ACLE & BURE TO YARE BENEFICE: WHO’S WHO 2. RECTOR: Rev’d Martin Greenland, 01493 750393 [email protected] READERS: Nicholas Cowen, 01493 700915 Vic Walsham, 01493 752273 CHURCH WARDENS: Acle (Vacant) Beighton Ann Adey 01493 700414 Rosemary Whyborn 01493 750079 Freethorpe Graham Allcock, 01493 700256 Jean Thompson, 01493 700451 (Assistant) Halvergate Sally More, 01493 700279 Nick Butcher, 01493 701122 Limpenhoe: Michael Brook, 01493 700259 John Mules email [email protected] Reedham Kati Cowen, 01493 700915 Jonathan Lonsdale 07939 082424 Wickhampton Brenda Pawsey, 01493 700068 Peter Ledward, 01493 700008 ORGANIST (Acle) Brian Bemment 01603 714246 ACLE PARISH HALL Mrs Page 01493751125/07947889652 “OUTLOOK” EDITORS: Kati Cowen 18 Church Road, Reedham, NR13 3TY, 01493 700915 e-mail: [email protected] John Orsborn 18 The Hills, Reedham, NR13 3TN, 01493 700441 “OUTLOOK” ADVERTISING EDITOR: George Nicholls e-mail: ageorgen10@ gmail.com Website www.abychurches.co.uk/ (Digital copy of Outlook) From the Rectory 3. In the Church calendar, June sees the end of Eastertide, with The Day of Pentecost on 9th; followed by Trinity Sunday on 16th; and then begins the long series of Sundays after Trinity. There will still be special Sundays in certain places – as Limpenhoe celebrates its Patron Saint Botolph on 16th, or Reedham St. John the Baptist on 23rd, but generally we will be in what we now call Ordinary Time. We all like special occasions; and as Christians we have plenty of special things to celebrate – like the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out at Pentecost. Increasingly, it seems that we have to stage special events if we are to get anybody, other than the committed few, to come to church! Beyond the church, special events abound, partly to meet the appetite of our culture for endless novelty, partly as multiple organisations and causes vie for our attention – even if it’s only for a minute, or a day, or a week. I’ve just come back from delivering envelopes for Christian Aid Week – essential fundraising for a worthwhile charity. Radio Norfolk is running a special series of features for Mental Health Awareness Week – an oft-neglected aspect of healthcare. But today they have told me that it’s also Dying Matters Week – a subject we don’t talk about enough. If I go online I learn that it is, amongst other things, Food Allergy and Coeliac UK’s Awareness Weeks, National Vegetarian Week and the beginning of Foster Care Fortnight. In the Church, Sunday was Lulea Sunday, when we are asked to pray for our link Diocese in Sweden; and national Vocations Sunday; I was also mindful that for many children and young people and their parents and teachers, this week stands out as the beginning of exams. If it’s all too much (which it is) maybe I could seek comfort in National Doughnut Week? At the Reformation, a lot of the saints’ days and other special occasions were stripped out of the calendar; and simple services of Morning and Evening Prayer and Holy Communion published in the Book of Common Prayer, to provide, with minimal variation, for every day of the year. Archbishop Cranmer maybe went too far; but there is something valuable in that stripped-down daily rhythm and discipline. Daily Prayer is now mostly left to the clergy; but many Christians practise a helpful daily quiet time, or follow a daily podcast. There are still religious communities maintaining a daily cycle of prayer, work, and refreshment. All this affirms that God – and love, truth and joy – are to be found in the warp and weft of ordinary life: we don’t have to go endlessly looking in special times or places. Indeed, excessive novelty is a potential distraction. So I, for one, will be welcoming the arrival of Ordinary Time. It’s good for my spiritual and mental health – certainly better than a doughnut! In the love of God, Martin Greenland Special Events coming up:- First Friday MP at Beighton (7th) will mark Thy Kingdom Come – the prayer initiative between Ascension and Pentecost. Churchwardens will be sworn in at a service in Norwich Cathedral at 7.30pm 4. on Tuesday 11th. Also 7.30pm Thursday 13th June in Reedham Church: “Building Dementia Friendly Communities” with the Revd Gill Wells: an open invitation from Blofield Deanery Synod. Patronal Holy Communion with the music of Taize at Limpenhoe, 6pm on 16th. Patronal Holy Communion with Canon Peter Doll at Reedham on 23rd. The Acle & Bure to Yare Benefice Choir will be singing Evensong at Norwich Cathedral on Sunday 30th June. Parish Registers Funerals We commend to God:- Eva Margaret Dingle, aged 90, at Great Yarmouth Crematorium on 17th April Desmond Henry Sharman (Des), aged 93, of Acle. at Halvergate on 17th May. Baptism Amelia Hope-Anne Hodson at Acle on 19th May. Reedham Ringers The Reedham bells have had a busy few weeks. We tolled the tenor at 7pm on Maundy Thursday as part of the