ACCURACY OF INTRAOCULAR LENS POWER CALCULATIONS USING THE ZEISS IOL MASTER. A PROSPECTIVE STUDY VERHULST E.*, VRIJGHEM J.C.** ABSTRACT Conclusions Intraocular lens power calculations using the Zeiss Purpose IOL Master are easy to perform and result in excel- Partial Coherence Interferometry (PCI) is a fast, non- lent refractive outcomes. A-scan biometry is still contact method to calculate lens implant power for needed in case of mature cataract. cataract surgery. It has been reported as a poten- tially more accurate method than ultrasound bio- metry. RÉSUMÉ Prospective study of the refractive outcomes of a con- secutive series of patients undergoing phacoemul- Objet sification surgery with preoperative biometry by both Partial Coherence Interferometry (PCI) est une mé- ultrasound A-scan and PCI. thode rapide, non-contact, pour calculer la dioptrie Methods de l’implant lors de la chirurgie de la cataracte. Cette A series of 50 eyes of 35 patients underwent small- méthode serait plus fiable que la biométrie aux ul- incision phacoemulsification cataract surgery and trasons. lens implantation by one single surgeon. All patients Etude prospective des résultats réfractifs d’une sé- had preoperative biometry performed by both ultra- rie consécutive de patients qui subissent une chi- sound using the Sonomed and IOL Master optical rurgie de la cataracte. La biométrie pré-opératoire a biometry. The IOL Master results were included in été faite aux ultrasons A-scan et au PCI. the SRK II formula to calculate the lens implant pow- Méthodes er. Postoperative refractive assessment was per- formed 4 weeks after surgery. 50 yeux de 35 patients ont subi la chirurgie de la cataracte par phaco-émulsification avec implanta- Results tion de lentille intra-oculaire. Les interventions ont The mean difference in axial length between ultra- été exécutées par un seul chirurgien. Chez tous les sound and optical biometry was 0.2 mm. The IOL patients la biométrie pré-opératoire a été faite aux Master measures a longer axial length. The mean ultrasons en utilisant le Sonomed et à l’interférométrie keratometric power using the Javal instrument was en utilisant le IOL Master. Les résultats du IOL Mas- 43.4D and for the Zeiss IOL Master it was 42.9D. ter ont été incorporés dans la formule SRK II afin de At the week 4 postsurgery assessment, the overall calculer la valeur dioptrique de l’implant. La réfrac- refractive outcome was in the range of ±1D. Five tion postopératoire a été déterminée après 4 se- patients were unable to undergo PCI biometry due maines. to the density of cataract. Résultats La différence moyenne de la longueur axiale entre zzzzzz la biométrie aux ultrasons et au PCI était de 0.2 mm. Le IOL Master mesure une longueur axiale plus longue. * Department of Ophthalmology La valeur kératometrique moyenne du Javal était de University of Leuven, Belgium ** Department of Ophthalmology 43.4D comparée à une valeur moyenne du IOL mas- St Jean Hospital, Brussels, Belgium ter de 42.9D. La réfraction postopératoire après 4 semaines chez tous les patients se situait entre ±1D. received: 06.04.01 La biométrie au PCI était impossible chez 5 patients accepted: 30.06.01 à cause de la densité de la cataracte. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtalmol., 281, 61-65, 2001. 61 Conclusion INTRODUCTION: Le calcul de la valeur dioptrique de l’implant par le Zeiss IOL Master est facile à faire et donne des ré- EMMETROPIA IS THE sultats réfractifs excellents. A-scan biométrie reste GOAL nécessaire en cas de cataracte mature. Cataract extraction and artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is one of the most frequent- SAMENVATTING ly and successfully ophthalmic surgical proce- Onderwerp dures carried out today. One of the remaining Partial Coherence Interferometry (PCI) is een snel- problems, however, is accurate calculation of le, non-contact methode om de dioptrie van het lens- IOL power, in order to obtain the desired post- implant bij cataract chirurgie te bepalen. Deze me- operative refraction. thode is mogelijks nauwkeuriger dan echografische While techniques in cataract surgery are con- biometrie. stantly improving, the demand of patients and Prospectieve studie van de refractieve resultaten na phacoemulsificatie bij een serie opeenvolgende pa- surgeons for a high predictability in the refrac- tienten waarbij de preoperatieve biometrie gebeur- tive result increases dramatically. de met A-scan echografie en met PCI. At a time where multifocal foldable lenses could be the future, a precise calculation of the po- Methode wer of intraocular lenses becomes even more Bij 50 ogen van 35 patienten werd phacoemulsifi- critical. catie met lensimplant uitgevoerd door één chirurg. The data required for accurate intraocular lens Bij alle patienten werd de pre-operatieve biometrie calculations include axial length, corneal cur- bepaald door middel