Direct Spectrum of the Benchmark T dwarf HD 19467 B Justin R. Crepp1, Emily L. Rice2,5, AAron Veicht5, Laurent Pueyo3,4, Jonathan Aguilar3,4, Paige Giorla2,5,12, Ricky Nilsson5,13, Statia H. Cook5, Rebecca Oppenheimer5, Sasha Hinkley6,7, Douglas Brenner5, Gautam Vasisht8, Eric Cady8, Charles A. Beichman9, Lynne A. Hillenbrand6, Thomas Lockhart8, Christopher T. Matthews1, Lewis C. Roberts, Jr.8, Anand Sivaramakrishnan3, Remi Soummer3, Chengxing Zhai8 [email protected] ABSTRACT HD 19467 B is presently the only directly imaged T dwarf companion known to induce a measurable Doppler acceleration around a solar type star. We present spectroscopy measurements of this important benchmark object taken with the Project 1640 integral field unit at Palomar Observatory. Our high-contrast R ≈ 30 observations obtained simultaneously across the JH bands confirm the cold nature of the companion as reported from the discovery article and determine its spectral type for the first time. Fitting the measured spectral energy distribution to SpeX/IRTF T dwarf standards and synthetic spectra from BT-Settl atmospheric models, we find +20 that HD 19467 B is a T5.5±1 dwarf with effective temperature Teff = 978−43 K. Our observations reveal significant methane absorption affirming its substellar nature. HD 19467 B shows promise to become the first T dwarf that simultaneously reveals its mass, age, and metallicity independent from the spectrum of light that it emits. Subject headings: keywords: techniques: high angular resolution; astrometry; stars: individual (HD 19467), brown dwarfs 1. INTRODUCTION 1Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, 225 Nieuwland Science Hall, Notre Dame, IN, 46556, USA HD 19467 B is a faint co-moving companion 2 College of Staten Island, CUNY, 2800 Victory Boule- to the nearby G3V star HD 19467 that was re- vard, Staten Island, NY 10314, USA cently discovered as part of the TrenDS high- 3Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA contrast imaging program (Crepp et al. 2012b, 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins 2014). Prior to its direct imaging detection, the existence of HD 19467 B was first inferred arXiv:1412.6101v1 [astro-ph.SR] 18 Dec 2014 University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA 5American Museum of Natural History, Central Park from 16.9 years of precise stellar radial velocity West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024, USA (RV) measurements that revealed a long-term 6 Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Tech- systemic acceleration of dv/dt = −1.37 ± 0.09 nology, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, USA −1 −1 7 m s yr . HD 19467 B’s intrinsic brightness University of Exeter, Department of Physics and As- ± tronomy, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, Devon UK (MJ = 17.61 0.11) and blue near-infrared colors 8 − − ± − − ± Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of (J H = 0.29 0.15, J Ks = 0.36 0.14) Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA ingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK 9 NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute 12Department of Physics, The Graduate Center, City of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA University of New York, 365 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016 10 Caltech Optical Observatories, California Institute of 13Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, Al- Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, baNova University Center, Roslagstullsbacken 21, 106 91 USA Stockholm, Sweden 11Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Mad- 1 suggest that it is non-hydrogen-fusing. A lower for follow-up integral field spectroscopy measure- +3.6 mass limit of M ≥ 51.9−4.3MJup derived from the ments (e.g., Bowler et al. 2010; Konopacky et al. RV acceleration and projected orbital separation 2013; Oppenheimer et al. 2013). In this Letter, we of 51.1 ± 1.0 AU is consistent with the model- use the Project 1640 high-contrast instrument at +4.6 dependent mass estimate, M = 56.7−7.2MJup, Palomar to measure HD 19467 B’s spectral-energy and supports the interpretation that HD 19467 B distribution in the JH bands and assess its physi- is a cold brown dwarf. Crepp et al. 2014 assigned cal properties. Spectral standard comparisons and a preliminary spectral-type of ≈T5–T7 based on theoretical model fits to the data allow us to as- the object’s location in color-magnitude diagrams sign a spectral type and directly study the object’s but spectroscopic observations have yet to be re- atmosphere for the first time. ported. HD 19467 B is an important benchmark object. 