Construction Lags Behind the 1991 $ Figures

Construction Lags Behind the 1991 $ Figures

- --- --- -_. '~ - -----~ tr- ' , ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~Qcm'iJ~ .. I :: _ , ,,: : :: 11. t 1 R~ Mxe§(c21fi~rr([J) prrce§ld~El1l1t nnakes plcaLn§ for a rr .I a (ll y W a.n ifIf n<l } S aK~~ #R n[n rr)<t~~n l{ul(loso Lady Warriurs are hig~ll=NevEe~ flumlwr I r §tudy crJ)ven N=w3ste Wt~ knew it, and now the Ktate k.!\OWH It, after lhe H.uidoRo High School vollt·yball took first by FRANKIE JARRELL Iv (';IIII'd lWWS Cllllt'('(t'fH't' ft)IIIlWllIg "hav!' to ~t'{,olld-glJt·ss Uw tril){, " federal government hopes to have studies in til(' Inil-a) ft:vlew. Fluidoso News F dltor ~ll:"; 11I('dlllg wllh ('hillo. .J wilt II Ji~SJ--liflIlS,l, St'(Tetary of the temporary storage facilitieH ill plaet' (~hi[lo, who recent!) woo the pri­ place in the Albuquerque .Jour­ nal'~ coaches' poll published fri­ Plans hy Mescalt'rD Apacht' Pn's­ "I wouldll't want allY mort' Nl..'w MeXICO 11;nvlrOllnwnt Depart­ in Heveral slales by IH~H. Under mary election in hit- bid f()r another day. idpIlL Wenddl (~hJflU to s luJ V the (JlLlc!('ar w,lslp storage f:acditi{'~) lfH'nt, wa14 on hand f()r Friday's federal law, lnuu.lll tnbal organiza­ tenn ali president, said the lribal The Warrior); an' :)-0 in dis­ f(~asihili ly of s lon ng high - Il'vt'l tlnywht'Tl' lfl Nl'w Mt'xico," tw Illeeting ill Santa Fe. At her n.'­ tions receive the ~allle considera­ COUI\cd Hupports tht~ Htudy. He waR tnct play f<Jr thiS year. nuclear wa:-;Le on tht' rt'~·wrvatIOIl addpd q upst, Pn'sldt'nt (:hi no promised to tIOn aH HLau'H ill grant aIJJ--llicatlOlls quou>d Hay ing he also has dIHCUHs('(1 'I'll(' (;laRR AM ranklng waR got a chilly recepllOll III Santa F(' (~hlfw madt· IllS anrlOunCelfll'llt prllvl<!l' trlt.' sLate with a timetable for the purpORe. the idea wilh o·Jwr member s of tht, as follows, WIth till' number of (~hirlO, Uw tnbe's pn'sH!t'llt for through a copynght story in the AI­ for th(· study and to ket·p the stalt.· In a telephone interview with all trillt'o pOI nts I voLes) IIHt.ed at right: Ul(' past :H) year}', revealt'd plall~ huq UPf{!lH' .J IlU rllaI on Fnday morfl­ and ttl(' J--luh)lc fully informL~ about EI Paso Times reJ--l0rtt'r, Chino said Apparently lhe United State.;, 1 ftuidoso.. .. .4~ ~'riday to apply {<If a {('deral Mralll lng, and was 4uoted Sunday as iL", pr(\grt'~s. if he didn't do it, Homebody else through its Nucl( af V/aHlf~ (){TlCt', 2 Portah·H :JS to study the {('asihility of a sayi ng Ki ng's oppoHition won't (('([eral Krant application would do it HOOller or latt·r. contact the triht' first. with tht., idea If the :L (;oddard .. :l3 monitured retrif-'vahle HysLcIl1 to dt,Lt'r his plans, i:-; appfovt'd, the Htudy might be "We're looking at it more from a of studying a high level nuclear 4. I)eming , ,.