- T T INDEPENDENT Vol VII HONOLULU H I WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31 1898 No 983 IN THE SOUDAN A TROPICAL EMPIBE Wilders Steamship Go Oceanic Steamship Company Kltchonors Victorious Army Bound Advocatod for Amorica by tho for Grand Bmnriso London Spectator New Yojik August 20 A Sun Londox Aug 19 Tho Spectator in its issue woek prophesies oablo from London says Tho this that TIME TABLE TIME TABLE Anglo Egyptian roconquest of the America will retain all the Spanish Soudan 1b steadily approaching its possessions sho has captured and thinks pressure from tho Cuban Tho Fine Passenger Steamors of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave culmination Khartoum is to be that 0 L WIGHT Pres B B ROSE Beo This Port as Horounder oapturod and Mahdism smashed loyalists will force tho commission Oapt J A KING Port Snpt within a month but Englishman to stipulate that Cuba shall be FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SAN FRANCISCO have not yot reached a stago of ex ¬ governed by the United States for citement over what is one of tho twenty years Stmr KINAU 11 11 says America MOANA SEPT ALAMEDA SEPT most remarkable and uninterrupted- ¬ Tho Spectator CLARKE Commander ALAMEDA OOT 12 MARIPOSA OCT 12 ly will find herself at tho end of tho successful military enterprises in Will leave Honolulu at 10 A m touching at year in tho possession of tho begin- ¬ Lahaina Maalaea Bay and Makeoa with Railing British history the In connection tho of the above steamers the Agents are ning of an over sea tropical ompiro Bamo day Mahukena Kawaibao and Lau- - prepared to issue to intending passengers coupon through tickets by any General Kitchenor is the youngest gahoehoe the following day arriving at railroad from Sau Francisco to all points in the United Statos and from man of his rank in tho British army Long may sho rule it in tho intorostn samoafternoon- - Now York by any stoamship lino to all European ports He has and of humanity and justice Whilo it made no mistakes now LBAVKS HONOLULU AMUVKS HONOLULU has a perfectly equipped army of is so ruled England will never be- ¬ Tuesday 25000 men 1700 milos grudge her her possessions nor their Aug 23 Tuosday Aug 30 of all arms Fitday Bopt 2 Friday Bopt 0 For further particulars apply to from his starting point and ready expansion into a domain as groat as Tnosday So t 3 Tuesday Sept 20 our own Friday bopt 23 I Fridny Bopt 30 to deliver tho last crushing blow lucsoay uct 4 Tuesday Oct 11 upou the enemy There has been Friday Oct H Friday Oct 21 Tuesday Oct 25 Tuesday Nov 1 G Co no fuss and this fact has lulled for- ¬ Friday Nov 4 Friday Nov 11 Wm A B ROWAT D V S Tuesday Nov 15 Tuesday 22 Irwin Nov eign suspicion as to tho aims of tho Friday Nov 25 Friday Doo 2 LIMITED British policy in tho Soudan Gradimto of McGill University Montreal Tuesday Deo fi Tuesday Deo 13 Friday Doo 10 General Agents Oceanic S S Company If tho French think about tho Hns hfld ten years practical experienro matter at all they assume that in tbe treatment of Ho sos Cattle and Returning will Domestic Pets in the Hawaiian Islands leave Hilo at 8 oclock General Kitchener will clear out of a m touching at Laupahochoe Jlahu kona and Kawaibao same day Ainkcna Orders left at Olub or Pantheon Stables - I NEVBR SAW A SAW SAW AS THIS SAW SAWS SAWEUL SHARP the Soudan as soon aa the Dervishes will be received and promptly attended to Maalaea- Bay and Lahaina the following dayurrlvlngat Honolulu the afternoons are defeated Tho assumption is Office 510 Fort Street Telephone 785 of Tuesdays and Fridays 079 tf unfounded whatever tho British car Will call at Poboikl Puna on tripn Government may have said a year or marked two ago The intention now is to NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS WW No Freight will be received after 8 a m on day of sailing keep tho Soudan and mora Its po- ¬ NOTICE IS IIEltBBY GIVEN TO Tho popular route to tho Volcano iB via licy embracos the possibility nay a N tho Stockholders of tho Oofinla Sugar Hilo A good carriage road tho entire dls- - probability of war with Abyssinia Plantation Company that tho stock b oks iuiiuu iMJuuu inn ucxeis cover in i all of that Company will bo clored to trans ¬ expenses 5000 despite King Menoleks newly found fers from MONDAY August 20 1893 to in FRIDAY September 2 188 friends Paris and St Petersburg All subscribers tn now stock aro request- ¬ The purely British regiments will ed to call at tho offlco of tho Trcasnrcrnot THE PACIFIC HARDWARE GO LTD later than September 2d and obtain their bo regularly withdrawn from the Certificates Stmr CLATJDINE Soudan but General All holders of old stock will receive now HAVE A NUMBER OF NOVELTIES IN Kitohoners certificates in lieu of thnso now h id by CAMERON Commander Egyptians transformed by him from them W G IRWIN Will D p i- Co leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at u - spiritless pnasnutB