COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1975 Session of 1975 159th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 81 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES October 7, 1975 To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the The House convened at 9:30 a.m., e.d.t. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: THE SPEAKER (Herbert Fineman) IN THE CHAIR I have the honor to inform you that I have this day approved and signed House bill No. 491, printer's No. 543, entitled "An Act implementing the provisions of section PRAYER 6 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania by pro- viding that a verdict may be rendered by five-sixths of REVEREND DOCTOR DAVID R. HOOVER, chaplain the Jury in a case." MILTON J. SHAPP of the House of Representatives and pastor of St. Paul's Governor Lutheran Church, McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: October 2, 1975 Almighty and Everlasting Father, Thou art the great To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the architect of heaven and earth, and dost promise that Of where two or three are gathered together in Thy name I have the honor to inform you that I have this day Thou wilt be in ihe midst of them. In this morning hour approved and signed House bill No. 678, printer's No. 1355, entitled "An Act amending the act of May I 1933 (P. L. we do come together in Thy name. We invoke Thy bless- 103, ~?.,69), e~hesecond class Tol;nship code,, ing upon this assemblage and we pray that Thy continued a,uthorizlng appropriations for observances and celebra- blessing may ever rest upon us. 0 God, we especially "ens." ask Thee to grant Thy care and protection to the mem- MILTON J. SHAPP Governor bers of this House of Revresentatives. enable them to haie a concern for the welfare of others as well as them- October 7, 1975 selbe:, and may the work of their hands redound to Thy To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the name's honor and glory. Amen. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day JOURNAL APPROVAI, POSTPONED approved and signed House bill No. 854, printer's No. 1833, entitled "An Act amending the act of July 20, 1974 The SPEAICER. Without objection, approval of the (No. 198), entitled 'Pennsylvania Solid Waste-Resource R~~~~~~~ Drvelopment Act,8 providing for demonstration Journal for Wednesday, October 15, 1975, will be post- projects; providing for grants; imposing powers and duties poned until printed. on the Department of Environmental Resources and the Envi:onmental Quality Board and making an appropria- tion, except for the appropriation of $2,000,000 as pro- vidcd in section 6 of the act. I withhold my approval COMMUNICATION FROM GOVERNOR from this item because funds are not available in the Development Fund for appropriation, and on that basis, The Secretary to the Governor, being introduced, Pre- Article 8, section 13(a) of the Pennsylvania Constitution sented the following con~municationin writing from Ilis Prevents me from approving the appropriation. However, I support the program contained in this act, Excellency, the Governor, which was read: and will submit tu the General Assembly legislation to make funds available from the General Fund to carry APPROVAL OF IiOUSE BILLS Nos. 240. 491, 678, out the purposes of this act. 854, 9'16, 1367 and 1660. MILTON J. SHAPP Governor October 2, 1975 October 7, 1975 To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvan~a: I have the honor to inform yon that I have this day approved and signed House bill No. 996, printer's No. 1142, entitled "An Act amending the act of June 24, 1931 (P. L; 1206, Np., 3311, fntitled 'The First Class Township Code, authorizing appropriations for observances and celebrzt~ons." MILTON J. SHAPP Governor October 15, 1975 MILTON J. SHAPP To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the Governor Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE October 16, - - I have the honor to inform you that I have this day The clerk of tine Senate, being introduced, returned hill approved and signed House bill NO. 1367, printer's No. from the House of Representatives numbered and en- 2273, entitled "An Act relatlng to med~ealand health re- lated malpractice insurance, prescrlblng the powers and titled as duties of the Insurance Department; providing for a joint underwriting plan; the [Regional] Arbitration Panels HOUSE BILL No, 3,3 for Health Care, compulsor~screening of elalms; Collateral A, ~~t amending the act of December 31 1965 (P. L. sources requirement; [limitation of Statute of Limits- 1257, NO. 511), entitled "The Local Tax ~Aahling~ct," tions;] limitation on contingent fee compensation; estab- providing for notice to employes prior to filing a notice lishing [the Patients' Compensation Fund;] A,CATAS- and demand for collection