29 Augustus 2019 Prys: R6,10 Webblad: www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Legal action looms over admini- stration Pg. 2 Jong vrou ly aan trauma na aanval op hoewe Bl. 2 Noue ontko- ming by biblioteek Bl. 7 Drie jaar sonder water vir besigheid The late Adolf David Willemse. Photo: Provided Bl. 4 2 www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Potchefstroom Herald 29 Augustus 2019 Legal action looms over administration Dustin Wetdewich MEC of local government and Kham also notes that, when the mittee. What is the point of interven- human settlements. decision was taken, the provincial tion if it takes that long for anything About three months after the provin- The Herald has seen a copy of government was under administrati- to happen? Was it even necessary in cial government decided to place the the document, warning of an urgent on itself and could, therefore, not the first place? This is a drastic J.B. Marks municipality under application to prevent the provincial make such a decision. step with serious consequences,” he administration, a councillor has government if it decided to imple- According to him, the provincial said. threatened legal action if the provin- ment the intervention. Kham notes government has not brought any William Maphosa, the municipal cial government implements its procedural flaws in concrete plans to spokesperson, says the last time the decision. the provincial The intervention the table for the municipality meaningfully engaged On Monday, an administrator government’s decisi- planned interventi- with the provincial government was was introduced to the mayoral on. does not come on. when both technical committees committee. On the same day, an He says the “The interventi- compiled documents for the premier independent councillor, David Kham, department should with good on does not come and his executive council to consi- sent a lawyer’s letter to the offices of have issued a direc- intentions. This is with good intenti- der. the premier and the office of the tive to J.B. Marks, ‘ ons. This is a “Since then, the executive mayor outlining the extent a factional battle factional battle has indicated that the provincial of the failure to within the ANC and government has asked to address meet its obligations. within the ANC and they are using this the council on this matter. Council Jong vrou op “If that directive administration to is convening today and we will then is unsuccessful, the they are using this fight their battle. officially know whether the admini- department should administration to Not even the appo- strator has, indeed, been appointed kleinhoewe notify the municipa- inted administrator and on what terms of reference,” he lity again, allowing it fight their battle has a good track said. to dispute the record,” said Kham. According to him, the municipa- aangeval decision,” he continued. According Hans-Jurie Moolman, the caucus lity is not aware of any legal action to Kham, this was never done. leader of the DA in J.B. Marks, taken by councillor Kham or on Venessa van der Westhuizen In the letter, he states that, agrees that the administration is what basis he is proceeding in the despite the municipality’s technical being used as a power struggle. matter. By the time of going to print, ‘n Vrou (38) is Saterdagaand in report, dated 24 May, and the “If it were about service delivery, the provincial Department of Coope- die hospitaal opgeneem nadat sy department not notifying the munici- there would already have been rative Governance, Human Settle- op ‘n kleinhoewe aangeval is. pality for the second time, the results. It has taken three months, ments and Traditional Affairs had Volgens ao. Mpho Manyoba, department is going ahead with the just for them to introduce the not responded to the Herald’s polisiewoordvoerder, het die intervention. administrator to the mayoral com- request for comment. aanval omstreeks 21:20 by die Harpington-kleinhoewes plaasge- vind. “Die vrou was tuis en het GoodGood samaritanssamaritans inin ourour midstmidst buite by ’n vuur gesit toe ‘n onbekende man haar aangeval Last Monday morning, the het,” het Manyoba gesê. principal of Ebenezer Pre- Volgens Manyoba is die vrou school and other staff mem- met ‘n skerp voorwerp aangeval bers were going about their en het beserings aan haar hande daily duties when they noticed opgedoen, soos wat sy terugge- a few things missing. veg het. Die man het van die According to Gemina toneel gevlug en die vrou is Mofokeng, they usually prepa- hospitaal toe geneem. re breakfast for the children “‘n Saak van aanranding met in the morning. But, when die opset om ernstig te beseer they looked for the maize word ondersoek, maar niemand meal, it was nowhere to be is nog in hegtenis geneem nie,” found. het Manyoba gesê. They then started noticing Die vrou ontvang