5Yearsremarkable Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. OBTAINER Stay informed! Get the latest news from around the world wherever you are, whenever you want. EDITORIAL Become successful with PM! PM-International AG Dear readers, It is innovation that drives the Net- the newest ‘innovators’ on the MLM news articles will provide you with work Marketing and Multi-Level scene, FlexKom. Founded two years food for thought over the coming Simple. Marketing industry forward. Our ago in Turkey, FlexKom has already weeks, but don’t forget to also vis- industry has never been a follower, gained over 50,000 partners and it our portal for your daily dose of but an innovator, trailblazing avant- over three million customers for its MLM news! garde ideas in an otherwise mun- e-commerce related business op- Successful. dane world. Visionary ideas can be portunity. But it has no intentions of OBTAINER is where the global extremely lucrative and can have stopping there, read how the com- world of Direct Selling connects. the power to change the world, pro- pany plans to revolutionize e-com- viding the potential of the idea is merce, with a new form of electronic Get Premium, get ahead! understood! commerce, m-commerce! Best wishes, In our cover story this issue join us Our insightful columns, exciting as we delve into the world of one of features, and thought-provoking Michael ‘Michi’ Sander I would be happy to take time to talk to you. PM-International AG Sascha Gamper An der Hofweide 17 PM-International AG 67346 Speyer, Germany Telephone: + 49 6232 296 - 230 Simple. Successful. [email protected] 4 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 03/2013 II_PM_Anzeige_Obtainer_3512D1.indd 1 30.08.12 14:57 CONTENT CONTENT 4 EDITOR´S NOTE QNET INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVES INSIGHT Enjoy the 10 FLEXKOM Benefits of FibreFit a Visionary Company Is Conquering Europe and the World INDUSTRY INSIDE 56 32N AVO Shows Early Signs of Recovery 34 HERBALIFE Stock Rose As Icahn Reached Agreement With Herbalife 35 MarY KAY AND MICHAEL KORS Battle Over Infringement Rights in Dallas Courtroom 36 INDIA DIRECT SELLING ASSOCiation Pushes Government to Enact Law Differentiating the Industry QNET: Marussia Announced It‘s Newest From Pyramid Schemes Formula One Driver 38 CosMetiCS Giants AVON & NatUra Commemorate International Women’s Day 42 MannateCH Hires Roy Truett as Chief Operating Officer 44 QNET Marussia Announced It‘s Newest Formula One Driver 46 UNICITY InternationaL Takes the Right Stride as 2013 Beginnings 48 Banners Broker Services Withdraws MasterCard Services 49 FALKITO Andy Weickinger Appointed International Head of Sales Avon & Natura: Commemorate International Women’s Day 2012 6 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 03/2013 03/2013 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 7 CONTENT SHORT CUT 52 XANGO Fanning the Flames of XANGO Ignite CIS 56 QNET INDEPENDENT RepresentatiVES Enjoy the Benefits of FibreFit 60 IntrodUCING QNET LIFESITE! Get Up, Close and Personal 64 FOREVER GERMANY A New Star in the Product Range Aaron Webber: Walks the Talk at Unicity International CLOSE UP 70 XANGO - ManGOSTEEN JUICE Changes Lives in Namibia 74 Dan Catto Against All Odds With NHT Global 80 Aaron WEBBER Walks the Talk at Unicity International 84 ROYAL INNOVation CLUB InternationaL (RICI) Earn Money by Taking Vacation XANGO: Fanning the Flames of XANGO Ignite CIS BACKGROUND 88 THE DIRECT SELLING INDUSTRY Time for an Image Makeover? COLUMN 94 TORSTEN WILL The Pillar of Success: Self-Direction 98 DAVID EL DIB The Partner for (Business) Life RICI: Earn Money by Taking Vacation 102 ALEXANDER PLATH Social Advancement – Impossible in Germany?! 104 DANY SZASZ A Curious E-mail 108 NUNO F. ASSIS What Do You Learn From the Current News? 112 SALSABILA AL HARBY If You Can’t Beat Them... Ignore Them 130 TIMothY WILSON Learn The 7 Secrets To Becoming A Network Marketing Professional (part 3.) 8 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 03/2013 INSIGHT FlexKoma Visionary Company Is Conquering Europe and the World Precisely at this moment, you have per- haps made yourself comfortable in your favorite chair, have your notebook on your lap, are enjoying a cup of coffee and are delving into our current cover story. Do you realize it? Whether you believe it or not, you are now a witness to a revolution that will fundamentally change the world. You don’t believe it? Just wait. a Visionary Company Is Conquering Europe and the World 10 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 3/2013 3/2013 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 11 INSIGHT recisely at this moment, you have perhaps made yourself comfortable P in your favorite chair, have your notebook on your lap, are enjoying a cup of coffee and are delving into our current cover story. Do you realize it? Whether you believe it or not, you are now a witness to a revolution that will fundamentally change the world. You don't believe it? Just