MATEC Web of Conferences 150, 05085 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815005085 MUCET 2017 Pedestrian Travel Pattern At Johor Bahru Commercial Centre Noor Shazreen A.R1,*, Doris Asmani M.Y1 , Li Sian Tey1 , Mohamed Khatif1 and Haron H.Austo1 1Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Pasir Gudang, Malaysia 2Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Abstract. Pedestrians are often exposed to complex and dangerous traffic situations. Therefore, planning for pedestrian facilities could reduce some of the problems that are faced by the pedestrians. Thus, this study describes the level of awareness, risky behavior and analyse pedestrian travel pattern in Johor Bahru (JB) commercial centre. Data for the study was collected from questionnaire distribution and video recording. Thirty sets of questionnaire were distributed with the purpose of determining the level of awareness among pedestrian while using the pedestrian facilities provided by the. Meanwhile, the video recording was used to determine the risky behaviour done by the pedestrians at commercial centres. The video was also used to analyse pedestrian travel pattern at commercial centres. The outcome of this study would be beneficial to JB cities and lead to a successful pedestrian travel pattern within a safety, practice, and knowledge of pedestrian facilities provided. 1 Introduction road traffic deaths worldwide is forecasted to rise by some 65% in low-income countries whereas increased as Johor Bahru (JB) is the capital city of Johor state, stated much as 80% in middle-income countries [2]. in southern part of Malaysia. The city has a number of Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and interesting commercial center buildings. However, motorcyclists are the major contributors to the number of traffic congestion in Johor Bahru is a daily feature and death cases On the other hand, road traffic injuries were its impacts on the community are extensive. The the 11th leading cause of death worldwide and accounted commercial centre is typically the most frequent area for 2.1% of all deaths globally. Furthermore, these road where pedestrian is exposed to risk since it generates traffic deaths are accounted for 23% of all injury deaths high pedestrian traffic. The purpose of this study is to worldwide as shown in Figure 1 In Malaysia, 6,811 demonstrate the integration of safety and other important deaths were reported in 2011 which resulted in a loss of societal goals which are crucial for pedestrians RM 9.0 billion to the country’s economy. On average, 19 especially in urban areas. Therefore, it should be a high people are killed every day in Malaysia, which makes priority for the authorities to cater for the needs and road accidents a serious medical challenge to the vulnerability of pedestrians. In the study, several country. This also indicates the need for a basic action objectives have been laid down to address the issues. that is effective [3]. The objectives of the study are to determine the level of awareness of pedestrians using the facilities provided, identify the risky behaviour that predisposes pedestrians to accidents and analyse pedestrian travel pattern at commercial centres in Johor Bahru. Road traffic injuries are a major public and development crisis but have been neglected in global public health problem. These situations are predicted to increase if road safety is not properly addressed. According to the statistics provided by World Health Organization (WHO) [1] and World Bank in World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention, in 2002, almost 1.2 million people were killed in road traffic Figure 1: Distribution of global injury mortality by cause accidents, which represents an average of 3242 persons (Peden et al., 2004) dying each day around the world [2]. Millions of others sustain injuries, with some suffering permanent disabilities. From year 2000 to 2020, the total number of * Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). MATEC Web of Conferences 150, 05085 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815005085 MUCET 2017 There are a few actors which influence the peestrian crashes or atalities. ccording to the reort preared by ational ihway rafic aety Administration NHTSA) of nite tates of merica over three-fourth of the peestrians were kille at non- intersections and less than one-fourth were ille at intersections over the past decae [4]. part from that the reort also mentione that the ercentage of peestrian eaths in crosswals is less than eaths in roaways. Meanwhile urban roas accounte or more than two-thirds of eestrian crash eaths with nearly one-third of those on other rincial arterial roas. Other than that a studie by ia shows that pedestrians fatality can be influenced by pedestrian’s characteristics such as gender and ae where ault