The uarto ss t.zn Q UARTERLY fOR THE. CLEMENTS LIBRARY ASSOCIAT ES :,\U M BER 115. nsc., 19i 6 Boar d 0/ Governors and Macki nac Island, traveling by ship. hy rail, a nd by stage coac h. Five ot her cop ies are known. .:\T Tift: M EETI :'\'G of the Associat es' Board. -Q\"em ber -1, purcha ses to the amo un t of $ \2,050 They were provided by the Board of Cover­ were authorized . The particular items are noted nors. elsewhere in the se columns. The Board decided also to offer a Ii fe mem­ Fresh Honors bership in th e Associates for SlOOO. Two persons O UR C t:RATOR OF M APS, Douglas :\larshall , has ha ve alrea dy taken th at op tion; others arc in­ been na med edi tor of T errae l ncognitae by the vited to consider it. The Board asks members to Socie ty for the History of Discoveri es at its re­ take time to send in names of fri en ds who migh t cen t an nual meeting. H is three-year term begins care to join our Associates. A new inv itat ion to in 19i7. The periodical a ppears annua lly. mem bershi p has been p rinted to send out to T he hon or is partlv in recog nition of our prospects. progr am in th e hi story of d iscover ies which has The Adams lecture by ProL Francois FUTer been made possible by a gra n t from the Xleflon of Paris concerned cha ng ing French attitudes Fund. 'Ve offer three graduate fellowships each toward Am eri ca. It was so thoughtful and year, a seminar in th e field is taught by the challenging that the Library has decided to print history or geography dep artments, and we have it for distribution. Associat es will be able to made one research gra n t. The appointment is receive a copy early in the new year. also a tribute to Dr. Marshal l's steady interest in the subject. He has com pleted all th e work T ravel for a doctor of philosophy degree in hi story, \ VE COL L F.CTT RAVEL acco un ts. \Ve like to know which will be forma lly con ferred at the end of what impressed foreign visitors to Am erica, or this term, His dissertation is on "The Bri tish natives who surveyed new regions. Their opin­ Military En gin eer. 1741-1783." ions of places, persons, and events form an im­ \Ve are pleased to have an academic journal portant source. emana te from this Library, as it will focu s some A new one has come our wa y• .Neu-Gciu ndenes atten tion on our earliest books and maps, and Eden (T he Ne w-fou nd Ede n). Switzerl and 1737. und erline our in teres t in research. It is a description of t wo journeys through th e Caro linas, Virginia,Maryland, and Pennsyl­ Jonatha n Dayt on vania, with informa t ion on settlemen ts and re­ JO~A THAN D A YT O N , Revolutionary \Var officer, sources. It was desi.gned to encourage immigra­ member and Speaker of the U.S. H ou se of tion. Two other copies a re known in th e U.S. Representat ives, 1791-99 and Senator from New One is in the John Carter Brown Librar y with Jersey. 1799-1 805. is rem embered tod ay pri­ one map in it. The other is in the Library of marily [or hi s name. H e was heavily involved Congress with one map- a different on e. Our in early Ohio land speculation, and it was in cop y contains both maps! the vicin ity of hi s holdings that the [Own of We also picked up Le tters W,-itt en by John Dayton developed . Kingman while Oil (l tour to Illinois and Jl'is­ Although nationally promi nent,Dayton has consin in th e summe r of / 838 (H ingham, xfass. rema ined a shado «..'y historical figure because of 1842). T h is self-explanatory title meant that the absence of known manuscript source mate­ Kingman visited Detroi t. Chicago. Gree n Ba y, riaL A library Associate recently brough t us in Collect ion wou ld seem to offer rich op port ~ ties for th is sort of sch olarly investigation. Drawing T o An Inside St raight \VHEN \ VIL LI Al\1 L. CLEMENTS purchased papers of Lt. Ge n. Thomas Gage in 1930, collection included 83 manuscript maps of ~ America. For its size. the number of ma ps ex pected to be larger and some of the letten, THE CLEMENTS LIBRARYASSOC IATES mention ed maps wh ich had disappeared. of The University of Michi gan such letter was dated Ma y 13. 