nationwide expression of solidarity with the French people following the fire at Notre Dame. Having suffered a church fire ourselves in the not so distant past, I think it is something that we can identify with. On 23rd April we rang rounds for St George’s Day, and sadly included diminishing rounds, where the bells “drop out” one by one until only the heaviest bell, the tenor is left ringing alone. This pattern is traditionally rung as a form of mourning and was in recognition of the victims of the Sri Lankan bombing on Easter Day. A visiting band rang a full peal on 27th April – 5040 changes, the marathon of bellringing with uninterrupted ringing for nearly 3 hours, with no 2 rows of bells being repeated. On 28th April, other visitors rang before Sunday service with members of the regular band, and on 1st May we rang at 9am to celebrate May Day. The children at Reedham Primary School joined in, with every child dinging the school bell as they walked into lessons. It was our attempt at synchronised ringing. We hope that you are still enjoying our contribution to the soundscape of the village and if you want to join us, please contact me. We can arrange training, or if you can already handle a bell we practice on Monday afternoons. Mary Jones 01493 701388 Acle Church Path Work on relocating the heating boiler at Acle St. Edmund is expected to begin at the end of May and to continue into July. During this time the path that runs from the south porch, past the tower and down to the Church Hall will be closed. Please use the alternative route via the tarmac Rectory Drive. Thank you for your patience during this time: the project will give us a more efficient boiler, a better-draining path and a less unsightly area alongside the porch. Martin Greenland 5. Chill Church Come and join us for Talks, Games, crafts, quiet/prayer time, snacks We usually meet on Sundays twice a month from 3.30pm Upcoming Dates: 2nd June – Baptism Preparation 9th June – Baptism Service and Party (4pm) 23rd June – Chill Churchyard 7th July – What’s Secondary School like? 4th August – Parable 17th August – Helter Skelter @ Norwich Cathedral (Saturday) 1st September – Parable 14th September – Churches Bike Ride & BBQ (Saturday) 6th October – Celebratory Meals 20th October – What is Communion? 3rd November – Parable and Play 17th November – Guest Speaker 1st December – Christingle (4pm) 24th December – Crib Service (4pm) Find us on Facebook @ChillChurchReedham Or contact Isla on 07809765746 St John the Baptist, Church Lane, Reedham, NR13 3UH Church Annual Meetings – Church Officers and PCCs 6. Acle Vice-Chairman Dr Rodney Edrich Secretary Mrs Angela de Robillard Members Mrs Ann Mackie Dr Michael Pitt Mr Vic Tasker-Walsham By appointment of the PCC: Treasurer Mr George Nicholls Fabric Officer Mr Michael Turner Freethorpe Churchwarden - Graham Allcock Assistant Churchwarden - Jean Thompson Treasurer - Lynda Boyle Secretary - Christine Crossman Halvergate Churchwardens - Sally More and Nick Butcher PCC Members - Sue Blake, Pam Butcher, Nicki Cann, Frances Collins and Charles Reader. Reedham PCC Churchwardens - Jonathan Lonsdale (Vice Chairman) and Kati Cowen Other members of the PCC – Nicholas Cowen (Deanery Synod Rep.), John Orsborn, Diana Gilder, Jean Cunnington, Diane Rushbrook, Isla MacFadden (Secretary), Rachel Holt. Non PCC - Treasurer, Charlotte Lonsdale, Fabric Officer, Edward Gilder. Limpenhoe, Southwood and Cantley Churchwardens – Michael Brook and John Mules PCC Members – Simon Ash & Sarah Mules. Wickhampton Churchwardens – Brenda Pawsey (Secretary & Deanery Synod Rep.) and Peter Ledward (Treasurer) PCC Members – Elizabeth Ledward (Fabric Officer) & Jackie Barnes Beighton with Moulton St Mary Churchwardens – Ann Adey and Rosemary Whyborn Treasurer, Secretary and Fabric Officer – Kate Ashcroft Vice chair - Tess Trueman Members - Peter Trueman, David Whyborn, Claire Mackay Freethorpe Church Our 3C's Coffee Cake and Chat is on Friday 28th June at 10.30-12 noon where on display we will have maps of 1848 showing who owned the fields and houses around the village. Do come and join us. Jean Thompson Cantley & District W.I. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday June 19th at 7.30pm in Cantley Village Hall. Hazel Gillingham will be coming and her talk is entitled 'Three remarkable W.I. women'. For more information contact Barbara on 07789845050. New members always very welcome. New Appointment Access and Surgery Opening Times 9. We are very aware that the demand for appointments is increasing. From the feedback given to us via our patient survey and from our Patient Participation Group, so we have decided, for a trial period from 7 January 2019 to increase the proportion of appointments which are available for patients to book online. Please ask a receptionist if you have any queries.
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