wait. 12 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 3/2013 3/2013 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 13 INSIGHT In recent weeks, we at OBTAINER have compared to e-commerce. Of course, most been reporting on a new form of online of us no longer only check our e-mails on commerce, known as m-commerce. the home desktop PC, but also naturally on M-commerce (mobile commerce) is basi- the go. Facebook has also already arrived We are talking cally the advancement of e-commerce in the mobile age. But so far no convenient about FlexKom, (electronic commerce) and has the poten- and effective m-commerce concept that is which started with tial to revolutionize our shopping and suitable for the masses exists either in the an innovative and business behavior. conventional economy or in sales. visionary business model in 2010 Already today, the Internet, only an And that is exactly what could change now. incredibly short time after its mass avail- The company that is one of the first to start and since then ability, is called one of the most important a functional m-commerce concept is a has been able to developments of mankind - and rightly so. European sales company. It is no surprise, record tremendous For the Internet has not only changed our as the network marketing industry has growth. The communication behavior and shopping always been particularly flexible and future- forward-looking habits greatly, but entire economic sectors oriented. While conventional companies are core of the have arisen that could not exist without often still unable to cope with a respectable business model is the Internet. When Apple introduced the social media presence, a sales company from the combination first iPhone on the market in 2007 and Europe is already ushering in the next era. of local retail and the first iPad in 2010, the company revo- online commerce. lutionized our potential uses of the Inter- We are talking about FlexKom, which Now this model is net. The (real) mobile availability of the started with an innovative and visionary being expanded Internet ushered in a new era and now, business model in 2010 and since then has by a functional after e-commerce, is putting forth a new been able to record tremendous growth. m-commerce form of online commerce: m-commerce. The forward-looking core of the busi- model. ness model is the combination of local M-commerce is still a very new concept, retail and online commerce. Now this which is why there are only a few sophis- model is being expanded by a functional ticated and practical usage possibilities m-commerce model. Your day yesterday will not differ greatly and who changed the entire world with from shopping to carrying out business with potential to change the world, but are also from today's, which is why it is prob- their visionary ideas. And they also didn't this "gadget." The "toy" became an integral unbelievably lucrative and profitable. The ably hard to believe that exactly in this do too badly for themselves either! part of our lives, without which we could no problem is that most people only recog- moment a development is taking place longer make do. At that time, hardly anyone nize them once they have long been in the that may have previously unimagined But you do not have to look back too far to knew what potential was in the invention mainstream. consequences. If we look back to the draw on examples such as Thomas Edison, of Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald invention of the combustion engine, the Alexander Graham Bell or the motorist Wayne. The small company Apple, which You might be wondering what all of this steam engine or the telephone, we are duo Daimler and Benz. Steve Jobs and the began in a garage with a starting capital has to do with you. Very simple: What sure to all agree that these inventions invention of the first mainstream computer of just USD 1,750 (the amount that Steve if you could benefit from a visionary changed the entire world and all of our is a perfect example of a visionary idea that Wozniak mustered up the table by selling idea that has the potential to, let's say, lives extremely. Or could you still imag- changed the entire world and our lives. In his old VW bus), grew into a billion-dollar fundamentally change our shopping and ine reading by petroleum lighting today? 1976, Steve Jobs and his colleagues paved corporation less than 30 years later. Hardly consumer behavior? What if you were Carrying your business correspondence the way for a technological development anyone could have guessed that – perhaps among those who are already sitting exclusively by written letter (or carrier that is seen as a matter of course today, not even Jobs and co. comfortably in the proverbial train and pigeon)? Taking care of your errands in but at the time was rather ridiculed and are there from the outset instead of like the city with the horse and cart? Surely dismissed as a gadget.
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