NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SIOUX CITY, IOWA City Council agendas are also available on the Internet at www.sioux-city.org. You are hereby notified a meeting of the City Council of the City of Sioux City, Iowa, will be held Monday, November 9, 2020, 4:00 p.m., local time, in the Council Chambers, 5th Floor, City Hall, 405 6th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, for the purpose of taking official action on the agenda items shown hereinafter and for such other business that may properly come before the Council. This is a formal meeting during which the Council may take official action on various items of business. If you wish to speak on an item, please follow the seven participation guidelines adopted by the Council for speakers: 1. Anyone may address the Council on any agenda item. 2. Speakers should approach the microphone one at a time and be recognized by the Mayor. 3. Speakers should give their name, spell their name, give their address, and then their statement. 4. Everyone should have an opportunity to speak. Therefore, please limit your remarks to three minutes on any one item. 5. At the beginning of the discussion on any item, the Mayor may request statements in favor of an action be heard first followed by statements in opposition to the action. 6. Any concerns or questions you may have which do not relate directly to a scheduled item on the agenda will also be heard under ‘Citizen Concerns’. 7. For the benefit of all in attendance, please turn off all cell phones and other communication devices while in the City Council Chambers. 1. Call of the Roll - Silent Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Proclamations 2. Interviews for the Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee: Jim Jung, Eric Meyer, and Mar- garite Reinert CONSENT AGENDA Items 3 through 10B constitute a Consent Agenda. Items pass unanimously unless a separate roll call vote is requested by a Council Member. 3. Reading of the City Council minutes of November 2, 2020. 4. BODY ARMOR - Resolution authorizing the Sioux City Police Department to accept the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Bulletproof Vest/Body Armor Initiative in the amount of $18,287.50 to purchase body armor for sworn members of the Sioux City Po- lice Department. 5. FIBERCOMM - Resolution granting a permit to FiberComm to own, operate and maintain underground cable commencing at the northeast corner of Indian Hills Drive and Outer Drive; thence proceeding southwest in the east right-of way of Indian Hills Drive for approx- imately 175 feet and ending adjacent to 3800 Indian Hills Drive. 6. KINGS HWY - Resolution proposing to sell certain real property. (that part of vacated Kings Highway abutting 304 Kings Highway) (Petitioner: Donald W. Klingborg and Karrie J. Klingborg) (Purchase Price: $4,865.25 plus costs) 7. ACTIONS ADOPTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS A. SECURITY ENTRANCE - Resolution adopting plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the proposed construction of the Police / Fire Administration Se- curity Entrance Addition Project. (Project No. 7145-195-050) B. ROOF REPLACEMENT - Resolution adopting plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the proposed construction of the City Facilities Roof Replace- ment Project. (Project No. 7139-539-143, 889-003, 379-010, 459-055) 8. ACTIONS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CHECKS A. MORNINGSIDE PLUMBING - Resolution approving a payment to Morningside Plumbing of Sioux City, Iowa in the amount of $28,345.58 for drain line and manhole repairs at the Central Maintenance Garage. B. TR HARRIS - Resolution accepting the work and authorizing final payment to TR Har- ris Construction, Inc. for the Lewis and Clark Park Parking Lot Project. (Project No. 6905-459-212) 9. APPLICATIONS FOR BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSES A. ON-PREMISE SALES 1. CLASS C LIQUOR LICENSE (liquor/wine/beer/wine coolers/carry-out) a. Firehouse Bar, 1211 5th Street (Renewal) b. HDMONA Bar and Restaurant, 414-416 Jackson Street (Renewal) c. Perera’s Place, 2611 Correctionville Road (Renewal) B. OFF-PREMISE SALES 1. CLASS B WINE PERMIT (wine only) a. Moes Mart No. 9, 2930 Gordon Drive (New) b. Moes Mart No. 10, 1035 Morningside Avenue (New) 2. CLASS C BEER PERMIT (beer/wine coolers) a. Moes Mart No. 9, 2930 Gordon Drive (New) b. Moes Mart No. 10, 1035 Morningside Avenue (New) 3. CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE (liquor only) a. Casey’s General Store No. 2607, 3731 Hamilton Boulevard (Renewal) 10. BOARD, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE MINUTES A. Mayor’s Youth Commission – October 5, 2020 B. Transit System Advisory Board – October 21, 2020 - End of Consent Agenda - RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING AND ZONING 11. Resolution accepting and approving the Final Plat for Bluff Heights Addition, a re-plat of Lots 1 thru 4, Lots 13 thru 16 and part of vacated north/south alley all in Block 1, Morning- side Addition to Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa. (Petitioner: Marlin Nelson) The