2. PALOMAR HIGH-CONTRAST OB- It is currently the only directly imaged T dwarf SERVATIONS companion known to cause a measurable Doppler HD 19467 was observed on 2013 October 17 UT acceleration around a nearby solar-type star. In at Palomar Observatory using the Hale 200-inch addition to a precise parallax (32.40 ± 0.62 mas) telescope. The PALM-3000 AO system provides and many years of legacy RV measurements, astro- diffraction-limited images at near-infrared wave- metric observations already show systemic orbital − lengths using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sen- motion at 22 ± 6 mas yr 1 (van Leeuwen 2007). sor (Dekany et al. 2013). Given the brightness A tight mass constraint from dynamics will be of HD 19467 (V = 7.0), we used 64×64 sub- available once both the astrometry and RV ob- apertures to provide fine spatial wavefront cor- servations reveal curvature (Crepp et al. 2012a). rection while running the AO system at 1 kHz. Further, the chemical composition of HD 19467 B Simultaneous imaging and spectroscopy measure- has been inferred from its Sun-like (G3V) parent ments were acquired by the Project 1640 (here- star. Crepp et al. 2014find that HD 19467A hasa after, P1640) high-contrast integral field spec- sub-solar metallicity of [Fe/H]= −0.15±0.04, thus trometer (IFS) (Hinkley et al. 2011). HD 19467 B should also have relatively low metal ′′ content assuming it formed from the same cloud The seeing was estimated to be 1.3 during the of material. Such model independent mass and time of observations. We acquired 25 individual metallicity measurements are essential for cali- exposures totaling 4,583 seconds of on-source in- brating theoretical spectral and evolutionary mod- tegration time with the star centered behind the els, particularly at cold temperatures. coronagraphic mask. Unocculted images were ac- quired to measure the flux ratio between the pri- The age of the HD 19467 system is currently mary and secondary as a function of wavelength. less certain but forthcoming observations will HD 19467 B resides just inside of the P1640 field place strong constraints on the primary star’s evo- of view (4.2′′ × 4.2′′). The companion can be no- lutionary state. At a distance of only 30.9 ± 0.6 ticed when playing a “color movie” by sequentially pc, the interferometric CHARA array may be able viewing each image of the IFS data cube. Pre- to spatially resolve the surface of the star at near- speckle-suppressed images also show qualitatively infrared wavelengths, providing a direct measure that the companion appears to exhibit methane of its radius (Boyajian et al. 2009). It is expected absorption in the H-band. We demonstrate that that the age could be tightly constrained because HD 19467 B must be a very cold object in the HD 19467 resides ∆M =0.28 above the Hippar- V following analysis. cos median main-sequence, has a subsolar metal- licity, yet is nearly identical to the Sun. Therefore, 2.1. Spectral Extraction we already know that HD 19467 is older than the Sun (> 4.6 Gyr), and a radius constraint, even if Raw frames were converted into data cubes us- only an upper-limit (i.e., marginally spatially re- ing the algorithm described in detail in Zimmerman et al. solved by CHARA interferometry), will eliminate 2010. Each exposure creates 32 separate images ages older than some threshold value. taken at slightly different wavelengths (Hinkley et al. HD 19467 B has an ideal separation (1.65′′) 2011). Although the companion light is initially 2 Fig. 1.— Reconnaissance images of HD 19467 B taken with the Project 1640 integral field unit at Palomar Observatory using the 200-inch telescope on October 17, 2013. High-contrast measurements in multiple bands recover the companion following PSF subtraction. A marked decline in the flux of HD 19467 B in the CH4 band (λshort =1.560 − 1.600 µm, λlong =1.635 − 1.675 µm) reveals significant methane absorption (see text for discussion). A description of H-band methane filter observations can be found in Janson et al. 2013. mixed with stellar speckles, flux in each wave- of non-common-path errors from the P1640 inter- length channel can be retrieved by performing nal wavefront calibration unit, our observations PSF subtraction that takes advantage of color in- resulted in the companion being comparable in formation provided by the IFS (Crepp et al. 2011; brightness to local speckles in frames spanning Pueyo et al. 2012). the JH-bands (Zhai et al. 2012; Cady et al. 2013). Once raw data frames were processed, we em- The relative flux of HD 19467 B was measured us- ployed the techniques presented in Fergus et al. ing aperture photometry with the occulted data 2014 using the Spatial-Spectral model for Speckle cubes following speckle reduction by S4. Residual Suppression (S4) algorithm. S4 uses principal speckle noise was estimated by sampling many components analysis (PCA) to identify a lin- apertures at the same radial distance from the ear combination of orthogonal (KarhunenLoeve) host star but at different azimuthal angles. modes to fit and remove the PSF of HD 19467 A The extracted companion flux was calibrated in each wavelength channel (Fig.
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