177'1 , a nd signo! by the irascib le Capt. J ohn Mon tresor, ~ BOARD OF GOVERNORS manding en gineer at New York . I t describes labor , material , a nd techniques necessary to re­ (Appointed by the R egents of th e U n iversity) con struct th e fort at Crown Poin t on Mrs. Noyes L. Avery. J r.. Grand R ap ids Cham plain . wh ich had ex ploded and burnal Carl W . Bonbriglu. Flint in 17i 3. Moutresor "made both a general a Edward W. Bowen. Bay City particular survey to pographicall y, with the lev R obert P. Br iggs. Elk R ap ids, CH A IR MAN and sections through the ground, and after C. E. Fraze r Clark . Jr.. Bl oom field Hills thoroughly exam in ing th e \vhole, I traced 0Ul Bl y Corning. FU" t th e proposed. works." H e also enclosed a de­ Thomas N . Cross. Ann A rbor ta iled estima te of expe nses. much as a modern­ Duane N. Diedrich, M uncie, In d. day contractor m igh t d o. with costs for each pan \Villiam C. Finkcnstaedt, Detroit of th e work. Harlan H . H a tcher , A ,m A rbor T he m ap which originally accompa nied the David \Y. Kendall. Det roit letter was thoug ht to have been lost. but it James 1\1 . Klancnik. Chicago apparen tly had becom e separated from ~ James S. Schoff, N ew York paper s and rem ained in th e possession of the Roy M . T oll eson . jr., Detroit Gage family. No w they are once agai n united, Mrs. David 1'. Up to n. St. l oseph an d toge ther the map. letter. a nd estim a te re­ Lee D. va n Antwerp • .N orthbrook, Ill. veal importa nt consid er ations abo ut Briti Ho ward H. Peckham , Director of th e m ili tary fortifica tion i ll th e year before the R evolution began. An oth er copy of th e map Library, SEC RE T AR Y was sent to King Ge orge III a nd is now a part of the collection of th e British Lihrary. The Associates made sure we go t it. contact wit h a friend representing descendants. The pleasin g result is a ge nerous purcha se by T he Early Circus our C lements Li brary Associates of this 650 item collection: 55 letters of Da yton. 316 let­ ASSOCI ATE STUART THAY F.R of Ann Arbor has ters to him. Fourt een letters relate to h is a lleged devoted most of his sp are time to an inve stiga­ involveme n t in the Aaron Burr co nsp iracy {or tion of th e first America n circuses, going through which he was briefly imprisoned, but never tried . ou r ea rly newspapers for advertisements a nd There are sca ttered political letters, but th e accounts of them. His resear ch has cu lmin ated manuscri pts are essentia lly a record o f Dayton's in a book, A nnals of the A m erican Circ us, 179)­ com p lex fina nci a l affa irs. 1829, a copy of which he presen ted to the Decades ago, Charles Beard ga ined some Library. not oriety by portra yin g the Foundi ng Fa th ers as T here were eq uestria ns. acrobats. and tight­ self-in terested ca pita lists "on the make." H is rope walker s appearing in America before th e generali zations were overly simp listic, but hi s­ R evolution, often exhibiting sepa ra tely on torians o f th e Early National period are only street corners a nd taking up a coll ection. Not beginning to carefully investiga te th e ta ngled until 1793 d id a manager put th ese disparat e relation sh ip s between political leadership a nd elements togeth er, along with clown s, and offer personal financial specul at ion. OUf new Dayton a combined sho w in a circular are na . T hat is the beginning. Mr . Thayer traces develop­ One is the Abbe Ruynal's Sentiments of a 1.S and rising popularity for the next 35 Foreigne r on the Disputes of Great Brita in wi th A merica (Ph iladelph ia 17751. It is called the fir" edition and no French printing is known. The good abbe was a friend of America an d took ion Trouble her side aga inst Engla n d.
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