Troaburor Ookala Sugar Plantation into real fighting Honolulu Angust 27 1808 OSO lw touching at Kahului Hana Hamoa and ZMZeolxatxiios5 men and Soudanese Kipahnla Maui Returning arrives a Tools warriors who Honolulu Sunday mornings a large ntock of TOOLS and IMPLEMENTS of all and kinds have learned to worship their Bri- ¬ Will call at Nuu Kaupo once each tish officers will HAWAIIAN CRRlGE MFG CO Lid month Also samples of a New Make of SAWS which the Manufacturers remain to extend KW No Freight will be received af te 121 i claim are superior to any heretofore put upon the Market and complete tho sohemo of con- ¬ Queen Streot r M on day of sailing roSC-A-MIN- quest General Kitohoners flag OAKltlAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS -- riJNTIO E CALL THEM nominally Egyptian will be taken RUBBER TIKES AND ROLLER BEAR ¬ to tho borders of Uganda thore to ING AXLE8 This Company will resorvo tnu right of ASimiinuiii make changes in the time of departure and The Improved Cane Knife meet a British flag now upheld by a arrival of its Bteamers without notice WILSON YUITEIIOUSE and handful of Englishmen thousands of it will not be responsible for any conse ¬ AND THE quences arising miles from Solo Licensee Hnwaiiun Islands therefrom civilization It is a 070 121 Queen Street tf CousigneeB must be at the Landings to Hoe scheme to stir tho imagination yet receive their freight thlB Company wll Improved Planters not hold itself responsible for freight after it was born in prosaio Downing it has been landed Are Giving General Satisfaction street There iB danger of Live Stock received only at owners risk course This Company will not be responsible fox from halfoivilized Abyssinia on the CAUTION Money or Valuables of passengers unless oast aud the placed in the care of Parsers Frenoh on tho wost EST Passengers are requested to pur ¬ chase Tickots but it will be carried through In- ¬ I bee to inform my patrons and tbe pub ¬ before embarking Those H lic that thn failing to do so will be subject to an addi Theo Co Ld telligent Englishmen do not talk tloualcharge of twenty live percent about it much but they understand Paokages containing personal oflects km Original Hop Beer whother shipped ts baggago of freight if well enough that the job has to bo tho contonts thereof exceeo f 100 in value done Manufuoturod by mo is sold ONLY at No mum havo the value thereof plainly stated 17 and at tho Cottage No 11 Konia and marked and the Company will not SUGAR FACTORS formorly Smith Street hold Itself liablo for any loss or damage in Anglo Japanese Alliance oxcoss of this sum except tho goods bo IMPOKTEES Off Bo caroftil when purchasing shipped under a special contract Tho atmosphoro is thiok with All employees of tho Company aro for- ¬ Hop Beer bidden to receive froight without deliver ¬ rumors of an Auglo Japanese Alli- ¬ ing n shipping receipt therefor in tho form prescribed by tho Company and which General Merchandise ance The Yorodzu says it has como That each bottln is labeled same as fncbi may bo seen by npon milo below N BRE1IAM shlppors application into the possession of authentic in- ¬ to tho pursors of the Companyis Bteamers AND Snippers are notified that if freight is formation on the matter It is a shipped without sucli receipt it will be jrnmcfEijixTf3 fact declares our contemporary msiwmwssm bolely at the risk of tho shipper jommissioit that recently tho British Govern ¬ - TmZ ment approached the Japanese ¬ Agents for Lloyds Gov or E OLAUS SrBEOKELS WM G mWIN H ernment with tho advice that it Canadian Australian Stoamship Lino should enter the Anglo American f5s Glaus Spreckels Co British Foreign Marino Insurance Co alliance for the purposo of standing against a combination of St Russia a Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life Franco and Gormauy with regard w BuAJSTKIESKiS Canadian Pacific Railway Co to tho Philippines questiou Tho M o xSK HONOLULU proposed alliance it appears is to o aw Pioneer Lino of Packota from Liverpool bo of a temporary nature only to 6 S m Franeisco Agent THE NEVADA tf 6 DANK OF HAN FRANQISCO last till tho Philippines problem is -- is S Be SvSt o successfully disposed of What atti- ¬ Telephone 92 P O Box 145 i tude tho Japanese Government will w HHAW EXCHANGE ON adopt towards this proposition is SAN FRANOISCO The Novada Bank o a San Francisco 9 H E McINTYRE BBO not clear but it may be remarked H o tho alliance appears to have many LONDON The Union Bank of London m Bast Corner fort ds kino Sts Ltd supporters on the Progressive side o NEW YORK American Exchange N of the Constitutional Party Our tlonal Bank IMPORTERS AND DEALERS contemporary o sas OHIOAGO Merohonts National Bank IN further remarks that PARIS Comptolr National dEscompte de I tho advisability or nthorwiso of tho X 3 Paris alliance deponds upon the nature of BERLIN Dresdner Bank Groceries
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