and women is a low-risk group by committing to the rules Figure 2: Layout Plan or Galleria otaraya otaraya) [5. ccoring to ami peestrians tend to tae their risk by shorten their ourney esecially on the roa that City uare is strateically locate in the central have central reuge or meian because of longer waiting business istrict of ohor ahru and it is one of the time and hastily to continue the other hal of their landmarks in the city. he seven storey mall is locate at journey [6]. While isiopiku and in foun that the busy roa of alan ong h ook and connecte to imroper esin and location of sinalied intersections ultan skandar ustoms, mmigration an uarantine give an impact to the eestrian behaviour when the Complex with eestrian briges. Apart from that the travel distance for eestrians become more distant to builing is comprise of thirty-six storey office block, desired location [7. which is ivie into the loer, midle and upper ones The current study was conducte by eestrian and also three loors of basement car ark. iure 3 awareness survey and vieo recording of eestrian shows the layout lan for site 2. travel pattern and risky behaviour. hese methods were used to indicate the ‘pedestrian compliance’ parameter in order to measure the peestrian behaviour in utiliing the facility rovie. o provie more understanding, this paer provies ection , consisting of a descrition of study bacroun and methodology of ata collection. ection resents the analysis of the result from the fiel surveys and ection concludes the main indings 2 Methods The study took lace at the most evelope state of Figure 3: Layout Plan or ohor ahru ity quare ity Malaysia which is ohor. ohor is locate in the Square southern ortion of eninsular Malaysia. ohor ahru is the capital city of ohor, having an area of aproximately Johor ahru ity ouncil Majlis andaraya Johor 220 square kilometres and a population o 9 0 as o Bahru – MJB) is a local authority that aministere 00 8]. The city is aministere by the Johor ahru Johor ahru city centre and other areas within the City ouncil (Majlis andaraya Johor ahru – MBJB perimeter. mong their resonsibilities are to ensure that st and has obtaine the city status since anuary , 99. public health and sanitation, waste removal an The study area is focuse at three main site locations at management town lanning, environment protection and commercial centers area in ohor ahru, incluing builing control social and economic development and alleria @ otaraya ite 1), ohor ahru ity uare general maintenance unctions of urban infrastructure are (ite 2) and alan ato Onn opposite ohor ahru ity well manage and monitore. The headquarters of Council ite 3. MJB is located at Jalan ato Onn, ohor ahru. iure alleria @ otaraya is a ive-storey shoin 4 shows the layout plan for site 3. complex and reviously nown as laa otaraya. t is locate in the heart of ohor ahru with a gross area of aproimately 0 suare feet an art o -acre otaraya evelopment Project moote by ohor Cororation 9. The builing is surrounde by office builings, inancial institutions, hotel ersaa Johor onvention entre and tourist attraction. iure 2 shos the layout plan for site . 2 MATEC Web of Conferences 150, 05085 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815005085 MUCET 2017 is about whether the respondents are concerned about their safety while dealing with the facilities provided for them to use. A pilot study was conducted before collecting the actual data by distributing 0 sets of uestionnaire at the study areas. he questionnaire were then analysed to check its alidity and reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha (Table ) in SPSS. Cronbach’s Alpha measured the internal consistency on how closely related a set of items are as a group. ome of the uestions unrelated for the study were discarded to ensure that the objecties of the study will be successfully achieed. he score from the analysis were interpreted as follows. Figure 4: Layout lan for MBJB Table 2: Reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha This location has been selected based on hih pedestrian actiities due to the attractions of the areas. Score Reliability Score Reliability The pedestrian facilities available at the study areas are .9 Ecellent .6 uestionable shown in able 1. .8 Good .5 Poor .7 Acceptable .5 Unacceptable Table 1: Pedestrian facilities available at the study areas nce the questionnaire had been reised and Venue changed, the new sets of uestionnaire were then Commercial distributed at the study areas, with 0 sets of Centre questionnaire distributed at each location. he responses Facilities from the respondents were then analysed and recorded. Johor Bahru rom the video recorded at the study areas, it was Site Site Site then analysed by using tatistical Package for ocial 1 2 3 cience SPSS) ersion 3.
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