tans bera- that other things were also ding en was steeds te geskok missing. om met die Herald oor die As they looked around voorval te gesels. and noticed the back entrance standing open, they realised that someone had broken into the preschool. According to Pastor Jacob Mofokeng, the thieves must have forced the back door open and damaged the lower The damaged security gate and door of the sections of the security gate Ebenezer Preschool. and the door. Mrs Mofokeng says the preschool’s welding machine, fish oil, cutlery, gifts for the children, sugar, milk, soup, vegetable, maize meal and washing powder, along with some blankets and toilet paper was stolen. However, people and organisations heard about the incident and rallied to their side. Among those who donated food were Drikus Erwee and Bafenyi Trust. The pastors are grateful to all Pastor Jacob Mofokeng and Drikus Erwee with so- those who made contributi- me donated goods, at Ebenezer Preschool. Photo: Pro- ons. vided It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media24 does not accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein. Die adverteerder en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetgewing in die plasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie. Delivery: Service centre: Ombudsman Tel: 086 188 8989 Kopiereg: Geen redaksionele materiaal of advertensie mag gereproduseer word sonder the toestemming van Media24, ooreenkomstig artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Kopiereg van 1978. Ombudsman Senior bestuurder: Tel: 018 293 0750 / E-pos: [email protected] Ons nooi lesers uit om kommentaar te lewer oor die koerant se inhoud en sal foute so gou as moontlik regstel. Stuur Thys Foord Faks: 018 293 0759 Operating hours: 08:00 - 16:30 asseblief kommentaar aan die redakteur by [email protected] of skakel 018 293 0750. Redakteur: E- pos nuus: Dustin Wetdewich [email protected] Rapporteer foute in berigte aan Media24 se Gemeenskapspers-ombudsman, Prof. George Advertensiebestuurder: Wilgepark, Claassen, by [email protected], of skakel 021 8513232 of 0835432471. Antoinette Badenhorst h/v Piet Uysstraat en Govan Mbekirylaan, Gestig 1908 Persraad Rekeningnavrae: Potch, Bus 515, No.7889 Lihana Moos Ons onderskryf die Etiese Kode van die Suid-Afrikaanse Druk- en Aanlynmedia, wat ons verbind Potchefstroom, 2520 om joernalistiek te beoefen wat gegrond is op die waarheid, wat akkuraat, regverdig, gebalan- Sirkulasiesyfers word deur die Sirkulasie seerd is, en onafhanklik ingesamel is. Indien ons nie voldoen aan die vereistes van die Perskode webwerf: Oudit Buro (ABC) gewaarmerk. Moet nie enige ander syfers glo nie, bring dit asseblief, binne 20 dae ná publikasie, onder die aandag van die Persombudsman by nie, skakel ons kantore vir die korrekte syfers. Gedruk deur 0114843612/8, faks 0114843619, of [email protected]. www.potchefstroomherald.co.za Paarl Coldset (Edms) Bpk, 83 Heidelberglaan, City Deep. 29 Augustus 2019 Potchefstroom Herald www.potchefstroomherald.co.za 3 Hearts shattered by the death of local leader Tsholofelo Motswenyane local church committee and a because of her member of Promosa Secondary dad’s example, Many were left shattered and School’s governing body, among she finds heartbroken at the news of Alder- other things. herself doing man Adolf David Willemse’s (64) According to Katie Moira Wil- the same thing passing. lemse, Willemse’s wife, they both when she can. Earlier this month, Willemse loved soccer dearly. Leondra was admitted to Potchefstroom They were married for 45 years adds that her Hospital’s intensive care unit with and were the first couple to wed in father was a organ failure. Two weeks later, on the Uniting Reformed Church (VGK) pensioner but, Wednesday 21 August, he passed in Promosa. In addition, Glenville whenever a away. says his father-in-law was the community He was known to many as longest-serving member of their member needed “Daddy Dolf” as they saw him as church this year. assistance with one of the fathers of the communi- According to him, he knew Mr food or electri- ty. He is described as a compassio- Willemse for more than 17 years city, he would Adolf Willemse and his wife, Katie. nate, trustworthy, humble and and he made a big impact on his provide the loving man. life. He recalls his mother’s tomb- means from his own pocket. Ac- The family says the people of His daughter, Leondra Frans- stone unveiling ceremony, when his cording to her, he taught others to Potchefstroom, especially those in man, says even though her father’s father-in-law stood next to him at work with people and care for Promosa and Ikageng and members time on earth was short, he lived a the grave, put his hand on his humanity through his acts of kind- of political parties are saddened by life of impact.
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