~9 store nuclt'ar wasU:~ above ground The tribe reporn.Jly has applied completed early year, accord­ bUHinesH venture," he waH quoted waHte dispoHal Hlte (Ill the reserva­ next 5. Kirtland Central ~6 on the reservation located in Uw for a $100,000 federal grant to aH HaYing. llOll. ing ttl a fWWH releuflt' provided by 6. Albuquerque Au-ldemy 21 moullLainR between Huidmw and study the feaSIbility of building a (;overnof King. "I think that we have proven In a letter dau~d October Ii, AIH mogordo. tem porary slorag(~ f~lCility for spent olln~elveH in managing Ski Apache, Chino told Dr. David H. !A'roy, nt'­ 7. St. Pius" 20 Th(> fi rHt H tudy, Ii mitPd to the R. Bloomfield 14 (;overnor Bruce King said fl'ri­ fuel rods from nuclear reactors. managing Ollr cattle operation, our gotiator for the Oflice of the U ruled feaHibility of a sIt.... on the reHervu­ 9. Silver City 12 day ht"H adamantly opp()Hed to the ChJrlO was quotA:d flaying he sug­ tion, would likt'ly be followed by foreAt, the Inn of the MountalIl StateH Nuclear WaHte, that. th ~ M(~~H.:alpro 10. Artesia II pr()poH~d faci lity. geHu·d (~overn(Jr King gl~l a grant to ( ...-0' dH. " Apache Tribal Counc l mon° detaIh'd studies of RitcH and Also receIVIng votes were "I t.akp the POHltWIl that wt"Vt' track the tribe's Htudy to stay in­ Othl'r detailH, llkt' traIlHporta­ environmental impacts. Moriarty, 10; LaH VegaH Robert.­ dOIH' our part," Haid KIllg ill a hastl- formpd and not he in a position to tion and ecOIlOJllIC impact, will be Please see Mescalero, page ';.A AccordlJJg to King's office, the Ron, R; Aztec, 6; Zuni, :3; Loving­ ton, 2. Accused Construction killer Ji§ lags behind the released \4"a A (Han HUH~)('d.('d ill tt-H' munh'r of an ('lghL-yt'ar-old MeHcal{'ro hoy 1991 $ figures waH frt'('d on bond by a LaH (~ruces judge on a ruling that ht' waH not Buil<img pt:'nlliL~ iR811ed at Vd­ ment, Deer Park Drive, Ringle fanJ­ dangerouH lagt' Hall ill Huidoso for the fin~t iJy dwelling, $104,000 Lamar TreaR-Wilson, ~O, of the nint' monthH of 1991 are running ---Jack Halbrook.9, Aspt-'n Devel- MeRcalero Apacht· reRervatioCl was aboul $1.5 million less than the OpUlent, 107 Cree Meadows, re!PflRed (kt. 1 aftRr l1 S [)islrict flrRt nIlle monthA of 1990. remodel, $16,000. Judgp Howard Bratton in LaH I'pnnlLq Issued in September of ---'?John Lovelace, Tim IIoyt, Mid­ CrucNl upheld a lower court rull ng thl!-l year at $4 76,;370 were much dle Cedar, fllngle faullly dwelling, waK to that he not dangerous the le!