of delinquent taxes with em- TROPHE LOSS FUND; and prescrlb~ngpenalties. ployers. MILTON J. SHAPP With information that the Senate has passed the same Governor without amendment. October 8, 1975 To the Honorable, the House of Representatives of the SENATE MESSAGE Commonwealth of Pennsylva~a: AMENDED HOUSE BILL RETURNED FOR I have the honor to inform you that I have this day CONCURRENCE approved and signed House hill No. 1660, printer's No. 2071, entitled "An Act amending the act of July 20, 1968 The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned bill (P. L. 652, No. 220), ent~tled'An act amendlng the act from the House of Representatives numbered and entitled of March 31, 1949 (P,L, 372, No, 34), entitled act to promote the welfare of the people of the Common- wealth; creating The General State Authority as a body corporate and politic w~thpower to construct, improve, No. equip, furnish, and operate proiects, and to lease the A, ~~t amending the act of January 19, 1968 (1967, same, and to fix fees, rentals, and charges for the use p. L. 996, NO. 443), entitled "The Land and Water Con- thereof; authorizing and regulating the issuance of bonds servation and ~~~l~m~tio~Act," granting the Secretary for said Authority, and providing for the payment of of Environmental Resources the right to enter certain such bonds, and the rlghts of the holders thereof; and remises for the purpose of conserving and reclaiming to enter into agreements with the Government of the and resources; providing lor iiens upon such United States or any Federal agency; and authorizing the land;rand providing for the promulgation of rules and regu- Department of Property and Sllpplies to grant, assign, con- lations; and providing for rights of recovery for ahate- vey, or lease to the Authority land:, of the Commonwealth ment of emergency conditions, and interests therein, and to acquire lands therefor; granting the right ofeminent domain; empowering The With the inform~tionthat the Senate has passed the General State Authority to sell and convey projects and property to the Commonwealth; and providing that no with amendments iil which tile concurrence of the debt of the Commonwealth shall he incurred in the ex- of is requested. ercise of any of the powers granted by this act," em- nou~eringthe Authority to construct and acquire projects The SPEAKER. The bill will appear on the calendar. for certain State-related universities; providing for the disposition of unused borrowing capacity which may be- come available through the operation of the Higher Edu- PERMISSION TO ADDRESS HOUSE cation Facilities Act of 1963 or other Federal grants; har- monizing the language of eertaln exlstlng amendments; M,. GALLEN requested and obtained unanilnous eon- allocating unused funds; prov~dingfor the intepretation of certain amendments to the act; further defining the sent to address the House. powers and procedures of the board; regulating the leas- Mr. GALLEN. Mr. Speaker, thank you. ing of projects constructed for State-aided institutions; Mr. Speaker, I just want to make a few brief re- amending the eminent domain powers and procedures of the Authority; specifically itemizing projects for capital marks and I comment today on the mismanagement of the budget purposes,' adding the acquisition of Temple Uni- System. versity Hospital as an additional project and deleting the If the Shapp Administration and the Liquor Control authorization for construction of one of the -projects." ~ Bozrd williullv set out to eouduet this maior business enterprise in a manner which would discredit it with MILT~NJ, sHAPP Governor the public, it could not devise methods more revolting than those presently employed. This regulatory agency was among those under as- SENATE MESSAGE Isault by Mr. Consumer Protection, Milton Shapp, prior AMENDED SENATE BILL N~.196 CONCURRED M to the time that he gained control in January 1972. After BY SENATE taking control, he said this, "I have charged the new hoard to hold the line on liquor prices and to recorm The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, informed Pennsylvania's antiquated system." that the Senate has concurred in the amendments made M,. Speaker, in the neariy 4 yer.rs since Mr. Shapp look by the House of Representatives to Senate bill nUm- over the Liquor Control Board, it has steadily sunk in hered and entitled as follows: nublic resued. Service to consumers has deteriorated. SENATE BILL NO. 196 Costs have gone up without resistance from the Gover- nor. The most recent cost increase was applied covertly An Act amending the act of April.9, 1929 (P. L. 177, by the board when it approved reduction of the alcohol No. 175), entitled "The Adminlstratlve Code of 1929," provld,ng for a State Board of Physical Therapy Exam.
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