THE TUFTS DAILY When! You Read It First Friday, December 2,1994 Vol XXM Number 54 Sunday morning will mark the opening~ of new Hillel building - by ROBYN MILLER walkway and tountain at the ternoon meals. Daily Staff Writer structure’s entrance will create a The new building will allow Tufts Hillel is busy preparing passageway connecting the Hill- Hillel to serve more Jewish and for the move to the newly con- side dormitories to the main cam- non-Jewish students through structed Granoff Center, built into pus quad. multicultural programming. Ac- the hill behind Miller Hall. The Weingram said that he thinks cording to apressreleasefrom the campus-widededicationceremony the new center will “make Hillel Tufts Office of Communications, of the building and the formal ap- explodeintomorepeopleandmore activities at the Center will re- preciation dinner for major do- committees.” He said he would volve around issues such as ethics, nors will be held this weekend. like to see the center used to its civic responsibility, and involve- According to Hillel Center ad- fullest potential. The center offers ment in society as a whole. ministrator Lisa Reichman, con- possibilities of hosting seminars, In addition,thecenter will host struction of the building is com- dances, and speakers, thanks to campus forums, social action plete, and they are working on the increased space. projects, Jewish cultural activities, installing phones and networking Students will be able to first and co-sponsored initiatives with computers. She said that the con- usethebuildingon Sundayevening other religious and ethnic groups tents of the office will be moved at a Hillel Hanukkah party. Enter- at Tufts. early next week, and they will fin- tainment will be provided by Bac- At present, Hillel has no ad- ish settling in over winter break. chanalia, and another surprise equate meeting space for commit- Reichman said that sheexpects guest, tees and programming. Hillel has 300 people to show up for the Reichman said that the build- held services in classroom build- dedication on Sunday at 10 a.m. ing exceeds her expectations. ings, andsabbath and holiday din- During the ceremony, Tufts stu- Some new features are a Va’ad ners in dining halls for lack of an dents will lead a ceremonial pro- Kosher kitchen that will accept appropriate space on campus for cession of Torah scrolls and place students’ meal plans and allow worship. Reichman said that in the them in the ark, their special stor- them to avoid the current adminis- new center, members of various age space. trative nightmare for students who committees Will be able to meet Speakers at the ceremony will desire to eat kosher foods. Hillel with each other. include Jason Weingram, a Tufts will use the kitchen for Friday junior and president of the Hillel night, and eventually Saturday af- see HILLEL, page 4 Dally t7k photo student board; Richard Joel, inter- Tonight’s home opener is against the White Mules of Colby. national directorof the Hillel foun- I .* I dation in Washington, D.C.; and parents of a 1991 Tufts graduate, Sen ate will introduce Martin and Perry Granoff of Saddle River, N.J., who are lead- the Capstone Program ing the$6million fundraisingcam- paign among alumni and parents. by ANDREA GROSSMAN pollingthedepartments to findout There will also be a catered recep- Daily Editorial Board their positions in the program. tion with music by the K‘2-..,LmGr A resolution regarding Tufts’ “It’s an optional program. It’s Conservatory Band. Capstone Program will be intro- not necessary, [but] it would be The 10,000-square foot center duced at this Sunday night’s Tufts nice to make it available,” Adler Community Union (TCU) Senate is located off Packard Avenue and said. includes a large multi-purpose meeting. It will be the second to TCU President David Brinker room that will seat 150for Shabbat last meeting of the semester. said that the Senate body will con- dinners and 225 for lectures and According to Emily Adler, the tinue its discussion of the TCU programs. There are two chapels chairperson of the Senate Educa- Constitution. that can double as study and meet- tion Committee,the Capstone Pro- This meeting will deal with the ing rooms, a large student lounge. gram allows seniors to pursue in- section regarding the Pan-African staff and student offices, a library, ternships and other projects re- representative, the Hispanic rep- kosher kitchens, and terraces. A Opening Cet-emOnieSfor the new Hillel Center Will be Sunday. lated to their major, after they have resentative, the Asian-American completed their requirements for representative,the commuter rep- graduation h that particular area. resentative,and the representative GATT is approved by US Senate, “It’s supposed to put a ‘cap’ on from the gay, lesbian and bisexual their majors,” she said. community. Specifically, Brinker The Capstone Program is the said that the