-lH than the AuguRt L991 figureR $100,000. commufllty and could go fn"£> under Ruidoso CrimeStoppers board members awards won at the International Crime of $1,lH7,H50 and the $869,197 for -H..ohert Iozla, owner, 100 3rd, cerLain cundltlonH, includIng pay­ proudly display plaques for three top Stopper Convention in Louisville, Ky. Seph'mlwr of 19~1. repaIr wall, $1,200. ment of a $2f),OOO uluwcur("<! bond Th(' nJ[w-month figure for 1991 -Dianna HarriH, Scott Ingram, and having hlR whereahouLH o slalld~ at $;),779,117 compared to 10f) Mt. Breeze, deck addition, monilun'd. $7,;~10,f)H) for the firHt rune [l}OnthH $1,400. TreaH-WdHon had ht·t'n In Crilllestoppers Wins top honors ofl99U -ChnH l{()bln~On, Ro~ky arr('~t cURlody Aincp hlH St'ptRmbt'r Slnglt' family dWt>liings for Sep­ Mount..:'1 in Confltruction, 109 Nogal In connt'CllOIl WIth thp death of Kt']­ The Hludoso-Llncolfl ('ounty tRndarlce, wIll lRk<' place thiA week honlicide, thre(' rapeR, two Hg­ tern her of this ypar added to place, enrloRc partial deck area, VIT1 H..ny Da Vli-I. whoKe hody waH ('nmp SLoppp~ won ttl£' CrinH' at ('f{>{' MpadoWR (~ountry Club. g-ravalpd aRHault..", 1~{ burglant.'s, $294,7r):~, cOlIlpan'd to $941,500 11\ $1,500. found ,Jan ~f; hehInd hlH honlt' on Stoppt'rR JnU'rnatlrwl 19~H Award The program productivlty pla­ nint~ larct'nie!-l, fivt' auto th('fL~, 2{) Augu!-lt of thiS ypar and $f)97,GR2 In -A. (1-. Kcislll1g, 0 nrner, :lOO th(' M('Rca]('ro Aparh(' n'Ht'rvatlO!\, for outRtan(!Jng productIVIty HI qlH'~ werp awarc!po haRed on the narcoticR, two forgent'K, four fugl­ Seplt'rnl){'r of 19~)(J. Heath, carport additIOn, $590. tht' FBI haH sa HI thn'e Rf'parate an'aR HI relatlOJJ to (,lllIllJIHtIV(' HtatR aH of D("Cember tlveR and two embezzlementH Rt'Sldf'r1llal addltwnal anei/or -Kt-'nnet h Pt'eler, owner, ~O 1 The boy dlt'd from a knife wound thE' popuIn t IOn f'HLt'gory accord)ng ~~ I, 1990 The tolal dollar recoverieR for alt~'ratl<Jns wt'n' $ Hi~,!} 1~ In Sep­ 111gh Loop, roof overlay, $2,HOO. In the neck. to I>d~'ctl v(' Serge£} nt Lanny M ad­ ('a!-1('s Holved from the piogram'A thiR period were $74,9R9. fu:'wardR Lt'lllbef, whilt' that cat.egory added ---.J.W. l'uJk, Eagle Creek, 141 Federal prOSt"CutorH had ~I f}­ oox of ttl(' HllldoHO PolICe J)eJ--lart­ InCE'ptIOCl I rJ 19H:{ mcl uelP two were paid out to :l!i perROnR totali ng to $24f),~~.sO lrl Auguf-lt and $127,990 Pondt'roRa, roof overlay, $2,700 pealed th(' initial rulIng hv l r S I1H'Tlt h()mlCHip~. GvP rapt'?, thn'E' ag­ $6,350. One person declined an 1n Septt'mht'r of 1990 -Hazel Kel\Iwdy, f1:agle Creek, MRRIHtrat..e •J0(' ( ~ a I\' a fl IfI La ~ "( hlf orga nl zatlon, whIch wa~ gTEl VH t..t'd (U-l~H llal LQ,. f) I hurglaneH, awaret. RUlClof-lo MIddle Schoo) ohtained 100 Meander. roof overlay, $4.000. ( 'run's rhal n·d hy th(' lau' Hlch St·p!p)', 17 larCeTlIPH, ~pven auto the-f'tR, one T~11~ a permIt for a hlock wall. valued at -Paul Md~lendun, McClendon Zandra Snllth, nwlht'f of the laHt year ('nmeStoppprH r('{'('lvpd plaquP!-1 for' Mo~t Cast's a n~(}n, iO na rcotl(,~, two forgeneH.

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