AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 13, 2020 -7:30 p.m. The Mayor of the City of Rolling Meadows has determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent at this time due to the pending disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a measure to protect the safety of the residents, staff and officers of our City, the City will hold this meeting electronically via the following: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87031811131?pwd=Y2d0WkNRTzdvemJaMTdVQytPcXBEQ T09 or at telephone conference number at (312) 626-6799 US (Chicago); Meeting ID: 870 3181 1131 Passcode: 224471 The City Council room will remain open during the meeting for public attendance and the City will stream a live audio of the meeting in the City Council room. Members of the public present in the City Council room during the meeting are afforded the opportunity to listen to the meeting while in the room and provide public comment as allowed and in accordance with the procedures applicable to public comment at an in-person meeting of the City Council. Public comment will also be afforded to the public who attend the meeting remotely via the Zoom conference line. The City is requiring members of the public who wish to comment while remotely attending the meeting to email the Deputy City Clerk at [email protected] at least one (1) hour before the start of the meeting to sign up for remote public comment on the Zoom conference line. The public may also submit written comments prior to the meeting, which comments will be read by the Mayor at the public meeting. Written comments to be read at the meeting must be submitted to the Deputy City Clerk by email or other written submission at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting. We also urge residents to listen to the live or recorded broadcast of the meeting from their homes. The broadcast of the meeting may be found on Channel 6 (audible only) or the following link https://www.cityrm.org/520/Rolling-Meadows-Broadcasting-Network. *** CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Joe Gallo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: ROLL CALL: MIKE CANNON, NICK BUDMATS, KEVIN O’BRIEN, JENIFER VINEZEANO, JON BISESI, JOHN D’ASTICE, LARA SANOICA MOTION TO APPROVE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE MEETING AND SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council October 13, 2020 Page 2 City Council October 13, 2020 Page 3 MOTION TO DEVIATE: 1) PUBLIC HEARING – LIBRARY FY 2021 BUDGET 2) PUBLIC HEARING – CITY FY 2021 BUDGET NEXT ORDINANCE NO. 20-41 NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 20-R-101 MAYOR’S REPORT: WARD REPORTS: MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR 20 MINUTES: PENDING: A) Ordinance No. 20-41 – Approve an Ordinance Confirming and Extending the State of Emergency within the City of Rolling Meadows Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic (2nd Reading) B) Ordinance No. 20-42 – Authorize the Disposal of Surplus City Property – Vehicles & Equipment and Information Technology (IT) (2nd Reading) C) Resolution No. 20-R-100 – Award Contract for Purchase and Installation of a Smoke/Fire and Entry Alarm Detection and Notification System for 2809 Owl Lane (Postponed at 9/22/20 City Council Meeting) CONSENT ORDINANCES: D) Ordinance No. 20-00 – Approve an Ordinance Confirming and Extending the State of Emergency within the City of Rolling Meadows Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic (1st Reading) E) Ordinance No. 20-00 - Approve Property Tax Levy Abatement (1st Reading) F) Ordinance No. 20-43 - Amend Chapter 22 “Businesses” of the Code of Ordinances – Temporary Outdoor Dining (1st Reading) NEW BUSINESS: G) MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS ON WARRANT 10/13/2020 CONSENT RESOLUTIONS: H) Resolution No. 20-R-101 – Award Two- Year Contract Extension for City Audit Services I) Resolution No. 20-R-102 – Award Two- Year Contract Extension for Police Pension Fund Audit Services City Council October 13, 2020 Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS: Mayor's Appointments: None Mayor's Proclamations: None City Clerk's Report: None City Staff Reports: 1) Community Items of Interest 2) August 2020 Financials 3) Traffic Review Committee Report – September 2020 4) Park District Discussion Update 5) Christmas Tree Relocation Update 6) October 20, 2020 Committee of the Whole Draft Agenda 7) October 27, 2020 City Council Draft Agenda MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA: CLOSED SESSION: 1) Review Closed Session Minutes – 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act 2) Land Sales – 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act 3) Personnel – 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act 4) Personnel – 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act 5) Personnel – 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act ADJOURNMENT: COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE MINUTES September 15, 2020 DRAFT Mayor Gallo called the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting via Zoom Teleconferencing to order at 7:31 p.m. COUNCIL IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: Aldermen Mike Cannon, Nick Budmats, Kevin O’Brien, Jenifer Vinezeano, Jon Bisesi, John D’Astice and Lara Sanoica COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: City Manager Barry Krumstok, Finance Director Melissa Gallagher, Deputy City Clerk Judy Brose, Assistant to City Manager Lori Ciezak, Police Chief John Nowacki, Fire Chief Jeff Moxley, Deputy Fire Chief Rick Acosta, Director Public Works Rob Horne, Assistant Director Public Works Jo Ellen Charlton, Business Advocate Martha Corner and City Attorney Melissa Wolf Those who are joining us via Zoom or in the City Council Chambers will be afforded the opportunity for public comment to address the City Council on matters that are on tonight’s agenda after the City Council discusses with Staff. Members of the public present in the City Council Chambers listening to the meeting will be afforded the opportunity to provide public comment in accordance with the procedures applicable to public comment at an in- person meeting of the City Council. Namely, members of the public must have signed-in before the start of the meeting. Public comment will also be afforded to the public who are joining us on this conference line as long as they provided their contact credentials and the subject matter for which they would like to speak about before the deadline as noted on tonight’s agenda. Written comments that were submitted prior to the meeting will also be read after the topic is discussed by Council. We ask that persons wishing to address the City Council keep their comments to 5 minutes in length. Comments must be addressed to the Council as a whole through the Mayor, and profanity will not be tolerated. *Please note, items were not discussed in the order as listed on the Agenda* 1) FY 2021 Proposed Budget & Property Tax Levy Melissa Gallagher, Finance Director – The FY 2021 Proposed Budget was released at the September 8th City Council Meeting. The City’s FY 2021 Proposed Budget is available on the City’s website at www.cityrm.org at https://www.cityrm.org/233/Financial-Reports. A copy of the FY 2021 Proposed Budget will also available at the Rolling Meadows Library at 3110 Martin Lane, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008. The City of Rolling Meadows has taken steps to help keep the community, residents, businesses and employees safe during this challenging time of dealing with COVID-19. The City has estimated a significant revenue shortfall for FY 2020 and FY 2021. The City has taken a number of actions to reduce expenses such as not filling positions, restricting travel (in various areas of the budget), reduce professional development and training, and defer capital items. The current unemployment rate is 12.6% as of August 2020 (https://www2.illinois.gov/ides). High September 15, 2020 COW Minutes - DRAFT Page 2 of 36 unemployment and lower revenues contributed to the City taking early, decisive action to ensure that the City’s high quality of services continue to be delivered. The City’s Budget is its key financial planning document to guide the City’s decision-making process in allocating revenues and expenditures. The budget focuses on Financial Sustainability & Sound Financial Management. The City communicates its financial information through the City’s Budget, Audit and Capital Improvements Plan. The City’s credit rating is strong. Standard & Poor’s rating is AA+ and they cite the City’s very, strong budget flexibility, liquidity and strong budgetary performance among the reasons behind the rating. Moody’s rating is Aa3 and they cite a substantial increase in the City’s reserve levels and a strong capacity to meet financial obligations. Both agencies are monitoring the City’s pensions (concern). The FY 2021 Proposed Budget continues the City’s commitment to fiscal responsibility, high quality services, and longer-term planning. However in the light of COVID-19, the City has made some significant adjustments to re- prioritizing operating and capital expenses. While there is uncertainty of the duration and final impact of COVID- 19, the City has taken steps to help keep the community, residents, businesses and employees safe during this challenging time of dealing with COVID-19. The City has estimated a significant revenue shortfall for FY 2020 and FY 2021. The City has taken a number of actions to reduce expenses such as not filling positions, restricting travel (in various areas of the budget), reduce professional development and training, and defer capital items. The current unemployment rate is 12.6% as of July 2020. High unemployment and lower revenues contributed to the City taking early, decisive action to ensure that the City’s high quality of services continue to be delivered.
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