van de Sonomed echograaf én vature and anterior chamber depth. These data de IOL Master interferometer. De waarden van de IOL Master werden gebruikt in de SRK II formule om de are integrated in calculation formula’s. The most dioptrie van het lensimplant te bepalen. De post- commonly used are the SRK II, SRK-T and Hol- operatieve refractie werd bepaald 4 weken na de in- laday formula. greep. In ultrasound biometry (1) measurements of Resultaten axial length can be obtained either by an ap- Het gemiddelde verschil in aslengte tussen A-scan planation or an immersion technique. With the echografie en optische biometrie bedroeg 0.2 mm. applanation technique, the sterile probe is di- De IOL Master meet een langere aslengte. De ge- rectly placed on the locally anaesthetized eye. middelde keratometrie waarde bedroeg 43.4D bij de Javal en 42.9D bij de Zeiss IOL Master. De postope- With the immersion technique, the probe is ratieve refractie na 4 weken lag voor alle patienten coupled to the eye using a medium of methyl- tussen ±1D. Bij 5 patienten was het onmogelijk om cellulose or water. The resolution in axial length PCI biometrie uit te voeren wegens de densiteit van measurements is about 0.1 mm, correspond- de cataract. ing to a mean postoperative error of 0.25 D. When considering the SRK II formula:P= Conclusie (A+C) - 2.5AL - 0.9K it is obvious that axial Bepaling van de intraoculaire lens sterkte door mid- length is the biggest source of error in IOL po- del van de Zeiss IOL Master is eenvoudig uit te voe- wer calculations (4). Immersion scans are more ren en geeft uitstekende refractieve resultaten. A-scan biometrie blijft nodig in geval van matuur cataract. precise because there is no corneal indenta- tion. Furthermore, ultrasound does not always KEY-WORDS measure the optical axis. Keratometry is the second most important parameter leading to Partial coherence interferometry, ultrasound possible errors due to calibration and patient biometry fixation. Recently, optical biometry (2,3) techniques of- MOTS-CLÉS fer new possibilities. The technology of an in- Partial coherence interferometry, biométrie strument like the Zeiss IOL Master is based on aux ultrasons. laser interferometry with partial coherent light, often termed as partial coherence interfero- 62 metry (PCI). Some important features of the IOL path difference of twice the optical length (OL) Master are the fact that it is a non-contact mea- of the eye between the two beams reflected at surement with higher speed and higher accu- the cornea and the two beams reflected at the racy with a resolution going up to 0.01 mm. retina, respectively. If the coherence length of The measurement results are operator indepen- the laser is shorter than 2 OL, the wave fronts dent: the reproducibility is high. Axial length from the retina and the cornea do not inter- can be measured in phakic, pseudophakic and fere. However, if the two path differences 2d aphakic eyes. The IOL Master still gives re- and 2 OL equal each other, two of the four re- liable results in pseudophakic eyes, in eyes with flected beams will interfere. The interference silicone in the vitreous and in eyes with aster- pattern that results will be seen with a detec- oid hyalosis. tor. In principle, the eye length can be mea- sured by a shift of the interferometer plates. interferometer The diode laser emits infrared light with a wave laser diode length of 780 ηm. The time needed for mea- beamspitter surements is about 0.5 sec. The IOL Master dOLprovides a measuring range of 14 to 39 mm. SUBJECTS AND METHODS detector The purpose of the study was to compare IOL Fig. 1 Diagram of the laser interferometer for measuring power calculations using the IOL Master ver- the axial length of the eye. sus ultrasound biometry and standard kerato- d: plate spacing of the interferometer OL: optical length of the eye metry. In a prospective study, optical and applanation Light from a laser diode (Fig. 1) passes an in- ultrasound biometry were preoperatively per- terferometer that splits the beams into two par- formed on 50 cataractous eyes. We used the allel beams: a direct beam and a second beam optical biometry data given by the Zeiss IOL that is reflected once at both interferometer Master to calculate the desired IOL power with plates and hence is retarded by a path differ- the SRK II formula in order to obtain an em- ence of twice the plate spacing d. Both beams metropia or slight myopia. illuminate the eye through a beamsplitter. They In all patients the Allergan SI40 NB silicone serve as measuring beams as well as a fixation foldable intraocular lens (A-cte 118.0) was im- target. The two coaxial beams are reflected at planted through a self-sealing 2,5 mm tempo- both the cornea and the retina yielding four re- ral incision after phacoemulsification. All inter- flected beams.
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