Senate will be dis- Clinton notches a major- victory brainchild of the Educational cussing “the mechanism by which WASHINGTON (AP) -- The said he was proud that his last vote trade-distorting agriculturesubsi- Policy Committee (EPC); how- they will be elected.” Senateoverwhelmingly approved as a senator was “on a matter that dies, lowering trade barriers in ever, it has not been receiving much Thecommittee on StudentLife a historic 124-nation, tariff-slash- will have significance for genera- service industries, such as bank- notice from the some parts of the , (CSL) will also review theconsti- ing trade agreement Thursday tions to come.” ing and clamping down on copy- University, especially the indi- tution, Brinker said. It will discuss night, bringing to a close a strife- After a two-year congressional right piracy. vidual departments. This is why whether “it’s their domain tocom- filled 103rd Congress with a rare term that was often marred by the committeeturned to the Senate menton whattheconstitution says, note of bipartisan unity. major struggles between Demo- The Clinton administration es- for support, Adler said. or is it their domain to see if the The Senate gave final congres- crats and Republicans, Mitchell timated this would create a half- “Basically, it needs attention,” document is in compliance with sional approval to the General said he was gratified that the final million new jobs and mean an an- she said. “We want it to be in- University policy,” he said. Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, major action was overwhelmingly nual increase of $150 billion in cluded in the upcoming capital Brinker said that the final draft the most sweeping rewrite of glo- bipartisan. US economic growth a decade campaign.” of the Cultural and Ethnicity bal trading rules in four decades, On the crucial budget waiver from now, when the deal is fully Currently, the EPC and Dean (C&E) survey will be discussed, on a vote of 76-24. The House had vote, the accord was supported by implemented. That extra growth of the Colleges Walter Swap are as well as the results of tonight’s voted approval of the accord Tues- 3 1Republicans and 37 Democrats would put $1,700 more a year in Administration and Budget Com- day. and was opposed by 15 Republi- the pockets of the average family, mittee (ABrB) meeting on finan- The Senate had voted 68-32 cans and 17 Democrats. the administration said. cial aid. He also mentioned that the Ser- vice Committee has been “dili- gently working onchanges in Din- ing Services and points off cam- pus.’’ The committee will be ex- panding on its accomplishments in the meeting. his battered fortunesfollowing the far worse. sports pp. Brinker said that he hopes he .......................... 6-7 November elections, had worked ‘The bottom line is we just basketball is unstoppable thus will have a State of the Senate can’t isolate Ourselves from the throughout the day to convince far, K~ Murphy scores year ’round, address prepared for the last meet- ‘.t\ wavering lawmakers to support rest of the World,’’ Dole said be- men.s swimming scores a victory, ing of the semester, which will be the deal. fore the Senate began voting. on Sunday, Dec. 11. Retiring Democratic Leader The 124-nation trade agree- On the whole, Brinker said he George Mitchell noted that the ment cuts tariffs by an average of Comics.’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Find out why Calvin loves winter,l2 is very satisfied with the achieve- vote was the last one to be taken by 38 percent worldwide, and for the why paige needs to grow up, Daily flk pho the 103rdCongress and the last he first time extends GATT rules to David Brinker see SENATE,page 4 Side countdown continues. would ever take in the Senate. He such new areas as reduction of - , I. ,age two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, December 2,1994 THE TUFTS DAILYLetters to the Editor Marc J. Sheinkin Holiday spirit ruined The mean R.A. from second floor Grinch? Maccabees in the story of Hanukkah, we Editor-in-Chief To the Editor: Actually, not really. The Proctor Grinch? refuse to bow down tosomeone else’s god We, the undersigned, look back upon Not even her. The Grinch that stole our -the god of legal bull. We encourage the Managing Editor: Nadya Sbaiti Holiday Seasons of yore with fond memo- Christmas and Hanukkah season was the Tufts student body to follow our footsteps. Associate Editors: David Meyers, Michael J.W. Stickings ries. Rather than let the lack of holiday Grinch of Liability. And his side-kick, the Light your Menorahs! Hang the shining ~~~ ~ DOEof Inflexible Authority. Editorial Page Editor: Rachel Levine cheer at Tufts engulfY us. we recreated the star! ! PLAY BING CROSBY! ! ! Production Managers: Leah Schwartz, Ryan Otto season’s magic right here in our 4th floor The Grinch stole the &e.
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