Plan- ning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of this item. (File No. 2020-0070) 12. Hearing and Ordinance vacating all of the north/south and east/west alleys adjacent to 113 6th Street and 609 and 613 Water Street. (Petitioner: Ponca Tribe of Nebraska) The Plan- ning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of this item. (File No. 2020-0071) 13. Hearing and Ordinance rezoning 4600 South Lewis Boulevard from Zone Classification BP (Business Park) to Zone Classification GI (General Industrial). (Petitioner: Brickyard Devel- opers, LLC) The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of this item. (File No. 2020-0073) 14. Hearing and Ordinance repealing Chapter 24.10 entitled “Subdivision Platting” and amend- ing Chapter 25.04 entitled “Subdivision Design and Land Development” of the Sioux City Municipal Code by repealing Subchapter 25.04-A and enacting in lieu thereof a new Sub- chapter 25.04-a to be entitled “Subdivision” for the purposes of establishing procedures, standards and regulations governing subdivisions. (Petitioner: City of Sioux City) (File No. 2020-0062) The Planning and Zoning Commission Recommends approval of this item. 15. Hearing and Ordinance amending Chapter 25.07 entitled “Definitions” of the Sioux City Mu- nicipal Code by adopting new definitions and clarifying existing definitions governing subdi- visions. (Petitioner: City of Sioux City) (File No. 2020-0075) The Planning and Zoning Commission Recommends approval of this item. 16. Ordinance amending Chapter 20.30 entitled “Grading Ordinance” of the Sioux City Munici- pal Code to clarify that grading permits shall not be used in place of preliminary plats for subdivision development purposes. (Petitioner: City of Sioux City) DISCUSSION 17. Resolution amending the Fire Department’s authorized payroll complement by adding three (3) additional full-time paramedic positions within the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division. 18. Resolution recommending to the United States Department of Transportation an airline car- rier to provide service to the Sioux Gateway Airaort / Brigadier General Bud Day Field. (SkyWest Airlines) 19. CITIZEN CONCERNS 20. COUNCIL CONCERNS 21. ADJOURNMENT City Council agendas are also available at www.sioux-city.org. The City of Sioux City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, ser- vices, or activities. Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and services of the City of Sioux City are invited to make their needs and preferences known to the ADA Compliance Officer, City Hall, 405 6th Street, Room 204, (712) 279-6175. This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. x Regular Session Study Session Closed Session CITY OF SIOUX CITY REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION MEETING DATE: November 9, 2020 ACTION ITEM # 2 Lisa L. McCardle, City Clerk FROM: Heidi Farrens, Deputy City Clerk Interviews for the Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee: Jim Jung, Eric SUBJECT: Meyer, and Margarite Reinert Department Finance City City Reviewed By: x x x x Director Department Attorney Manager RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests that Council interview the above applicants for the Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee. DISCUSSION: Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee - there are 11 positions vacant on the newly created committee. Jim Jung is currently serving on the Gjilan Kosovo Sister City Committee for a term expir- ing December 31, 2022. He previously served the following terms on the Historic Preserva- tion Commission: 1st Term - 07/15/02 - 06/30/05 1st Term - 09/12/05 - 06/30/08 2nd Term - 07/14/08 - 06/30/11 3rd Term - 07/01/11 - 06/30/14 4th Term - 07/01/14 - 06/30/17 5th Term - 07/17/17 – 06/30/20 (Resigned September 2018) Eric Meyer has not previously served on any of the City Council appointed Boards, Commis- sions or Committees. Margarite Reinert has not previously served on any of the City Council appointed Boards, Commissions or Committees. Below is a portion of the Vacancy Report pertinent to the Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee: Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee 9 Vacancies: NAME Vacancy Infor- EXPIRES mation 11 Members: NAME TERM (4 Year) APPOINTMENT EXPIRES NAACP 1st 12/31/24 Unity in the Com- 1st 12/31/24 munity Native American 1st 12/31/24 Religious Commu- Partial 12/31/23 nity Latinx Community Partial 12/31/23 Asian Community Partial 12/31/23 LGBTQ Partial 12/31/22 Resident at Large Partial 12/31/22 Resident at Large Partial 12/31/22 City Council - Non- N/A voting City Manager - N/A Nonvoting Application Re- Interview 5 Applications: NAME ceived date/Notes App Expires Latinx Community Christian Hugo 10/19/20 10/26/20 04/19/22 Prieto Native American Michael O’Connor 10/23/20 11/02/20 04/23/22 Asian Community Kien Sek 10/27/20 11/02/20 04/27/22 Unity in the Com- Margarite Reinert 10/28/20 11/09/20 04/28/22 munity Religious Commu- Eric Meyer 10/28/20 11/09/20 04/28/22 nity Resident at Large Jim Jung 11/02/20 11/09/20 05/02/21 FINANCIAL IMPACT: None.
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