXOGEHQHDUO\LPSRVVLEOH2QHWKLQJWKDW¶VDOOEXWFHUWDLQ ,QWHULP¶V7LPHOLQH KRZHYHULVWKDWLQVSLWHRIWKHODWHVWDQQRXQFHPHQWKLVWRU\¶VJUHDWHVW .DDUHQ¶VODVW6XQGD\ August 10th treasure hunt will continue. .DDUHQ¶VODVWGD\DWWKHFKXrch August 15th Source: History.com Kaaren on vacation August 16 ± 30th (On Call for any emergencies) The Real "Monuments Men" 7KHZHUHFHLYHGIURPWKH3UHVE\WHU\¶V0LVVLRQ)XQGZLOO be used to install an outside water fountain ± the intent is to Decades before territorial ambitions and Aryan supremacy absorbed provide a drink for the many walkers (2 legged and 4 legged) Adolf Hitler, a much different passion consumed the future German who pass through our grounds each down to and from Bayshore dictator²DUW%XWDIWHU9LHQQD¶V$FDGHP\ Blvd. Plans are underway. of Fine Arts rejected a teenaged Hitler for KLV³XQILWQHVVIRUSDLQWLQJ´KLVVLngular Thank you to Gordon and Winn for trimming the hedge along the side of the church. The growth was extending into the driveway. dream of becoming an artist was crushed. While it looks a bit bare at the moment, new growth will soon be The hand that had gingerly painted water- there. Thanks guys!! colors would eventually be raised in a Nazi salute and rule Germany with an iron fist. Thank you to Helen and David for your continued care of our grounds!!! They are looking great. And now that the area near +LWOHU¶VLQWHUHVWLQDUWKRZHYHUQHYHU Painting by Adolph Hitler the Community Room has been de-forested, ( - ) we can waned, and after launching World War II, consider a number of options for that area. Your ideas are he led the Nazis in the systematic looting ZHOFRPH:H¶YHEHHQWKLQNLQJDERXWDSLFQLFWDEOHZLWK of famous works of art that formed the cultural soul of Western perhaps a large container of plants ± something that will be low civilization. lph maintenance. Please let us know what you think we might do in this space. ,WZDVQ¶WHQRXJKIRUWKH1D]LVWRUREPLOlions of people of their Within weeks, the full extent of the Nazi plunder crystallized. IXWXUHVWKH\ZDQWHGWRVWULSWKHPRIWKHLUSDVWDVZHOO+LWOHU¶V Across the continent, the Monuments Men discovered loot hidden forces plundered priceless paintings, sculptures, deep inside salt mines, packed inside crates in abandoned drawings, religious relics and cultural buildings and even secreted away in hilltop castles. They found DUWLIDFWVIURP(XURSH¶VFKXUFKHV 1,500 repositories of stolen goods in southern Germany alone. universities and private collections, When the Monuments Men entered particularly those belonging to Jewish the Altaussee Salt Mine in Austria, families. They heisted musical they discovered hidden inside its instruments, entire libraries, hundreds 137 tunnels more than 6,000 paintings of ancient Torah scrolls, thousands of as well as masterpieces such as church bells and even the stained glass 0LFKHODQJHOR¶V³0DGRQQDRI%UXJHV´ right out of Strasbourg Cathedral. DQGWKH³*KHQW$OWDUSLHFH´,WWRRNVL[ ZHHNVIRUWKHPWRHPSW\*HUPDQ\¶V In the greatest theft in art history, Nazi leaders used the Neuschwanstein Castle, the fairy-tale LQYHQWRULHVRI(XURSH¶VHOLWHPXVHXPVDVDYHULWDEOH³VKRSSLQJ structure that served as the model for OLVW´IRULWHPVWRDGGWRWKHLUSHUVRQDOFROOHFWLRQV7KH\SLOIHUHG 6OHHSLQJ%HDXW\¶VFDVWOHDW'LVQH\ODQG of all its hidden treasures that had been works by a palette of the wRUOG¶VJUHDWHVWPDVWHUVVXFKDV Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Picasso and da Vinci.
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